Nightwalker Fan Fiction ❯ Autumn of Terror ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Autumn of Terror
Part 13 of ?
Pairing: CainXShido,
Disclaimer: I don't own NightWalker or its characters. I also don't own the situation presented in this work of fiction. No disrespect to those who were involved in the incidents detailed within.
Warning: Yaoi (male/male love), vampiric acts, and brutal violent deaths
Shido rolled over and snuggled closer to the warm soft blankets. His rubbed the softness of his blankets against his cheek. Blue green eyes cracking open, blearily. The boy yawned cutely, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. “Cain?” he asked the air, before his eyes adjusted.
Shido blinked again. He was home. But he'd sworn he'd been outside last night. Outside, and then inside again with Cain. With Cain holding him and kissing him and… Shido felt his face grow hot. Those hadn't felt like just normal kisses. The kisses Cain had given him had been something else completely. Something rich, and deeply erotic. And just thinking about Cain's kisses, about Cain's body resting so perfectly between his legs made Shido want to moan. His bit his lip to stop the sound, tasting the familiar coppery taste of his own blood. That didn't help any either. It just made him remember what had made that kiss so electric.
But, if he'd been with Cain, then why was he home now. He had sworn that when he'd gone to sleep in the blond's arms, he'd not been here. No. He'd been in a small, dusty, dark room. A room with a hard bed, and a gorgeous man. He didn't remember how he'd gotten to that room. All he remember is that he'd wanted to stay there with Cain. He'd wanted the man to touch him more.
He rolled over quietly and stared at the closed window. He tried to think of where they'd been. Cain had called it home. Meaning if he knew where it was, Shido would be able find him again. And he did want to find Cain. After all, he still had that question to ask him. The one about what the blond knew about this whole drop the case thing. It seemed that Cain had done it to him again. Made him forget what he was going to ask. But he had nothing to go on. Just that dark, sparse room. He didn't even remember how he got back home. Unless the entire meeting had been a dream.
That was probably it. It had all been some hot dream. Guys had dreams like that all the time. Dreaming about making it with an attractive woman. He had just dreamed about an attractive man. No big deal. Especially with the first part of the dream. When he'd seen something. Something important. Something that escaped him at the moment. Part of his dream that faded when the better part had started.
There was a soft knock on the door, and his little sister ran into the room, hopping onto the bed next to him. “Sleepy head. Sleepy head. Big brother is a sleepy head!” The little girl started to shake him. Shido hid the grin on his face and rolled over, hiding under the pillow. It was great way to wake up. Waking up not worrying about anything. Not about cases, not about questions, not about erotic dreams. Just playing with his little sister. Batting her with the pillow when she got too rowdy. Which got him batted back in turn. The boy finally gave up and grinned at his sister.
“What do you want, squirt? Just here to play with me?”
“I got a big girl job. A bunch of Bobbies came over. They told me that I have to tell my big brother that he has to come by the police station. He was there too. He peeked in on you. It was so cute. I told him I'd be mad at him if he woke you up. He said funny things. He said you looked like a sleeping angel. I told him you snore and…”
Shido bopped his sister with a pillow to silence her. Once she got started, she just wouldn't stop. “You did a good job. I'll tell him to come by with some candy for you, cause you did such a good job.” He ruffled her hair.
“You ask him for Chocolates. Big chocolates in a pretty heart box. And you have to eat them with me. You have to or I'm not letting you go.” The little nine year old grabbed onto him, hugging him tightly.
“I will. I'll eat up the ones you don't like. Promise. Now, you want another big girl job. You want to help me pick out something special. It's not every day your big brother has to go to the station.” He grinned again as the little blond girl clapped and scampered to his wardrobe and started pulling things out.
“This would look pretty. And this and this. And you'll let me do your hair. Let me do up your hair. Shiiiidoooo, pleeeease.” She gave him a pout Shido could be proud of. It seemed his sister was learning some of his best moves.
Shido left over an hour later, dressed unfortunately by his sister. Mis-matched, and layered beyond belief. Because she couldn't decide which was prettier. And Shido couldn't tell her “no”. Not even to the hair request. To his embarrassment, it looked as if it was done by a nine-year-old girl. All ribbons and bows and hair clips. How she'd managed to get all that into his silvery mane was beyond him.
He almost wished he hadn't offered. Now he had to endure the boys at the Police precinct. And he knew they wouldn't be too kind to him. Some of those jerks could be pretty cruel, unless Fredrick was there. If the Constable was there, no one dared say a thing about him. And for once, Shido actually was hoping the older man would be there.