Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ A life with Gorillaz! ❯ Remember you almost.... ( Chapter 7 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Sweet_Gorillaz Gurl 
Disclaimer:I don't own the Gorillaz Just Pooki3!
After a fancy dinner at the chinese Restaurant, the Gang went home with a full stomach...
Russel: God I'm full........I can't eat any bite!
Pooki3: Ice cream anyone??
Russel: Oh me and three scoops please????*Smile big*
Pooki3: Ok...*Went back to the Kitchen*
Murdoc looking at the Drummer who thought to be full....but lied
Murdoc: So can't eat another bite????
Russel look at Murdoc.....
Russel: Well you know how we New Yorker can eat...Ehehehe..*Smile*
Murdoc: Oh Whatever......
2D was all quiet and look down.Murdoc look at the singer to what's wrong in his own ways and words.....Oi...
Murdoc: Ey Face-ache! What's you looking sad like a little girl who got dump from her prom date...???
2D was mad at Murdoc saying the mean things about a girl and her prom date...
2D turn and look at Russel....
Russel: you know you can talk to me your best buddy right??
2D: Yea....Ok..
Murdoc was mad and really wanted to punch 2D in the face....Because he wanted to know what's wrong....
Murdoc: Sure go talk to the frigging fat cow!
Russel heard Murdoc and got up and made a fist to Murdoc which Made Murdoc scare...
Russel: Yo if you don't shut up I'll break that ugly nose like I did before!
You dig?
Murdoc: Dig....
Noodle and Pooki3 were making ice cream for them and Russel....
You see the girls didn't eat most of the food..they were saving for some yummy meals...As you know these girls were already best friend or maybe like sisters.....
Noodle: Ooo that looks yummy! *Looking at the large ice cream which is strawberry, Vanilla, and Chocolate and the toping are some gummy bears, cereal, and chocolate syrup ^^
Pooki3: I know...it's yummy looking! *Giggle*
Noodle: Hey...?
Pooki3: Yes Noodle??
Noodle: You're happy now.....*smile* you're not feeling sad???
Pooki3: Well right now I'm happy cause I have friends like you and the guys......but also....*Blushes*I'm also happy cause I met someone I know....and it's...*Deeply blushing*it's.....
Noodle: Who?????*Look at her and wants answer*
Pooki3: *Blushes* 2D.......*smile*
Noodle: 2D?! You knew him?! how and when????*smile*
Pooki3: Actually his real name is Stuart Pot....but people say his last name is Tusspot....I don't know....*Giggle*I had a big crush on him.....when I was 10 years younger.....*blushes*
Noodle: wow...you should go out with him !! ^^
Pooki3: What?! No!!! You forgot that when I get nervous and scared I have these cat ears.......*Sad and look down*
Noodle: Oh....Wait !!!!!!!!! 2D might be......your true love!!!
Noodle: You forgot that the only thing to get rid of those cute cat ears if you find true love.....and he might be the one!
Pooki3: R-really???*happy face*But what if he don't accept me*Now sad face*???
Noodle: Than he's a dummy! I'll kick his butt !!
Pooki3: *Giggle*Thank you Noodle.....*Hug Noodle*You're my new best friend......*smile and one tear fell*
Noodle: *Hug back*You're welcome.......*smile*Don't cry......you don't need to cry cuz I'll cry too!
Pooki3: OMG!!!!!!!! The ice cream !!
Noodle: Oops.......
The girls walk to the lobby and brought one big giant ice cream to share
Russel: Dang that's a large !!*Look the ice cream if it was a monster to eat everybody in Kong*
Noodle: Let's dig in!*Eat the ice cream*
Pooki3: Wow it's so yummy!!! *smile cutely and giggle*
Noodle: Too yummy !! *Giggle*
2D look at Pooki3 for 15 min and start to remember what happen 10 years ago or so....
~~~~10 years ago~~~
Young Stuart Tusspot or pot (2D) was a working as a Saturday boy at Uncle's Norm's Organ
he was working hours to hours till a Man, his wife and a young girl came to the shop and Uncle Norm was please with the people in his shop so he call Stuart to come and show them the keyboard and Organ.....And of course Stuart was a well manner gentleman....and was polite, Stuart show a big smile to the quest and the young girl(Pooki3)Blushes seeing a very sweet, tall and handsome....He did notice and blushes alittle seeing a cute, innocent, and kinda small girl
Stuart: Oh do you like to see some keyboards or Organs?? we just have two of each this morning...
Lady: Oh yes right my love??
Man: Yes it's for our little pumpkin since she's very talented with piano and singing......
