Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 5, Episode 5 - Passion of the Devil ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 5, Episode 5 - Passion of the Devil

Day 5 comes to a sizzling close here as we focus on the last chapter of this day. Episode 5 will be the focus point of Asuka and there will be a few other important plot related moments that will happen. A reviewer asked me to what happened with Mana and as I said she's important to future episodes and we haven't gotten to the good part yet so hold onto your pants.

I will shock people oh yes and you will see what happens when a sex crazed plus angry German pilot goes to ensure her revenge is swift. You may look into the previous chapter and note how Asuka dealt with Hikari, well I'll be revealing how she did it and sides you never know how good I can get especially with some spare time, a lot of creation and such.

Time to begin and oh yes it is good to be back.

Hikar i was secured safely in her room at her house as she was thinking about what happened with Asuka. After the chat which descended into chaos as she first experienced why she was called the red devil.

I can't believe she did that to me... I honestly thought that she would never catch on.

I believe it's time to reveal all.



Asuka dragged Hikari into the gym storage room as the two friends found a place where they could not be disturbed. The German girl knew that this was a breaking point between them and after a quick thinking which was easily won by her angry side then she made a decision which she was fully assured that she wouldn't have any guilty thoughts.

"So what you want to talk about..."

Hikari started to say but she quickly stopped as Asuka was slowly turning red as veins were clearly seen. She knew that this was the face that she saw so often when Asuka was truly pissed off but Shinji or her ex Touji wasn't usual around so she had a bad feeling on what was going to happen but as instantly as she can react, Asuka snapped.


Hikari was startled easily and leapt back, Asuka normally wouldn't say this and heck she didn't scream like a harpy but she didn't know that Asuka even had a claim on Shinji unless she jumped on his bones like she and Rei did but she was scared that this would blow up on her face.

"I didn't know that Shinji was yours Asuka, you never indicated that you had him in the first place."

"It doesn't mean that you had to come onto him like a slut!"

"Oh yeah that's rich coming from someone who's come on was probably to beat him in bed!"

Asuka then yelled and jumped on Hikari who squeaked as the two began to have a cat fight on the floor. They rolled around yelling, screaming, trying to claw each other which was surprising considering that Hikari managed to hold her own. Soon enough she had Asuka pinned down onto the floor as the two girls were glaring at each other.

"You kept him away from you when you had the chance, but hey I didn't have a boyfriend at the time so when you didn't give Shinji a time of day then hey I was there to have him."

"You fucking slut you talk like he's a pack of meat!"

"Oh but he was packing a lot of it, Touji couldn't compare to Shinji-sama... he is such a MAN!"
Asuka screamed as she decided to get back into the fray and finally she took the advantage with a lot of her rage.

"I can't believe you went behind my back to get the baka who I seduced a few days ago and then I discover that I wasn't the first person that HE HAD SEX WITH?!"

Oh no how could she know about Rei unless somebody spilled the beans... OH NO THAT FUCKING PENCIL GEEK BLABBED!!!

"Once I deal with the baka then that perfect slut is next on this list, you on the other hand aren't as important to deal with so I'll say this to you Hikari our friendship is over!"
Hikari froze with shock and it wasn't from the fact that Asuka told her that it was all over for their friendship but it was also from the force from the punch to her stomach was a clean sign that things had taken a turn for the worse although whilst this was happening, Asuka who had always was curious about her ex-friend's taste managed to make her way over to Hikari's prone body.

Let's see how the little slut tastes like...

A flash of red went through her eyes as she flipped up Hikari's skirt, moved her panties aside and dipped a finger inside the young class rep's pussy and swirled about until she pulled that finger out and brought it to her lips for a taste as her tongue comes out and sample the flavor as it were... soon Asuka had a smile on her face.

"Mmm you taste good Hikari, maybe we can talk about an arrangement later slut."

Asuka then left the storeroom as Hikari slowly and surely realised what happened.

Asuka got mad and our friendship is over all because I made the moves on Shinji, plus she fingered my pussy and had a taste... I feel so violated, I got to warn Shinji and Rei no that would make things worse, I'll tell them tomorrow right now.... I... I need to go home and cry in my room.

