Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ Two ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Jost had totally flipped out. He had ranted for nearly an hour, how Tom should have known better, That sex was not a game, that he should have made sure the girl was on some sort of birth control, and what would he do if the press heard about it, that now he would have to make the baby disappear.
Bill' face had darkened when Jost had said that, but Tom seemed unconcerned.
Then Jost had decided that it was all a scam, and that they would get a lawyer involved. That the girl should have known better than to mess with rock stars, that it would be exposed as a scam and that Tom had nothing to fear, it would all blow over soon.
Tom acted as if Jost wasn't even in the room; he simply stared out the window. Bill noticed how quiet his twin had been lately; although he was the calmer of the two it was still so unnatural.
When Jost left to call their lawyer, Bill sat next to his brother.
“What's wrong Tomi?” he asked, making puppy eyes at his twin. Tom simply looked him in the eye, then stood and walked form the room.
“How could you be so irresponsible? You're only nineteen for Pete's sake! A rock star! Do you know what kind of diseases they carry?” Dani listened to her mother rant; truthfully she was too overwhelmed to really notice. But the comment about diseases caught her ear.
“Mom, it's not like he was some rat! We used a condom!”
“Oh? Just how did you wind up pregnant then?”
“I-it broke.” Dani trailed off, this really wasn't helping her.
“Look, mom I understand how foolish it was okay? But it's a little late now.” She took a deep breath and continued.
“I've decided to keep it.” She watched as her mothers face went form red to white in a matter of moments.
“You can't be serious.” Her mother gasped. Dani straitened her shoulders and looked her mother in the eye.
“I'm dead serious. I'm keeping it, and nothing you say can convince me otherwise. I've been given this responsibility, and I am going to do my best to see it through, and you can either help or hinder me. I'd really prefer it if you'd help though.”
Her mothers face softened for a moment, and then grew serious.
“You really want to go through with this?” she asked, sounding almost scared.
“Yes.” Her voice sounded stronger than she felt, and for that Dani was secretly proud. Inside she felt like breaking down and crying, but she had already done that and it hadn't helped; only made her more exhausted.
“I'm going to bed; we can talk later `k? Right now I'm too tired. I'd like to see a doctor though, so maybe you could get me an appointment?” Dani spoke around a yawn as she headed up the stairs to her room, waving goodnight to her suddenly quiet mother.
Clair was actually rather proud of her daughter, she was a responsible young woman, she never caused her any troubles, until recently, and she had handled herself quite calmly through the whole fight. Clair felt like the emotional teenager in the situation, while Dani seemed the reasonable adult.
Clair was so scared for her baby girl though, no one should have to care for a child by themselves.
After calming down, Clair phoned her doctor and made an appointment for her daughter, praying all the while that they would be strong enough to deal with this.
Bill was thinking crazy, he knew it, but really he couldn't get the idea that he might be an uncle, out of his head. It made him so happy and yet so scared at the same time, he had to remind himself that it wasn't proven yet.
He looked down at the letter in his hand and the envelope in his other. It said that she would provide proof if needed. He looked at the return address on the envelope.
#14 153 Gabriela Crescent
Nanaimo BC Canada
N1W 7J8 *
Canada, well they weren't too far away right now, they were taking a two week break in Alaska, not Bill's Idea of a vacation getaway, but the rest of the band had voted him down. They argued that snow boarding was way better than sun tanning. Bill wasn't convinced, his knees and ass still hut like crazy.
He absently rubbed his ass as he remembered a particularly bad fall; thankfully he'd managed to keep his face injury free. Tom on the other hand hadn't fallen once when Bill was looking, and frankly Bill had followed Tom everywhere that day, stupidest decision ever.
The one he was about to make, though, had the potential to leave that one in the dust.
He reached into his pocked for his cell phone he stared at it for a moment and then flipped it open and dialled.
Dani felt horrible, she was tired, hungry (yet unable to keep any food down), and had to pee again. `Not again, I didn't even drink anything this morning,' she thought miserably to herself.
