Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Poems ❯ Join Me ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Join Me

Do you swear to me,
That one day, you'll take me away?
You and I, we'll set each other free,
That, I can promise, one day.

It will not be easy,
There will be blood and tears.
Soon enough, you'll see,
The sacrifices i'm making to get away from my fears.

To those I love...
I have to leave them here.
They never hit me, not even a shove,
It sucks, but, this way, it's better.

That's why i'm asking you,
The only one I would ever want.
Please, join me over the ocean so blue,
Then, we'll be in the home we sought.

For reasons in my soul,
I wish to leave and never come back.
But...leaving is my goal,
Then fear is what i'll lack.

I've asked only one before,
And she denied me.
I was to travel alone, but that's a chore,
Then my dreams formed for me to see.

I want no one else to come,
We can even reach your own goals.
But promise me not to run,
Or i'll travel alone without your soul.

It pains me to say this,
But if you stay, I shall go.
You'll make me miss,
Though i'll cry my soul will leave with the ocean flow.

I love you, please remember that,
But if I stay, my soul will never rest.
Sadly, it's a fact,
For me to leave is for the best.

So, I beg of you hear my plea,
Heed what i'm trying to say.
I don't want you to leave me,
But if you say no, i'll go alone that day.