Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sibling Bonds ❯ Reactions and Inquiries ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Neon Genesis Evangelion and all related characters, concepts, etc. are
Property of ADVision and Gainax. I only *wish* they were mine.
Please try to be good to me; this is my first stab at an Evangelion "Only" Fic.
If you have read this whole fic, I do state now this is a Waffy fic, with a bit of action as well!
Thanks to Andre Laval for pre reading this chapter!

"" ""= a telepathic conversation.

( )= a person's thoughts

Sibling Bonds

Chapter #2: Reactions and Inquiries

Shinji begins his quest about Rei's past, as Asuka learns of it, she contemplates what she will do next,
while Kensuke's detective work and feelings brings some unexpected results!

Detective Aida

Kensuke was working hard on his laptop as he continued his search into Rei's past.
Earlier Shinji had asked him to help him find any real information on Ayanami's origins.
Shinji had asked for his help during the lunch period in school.

(Flashback to earlier that day)

As is normal with the three stooges, they were talking about their favorite subjects girls, sports, Anime,
and many connecting areas all related to the EVA's and NERV.
As they chatted, Hikari and Asuka came upon the three boys and within three minutes
an argument was in full swing between Touji and Asuka. Then something happened that stopped it in its tracks.
A slap! However, it was not what most everyone there had usually expected!
As everyone focused on the two individuals involved, the one who was the victim of the slap spoke:
"What did I do to you Baka?"
A thoroughly distraught Asuka was holding her reddened cheek as a frozen stiff Shinji stood there
with an equally confused look as he lowered his hand, the hand that slapped his roommate with.

A good thirty seconds elapsed with silence until Touji broke it.
"Well Shin-man, I never guessed you had it in you!" he then sarcastically looked at a still stunned Asuka.
It took only one second for her reaction to be felt by the over confident stooge,
as Asuka lunged at him an proceeded to cut him open a new one.
It took another two more minutes until both were separated.
Kensuke who had observed the whole incident then asked the obvious question. "Why did you hit Asuka, Shinji?"

After a few moments of deep thought, Shinji answered to all out loud;
"First, …. I am sorry Asuka I just couldn't stand the way you were berating Rei!
Now, as to why … well I have made up my mind that no one" (He looked at each of his friends)
"will tell me what to do, nor bad mouth any of my friends, including they themselves."
All were taken aback by Shinji's sudden backbone and just then the bell rang signaling the end of the lunch period.
As the gang made their way back to class, Shinji grabbed Kensukeís arm and asked for his help
in getting the information that Kensuke was now working on.

(End Flashback)

As he worked on retrieving the data on Rei, Kensuke felt uneasy.
He secretly had a crush on the Albino girl, and was a bit disheartened to know Shinji was asking for this information.
"Bet he thinks that by getting the goods on Ayanami, he'll have a better chance with her." Then he sighed sadly.
"Oh, well, he is my friend, ... so I should be happy to help. But, ... I still don't like it.
Why does he always get the best looking girls in class! When can I have that great a chance!"
He sighed, then continued on. Putting his hentai thoughts away, he dug into NERV's data
and after a few hours had some interesting information for his friend.
"Wow, this is interesting," He said to himself.
"Shinji is going to have a coronary, thought Kensuke as he downloaded the data on a disk
and headed to his friends home.

A few hours earlier:

Rei Ayanami had for the most part sat in the shadows usually under a tree.
Normally, she sat away from all the other students and either read or stared off on a direction
in which she didn't make eye contact with any of her fellow students. Today though was different.

Usually she didn't react to her name being said in any of the conversations around her, but in this instance,
her name was said loudly, and it was Shinji saying it. Though no outward sign was seen by any of her fellow students,
the shouting match going on between the second and third child inwardly startled her.
Though the argument started between Asuka and Touji, it soon included Shinji.
In most previous arguments between Asuka and Shinji, it was mostly a one-sided affair with Asuka either berating Shinji,
or her slapping him for whatever transgression she perceived him to have done.

