Nightwalker Fan Fiction ❯ What should have happened ❯ Finding and Wanting ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DC: I don't own any of these characters!!!

A/N: sorry for not continuing any of my stories for a long time!!! Well now I'm back with a brand new story.


He just lay there, unconscious. His hair so violet and beautiful, Kain thought peacefully. If only he could touch his mate just one more time. Kain though knew nothing was going to happen, but was glad that Shido his one and only mate was on his lap, eyes shut.

Shido moaning while waking up disturbed Kain's thoughts. Shido opened his eyes only to see Kain staring back at him, smiling. Shido got up and looked at Kain disgusted. " Here drink this, it'll refresh you." Kain said holding out a glass of blood. Shido slowly took the glass, but quickly throw the blood at Kain. " Aren't you going to lick this off me?" Kain said hoping that Shido will say yes. " Just what do you think, Kain?" Shido answered so cold.

" I think you still have feelings for me." Kain answered.

"Humph." Was the only response he got.

Kain got up and started walking towards Shido. Shido was ready for anything Kain was going to do. When Kain got close enough to Shido, Shido lashed out ready to punch him. Kain caught his hand and with his other hand, he grabbed Shido's neck and kissed him so passionately.

By doing this Shido was surprised with eyes wide open, but soon enough Shido closed his eyes and let Kain kiss him like they use to.

Kane noticed this and broke it off just to see what Shido would do.

Shido opened his eyes and let Kain see in his eyes that he didn't want him to stop.

Kain laughed and left.

Shido was surprised that he left, the only time Kain can have him and he leaves.

Shido walked around the town for Kain and the witch. Shido found the witch and drew out his sword.

A/N Shido did that little talk thing and stabs her. She dies and says Finally I can sleep.

Now that the witch is gone Shido could focus on Kain.


Shido was about to leave then he looked back and saw Kain smiling.

Kain called out, " I'll find you and finish what we started today. Until again my love."

Shido smiled as Kain disappeared.

He now couldn't wait until he saw Kain again.

Shido walked off back to his office awaiting his future.

" Hey Shido what's up?" A very annoying Rhio asked.

" Oh nothing just waiting." He answered smiling.

" For what may I ask." She said back sounding mad.

Shido just laughed somemore.

Rhio just annoyed somemore.

Guni and Yayoi just watched Shido in the darkness. SMIRKING


Hey fans sorry it was so short anyway hoped you liked it and hope to get some good reveiws!!!

Give me some suggestions okay!! * *
