Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ All Star Dreams (Ver. 3) ❯ Chapter Twenty Five ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
All-Star Dreams: Chapter Twenty-Five
By Bekka Mouri-Hibiki
© Bekka Mouri-Hibiki 2007

Robert sat up, pushing the blanket off of him. He got his sweat shirt and put it back on before getting his jeans on. After unsuccessfully trying to get some sleep on the couch, he decided to stay up and get some things done. He clasped his hands in front of him and looked around the living room, his eyes fixing on Betty's bedroom door.

He was going to be alone with her for three whole days. The thought scared him. He didn't know if he could keep it together for that long. It was getting harder to just sit by and watch Betty struggle to make things work with Branslav.

Robert shut his eyes, hoping he could keep his feelings hidden until things either worked out or fell apart with Betty and Branslav. He didn't want to encroach upon his friend but he could tell it was just going to be an exercise in futility if it continued. He wanted her for himself though he wasn't sure how she felt about him.

He leaned forward, glancing at the coffee table but decided not to get involved with reading it again. The table had given him more questions about Betty than it answered the last time he had read it. His mind shifted to how Branslav had been acting that morning and wondered what was going on there. He noticed Branslav had kept his hands to himself for the most part, only touching Betty to help her and give her the light hug.

~What did they talk about this morning? ~ Robert pondered. It had obviously been something heavy since Branslav looked so unsettled when he came to wake him. That had been enforced by the way Branslav continued to behave until he left them.

He sighed, getting up and not wanting to think about it further. He walked towards the kitchen but stopped when he got to a dark stain on the otherwise clean floor. He squatted down to get a closer look and realized it was blood. ~This must be where she landed, ~ He thought.

There was a cardboard box sitting on the floor. It said 'dishes' on the side and he realized it was the ones she had gone to get when she was going to Branslav's. He got up and pushed the box off in a corner so it wasn't in the way. He then turned around to see if he could find any other clues to what had happened.

He looked over at the door to the attic, which was still standing open and the lights were on. He walked to the stairs, ducking down to get past the top of the door jamb. He furrowed his brow when he saw how narrow the steps were, about half the width of normal ones. He went to step on them, finding he had to walk on his tiptoes to scale them.

When he got halfway up, he noticed something was amiss. The second step from the top was split in half. It looked like it had given way from use, the edges jagged and splintered. Having to walk on tiptoe would have already had Betty in a precarious position and the step giving way beneath her probably hadn't helped either.

Robert got to the top, scanning the floor for the nail that had snagged Betty's pants. He didn't see any sticking up but there was a place that was splintered like the nail had been ripped out. He nodded, ~So her theory is almost right. ~

He looked around the attic out of curiosity. There were things covered in white sheets, he assumed were more art pieces as well as boxes, each marked with what they contained. He had to look for a moment before he found Betty's tool box, a big blue plastic affair that was pretty good sized and rather heavy when he lifted it.

He set the box on shelf and opened it, finding it was packed with as many tools as it could hold. He smiled, ~Everything I need should be in here. ~

He turned again, looking for the antenna for the TV. It was still packed in the box it had come in so it was easy to find in the corner by the stairs. He scanned the rafters for the coaxial cable that led to the outdoor antenna but he couldn't find it. He wondered if it ran along the outside of the house.

He figured it did so he decided to put the antenna together first then worry about putting it up. He found he was getting hot in the stuffy attic so he rolled up his sleeves. He was wearing a green sweat shirt since the morning had been cold but the attic seemed to be a lot warmer and there was no air moving. He was still rather warm so he just pulled the sweat shirt off, going bare-chested.

He grabbed the box for the antenna and looked for somewhere to put it together. There weren't any tables so he made up his mind to assemble it on the floor. He lay the box down before kneeling down and opening it.

He started laying out the pieces and got the instructions out. “ Now let's see, “ He muttered as he looked at the sheet of paper.


Branslav stared out the window, still thinking about Betty actually returning his hug. He wondered if he had finally broke through to her and if she was going to start letting him closer to her. He smiled a little, hoping he could keep things going once he returned home. The going was slow but he was determined to have the patience to wait it out.

He glanced over to Daniel. He was awake and playing a video game. He stopped when he noticed Branslav was looking at him. He looked at Branslav, " What is it? "

" Nothing. I just was looking around, " Branslav said. " I can't sleep right now. "

" Oh, " Daniel nodded. " Obviously I can't either. "

" Yeah, " Branslav nodded.

Daniel switched his game off, " So how did last night go once you got back? Did she wait up for you? "

Branslav sighed, " No. Her pain medicine knocked her out. I got to talk to her this morning though. "

" I see, " Daniel nodded once. " How did that go? "

" We talked a little but we didn't have that much time, " Branslav said. He then smiled, " She let me hug her this morning before I left her though. "

Daniel smirked, " Progress? "

" Indeed it is, " Branslav nodded. " She even hugged me back. "

Daniel smiled, " That's good to hear. "

" Would the two of you please be quiet? " Coach Sweet had walked back to their seats without them noticing. " People are sleeping and I suggest you do too. "

Branslav rolled his eyes, " Yes sir. "

" Sorry, " Daniel said.

