Original Stories Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ Motley's Adventures (Previously: Heart-Shaped Moon) ❯ Adventure in London ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Motley's Adventure in London: Heart-Shaped Moon
Motley, a new werewolf on the block, walked down the street, unmindful of the menacingly looking alleyways and the flickering street lights over head. It was night of a full moon, but the clouds were so thick, you couldn't see anything in the sky, other than the dark clouds that promised a night of terror to anyone who forgot to bring their raincoat. Which is why Motley hurried his step, trying to get back to his apartment as soon as possible.
Motley was a very handsome, young man, with shoulder-length, reddish-brown hair with green tips and slate grey eyes. He was of average height with nice toned body and long legs that would have been more befitting on a girl… Or, so everybody said. He almost never brushed his hair, making it curly and shagged up, the fringe that grew too long covered his eyes somewhat.
He swore as lightning struck ahead of him and he started to jog.
He barely made it, when the rain started to fall down, and heavily at that too. He ran inside the large, Victorian building, shacking off his heavy, black coat and hanging it in the hall closet.
He made his way through the main hall and into the main stairway, when he paused, as several children ran down the stairs, chasing each other around playfully and using Motley's long legs as an obstacle of sorts.
The teen chuckled and picked one tyke up. “What are you doing now, pups? Getting into trouble again, are we?”
The little boy smiled up at Motley, a teddy plushie hanging from one arm, as the other small hand was clinging to Motley's shirt. He was Nancy's son. The woman was a single mother, living in the apartment next to him. She was a very nice lady, as were most people who lived in the building. Everyone there knew each other and trusted each other. It was as if they were just one big (wacky) family living in this big, old house.
“Na-uh, big brother. Sasa wouldn't. Sasa is a good boy, see? Even Ted Crinkles thinks so.” The boy held up his teddy for Motley to see and the wolf chuckled. “Of course, how could I ever doubt you?”
Sasa tilted his head to the side in confusion. “Sasa doesn't know… How could you?” The boy pouted.
Motley smiled and ruffled the boy's hair, before he put him down. “Here, now off you go.”
Sasa giggled childishly and ran off, following his peers.
Motley ran a hand through his messy hair and continued forward, deeper into the building. He went to the third and top floor of the house, where a small ladder stood at the end of the hall. He climbed the ladder and opened the latch in the ceiling, entering a fair-sized loft. Actually, what I meant when I said that he was living next to the lady. I actually meant that he lived `above' her, as he occupied the attic, seeing as it was the only available `apartment' at that time.
“Ah, home sweet home.” Motley sighed wistfully and dropped on the bed that stood freely beside a floor-ceiling window. He looked out into the bleak night that fell over the city. The soft patter of the rain against his window lulled Motley into a peaceful, dream-like state, when his computer screen flashed and a `ding!' sound broke the silence. Motley groaned and got off the bed, shuffling over to his desk and opening his mail.
From: Unknown Contact
Subject: Hello
I read your newest poem and I have to say, I was touched. I would like it very much, if you decided to write back a few words to me, so we could maybe talk about poetry and the like a bit. I myself love to read and write and would love to hear some of your opinions.
Neon Peatree
P.S. My e-mail is [peafull_tree@hotmail.com]
Motley blinked… Strange pen name… But than again he had seen some weirder ones. He decided to write back.
From: assorted_differences@hotmail.com, “Motley F. Bitten”
Subject: Re: Hello
Hey, thanks for your review, I appreciate it. I'm real glad you liked it and I'd be happy to talk with you about written works. Contact me at any time you feel like.
Satisfied, he leaned back in the chair and clicked `send'. Seconds later a buddy invitation flashed on his screen from `Neon Peatree' and he clicked `ok'.
After a few weeks have gone by with Motley discussing literature and poetry with Peatree, he pondered inviting Peatree to meet up somewhere in person. From the pictures sent, he deduced that Peatree was quite a catch and he hoped to get laid maybe. It has been so long since he last had sex with someone and he was getting quite horny and frustrated.