Pooki3:*Blushes*Daddy......stop...*shy and soft spoken*
~~End flashback since Muds just hit 2D's head~~
Murdoc: Ey face ache! wake up!!*Hit him hard like a rock*
2D: OWW! I'm ok jeez.......
Pooki3: 2D??are you ok??*look at him worried and cute*
2D: *blushes*Ummm.....yeah love....
Russel: Alright guys time for bed.....we need some sleep so we can be a the party.....
Murdoc: But the party won't start in 8:00 PM!!!
Russel: Well I don't care go!
Murdoc: *Mumble and went to his winniebago*
2D:Umm Pooki3 do you want to sleep with me????*deep blushes*
Russel:Are you sure Pook???
Pooki3:Yes I'm sure...^^
~~They went down to the car parks where Murdoc winnie is there..than they went to a door saying "Sod off 2D!" went down the step and went to 2D's room~~
Pooki3: Wow...this is your room??
2D: Yeah this is my room.....my room is your room....
The walls was blue cover with posters and the floor was messy.....he can't clean his room right??
Pooki3: Wow your room is....well messy...
2D: *Blushes*Sorry....I don't clean my room much but I'll-
Pooki3:Don't worry I'll clean!!*smile cheerfully*I love cleaning!! but mostly cooking too!
2D Look at her if she was a neat freak is she?? well than Pooki3 clean his room like a maid but faster and his room was clean! and the best part you can see his floor!
Pooki3: Ok All done...
2D: Wow.....you clean my room..and you're fast!
Pooki3: Sorry...I love doing things fast...*blushes*
2D: Ok I'll sleep on the floor if I can-
Pooki3: Ummm....the floor looks hard to sleep do you mind...*blushes deeply* sleeping with me??*look down blushes*
2D: Ummm....sure love...*blushes*
Both sleep but not facing each other both were blushing hard but soon 2D sleep and Pooki3 turn to see him and smile*
Pooki3: Oh Stuart....how I miss you....I always wanting to tell you I feel back at Uncle's Norm's Organ but soon I'll tell you....
Soon Pooki3 kiss his cheek and 2D smile thinking it's his mother..
2D: Ok mum see you at the morning...
Pooki3: *Giggle*Good night..
I love Gorillaz don't you???But I love 2D!!! EE!!!!
anyways more are coming are coming are coming! It's there!!!
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Fantasy / Romance / Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 05.15.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 5 | Visits: 145 | Status: Completed

Disclaimer:I don't own the Gorillaz Just Pooki3!
After a fancy dinner at the chinese Restaurant, the Gang went home with a full stomach...
Russel: God I'm full........I can't eat any bite!
Pooki3: Ice cream anyone??
Russel: Oh me and three scoops please????*Smile big*
Pooki3: Ok...*Went back to the Kitchen*
Murdoc looking at the Drummer who thought to be full....but lied
Murdoc: So can't eat another bite????
Russel look at Murdoc.....
Russel: Well you know how we New Yorker can eat...Ehehehe..*Smile*
Murdoc: Oh Whatever......
2D was all quiet and look down.Murdoc look at the singer to what's wrong in his own ways and words.....Oi...
Murdoc: Ey Face-ache! What's you looking sad like a little girl who got dump from her prom date...???
2D was mad at Murdoc saying the mean things about a girl and her prom date...
2D turn and look at Russel....
Russel: you know you can talk to me your best buddy right??
2D: Yea....Ok..
Murdoc was mad and really wanted to punch 2D in the face....Because he wanted to know what's wrong....
Murdoc: Sure go talk to the frigging fat cow!
Russel heard Murdoc and got up and made a fist to Murdoc which Made Murdoc scare...
Russel: Yo if you don't shut up I'll break that ugly nose like I did before!
You dig?
Murdoc: Dig....
Noodle and Pooki3 were making ice cream for them and Russel....
You see the girls didn't eat most of the food..they were saving for some yummy meals...As you know these girls were already best friend or maybe like sisters.....
Noodle: Ooo that looks yummy! *Looking at the large ice cream which is strawberry, Vanilla, and Chocolate and the toping are some gummy bears, cereal, and chocolate syrup ^^
Pooki3: I know...it's yummy looking! *Giggle*
Noodle: Hey...?
Pooki3: Yes Noodle??
Noodle: You're happy now.....*smile* you're not feeling sad???
Pooki3: Well right now I'm happy cause I have friends like you and the guys......but also....*Blushes*I'm also happy cause I met someone I know....and it's...*Deeply blushing*it's.....