They watched Coach Sweet walk away then Branslav looked at Daniel, " We'll talk more later. Some other things happened but I can't tell you now. "

" Okay, " Daniel said.


Betty woke with a start, finding Robert standing in the doorway of her room. He was shirtless and staring at her. “ Robert? “ She said as she sat up.

He stared at her, his crystal blue eyes looking intent as he scanned her. The look on his face was kind of odd, like he was about to do something but Betty wasn't for sure what. He walked into the room slowly, approaching the side of the bed. He stared at her for a long moment then leaned over her, looking deep into her eyes.

Betty shivered as Robert hooked his right index finger under her chin, taking her lips in his. She brought her left hand up to his left shoulder, holding onto him as he kissed her. She parted her lips when he flicked his tongue along them, letting him deepen the kiss. She copied his motions, massaging his tongue the same way he was massaging hers.

They finally broke for air, Robert resting his head on her left shoulder as he panted for air. His hot breath made the shoulder of Betty's nightshirt damp. She panted, realizing her fingernails were digging into his shoulder. She loosened her grip, hoping she wouldn't leave marks.

Robert mounted the bed, straddling Betty's legs and putting his hands on either side of her head. He buried his fingers in her hair, tilting her face towards him. Their eyes locked and they kissed again but even more intensely than before. Betty reached up, putting her hands on his hairy chest.

Robert let go of her mouth, trailing hot kisses along her jaw before straying back to her lips. It seemed he couldn't get enough of them. His right hand strayed down to her chest, resting on her left breast as he tested her reaction. She gasped against his mouth but didn't draw away.

He pulled back, looking deep into her eyes as he gently rubbed her hardened nipple with with the palm of his hand through her silky camisole nightshirt. Her breath was catching in her throat as he fondled her, her hips twitching against his as her fingers curled against his chest. She could tell he couldn't believe how sensitive she was by the look on his face. He shuddered but Betty didn't know why.

He moved his hand to her right breast, fondling it much the same way he had fondled her left. Her hips twitched against him again, making him take a sharp breath. He took her lips in his again, kissing her deeply until she almost passed out from need for air. He leaned forward, resting the top of his head against the wall as he caught his breath.

“ Damn it, “ Robert panted. “ I need you. “

“ Really? “ Betty gasped. She felt like she needed him too. She wanted his hands all over her, feeling every inch. Her skin tingled with fire, her heart pounding in her ears as every fantasy she ever had rushed through her mind.

Robert kissed her forehead, “ I want you so bad. Do you want me too? “

“ I think I do, “ Betty whispered. “ I don't know what I feel right now. “

“ You never have you? “ Robert asked.

“ Never what? “ Betty was confused. She didn't know what Robert was getting at.

Robert brushed her bangs out of her face, “ You've never been with a guy before right? “

Betty felt ashamed, “ Yeah. Never. “

“ Baby, “ Robert whispered. “ I'd be honored to be your first. “

Betty blushed then looked him in the eye, “ Tell me one thing. “

“ Anything, “ Robert said.

“ If I get scared, can we stop? “ Betty tried to look serious.

Robert cradled the side of her face in his right hand, “ Yes baby. I'll stop. I don't want to hurt you. “

“ Then let's do it, “ Betty felt like the words were coming from somewhere else.

Robert smiled, “ Okay. “

Robert moved off of her, getting on the edge of the bed as he pulled the blanket off of her. Betty felt a little exposed though she wore the camisole and a pair of shorts, the only thing between her and Robert. He straddled her legs again, slipping his hands under the hem of the shirt...

Betty woke up from the dream to the sound of a strange thumping noise. It sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. The more she listened to it, it sounded like a hammer banging on something.

She scooted up to glance over at the clock, seeing she had been asleep for nearly four hours. She took a deep breath and shouted for Robert. It seemed he didn't hear her so she called again. She wanted to know what he was doing.

The banging stopped, replaced by the sound of running footsteps. Her bedroom door swung open, Robert looking like he was frightened. “ What? What's wrong? “

Betty's eyes went wide at the sight. He was naked from the waist up and very sweaty, just like in her dream. It took her a second to find her voice then she looked away as she thought of an excuse, “ Uh. Nothing. I just was hungry and I need my medicine. What's with the banging? “

“ Christ, you scared me. I thought you fell out of the bed again, “ Robert looked relieved. He motioned over his shoulder, “ I was fixing the broken step up in the attic. “

“ Broken step? “ Betty furrowed her brow. She didn't know any of the steps were broken.

