Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ A life with Gorillaz! ❯ Fancy shopping and fancy meeting ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Sweet_Gorillaz Gurl 
Disclaimer:I don't own the Gorillaz Just Pooki3!
It was a sunny and bright day at Kong Studio when all of the sudden......
Murdoc: WHAT?!?!?!?!
........When Murdoc yelled at the top of his lungs.....
Murdoc:You mean what?!?!?!?!?!
Russel: You know shopping.....that's a problem??
Murdoc:Yes!!! it's gonna cost us a lot of pound!!!!!!
Russel: Well she can't be staying in those old clothes........she need some panties, bras, PJ, jeans, skirts, t-shirts, and a tang top.....and also a dress...I mean Madonna is inviting us to her bash party......And I was hoping Pooki3 can go with us.......
Murdoc: *Sigh* Oh for the love of sweet Satan...OK!
Russel: Good......Now Noodle and 2-D will go with you.....
Murdoc: Why can't you??
Russel: Listen I gots cooking to do.....
Murdoc: So what?! Fresh air!!! You need some Excise!!!
Russel: Yeah ok......
In the city of London and England....Driving their own Geep which they drive in the video "19-2000"...they stop by in the mall....they saw hundred of stores they never seen...Pooki3 was so surpised she never seen so many store....
2-D: Wow..........O.O I wonder if there's Key-broads........
Murdoc: Hey face-aches! we're over here!
2-D:Don't leave me!!!!!*Whine*
Noodle:Wow...I never seen these many store since my mystery in Japan......
Pooki3: Tokyo, Japan??
Noodle: Actually Osaka, Japan.....but it's ok...*smile*
Pooki3:Oh..*smile a little but embassed to what she said*
They were all looking for the store was for girls......knowing that they only saw was little girls store....but then saw DEB.....it was for perky girls but it does have the nice dress and clothes.....they all were looking for the right size for Pooki3 until they found out her bra was a D-cup which the men of Gorillaz nose bleed and Noodle rolled her eyes...and so on to the clothes size she was medium for her shirt and Tang top and a 15 large for her jeans and skirts...and she had the body of JLO!!!!
She did all the model for the clothes she wore the guys was clapping crazy and Noodle was whistling and yelled you look cute! Then almost done when she had to wear the dress.......uh oh....she try to look all the dresses but none of them were perfect until she laid eyes on the most beautiful dress she saw it was the dress that was look like the phantom of dress that Christian wore in Opera house of the song "Think of me" although the length was short. And she found the matching shoes.....and went to the fitting room....
Everyones was waiting......since Pooki3 is a shy girl...
Murdoc: Come on Pooki3...let us see......
Pooki3: Ummm.....give me a min......
Noodle: Come on Pooki3-Chan let us see.......
Russel: Yeah we won't laugh....
Pooki3: Promised??
2-D: Of course love....*smile warmly*
Pooki3:Ok.....*Can out of the fitting room*
The Gorillaz look at Pooki3 with big eyes as they seen an beautiful angel wearing a beautiful dress or maybe they think it's princess dress....but mostly 2-D was most shocked for he never seen a beautiful girl in his own life... ..even in his teens life...
Pooki3:*Blushes*How do I look??
Ok here's how the others think.....Murdoc sitting there like a dummy looking like he never met someone this pretty....Russel was all shocked but happy and clap his hands and Noodle is there smiling like a cute monkey and clapping her hands also......
Pooki3:*smile and blushes*Thank you......you are all my friends*smile innocent*
The Gorillaz smile And so they brought all the clothes and of course Murdoc wanted Pooki3 to wear a night grown.
Prevent....but luckily Russel took all the night grown back but one......
Meanwhile the Rapist was looking for Pooki3 because he can't stop thinking about her and he was having fun with Pooki3.....FREAK
but knowing that Pooki3 is safe with the Gorillaz.....her new friends.....he can't do nothing but watch....
After the shopping the guys was going around the mall...Russel was with Noodle, 2-D is with Pooki3, and Murdoc....alone since he want to see some chicks.......
Russel and Noodle went to the Arcade for some fun....they played all the game when they spent all money Everyone saw Noodle dancing in DDR and love how she dance since she dance in her Video of "DARE" All the boys was gazing at her but knowing Rus he had to protect her from the Prevents Fan....
Now to 2-D and Pooki3.......
Knowing D he loves going to see some of his favorite movies like "Napoleon Dynamite" and some Old classic of his favorite Zombie film but Pooki3 on the other hand hates those kind of movies expect she like "Napoleon Dynamite" but she mostly love romantic movies and her favorite movie "The phantom of the Opera"
When 2-D was about to buy his Zombie DVD collection he saw Pooki3 looking at her favorite which is the "Phantom of the Opera"
2-D: Hey you want that DVD??
Pooki3: If it's alright.....*smile gently*
2-D couldn't resist those smile and those eyes....so he brought the movie and also 2-D brought his Zombie movies collection.......