Hikari slowly got herself up and left, leaving the storeroom with a mixture of fear, anger and passion in the air.


< br> Shinji however had no idea what was going to happen although that wasn't the big focus at the moment, instead he was stuck inside an empty classroom far from where he would usually go although he wasn't alone, a comforting hold on him followed by a familiar warmth going up and down his cock told him that Rei was giving him a blowjob.

The blue haired girl has been going down on him for the last five minutes knew that she wanted to be close to Shinji following the encounter with Hikari over lunchtime and wanted to be even closer despite the fact that they were in school so the threat of getting caught was fresh in their mind when they entered the room.

However though Shinji experiencing many pleasures throughout the day and was about to let loose with another load ready for her mouth, something that Rei immediately noticed.

A shot of cum then erupted into her mouth which Rei then immediately went into a frenzy, sucking hard as the cum went down her throat and into her belly which left the familiar warmth in her stomach as she then cleaned up after him before she looked up and smiled at him as she got up from her knees.

"I'm surprised that you managed to cum Shinji-kun considering that you did it about 5 times today."
"Yeah... I'm surprised that I can last this long."

"Shinji-kun I believe there is one hole that I haven't experienced yet but I would like to try it someday... I read it in my research that it was an enjoyable experience.

"Where's that Rei-Chan?"

Rei then turned around and wiggled her butt as Shinji was a bit shocked but then again it's nothing new with him... unfortunately they didn't experience that because Shinji wanted to get home so he can prevent Misato from cooking another disaster.

The hours would pass as lives continued in the apartment known as the Zoo but Asuka would slowly wait until Misato was passed out from her usual consumption of beer before she would make her move as her plan was to teach Shinji a lesson in tough love.

Soon Baka-Shinji you will realise that I'M girl enough to handle you and to punish you for screwing around you fucking meat!


Shinji felt tired as he was sleeping in his room, relaxing in his bed after a hard day of fucking both Rei and Hikari and he felt like he ran a very long mile. So as he slowly woke up he realised that he was in a predicament, first off he felt tied up as he suddenly couldn't move his arms plus he felt that trouble was brewing or even worse... a scorned woman.

"Hiya Baka like with what I've done with you."

Shinji turned his head towards the voice but was surprised to see Asuka there in the buff; nude as the day she was born plus slightly playing with her pussy as he clearly saw a small bit of cum dripping on her pouty lips.

"So you like with what you see... typical male and I bet you have an erection coming on you naughty boy.

Shinji definitely felt that he had one coming but he tried to speak but he now felt the gag that was on his mouth as he only spoke in muffles.

"Thought I would give you a slight improvement there Shinji, especially with what I got planned for you my dear baka."

He sweat dropped at what she had in mind although it wasn't far from the truth, so when he felt a slender hand on his cock then it stiffened before he relaxed and let her wank him off as he felt the pressure from previous experiences throughout the day but he would protest but the gag would stop him from speaking clearly and from Asuka's point of view this was what she was waiting for.


Asuka then went into her pissed off look and squeezed Shinji's hard cock in a painful squeeze that Shinji tried to jump up in pain but couldn't because he got tied down so he just looked up and basically looked into Asuka's eyes as they went red.

"You my dear baka are about to learn a lesson in TOUGH LOVE!"

---------------------------------------------< br>

The Scribe paused in her vantage point from top of the tallest point in the city to wonder where the strange sensation was coming from.

"I sense a disturbance in energies."

Far from the truth love.


Asuka was then on Shinji fast and was secured to his cock as her pussy enveloped him although the difference was just as she was going up and down on him, when she went down now and again she would slap him hard and aggressively pushed down hard as her pussy was like a very tight vice that was squeezing him to death.

"How do you like that baka, too tight for you I bet those other bitches didn't say that when you fucked them, I bet this is good for you shithead!"

She used her anger as a means of fueling her rage at her display of anger sex as she continued the self rape of her flat mate as things continued on and on as minutes would pass by in a flurry of angry shouting, slapping and insult calling just to not only boost her ego but also to get her off.

I really should do this more often I never knew how fun this could be.

Asuka thought as she kept on her sexual assault on the helpless pilot although she didn't know that there was a conflict of energy deep within Shinji's conscious.


