Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ One ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The lights were off the entire time, but she barely noticed it, her mind was solely on the man above her. All she could think about were his lips, and his hands, and everything else about him that touched her bare skin.
She moaned into his mouth, when his hand brushed her nipple, his fingers stayed there a moment before exploring other places and leaving her breathless. She writhed beneath him, doing her best to please him as much as he was her. She knew her skills were severely lacking, but she did the best she knew how, and he moaned a few times.
She had stupidly told him that she was lacking in experience, and he merely answered that is made it all the more fun `cause he would get to teach her and that later she could boast that Tom Kaulitz had taught her such-and-such.
He certainly lived up to his image though; his expertise was not overrated in her opinion. He knew exactly what he was doing; every movement was precise and perfectly erotic.
And when it was over, he told her that he was going back to his hotel room, and to have a good night, then he kissed her goodbye and left for what was probably forever.
Present time
Dani heard the door to the apartment slam shut, her mother and step father were home, and it didn't sound like they were in the best of moods, but they were probably feeling better than they would once she told them her news.
She pulled on one of her fathers sweatshirts and inhaled, his lingering scent giving her comfort.
She opened her door and began her walk to the metaphorical gallows, she almost wished death was what she was facing instead of her parents, but then she didn't really want to die either.
At the bottom of the stairs she peeked around the corner to try and spy her mother and stepfather before they noticed her, they were snogging against the living room wall. `Ew, gross! At least their not yelling at each other this time' she thought.
She cleared her throat, hoping to startle the pair out of their make out session, it didn't work.
“Mom, Kyle?” She watched as the both jumped and reluctantly parted, her mother cleared her throat. As she nervously adjusted her skirt, which had somehow made it's way around her waist.
“Yes Hun, What's wrong?”
The tears started pouring, her knees started shaking, and she felt her arms tingling. She couldn't help it, she was so scared. `Best to just blurt it out, no procrastinating, it just makes things worse.'
“I'm pregnant.”
Two and a half months earlier
She felt so stupid.
She couldn't sleep, not once he had left reminding her that she was just a one night stand and not worth falling asleep next to.
She flicked on the bathroom light, and made her way to the Jacuzzi, silently thanking Kaisha for not cheeping out on their rooms; maybe a bath would calm her down.
After filling the giant bath and deciding against turning the jets on, she submerged herself in the water; it felt like heaven.
She couldn't help but be a little mad at him for making it seem so special and then proving that it wasn't, he could have at least waited until she's fallen asleep, to leave. Actually that would have made her mad too.
After soaking, and grumbling, for a good hour, she decided that it was as good a time as any to try sleeping; she got out and emptied the Jacuzzi, towelled herself off and made her way back into the bedroom portion of the hotel suite.
She wrestled her way into the one nightshirt she had brought with her and sat on the rumpled bed. She didn't really want to sleep in the bed, especially after what she had done in it, so she gathered the blankets to bring to the couch, as she did her hand brushed something wet.
`Ew, what was that.' She shrieked in her mind. Dropping the blankets she peered closer at the creamy substance on her knuckles, semen.
“Semen! What the fuck.” Her eyes desperately searched the floor for the condom they had used, picking it up gingerly she rushed to the bathroom and washed it our as gently, and with as little touching, as possible.
Sure enough the tip was ripped, not a big rip, but enough to be the cause of the mess on the bed. She gulped. 'What if the bed wasn't the only place it`spilled'?'
She hadn't continued her birth control prescription, because she hadn't had a date go past second base in a long time, and that part wasn't her fault, there just weren't any worthwhile guys at Ashton, Dani laughed, now that she thought about it tom was just like those boys, a stuck up, egotistical, playboy.
And then she stopped laughing, and stared at the broken condom dangling from between her forefinger and thumb.
Fuck, this could be bad.
Today was busy, everyday was busy. Every moment was spent doing something to boost public awareness of the band; right now it was reading fan mail and chatting up the fan chat rooms.
Bill was tired of it all; every letter was pretty much the same. He loved his fans, he really did, but sometime he just got caught up in the monotony of it all.
He opened another envelope, took a quick peek at the black and white polka dotted thong, before setting it to the side with all the others, and pulled out the letter, read the same lines he'd seen on practically every other letter that day, and picked up another one.
Bill sat on the floor in a pile of mail addressed to his brother and himself, and two slightly smaller piles of ladies underclothes, and candy underwear. The boost in candy underwear was quite substantial since photos got out of him eating a pair.
Tom was busy with the interpreter for the online chat rooms. He kept shifting in his seat and staring out the window, until the slightly older woman beside him would ask him for another response.
Bill sighed and picked up another envelope, this one addressed to Tom, and tore into it. This one wasn't as fancy, there was no underwear inside (this kind of disappointed him,) and what was written in the letter actually made him laugh out loud at the incredulity of it all.
“Tom, you have got to read this one!” he waved the letter at his brother.
“Why?” tom asked tiredly, as he turned his attention back out the window.
Bill didn't say anything but his indignant huff, was enough for Tom to take the offered letter.
“It's in English, I can't read it that well.” He scanned the page for a moment and then handed it to the interpreter beside him.
“What does it say?”
Bill made some sort of shrieking sound, as he tore the letter from the startled woman's hands.
“Um, sorry, could you leave for a moment?” he asked the woman in as polite a tone as he could muster. The woman nodded, put her laptop onto the nearby coffee table and made her way from the room.
Bill immediately turned a scowl on his brother, as he clutched the letter in one hand and placed his other hand on his hip.
“What?” Tom grumbled, looking away from his twin's scalding glare.
“You could have asked me, plus this letter is not something you want getting out, even if it is a scam.” Bill huffed.
“How was I supposed to know that?” Tom answered in a decidedly arrogant tone. Bill stilled for a moment as he thought it over and realized he hadn't really warned Tom about the content. He had simply rushed over and demanded he read it, not even bothering to think that his brother wasn't as fluent in English as he was.
“Sorry, anyway, let me read it to you.” Bill flashed one of his trademark smiles in hopes of calming his stressed out brother.
Unfolding the now slightly torn letter, Bill began to read.
“Tom Kaulits; my name is Dani Milton, we met in Vancouver when your band was touring. We ended up-” here the words `making love' were crossed out. “-Having intercourse.” Bill stopped to eye his brother questioningly.
“What now bill?” he grumbled.
“Did you sleep with her?”
“I don't remember! There were at least three that night!”
“Tom! That is just gross! Sometimes I can't believe the things you do. Anyway here's the interesting part.” After rolling his eyes at his brother he started reading again.
“I felt obligated to tell you, that the condom we used broke, and I'm pregnant. I've decided to keep the baby. I just thought you might want to know, I won't ask anything of you, but if you want proof I can send it to you.” Bill almost burst out laughing, until he saw his twin's face.
“Tom?” he watched his brother turn a greyish white color, he was looking over Bill's shoulder towards the door.
“Did, you sleep with her?” Bill turned to see David Jost, the band's manager standing in the door cell phone in hand.
Tom gulped, and turned his eyes to the window. His mind was running in circles, truthfully the girls name rang a bell, well more than rang a bell, he could actually remember a few things about her. He remembered that she had chin length black hair, and that her eyes were almost the same colour as his own. He remembered that she hadn't really known what she was doing, but that it had made him feel powerful. He also remembered that she was the first of at least three that night.
He turned his eyes to Jost; he had said something to him.
“I think so.”