Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Poems ❯ Goodbye My Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Goodbye My Love

Time and time again
I wait for your return
Or the horrible word you've been slain
I know you will return to me
Or at least that's what I hope
For you to come back so we can be free.

I wait by the window the one that over harbor
Waiting for your ship to dock
I walk through the park
The one where we met and remember
People stop to stare and comment on me
But I don't care I just want you.

Everyone says you're dead that I should give up
But I still wait for you; right here
That's all i had left; hope
But even that seems low
Yet I don't give up
People say it's silly but I ignore them.

You know how I hate goodbyes
But that's what I continue to hear; Goodbye
It's in your velvet voice the on that makes me melt
And here I sit by the cliffs where you propsed
Still hearing your Goodbye
For now I realize it's my turn to say goodbye.

Goodbye my love, goodbye.