Slowly though they began to react together, these aren't surface changes although at first.


His muscles began to build up in his body as they began to expand.


Soon although unknowns too Asuka, his eyes were slowly becoming focused rather than innocent.


However Asuka's jabs at trying to diminish his ego weren't working as much and they were instead fueling him.


Finally he tested the bounds with his new found strength and found that they were effctive as the bonds were slowly coming loose.


Asuka was then stunned as Shinji broke free of his bonds and effectively turned Asuka over as he pulled away... she then lost her anger face as she realised that the small lanky nerd was replaced by a very strong looking man as she then made the mistake of looking down and was stunned to see that his cock became a massive 9 inch thick monster, suddenly she became afraid and horny.

"Ok BITCH it's time I showed you how much a man I am."

The new Shinji then jumped onto Asuka and the fun moved up to a new level.


"I can sense his power coming into effect..."

The Scribe mused as she identified the new energy source coming from the section of the city where the apartment is located but she knew it wasn't a good time to make her move soon enough it would be time.

She then got up and disappeared into the night.


Meanwhile back in the bachelor's pad known as Shinji's room... the mentioned young man now slightly powered due to his new muscles and slightly bigger cock was gaining revenge from Asuka's attack as he got her over in a doggy position and was controlling things as he power thrusts her each time he pulled in before making the motion which was hard and fast.


Shinji replied back in a loud growl as he continued on with the hard fucking although he was angry at how he was treated so he decided to deliver what he should have done from the first time he fucked Asuka and so he raised his head high in ready.



Asuka jolted with shock as Shinji slapped her ass a few times as he kept on thrusting hard inside her pussy which was feeling tight but it was slowly opening up so the experience would feel much better well for Shinji at least.


Asuka then exploded in pleasure as she screamed it out so loud that normal hearing would be impaired and then have a ringing afterwards however Shinji was close as well although he couldn't keep up the energy for too long.


Shinji began to cum inside the red devil like a stallion in pleasure, three large blasts which felt like a torrent were blasted into her pussy but for some random reason he then pulled out of her pussy and continued to blast more cum onto Asuka's back and ass.


The cum that was hot felt good against her skin as she fell to her front whilst her ass was still up as it received the rest of the cum as the German girl's back and ass was covered in fresh cum. Shinji felt that he ran a marathon and because of earlier experience today then he just basically spent up all of his energy and in a flash he was back to normal and just basically collapsed.

However Asuka was slowly coming out of her stupor and felt that she had been fucked true and proper, she then checked herself to find where he had cummed on and was surprised to check that there was a very large handful in her hand.

"Oh my god how much did you cum on me Baka?"

Asuka turned round only to spot Shinji passed out on his bed, this basically put a small smile on her face.

"That took out a lot out of you didn't it Shinji?"

She moved closer and then spotted that Shinji's cock had some cum left over so she bent over and sucked up the remaining cum that was left over and cleaned him up as she got up and licked her lips.

You may be a cheating baka but your my baka, I can't leave you alone like this... if I knew that you could become this huge hunk with a super sized cock then I shouldn't of treated you like I did, I know what I must do.

Asuka then left the room as she turned off the night leaving Shinji in the darkness to sleep for the morning.


Meanwhile in another location, Mana and Mayumi were done from a round of lesbian lovemaking as they were ready to implement their plans tomorrow... for taking Shinji Ikari.

"So tomorrow Mana we will drag your man from Tokyo 3 and onto freedom?"

"It's OUR man and he's more than that... we will be happy for the rest of our lives!"

A cuddle session then began and this concludes the end of the day.



(Taro) Ok guys and gals Day 5 is now officially over after the plotful and definitely sexual edition of this episode is concluded... yes all of the above will be involved in the run down towards the end of the entire series, we are now 10 episodes and 2 days away from the end of this LONG series that has lasted for nearly 2 years.
Day 6 will be a MASSIVE collective series of lemons, plots and suspense... it'll get good so yeah I know you guys will be waiting in suspense and anticipation whilst this will happen and we'll be in the long run so expect a few more surprises from me.

Other than that I know what to expect from you guys now... REVIEWS tell me how you liked it and I'll reply back as I usually do, so I'll see ya around!