One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Name her... ❯ a girl... ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece
AN: Please review. Sorry for the short chaps, but it has to be in two.
"Zoro, it's a girl"
Zoro's eyes shot open, only to see Nami's head, popping around the door.
"Are you coming or what?"
He dropped his weights, and followed her, quietly. His thoughts were focused on her, how was she doing, was she alright?
When they entered the room, he immediately ran to the bed, and took her hand.
"Zoro..." her voice was weak.
Somebody put something in his arms, he didn't see who, he didn't see what.
"Please... Name her..." she said, before her eyes closed.
Zoro was worried. "Is she..?"
"Dead? No, she's tired. Let her rest, she deserves it." Nami said. "Well, I'll leave you alone. If you need anything, I'm next door" Nami smiled.
Zoro took a deep breath and smiled back.
The door closed and they were alone.
How did this happen? Well it took a few drinks, which started a bar fight, and caused him to loose, again. He then decided to train alone for a year, and Luffy simply agreed.
Then she came, out of nowhere. Zoro had thought for a while she was a faerie or something. But then after some fights, she was a master with the sword, some shared dinners, and some skinny-dipping in the small river, his fate had been sealed.
He had lived in a cloud of dreaminess. He didn't really think. Not even when she told him they were going to have a baby...
Something writhed in his arms.
Zoro gave it a look. There she was, the little demon that might ruin his dreams.
He hadn't decided what to do yet. If he would leave, he would be a pathetic example of a father.
It was worse now, because he had stayed around. If he had run in the very first beginning, it wouldn't have been so wrong.
Ah, who was he fooling now. It would have been bad, always.
But, if he stayed he probably wouldn't become the world's best swordfighter.
Zoro remembered the day he met Luffy. What he had told him about his dream.
"I want to become the greatest swordfighter in the world. If you ever come between me and my goal, I'll have to kill you."
Luffy's answer had been a good one.
"As a future Pirate King, I wouldn't expect less of you."
What would Luffy say, if Zoro decided to stay... A year, that was ok, but forever?
Well, there was no denying she was his. She looked like her mother, so weak and small and a beauty already.
However, she had his hair.
Name her...
Zoro looked closer at the small creature in his arms. A strange feeling came over him. Something he had never sensed before.
She was his precious... She was his baby girl... She was his musume.
How to name her then. He wondered if there was any name in the world good enough for her.
Then he remembered some talk he had had, after a training session. She had explained her father had named her after his mother, out of love for both.
Name a special someone after a special thing of person.
The first thing that came up in his mind was Kuina. The girl who still had so much control over his life.
Na, Kuina would be a burden.
Then what? He didn't know that many other special girls.
Zoro carefully moved his arms, and while doing so, his hand touched one of his swords.
His swords. They were special. But which one?
Wado-ichimonji had belonged to Kuina, and that didn't feel good either.
Sandaikitetsu was just evil.
Only Yubashiri left. Zoro unsheathed it. It was beautiful.
Name her... after Snow's beauty?
Name her Yukimi.
AN: musume = daughter. Please tell me if you liked it!!