And Murdoc....
Murdoc looked bored as he still saw the same chicks from before which is he told them to his Winnebago and steal their purse after they sleep.....so he looked and look until he saw a women in her 20s she had that Angelina Jolie look with the body of JLO also....he went up to her but soon she vanish......Murdoc looked everywhere...but couldn't find her...
Murdoc: Was she a dream??
Nah....Please I hope not!
Back to Pooki3 and 2-D
2-D showed Pooki3 all the Key-Broad that he loved.....and Pooki3 was familiar with the Key-broads....and 2-D
Pooki3:You know I remember this one place called...Uncle Norm's Organ Emporium that's where my parents would came every Friday......and I was preteen that day I was interested of all the Key-broads he had but then I met guy who look like you......I was in love well it was a little kid crush.....but I love how he tells me everything about him....and he show me how to play key-broad....he was a complete gentleman..
2-D blushes because that was him... he also had a crush on that same little girl who was 10 years younger than him.....
2-D: You know what's strange I saw a pretty little girl who look like you but younger...and I did remember her blushing......and I also blush....alot......*Blushes*
She was sweet and innocent......but I heard she got............Rape....
Pooki3 eyes was shocked because she remember that day when she was raped......and cried 2-D saw her crying and hold her closer to his chest........
2-D: Don't worry love......I'll protect you love.....
Pooki3:*blushes*Thank you.......* hug him and smile*
2-D: *Blushes but also smile*Let's go...the others are waiting.......
Pooki3: Ok....*went to 2-D and hold his hand*
The two were blushing but relaxed........they met up with Murdoc when he was at the car....
Russel and Noodle were walking out the Arcade and the mall....
Noodle look tired....and Russel look.....hungry..as always..
Murdoc: Geez where were you??
Russel: Arcade....Noodle was dancing to crazy and all the guys were all looking.......
Murdoc: Oh....*Rub his chin*Ok who want to go out to eat?
Russel: What?! I thought I was gonna-
Murdoc: No Russel....you must be so tired......*Look at him*
Russel: Yeah you're right....let's go eat.....what can we eat??
Pooki3: I don't know....
Noodle: Oh Chinese food!!
Pooki3: Oh what that's??
Noodle: You never heard it??
Pooki3: No.....
Murdoc: Chinese food it is!
They all left and eat chinese food and went back to kong.....
Sorry I didn't get to finish it but it's done now!!
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Fantasy / Romance / Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 05.15.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 5 | Visits: 134 | Status: Completed

Disclaimer:I don't own the Gorillaz Just Pooki3!
It was a sunny and bright day at Kong Studio when all of the sudden......
Murdoc: WHAT?!?!?!?!
........When Murdoc yelled at the top of his lungs.....
Murdoc:You mean what?!?!?!?!?!
Russel: You know shopping.....that's a problem??
Murdoc:Yes!!! it's gonna cost us a lot of pound!!!!!!
Russel: Well she can't be staying in those old clothes........she need some panties, bras, PJ, jeans, skirts, t-shirts, and a tang top.....and also a dress...I mean Madonna is inviting us to her bash party......And I was hoping Pooki3 can go with us.......
Murdoc: *Sigh* Oh for the love of sweet Satan...OK!
Russel: Good......Now Noodle and 2-D will go with you.....
Murdoc: Why can't you??
Russel: Listen I gots cooking to do.....
Murdoc: So what?! Fresh air!!! You need some Excise!!!
Russel: Yeah ok......
In the city of London and England....Driving their own Geep which they drive in the video "19-2000"...they stop by in the mall....they saw hundred of stores they never seen...Pooki3 was so surpised she never seen so many store....
2-D: Wow..........O.O I wonder if there's Key-broads........
Murdoc: Hey face-aches! we're over here!
2-D:Don't leave me!!!!!*Whine*
Noodle:Wow...I never seen these many store since my mystery in Japan......
Pooki3: Tokyo, Japan??
Noodle: Actually Osaka, Japan.....but it's ok...*smile*
Pooki3:Oh..*smile a little but embassed to what she said*
They were all looking for the store was for girls......knowing that they only saw was little girls store....but then saw DEB.....it was for perky girls but it does have the nice dress and clothes.....they all were looking for the right size for Pooki3 until they found out her bra was a D-cup which the men of Gorillaz nose bleed and Noodle rolled her eyes...and so on to the clothes size she was medium for her shirt and Tang top and a 15 large for her jeans and skirts...and she had the body of JLO!!!!
She did all the model for the clothes she wore the guys was clapping crazy and Noodle was whistling and yelled you look cute! Then almost done when she had to wear the dress.......uh oh....she try to look all the dresses but none of them were perfect until she laid eyes on the most beautiful dress she saw it was the dress that was look like the phantom of dress that Christian wore in Opera house of the song "Think of me" although the length was short. And she found the matching shoes.....and went to the fitting room....