“ Yeah. The second one from the top, “ Robert said.

“ The creaky one, “ Betty muttered as she remembered.

“ You knew it was bad? “ Robert asked. “ Why didn't you fix it before now? “

“ It's creaked ever since we moved into this place. I never thought it would break though, “ Betty said.

“ Oh, “ Robert said. “ Anyway, I found some scrap wood in the attic so I'm fixing it with that but I think you should have someone come in and tear those stairs out and put some in that are wider. “

“ Yeah, “ Betty nodded. “ I thought about it too. The doorway could stand to be taller too. “

Robert nodded, “ Yeah. That would be good. I had to duck going in and coming down. “

“ I do too, “ Betty said. “ That may be where I hit my head. “

“ Could be, “ Robert said. “ You could have hit in anywhere but that looks like the most logical place. Anyway, it's fixed for now. “

“ You really didn't have to do that, “ Betty said. " Thank you though. "

Robert put a hand up, “ It's nothing. I'm glad to help. “

“ So, what else have you been up to today? “ Betty still keep her gaze off of him.

Robert smirked, “ A lot. I put that antenna together and got it up on the roof. After that, I got the kitchen cleaned up and then decided to tackle that step. “

“ Wow. You've been busy. I assume you found the hatch in the attic that goes to the roof? “ Betty asked.

“ Yes I did, " Robert nodded. He wondered why Betty wasn't looking at him then realized it was probably because he wasn't wearing a shirt. He hadn't even thought to put it back on before coming down.

“ Good, “ Betty said. She furrowed her brow, “ What was there to clean up in the kitchen? “

Robert looked away, “ There was some blood on the floor. I guess it was where you landed and bled some before Branslav found you. “

Betty nodded, “ Oh. “

Robert looked around the room, “ Where's your remote? I want to see if the TV's hooked up right. “

Betty pointed to the television, “ Right on top. “

Robert walked over, finding the remote just where Betty said it was. He hit the power button, switching it to the digital channels. He frowned at the blank screen then thought of something. “ Right, “ He muttered, going around to the back.

He unscrewed the coaxial from the the regular antenna port and attached it to the HD antenna port. “ Now let's see, “ He said as he started the channel search. When it finished, one of the local channels came in perfectly. “ Great. “

“ Wow, “ Betty said. “ That does look good. “

Robert pushed some buttons on the remote, going to channel seventy-five. “ Which one did Branslav say it was? “

“ The fourth or fifth, “ Betty said. “ Didn't they have this when you were here? “

“ Nah. The prep league just got this bright idea this season. We have a channel in Taos too. It's like channel sixty-nine though, “ Robert said. He went to the fourth channel, finding it was the music video station. The video was by some pop music artist Robert didn't recognize but the video was almost pornographic since the singer was only in leather bikini bottoms, her chest being covered by the guy that was holding her from behind and kissing her deeply.

“ Let's try five then, “ Robert said hurriedly.

“ Uh yeah, “ Betty said.

Betty watched as Robert turned to a channel that had the prep league logo with a crawl listing the game time going across the bottom. “ I think that would be it. “

Robert nodded, “ Yeah. Not like anyone gives a flying damn about the prep league but they got the sponsorship and the air time so why not, right? “

“ It wouldn't be on if no one cared, “ Betty said.

Robert sighed, “ Yeah but it's just the way it seems sometimes, you know? “

“ Well, “ Betty said. “ Would you rather be pushing a pencil in an office somewhere? “

Robert thought about it, “ Point taken. “

“ Well, “ Betty reconsidered. “ You said you wanted to be a soccer player. You'd probably be doing that instead. “

“ Yeah probably, “ Robert cocked his head to the side. He was doing his best not to look at Betty. She had her comforter pulled up under her arms but he could still see plenty to leave him unsettled. She was wearing a black camisole top that looked to be satin, the lacy edge peeking out over the top of the covers.

There was long silence but it was broken when there was a strange noise. Betty blushed a little and Robert looked at her, “ What was that? “

Betty looked at the bed, “ I think it was my stomach growling. “

“ Oh yeah, “ Robert said. “ You said you were hungry didn't you? “

Betty nodded, “ Yeah. “

“ I'll fix you something, “ Robert looked towards the kitchen. “ Any requests? “

“ I think all I have is eggs and the stuff I bought to take to Branslav's, “ Betty had stopped on her way home from the game to get the things she needed for the cooking lesson.

Robert nodded, “ Then I guess I'll fix us some eggs. I'm feeling a little hungry too. “


Branslav was walking around in the gas station parking lot. The bus driver had stopped in Chowchilla, California to get gas and let the team stretch their legs. When Branslav finally found a good spot, he dialed Robert's number. The phone rang three times before Robert answered, “ Yes? “

“ Hey, “ Branslav hurriedly. “ I'm just checking in on you two. How's Betty? “

Robert sighed, “ It's only been four hours. Nothing has happened yet. Just settle down. “

“ Well nothing better happen, “ Branslav said. “ I trust you to take good care of her until you have to leave. “

“ I will, “ Robert said.

