Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
It was the most amazing night of her life, the night she got pimped out to Tom Kaulitz. Well not exactly pimped, there was no pimp, unless her friend Kaisha counted, but nevertheless, the outcome was the same, a hotel room, Tom, and herself, minus all essential bits of clothing and common sense, and now Dani was the one paying for it.
“Shit!” why, oh why, did the little red dot have to be the one that showed up? Why? Couldn't it have been the nice, innocent, NEGATIVE, blue one? Nope, it was definitely red.
“Fuck.” She felt tears run down her face, and saw them splash onto the counter top only inches below her face.
“My parents are going to kill me.” Making a face in the mirror, she spoke in an upbeat, carefree tone.
“Hey mom, I'm pregnant with a rock star's baby, isn't that nice?” nope, that wouldn't work. She bent back over the counter and laid her head in her arms.
“Fuck, I am so dead.”
“The one time the condom breaks, and I have to get pregnant, how messed up is that?” she raised her face to the ceiling.
“This isn't fair!”
it had been the best thing ever, he had been perfect, just dominant enough to drive her crazy, and kind enough to make it seem just a little romantic, and, oh god, the kisses where amazing! And his hands!
A tiny shiver ran down her spine, with the memory, and the tears almost stopped, but then she remembered the situation she was in, she banged her head against the counter.
“What am I going to do” Dani sighed into the countertop
Her parents didn't have to find out; she could get rid of it. Everything would be alright; things would work out, she could forget about it, and pretend it never happened.
`Who, do you think you're kidding Dani? There is no way you could get rid of this baby. Think of it this way, now you have something better than an autograph and a one night stand.'
“Oh God, help me.”
`I'm pregnant with a rock star's baby!' the tears started anew.
Two and a half months earlier:
“Kaisha, I can't believe you got tickets to the after party!” Dani jumped her best friend and hugged her.
“I could just squish you! I am so happy right now, you have no idea!”
Dani squealed as Kaisha gave out a slightly strangled laugh.
“No, I think I have a pretty good idea, I haven't had this much trouble breathing since I bought you their CD for your birthday. Do you think you could, maybe, let go now?”
Tokio Hotel, Dani and Kaisha's favourite band, had finally come to Vancouver, Canada, and had just finished their first show (to which Kaisha had also secured tickets) and she had just surprised her friend with the after party tickets.
Dani loosened her strangle hold on her friend enough to look her in the eyes.
“How did you afford them?” here Kaisha made a sour face.
“You know the Porsche my dad got me for my birthday?” Dani nodded, and gulped.
“Well, I figured that I could always get another one next year, whereas Tokio Hotel won't likely be coming here again, so I went all out.”
Dani jaw flapped for a moment.
“You sold the Porsche! Oh my god, we must be crazy.”
Kaisha smiled at her friend.
“But it will be so worth it!” they both yelled in unison.