Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ A life with Gorillaz! ❯ The girl who got rape by a demon... ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Sweet_Gorillaz Gurl 
Disclaimer I don't own Gorillaz only Pooki3!
It was raining in Essex, United Kingdom where the Gorillaz live but little do they know a stange girl appear walking alone with no one....
The girl was wearing a black hoody dress her hair was brunette long and her eyes were brown and black
She walking on the street walking but suddnley she heard a voice behind her she turn to look but no was there....until she saw a light...
**:When there's light....that means a place for me to stay.....^^
She went up the hills and again heard that voice, she quickly look back and a strange person who she being to feared.......
**:Why did you leave me my love????
~~Meanwhile in Kong studio~~
Noodle:Do you heard that?!?
2D: Yeah it came from outside!!!!
Russel:OMG you don't think someone is getting RAPE?!?!
Murdoc:In this night??? *Thinking* Yep....
~~Meanwhile outside~~
The girl was running as fast as she can but sadly she was capture by the strange man...
**:Now now my dear be calm.....Now hold still....I'll make it allllllllll better..*Evil smirk*
~~Kong studio~~
Russel:Alright we're on the resue mission!!! Who with me?!?!
Noodle: ME!!!
2D:Me too!!!
Murdoc: Not me.......
Noodle:Oh Murdoc-chan stop being such a-
**:help me.....please...
**:I'm begging you..help......me....please....
Noodle:Everybody get her some water and first aid kit!!
2D/Russel:OK!!! *Run off*
Noodle look at Murdoc with a serious
Murdoc:Ok!! I'll help.....
Well that's my first chapter.....but I hope this next chapter will be ok!!! ^^
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Fantasy / Romance / Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 05.15.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 5 | Visits: 601 | Status: Completed

Disclaimer I don't own Gorillaz only Pooki3!
It was raining in Essex, United Kingdom where the Gorillaz live but little do they know a stange girl appear walking alone with no one....
The girl was wearing a black hoody dress her hair was brunette long and her eyes were brown and black
She walking on the street walking but suddnley she heard a voice behind her she turn to look but no was there....until she saw a light...
**:When there's light....that means a place for me to stay.....^^
She went up the hills and again heard that voice, she quickly look back and a strange person who she being to feared.......
**:Why did you leave me my love????
~~Meanwhile in Kong studio~~
Noodle:Do you heard that?!?
2D: Yeah it came from outside!!!!
Russel:OMG you don't think someone is getting RAPE?!?!
Murdoc:In this night??? *Thinking* Yep....
~~Meanwhile outside~~
The girl was running as fast as she can but sadly she was capture by the strange man...
**:Now now my dear be calm.....Now hold still....I'll make it allllllllll better..*Evil smirk*
~~Kong studio~~
Russel:Alright we're on the resue mission!!! Who with me?!?!
Noodle: ME!!!
2D:Me too!!!
Murdoc: Not me.......
Noodle:Oh Murdoc-chan stop being such a-
**:help me.....please...
**:I'm begging you..help......me....please....
Noodle:Everybody get her some water and first aid kit!!
2D/Russel:OK!!! *Run off*
Noodle look at Murdoc with a serious
Murdoc:Ok!! I'll help.....
Well that's my first chapter.....but I hope this next chapter will be ok!!! ^^
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Fantasy / Romance / Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 05.15.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 5 | Visits: 601 | Status: Completed