But, today was different. As the argument escalated, Asuka made a comment, which included a berating of Rei,
and her attributes as a "Doll". Shinji, who normally would have backed down,
instead yelled and started naming all the shortcomings of the second child,
which only aggravated the situation more.
Finally when Asuka made a comment that to keep her position as Gendo Ikari's pet, she had done him a sexual favor,
Shinji just snapped, ... and slapped Asuka on the right cheek, which forced her down to the ground with a loud thump.
Rei, if anyone was looking her way gasped loudly as this happened!
("Why did he defend me like that? I haven't favored him, nor have I given any real indication that Asuka's comments
distressed me in any way. Why did he defend me?")
As this thought ran through Rei's head, Shinji seemed to have lost whatever anger he had and offered to help Asuka up.
She slapped his hand away, made various berating comments, but unlike any other time someone had harmed her,
she just stomped off, ... with her friend Hikari following.
Rei thought; "I'll have to talk to Shinji-Kun about this". As the crowd of students dispersed,
Rei made her way back to class with the intent to talk to the third child, after this afternoon's sync tests.

That Baka!

Asuka was fuming! No, she was livid, no she was mad as hell,
and she knew whom she was going to take that anger out on.
Which ever of the children showed up first, whether the first or third child she would run into first,
she would clobber and stomp on until she was satisfied she had doled out enough punishment to them.
Oh, was she angry, not only had Shinji put his big fat nose in the argument between her and Touji,
he had the gaul, the audacity, the backbone ……, What?!?!

He finally showed some backbone towards her. This thought calmed the fiery German-American Redhead.
"He finally is starting to stand up to me, ... though I wish it wouldn't hurt so much."
Asuka thought as she held an ice pack to her red cheek.
As she made her way home from Hikari's, she kept on thinking of the Third child ... and his sudden courage under fire.

She remembered the times that Shinji had shown this side of him. These were the times that Asuka had admired him .
His risking of him and his EVA's safety when she had defeated the 8th angel.
She remembered his happy face at seeing her safe, and then his calm as he was verbally dressed down by Misato,
then by his father, never changing his demeanor, which got her attention.
Next came the ninth angel in whom all three pilots coordinated an attack together, and when the angel was destroyed.
Shinji saved Asuka and Unit-02 when she fell down the ventilation shaft.
Again seeing the courage within the wimp exterior, she had to see more of that Shinji!

Later as she was laying in her bed she heard one of her roommates enter through the front door. She was hoping it was Shinji. As she entered the living room, she indeed saw her male room mate, right next to one of the other stooges.
She immediately put her false front up and started berating both boys. T
hen as the heat started to rise, she saw that it was escalating to another showdown with Shinji.
She abruptly stopped, turned around, away from her angry roommate, walked to her room,
and shut her door.

"Why did I just do that?" though a perplexed Asuka.

"Why did she just do that?" though two thoroughly confused boys as well.

Shinji shook his head at his roommates action , then asked:
"Listen Kensuke, we'll talk later. I need to find out what's up with her, OK?"

"Hey shin-man, do you want me to check on Asuka's background too?
You know, since I am already doing that with Ayanamis'?" Kensuke asked with a concerned look.

"You know what, yeah, I think it would at least help me deal with her better. Thanks Kensuke!" said a grateful Shinji.

"Ok, Man. See you later and I wish you luck with the Red Devil."
Kensuke then left the apartment to two thoroughly confused roommates.

Outside A small hooded figure observed Kensuke Aida leaving Shinji's Building.
The figure was holding a long foam covered rod, borrowed from Nerv's Section Two's supplies.
As she removed her hood, she kept an eye on the lone apartment with its lights on.
After several minutes she then turned and headed towards her own apartment.
"Why has Shinji asked his friend Aida to check on my background? " wondered Rei.

Earlier she had checked on a Nerv Security report which observed whom had gotten access to personnel records.
By luck, or divine intervention, Rei came upon a set of records made from one of the other Magi Computers.
She followed the electronic trail until it came back to Tokyo-3.
She knew through observation that Kensuke had the skills to do this, and she finally found the source,
being the computer server at the junior high. "It was obvious to me that Kensuke was doing this for Shinji.
But, why would he want to know my origins"?
As Rei Ayanami walked home, this sudden realization gave her a mix of new emotions, each quite opposite of the other.
One being a warm feeling that Shinji would want to know her better, but also a strong feeling of fear.
Fear of her unnatural origins, but a fear of the commander's reaction to his and his friends digging into her past.
She now knew she had to talk to him before he got himself killed. But,…. What would she be concerned for him?
She did not know now, but she wanted too soon!

Next, What will Rei talk to Shinji about, how does Shinji deal with Asuka now.
Finally, the Pilots deal with the next angel attack, and what happens next changes many things!
Next in Chapter #3: Friends and Feelings