Peatree was also quite the `talker' and Motley hoped to God that Peatree was who he said to be.
IrockYourWorld: Well, I guess I should go now, it's getting kinda late.
Peatree: Aww, I'll be lonely without you.
IrockYourWorld: lol, I'm sure you'll live.
Peatree: Hey, would you like to meet up sometime in person?
Motley blinked… Well, that was amusing. He was just thinking the same thing.
IrockYourWorld: Sure. Where and when? How will I recognize you?
Peatree: Tomorrow, @ .Nezz café by Lebanon and 9th Lane cross-section, evening?
IrockYourWorld: Sweet, I'll be wearing plain jeans, black shirt and red suspenders. Look for a kid who looks emo XD
Peatree: Yes, yes. I've seen the pictures you've sent me. I'll be wearing black jeans and black, sleeveless turtleneck and a red belt with cross bones.
IrockYourWorld: Signed out
Peatree: Signed out
Motley leaned back in his chair, this seemed rather interesting. He wondered what kind of a guy Peatree was in person…
The next day saw Motley standing by .Nezz café, dressed as he described in the chat with Peatree, his hair brushed and tamed somehow for once. He leaned against the wall of the building, looking at his watch obsessively.
He watched curiously as someone on a motorcycle turned the corner and stopped in front of him. The man was dressed in black jeans and sleeveless turtleneck, a red belt with cross bones around his waist. He took off his helmet, shaking out raven-black, shoulder blade long hair.
“Motley?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Motley watched him somewhat apprehensively. “Yeah… Peatree?” He ventured.
The other nodded with a handsome smile. “Yes, but call me Joshua, or Josh if you want.”
Motley grinned and nodded. “Sure. Wow, you look exactly like in the pictures. You don't know how relieved I am.”
Josh chuckled. “I think I can relate.”
Motley smiled. “So are we going to hang around here, or do you want to go someplace else?”
Joshua handed his helmet to Motley and revved up the motorcycle engine. “Someplace else. C'mon, hop on.”
Motley didn't need to be told twice, as he sat behind Josh, straddling the purring machine and wrapped his arms around Josh's waist. Josh kicked up the bike stand and sped off, away from the café.
“Where do you want to go?!” He shouted to the boy behind him.
Motley shrugged. “I dunno! Got someplace in mind?!” He screamed back.
Josh just chuckled and sped up, making a sharp turn around the block and stopped in front of a movie theatre.
Motley raised an eyebrow. “So, what movie are we watching?”
Josh shrugged. “How `bout Cloverfield?”
Motley nodded. “Sure, why not?”
They stepped into the reception and got their tickets, then proceeded inside the theatre to find their viewing room.
“Theatre 13, theatre 13…” Motley muttered, as he searched for theatre 13. “This is so fucked up, you can never find the bloody theatre…”
Josh snickered. “Or, you're just looking in the wrong direction.” He pointed to the door behind him, beside were big, neon letters that read `Theatre 13'.
Motley blinked. “Yeah, ok, guess that works too.” He mumbled, somewhat embarrassed.
They entered and quickly found their seats, the ads and trailers still rolling on the large screen.
About a quarter into the movie, Motley felt something warm on his knee. He frowned a bit, but decided to ignore it and continued watching the movie.
The thing moved a bit further up, where it squeezed his thigh.
Motley blinked surprised and looked down to find a hand, softly running up and down his thigh, sending delicious shivers through his body. He followed the hand to the arm and finally to the face of the owner of the offending limb.
Josh smiled at Motley pleasantly and rubbed his thumb over Motley's hip. He leaned closer to Motley and licked his ear, making the boy startle and jump slightly. Josh smirked and whispered in Motley's ear heatedly.
“You're so hot, I want to fuck you.”