Her mother had woken her up at quarter past seven for her doctor's appointment at eight. Dani felt like telling her mom to shove it, but figured the sooner she got it all over with the sooner she could go to bed, and hopefully stay there all weekend.
With a quiet groan she stood up from her chair in the waiting room, her mother looked at her strangely but let her go. She made her way back to the receptionist's desk. “Um, excuse me?” She spoke urgently as she crossed her legs as inconspicuously as possible.
The receptionist, who was on the phone, held up a finger that was meant as a sign for her to wait, but Dani was impatient “Bathroom?” She whispered to the overly talkative woman. The woman rolled her eyes then she pointed to her left and mouthed `down the hall.'
“Thank you!” Dani shouted as she made a mad dash for the toilet.
“Thank you!” Dani shouted as she made a mad dash for the toilet.
“Miss Milton, let me guess. Forgot to take your birth control?”
Dani immediately disliked the female doctor. The woman was in her late twenties and was actually attractive, but that had little to do with her dislike of the woman, no the woman spoke to her in the most degrading manner.
Dani immediately disliked the female doctor. The woman was in her late twenties and was actually attractive, but that had little to do with her dislike of the woman, no the woman spoke to her in the most degrading manner.
“The condom broke,” Clair offered, only to be glared at by her daughter.
“I was extremely surprised to hear that you want to keep the baby, are you sure that is what you want to do Dani?”
Dr. St Marie's very tone portrayed an assumed aloofness, a rather unpleasant emotion for one to sense coming from their physician. “Yes.” Dani didn't bother to elaborate. “I'd also like to take a test to determine who the father is.”
Dr. St Marie's very tone portrayed an assumed aloofness, a rather unpleasant emotion for one to sense coming from their physician. “Yes.” Dani didn't bother to elaborate. “I'd also like to take a test to determine who the father is.”
“So you are unaware of who the father may be?” Dr. St Marie raised her eyebrow and wrote in her little tablet notebook.
“No, I know who it is; he just won't believe me without proof. I read something on the internet, about how you can determine the babies DNA within the first trimester?” Dani preferred getting straight to the point, she was never one to procrastinate, or unnecessarily draw things out.
This time the doctor looked a little surprised.
“Yes, it's called a prenatal paternity test. We insert a needle through your abdominal wall and extract a placental villus sampling. It then takes us seven to ten days to determine the DNA, and an extra three to match it.” Dr. St Marie walked to the tiny shelf holding a few pamphlets, picked one and handed it to Dani.
“This should help explain what takes place in the procedure. We can schedule one for you, just talk to Joan at reception.”
Dani accepted the pamphlet and grumbled to herself about having to deal with the receptionist again. Clair asked a few more questions of the Dr. Then scheduled an appointment for the seventeenth of June and they were ready to go. Dani couldn't be more relieved.
“Saki? I need a plane to Nanaimo.”
Bill had just confirmed Dani Milton's address and now he was putting the second part of his plan into action as quickly as possible. He knew that if he stopped to think about what he was doing, that he might chicken out and Bill would not let himself chicken out of anything.
“A.S.A.P,” Bill answered as he stared at his nails; they needed to be painted again. “Yeah, tonight is good.” He switched his phone to his other ear as he opened his makeup bag looking for the nail polish remover.
“Seven thirty?” He removed his old nail polish and began to apply a new layer of black as he waited for confirmation that his flight had been booked. “No, just me,” He smiled and blew on his nails, even though he knew it wouldn't help them dry any faster. Bill beamed when the man on the other side of the phone told him he was ready to go.
“Thank you Saki.”
With a flip of the cell phone, his plans were set in motion, and his nails looked much better, now for the white tips.
With a flip of the cell phone, his plans were set in motion, and his nails looked much better, now for the white tips.
Clair was in the kitchen when the intercom buzzed. She quickly rinsed her hands and made her way the intercom console. “Yes, who is it?” She was a little surprised to have a visitor so late at night.