Everyones was waiting......since Pooki3 is a shy girl...
Murdoc: Come on Pooki3...let us see......
Pooki3: Ummm.....give me a min......
Noodle: Come on Pooki3-Chan let us see.......
Russel: Yeah we won't laugh....
Pooki3: Promised??
2-D: Of course love....*smile warmly*
Pooki3:Ok.....*Can out of the fitting room*
The Gorillaz look at Pooki3 with big eyes as they seen an beautiful angel wearing a beautiful dress or maybe they think it's princess dress....but mostly 2-D was most shocked for he never seen a beautiful girl in his own life... ..even in his teens life...
Pooki3:*Blushes*How do I look??
Ok here's how the others think.....Murdoc sitting there like a dummy looking like he never met someone this pretty....Russel was all shocked but happy and clap his hands and Noodle is there smiling like a cute monkey and clapping her hands also......
Pooki3:*smile and blushes*Thank you......you are all my friends*smile innocent*
The Gorillaz smile And so they brought all the clothes and of course Murdoc wanted Pooki3 to wear a night grown.
Prevent....but luckily Russel took all the night grown back but one......
Meanwhile the Rapist was looking for Pooki3 because he can't stop thinking about her and he was having fun with Pooki3.....FREAK
but knowing that Pooki3 is safe with the Gorillaz.....her new friends.....he can't do nothing but watch....
After the shopping the guys was going around the mall...Russel was with Noodle, 2-D is with Pooki3, and Murdoc....alone since he want to see some chicks.......
Russel and Noodle went to the Arcade for some fun....they played all the game when they spent all money Everyone saw Noodle dancing in DDR and love how she dance since she dance in her Video of "DARE" All the boys was gazing at her but knowing Rus he had to protect her from the Prevents Fan....
Now to 2-D and Pooki3.......
Knowing D he loves going to see some of his favorite movies like "Napoleon Dynamite" and some Old classic of his favorite Zombie film but Pooki3 on the other hand hates those kind of movies expect she like "Napoleon Dynamite" but she mostly love romantic movies and her favorite movie "The phantom of the Opera"
When 2-D was about to buy his Zombie DVD collection he saw Pooki3 looking at her favorite which is the "Phantom of the Opera"
2-D: Hey you want that DVD??
Pooki3: If it's alright.....*smile gently*
2-D couldn't resist those smile and those eyes....so he brought the movie and also 2-D brought his Zombie movies collection.......
And Murdoc....
Murdoc looked bored as he still saw the same chicks from before which is he told them to his Winnebago and steal their purse after they sleep.....so he looked and look until he saw a women in her 20s she had that Angelina Jolie look with the body of JLO also....he went up to her but soon she vanish......Murdoc looked everywhere...but couldn't find her...
Murdoc: Was she a dream??
Nah....Please I hope not!
Back to Pooki3 and 2-D
2-D showed Pooki3 all the Key-Broad that he loved.....and Pooki3 was familiar with the Key-broads....and 2-D
Pooki3:You know I remember this one place called...Uncle Norm's Organ Emporium that's where my parents would came every Friday......and I was preteen that day I was interested of all the Key-broads he had but then I met guy who look like you......I was in love well it was a little kid crush.....but I love how he tells me everything about him....and he show me how to play key-broad....he was a complete gentleman..
2-D blushes because that was him... he also had a crush on that same little girl who was 10 years younger than him.....
2-D: You know what's strange I saw a pretty little girl who look like you but younger...and I did remember her blushing......and I also blush....alot......*Blushes*
She was sweet and innocent......but I heard she got............Rape....
Pooki3 eyes was shocked because she remember that day when she was raped......and cried 2-D saw her crying and hold her closer to his chest........
2-D: Don't worry love......I'll protect you love.....
Pooki3:*blushes*Thank you.......* hug him and smile*
2-D: *Blushes but also smile*Let's go...the others are waiting.......
Pooki3: Ok....*went to 2-D and hold his hand*
The two were blushing but relaxed........they met up with Murdoc when he was at the car....
Russel and Noodle were walking out the Arcade and the mall....
Noodle look tired....and Russel look.....hungry..as always..
Murdoc: Geez where were you??
Russel: Arcade....Noodle was dancing to crazy and all the guys were all looking.......
Murdoc: Oh....*Rub his chin*Ok who want to go out to eat?
Russel: What?! I thought I was gonna-
Murdoc: No Russel....you must be so tired......*Look at him*
Russel: Yeah you're right....let's go eat.....what can we eat??
Pooki3: I don't know....
Noodle: Oh Chinese food!!
Pooki3: Oh what that's??
Noodle: You never heard it??
Pooki3: No.....
Murdoc: Chinese food it is!
They all left and eat chinese food and went back to kong.....
Sorry I didn't get to finish it but it's done now!!
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Fantasy / Romance / Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 05.15.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 5 | Visits: 134 | Status: Completed