Motley blushed, his eyes wide, as his dick twitched with interest at the offer. He slapped his hands to his mouth, when Josh cupped his crotch and squeezed his growing erection. He whined softly and turned to look at Josh.
He sure didn't expect Josh to be the first one to initiate things and he thought it would take some coaxing too, but this worked quite nicely.
Josh's already inhumanely bright hazel eyes, stared down at Motley with hunger and lust like he'd never seen before. He licked his lips and slipped his hand lower to Motley's balls, where he massaged the delicate sacks and kneaded them.
Motley, in a flash, stood up. He grabbed Josh's hand and pulled him up, and soon the two were running back towards Josh's bike. Josh wrapped his arms around Motley's waist as he pinned him against the motorcycle, attacking his mouth with hungry kisses.
Motley moaned weakly and surrendered to the larger male, when he felt Josh rub his excitement against his thigh, making it quite obvious that he enjoyed what they were doing very much.
Josh pulled away with a gasp and pinched Motley's ass. “Get on the bike.” He growled huskily and Motley hastened to obey.
They drove off in the direction where the sun set, full moon now hanging over them, it's misty presence incomparable to anything in the world.
Joshua stopped in front of a rather small house and drove the bike into the garage. Motley, still embracing Joshua from behind pawed at the other's erection, making Josh moan with lust.
Josh's eyes flashed red and he pulled Motley up and off of the bike. The two barely made it into the hallway, as they started kissing again. Joshua had Motley pinned against the wall and he was grinding his hard body against the smaller male. Motley's moans were heady and impassioned, as he rolled his head back in ecstasy, his hips thrusting into Joshua's.
Josh paused when Motley exposed his neck to him, and licked his lips. His fangs grew longer and sharper. Motley's moans were really getting to him and that soft, tanned neck was so tempting. Joshua growled deeply and sank his teeth in Motley's neck, sucking wildly, his body's temperature rising at the small, helpless moans Motley was letting out.
Motley startled, when he felt Josh bite him, but soon relaxed, shivering, as Josh sucked and licked at that one spot. He was sure that the older boy was going to leave quite a hickey there. He moaned and cried out, when Josh took hold of his hips and started to rut against him.
Motley was so aroused; he couldn't keep his wolf ears and tail from appearing. The ears immediately flattened against his head and the tail curled around his thigh.
Josh pulled away after drinking two mouthfuls and stared at Motley.
“Wha…?” He blinked at the ears and tail.
Motley whined and tried to pull Josh back down to kiss him, but the other didn't relent.
“Y-you're a werewolf?” Josh asked, somewhat amused.
Motley blinked. “What? Oh, um… Yes?” He shifted a bit uncomfortably, regaining some sense.
Josh chuckled. “This is so wicked… A vampire and a werewolf… That hasn't been heard of in ages.”
Motley's eyes widened. “You're a vamp?!”
Josh just raised and eyebrow.
Motley smiled sheepishly. “Um, yeah, I guess it IS kinda obvious.” He rubbed the spot on his neck where Josh bit him.
Josh rolled his eyes and leaned back down to nibble on Motley's neck. “Well, what do you know. This just might be interesting.” He mumbled, as he cupped and squeezed Motley's ass, making the werewolf boy squeak and moan, as he started to writhe beneath him once more.
Motley, feeling a bit playful, wriggled away from Josh and ran to the living room, leaving a strong scent to distract the vampire.
Josh moaned, almost getting high off of the erotic aroma.
Motley stood by the couch, his tail swaying behind him teasingly. Josh walked in and his eyes immediately trained on Motley, pupils turning into slits dangerously, as he stalked the smaller male.
Motley grinned and backed away from Josh, making the vampire growl lustfully. The werewolf giggled and ran into the dining room.
Josh followed after Motley and finally caught the boy around the waist. He pinned the startled boy to the table and nuzzled the back of his neck. Motley moaned, as Josh rocked his hard-on against his ass. He gasped and rocked back against Josh, as the vampire's hands slipped under his shirt and pinched his nipples.