“ What are you doing right now? “ Branslav looked up as Daniel came walking out of the convenience store.

“ I'm fixing Betty and I some breakfast, “ Robert replied. The sound of an egg cracking followed his statement.

“ What else have you been doing? “ Branslav took his bag of snacks from Daniel when he handed them to him.

“ I put up that antenna so she can watch the game tonight, “ Robert sounded a little agitated. " I also did some work around the house. "

“ Did you leave her alone? “ Branslav asked sharply.

“ No. I was around the house the whole time, “ Robert sighed.

“ Well you better not leave her alone, “ Branslav intoned sharply. “ I'll hold you responsible if anything happens. “

Robert growled, “ Branslav. It's going to be okay. Stop tripping already. You know you can trust me. “

“ We'll see, “ Branslav said. “ I got to go. “

“ Fine. I'll be awaiting your next call, “ Robert's voice had more than a hint of sarcasm to it.

Branslav hung up and glanced at Daniel, “ I was talking to Robert. “

“ I figured, “ Daniel said. “ So what's going on? “

“ He's fixing Betty some breakfast, “ Branslav said.

“ Oh, “ Daniel nodded. “ I still can't believe he hit you last night. “

Branslav shook his head, “ It's okay. He told me what I was doing wrong so maybe I'll have a chance with Betty. “

They approached the bus, stopping when they heard Martin shouting. Daniel looked at Branslav, “ I thought I was the first one back. “

“ No. Coach Sweet came out first, “ Branslav said. He pulled Daniel into the bus' blind spot so they wouldn't be seen when Coach Sweet shouted.

“ I don't know what happened. I really have no clue how they got those records! “

“ Well we need to stanch this before the league gets a hold of it and investigates, “ Martin shouted back.

“ But I don't understand, “ Coach Sweet raised his volume to match Martin's.

“ But the blackmailer said he has proof, “ Martin said. “ Can you think of anyone that we've fired that would have had access to that information? “

“ No, “ Coach Sweet replied. “ There shouldn't have been any proof left at all. “

“ Someone must have hacked into the office server then, “ Martin snarled. “ There could have been something left there. “

“ I deleted everything, “ Coach Sweet started.

“ That means nothing, “ Martin cut him off. “ They could have done it before you deleted everything. “

“ Fuck. What are we going to do? “ Coach Sweet asked.

“ I very well can't pay the blackmailer off. He just might take the money then still go to the league, “ Martin sounded furious. “ We can't let anyone know about this. “

“ I think they already know just by watching the team so far this year, “ Coach Sweet said.

“ It's just a losing streak, “ Martin said. “ You need to get them to shape up and start winning or the league will become suspicious on their own. That will open the door for the blackmailer and we can't have that happen. I need some time to get a private investigator on this and then get someone to take care of the blackmailer for good. “

“ We'd better talk about this later, “ Coach Sweet said. “ The team will get back any moment and they don't need to know about this. “

“ No. No they don't, “ Martin said. “ If they find out, we might very well have a mutiny on our hands. “

Daniel looked at Branslav, “ Man... “

Branslav silenced Daniel with his left hand, “ Shh. Wait for someone else to get to the bus first then we'll get on. “

Daniel nodded after Branslav took his hand away from his mouth and looked towards the convenience store. They waited for a few moments when one of the other guys, Tremain, came out. He was a skinny black rookie that had came to the prep league right out of high school. They watched him as he came to the bus and got on.

Daniel glanced at Branslav, “ Now? “

Branslav counted down from five in his mind then nodded, “ Yeah. Now. “

They walked to the door and got on slowly, Branslav looking at nothing but the back of the bus as he walked down th aisle. He didn't glance at Coach Sweet or Martin when he passed them, a million questions running through his mind. He got to his seat and Daniel sat down next to him. Daniel looked at him again, “ Branslav. “

“ Shh “ Branslav was still processing the information. He kept putting it together but wasn't quite for sure what it all meant. He wanted to believe it wasn't something bad but it looked that way no matter how he figured it.

“ We'd better go roust the others, “ Martin said, acting like everything was fine. He looked at Branslav and Daniel before looking at the other guy that had got on the bus. “ The three of you stay put. “

“ Yes sir, “ Tremain said.

Branslav waved his hand, “ We aren't going anywhere. “

Daniel looked towards the front of the bus again as Coach Sweet and Martin got off. They headed into the store. Daniel then looked at Branslav again after Tremain put on his earphones, “ What do you think is going on? “

Branslav looked at Daniel, “ I don't know but it isn't good. “