Noodle: Who?????*Look at her and wants answer*
Pooki3: *Blushes* 2D.......*smile*
Noodle: 2D?! You knew him?! how and when????*smile*
Pooki3: Actually his real name is Stuart Pot....but people say his last name is Tusspot....I don't know....*Giggle*I had a big crush on him.....when I was 10 years younger.....*blushes*
Noodle: wow...you should go out with him !! ^^
Pooki3: What?! No!!! You forgot that when I get nervous and scared I have these cat ears.......*Sad and look down*
Noodle: Oh....Wait !!!!!!!!! 2D might be......your true love!!!
Noodle: You forgot that the only thing to get rid of those cute cat ears if you find true love.....and he might be the one!
Pooki3: R-really???*happy face*But what if he don't accept me*Now sad face*???
Noodle: Than he's a dummy! I'll kick his butt !!
Pooki3: *Giggle*Thank you Noodle.....*Hug Noodle*You're my new best friend......*smile and one tear fell*
Noodle: *Hug back*You're welcome.......*smile*Don't cry......you don't need to cry cuz I'll cry too!
Pooki3: OMG!!!!!!!! The ice cream !!
Noodle: Oops.......
The girls walk to the lobby and brought one big giant ice cream to share
Russel: Dang that's a large !!*Look the ice cream if it was a monster to eat everybody in Kong*
Noodle: Let's dig in!*Eat the ice cream*
Pooki3: Wow it's so yummy!!! *smile cutely and giggle*
Noodle: Too yummy !! *Giggle*
2D look at Pooki3 for 15 min and start to remember what happen 10 years ago or so....
~~~~10 years ago~~~
Young Stuart Tusspot or pot (2D) was a working as a Saturday boy at Uncle's Norm's Organ
he was working hours to hours till a Man, his wife and a young girl came to the shop and Uncle Norm was please with the people in his shop so he call Stuart to come and show them the keyboard and Organ.....And of course Stuart was a well manner gentleman....and was polite, Stuart show a big smile to the quest and the young girl(Pooki3)Blushes seeing a very sweet, tall and handsome....He did notice and blushes alittle seeing a cute, innocent, and kinda small girl
Stuart: Oh do you like to see some keyboards or Organs?? we just have two of each this morning...
Lady: Oh yes right my love??
Man: Yes it's for our little pumpkin since she's very talented with piano and singing......
Pooki3:*Blushes*Daddy......stop...*shy and soft spoken*
~~End flashback since Muds just hit 2D's head~~
Murdoc: Ey face ache! wake up!!*Hit him hard like a rock*
2D: OWW! I'm ok jeez.......
Pooki3: 2D??are you ok??*look at him worried and cute*
2D: *blushes*Ummm.....yeah love....
Russel: Alright guys time for bed.....we need some sleep so we can be a the party.....
Murdoc: But the party won't start in 8:00 PM!!!
Russel: Well I don't care go!
Murdoc: *Mumble and went to his winniebago*
2D:Umm Pooki3 do you want to sleep with me????*deep blushes*
Russel:Are you sure Pook???
Pooki3:Yes I'm sure...^^
~~They went down to the car parks where Murdoc winnie is there..than they went to a door saying "Sod off 2D!" went down the step and went to 2D's room~~
Pooki3: Wow...this is your room??
2D: Yeah this is my room.....my room is your room....
The walls was blue cover with posters and the floor was messy.....he can't clean his room right??
Pooki3: Wow your room is....well messy...
2D: *Blushes*Sorry....I don't clean my room much but I'll-
Pooki3:Don't worry I'll clean!!*smile cheerfully*I love cleaning!! but mostly cooking too!
2D Look at her if she was a neat freak is she?? well than Pooki3 clean his room like a maid but faster and his room was clean! and the best part you can see his floor!
Pooki3: Ok All done...
2D: Wow.....you clean my room..and you're fast!
Pooki3: Sorry...I love doing things fast...*blushes*
2D: Ok I'll sleep on the floor if I can-
Pooki3: Ummm....the floor looks hard to sleep do you mind...*blushes deeply* sleeping with me??*look down blushes*
2D: Ummm....sure love...*blushes*
Both sleep but not facing each other both were blushing hard but soon 2D sleep and Pooki3 turn to see him and smile*
Pooki3: Oh Stuart....how I miss you....I always wanting to tell you I feel back at Uncle's Norm's Organ but soon I'll tell you....
Soon Pooki3 kiss his cheek and 2D smile thinking it's his mother..
2D: Ok mum see you at the morning...
Pooki3: *Giggle*Good night..
I love Gorillaz don't you???But I love 2D!!! EE!!!!
anyways more are coming are coming are coming! It's there!!!
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Fantasy / Romance / Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 05.15.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 5 | Visits: 145 | Status: Completed