Josh smirked and pulled away a bit. He span Motley around and grabbed him around the back and knees, and flipped him over his shoulder. Motley squeaked, as he held onto the bigger male.
From his point of view he could see Josh's ass move, as he was carried to the bedroom. He grinned and squeezed the tempting ass, making Josh startle and stumble a bit.
“Hey!” Josh whined, as he spanked Motley's ass, making the boy squeal.
“That was uncalled for.” He snickered.
Motley pouted. “What? I couldn't help myself…” He whined.
Josh rolled his eyes and deposited Motley on the double bed in his room.
Motley laughed, as he bounced a bit on the soft bedding, before he was jumped. Josh groaned as he rubbed himself eagerly against Motley's willing body.
“Well, someone's eager.” Motley snickered, one hand moving down to cup the vampire's crotch.
Josh moaned and dragged his fingers over Motley's clothed chest, only stopping to tease the erect nipples. He smirked, when Motley moaned and arched into his touch wantonly. He made quick work of Motley's suspenders and shirt, marvelling at the boy's beautifully toned and slim body. He raised an eyebrow at the tattoos that marked Motley's shoulders and arms, halfway down to his elbows, and two punk stars tattooed just under his collarbone.
Motley smirked and licked his lips, rocking his hips up against Josh.
“Are you going to do anything, or just sit there and stare?” He queried seductively, arching into the bigger male.
Josh's eyes narrowed, as he smirked right back. “Oh, I intend to fuck that ass of yours until you can't even walk.”
Motley moaned eagerly and pulled on the waistband of Josh's pants.
“Out. Now.” He ordered, unzipping the vampire's jeans and shimming out of his own, leaving one in only underwear, and the other in their birthday suit.
Josh raised an eyebrow. “You don't wear underwear?”
Motley shook his head. “Not when I'm hoping to get fucked into the mattress.” He stated simply and pulled down Josh's boxers.
Josh smirked and kissed Motley. The kiss was slow and intimate, as they explored each other's bodies.
The raven-haired vampire moaned when Motley's tongue swiped over his fangs and then drew his tongue into his mouth and sucked on it with a content sigh. He ran his hands down Motley's sides, his fingers tracing the curves and dips on the boy's body. He cupped the werewolf's hips and stroked them with his thumbs.
Motley moaned happily and raised his hips slightly, as he threaded his fingers into Josh's hair, the other hand running up and down the vampire's strong, smooth back. He gently pushed down on the small of Josh's back, rocking his penis against Josh's thigh, conveying his want for more.
Josh licked Motley's lips as he pulled away and kissed a trail up his jaw and leaned up to nibble on the wolf's ear.
Motley whined, his other ear flicking to the side as he tilted his head to the side, trying to pull his ear away from Josh's fanged mouth.
Josh snickered and let go of the cute and now wetted auburn ear and moved down to bite Motley's neck, sucking on the supple skin. He then moved lower to Motley's nipples and took one hard nub in his mouth and proceeded to flick it with his tongue.
Motley moaned, his body tortured and over sensitized, as he rubbed his swollen member against Josh's belly, seeking release.
Josh chuckled and pulled away, before he attacked the other nipple with overzealous licks and hard suction.
Motley screamed and arched. “Holy shit! You're like a vacuum!”
Josh pulled away startled, and laughed.
“Oh god… A- a vacuum? Am I?” He laughed so hard, he flopped down on Motley squishing him with his weight.
Motley pouted and whined. “Oh shut up! Please, fuck me already. I'm so horny.” He whimpered and rolled them over.
Josh chuckled, as the small wolf rolled atop of him. Motley growled and kissed Josh to shut him up, rutting against the vampire furiously. Josh grinned and grabbed Motley's hips, stopping them mid-thrust.
