Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Poems ❯ True Colors ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

True Colors

One cannot fight a friend,
But we can fight on the inside.
That doesn't mean I won't be there till the end,
And i'll be there when you fall on your behind.

I will smile when I see you,
But inside, I know who you are.
Because I know where you stand, you're one of the few,
You're the one who'll cry alone at the bar.

Go ahead, reach for your dreams,
I might even help.
Soon you'll see the world is not what it seems,
But i'll sooth you when you yelp.

When we go to a place,
I'll laugh when you laugh.
But this is just a mask on my face,
You don't even know half.

Please, go ahead, and have some fun,
Your ignorance is a joke to me.
But you're gone from being my number one,
Your chances have ended happily.

I don't want you to come with me when I leave,
You can stay right you're at.
So you can go ahead and heave,
Go sit where the old doctors sat.

Go and be what your family wants,
Let them control you with strings.
Because i'll be in the shadows of your thoughts,
Bringing only what you want me to bring.

I almost feel bad,
For leaving you here.
But then again, i'm not that sad,
I don't mind you not being near.

It may be better,
To go off on my own.
Where i'm in my own shelter,
I can create my own home.

But for now, i'll stay,
Just because I feel bad for you.
There's nothing you can say,
Because I know you aren't able to be true.