Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Poems ❯ I'm Sorry ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry for never speaking,
Only to keep you to guess.
I'm sorry that my secrets are leaking,
It's just one big mess.

I'm sorry that i'm not best,
But nor am I the worst.
It's my fault your heart bleeds in your chest,
To me, it feels like i'm your curse.

I'm sorry that we never speak,
Even when we talk on the phone.
I want to say so much but i'll look like a freak,
I just want to you and I to share one home.

I'm sorry I get angry fast,
I never mean the harsh things I do.
My outlet is gone and I know we just clash,
For all the mean things I do to you, I still love you.

I'm sorry you feel like things are your fault,
It just breaks me apart when you say, 'i'm sorry'.
Everything just comes to a final hault,
But, I want you to put the blame on me.

I'm sorry for my suspicions,
It's just something I was forced to do.
Having thoughts shoved in my head like premonitions,
When you're just there, not having a clue.

I'm sorry that you deal with me,
A girl who went through Hell before.
All I need to know is that you are happy,
That saying 'I love you' isn't a chore.

I'm sorry for all the fright I made you feel,
All I wanted to do was just take your hand.
On my lips that I will not conceal,
I'm so proud to call you my man.

I'm sorry to my friends,
Turning my back on all of you.
When I promised to the end,
I chose my dreams over y'all too.

I'm sorry that the day is coming,
And then my betrayl to them is done.
Then, i'll know the true meaning of shunning,
Because it's me that wants to forget where I came from.

I'm sorry that I want to leave home,
I just wanted to forget who I was before.
Then i'll be someone unknown,
And i'll never remember all the gore.

I'm sorry that I couldn't be strong,
So that everyone could count on me.
It's true, in no crowd do I belong,
Alone, I fought on wanting to scream.

I'm sorry to anyone who knows true pain,
Where everything you held died.
When you, yourself, disappeared for nothing to gain,
That all you can do is hide.

I'm sorry that I felt that way,
All I want now is just to know someone cares.
I'd do anything to know a friend would come some day,
Someone who'd listen to me and my own affairs.

I'm sorry, please forgive me,
Please say that you still care.
For the love of a higher being don't flee!
Stay...and from love, with me, share.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~Made for my friend Kay-chan!!!~*~*~*~*~*~*~