Motley whined, but then moaned, as Joshua rubbed his hard dick against his ass.
Josh panted softly and licked Motley's ear. “Alright, how about you use that pretty mouth of yours for something much better than whining?”
Motley's eyes hazed a bit and he grinned. “Mmm, good idea. I've wanted to suck your dick for while now.” He murmured, as he slithered down Josh's body and licked the head of his huge hard-on.
Josh leaned back and watched Motley work on trying to fit his dick inside of his mouth. He grinned perversely, when Motley looked at him with lustful eyes and swallowed his dick. He moaned heavily, when he felt himself hit the back of Motley's throat.

”Oh fuck. You're not a virgin at this, are you?”
Motley pulled his lips away from Josh's cock and smirked at him. “Oh, I'm far from being virginal, Josh.” He practically purred the vamps name and licked the head of his erection, lathing it up with his saliva.
He then closed his pouty, cherry red lips over the head and sucked slowly on it, his cheeks hollowing with the motion.
Josh could swear he saw stars, as his eyes rolled back into his head.
“Damn, Motley. Stop, I want to be inside you when I cum.”
Motley pulled away with a seductive smile.
“Aw, I wanted to taste you so badly.”
Josh smiled and pulled Motley down for a kiss.
“Another time babe, alright?”
Motley nodded and climbed on top of Josh, taking hold of his cock and positioning it at his entrance.
Josh raised his eyebrows at him.
“You don't need me to prepare you?”
Motley shook his head.
“Nope, I'll be fine. I've taken bigger dicks before.”
Josh narrowed his eyes and growled possessively, as Motley snickered.
“I'll show you, you little bitch.”
Motley screamed, when Josh thrusted hard inside of him, hips snapping up with brutal force. The small wolf shivered and moaned helplessly, as Josh fucked him. He cried out when Josh hit his prostate and his knees shook.
Josh licked his lips and held onto Motley's hips, as he pistoned in and out of the boy, slamming his dick into that tight ass with a feral groan.
Motley shook from the pleasure and fell forward, bracing himself on Josh's shoulders with his hands, as he moaned and writhed on top of the vampire. Josh angled his thrusts differently, making Motley cry out in ecstasy, as he stroked his prostate with the tip of his cock.
The vampire moaned and flipped them over so he ended up on top of Motley and proceeded to pound the boy's ass with lustful moans and savage growls.
Motley whined helplessly, raising his hips into the thrusts and rocking back against Josh. He moaned loudly and pulled Josh down for a passionate kiss and held onto him, as the larger male fucked him into the mattress.
Josh lay upon Motley with his full weight, as he pumped his cock in and out of the smaller boy. He nuzzled the tender neck and bit in with a groan, as he sipped from the boy.
Motley had his eyes squeezed shut, tears leaking through the corners from the intense pleasure, as he finally came with a cry. He threw his head back and clenched his thighs around Josh from the intensity of his orgasm, his semen covering their chests and bellies.
Josh groaned, as Motley's muscles clenched around his member, drawing his seed out and pushing him over the edge. He came deeply within the wolf, his sperm coating his passage and feeding Motley's orgasm, as he still pumped in and out of him.
Motley sighed and lay limply beneath the larger male, his legs fell from around the other's waist, as he lazily dipped his fingers in the cooling cum. He looked up at Josh and licked the seed off his fingers.
Josh smirked at Motley and helped him lick the cum off the long, slim fingers, their tongues twining around each other.
Motley giggled.
“That was awesome. We definitely need to have another fuck date.” He mumbled around Josh's mouth, as the older boy kissed him.
Josh nodded and rolled off of Motley. “Definitely.” He pulled the wolf close against his chest and nuzzled his hair.
Motley yawned and snuggled back against the broad chest.
“G'night.” He muttered and fell into blissful sleep.
Josh soon followed suit, after burying his nose in Motley's hair, breathing in the boy's scent.