Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bill was stumped for a moment, should he tell the woman on the other side who he was?
“Um, hi, my name is Bill. I am looking for a Dani Milton. Is she here?” he knew his English was heavily accented, but he hoped the woman on the other side could understand him.
“Are you a friend of hers?”
“Y-yes?” `O god this is so weird, why didn't I plan what I was going to say?'
“I'll just buzz you up then. The door is open.”
Clair opened the apartment door to a very beautiful…person. She couldn't quite tell if `it' was male or female.
“Hello, are you Bill?” `it' had to be a boy, with a name like Bill, but with such delicate features it was hard to tell, especially when she noted his painted nails and long hair. She smiled at the `boy' and motioned for him to step into the room.
“Yes ma'am, Is Dani here?” Bill felt so nervous; his palms were actually sweating, that didn't happen often, although often nervous before a show he hardly ever experienced sweaty palms, maybe it was because he wasn't wearing his wrist cuffs? He also hadn't worn any makeup so he wouldn't be recognized.
“Yes, why don't you just go on up to her room it's the last one at the top of the stairs.”
Bill walked up the stairs, feeling his nerves tighten by the second, he shouldn't be here, and he should have left this all to David. He almost turned around but then he was standing in front of her door.
It was a simple door, nothing fancy about it but simply looking at it gave Bill some courage. He never considered himself a coward (not that any man would ever think that of himself,) but he was finding this whole situation, which he had partially created for himself, very nerve wracking.
With a deep breath and a steady hand, he knocked on the door. When after a few moments there was still no reply, Bill decided to simply go inside.
He was slightly surprised by the mess he encountered. There were `things' all over the floor, clothing, books, cds (he noticed one was the scream album), and shoes, lots and lots of shoes. At the wall opposite the door was a bed and in the bed there was a lump.
Bill made his way to the bed, stepping as gingerly as possible through the mess; he noticed that some of the clothes were folded, strange indeed. When he reached the bed he stared down at the girl sleeping there.
Dani awoke to the strangest (and perhaps most wonderful?) sight she had ever been blessed with. Leaning over her was a very beautiful creature, he looked vaguely familiar. She blinked a few times to clear her vision, he was still there.
“Dani?” the being had a very heavy accent but it was cute and it made her smile but then she frowned, why was he in her room? She sat up quickly and barely missed banging heads with the person.
“Excuse me, what are you doing in my room?” she questioned as she wiped at her eyes to clear the gunk from them.
“Your mother said I could come up. I have to talk to you.” He frowned, that didn't come out as smoothly as he had hoped.
“I'm Bill by the way.” He offered his hand to the girl.
Dani was still very confused, but her manners prompted her to take his hand and shake it, she noticed that his nails were painted in a very familiar way.
“I'm Daniela. Why are you here?” once again strait to the point, no use sweet talking the dude, he'd probably just think she was flirting with him. `He must get that a lot, with a face like that,' she thought to herself as she let go of his hand.
He licked his lips, and she noticed a flash of silver. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a crumpled envelope. He offered it for her to take and when she did she recognized it immediately.
She was beginning to get a very weird feeling as her mind pieced together the evidence she had gathered, painted nails, familiar face, tongue ring, long black hair, eyebrow ring, tall, fashionably dressed, and the letter she had sent to the father of her baby.
“Bill, as in Bill Kaulitz?” she gulped
Bill smiled his trademark smile, flashing white teeth.
“Ja, that's me!”
When she just stared, he began to feel nervous again, why hadn't he planned what he was going to say? Why, oh why had he just jumped on a plane and come to see her without thinking it out before hand but then planning never had been one of his areas of expertise.
“Um, you said that you had proof that it's Tom's?” He licked his lips again and watched as she fidgeted.
“Uh, yeah, I'm getting a paternity test done on the seventeenth, but I won't have a sample of the baby's DNA until at least the twenty third.” She hadn't made eye contact once; she simply stared at her comforter as she picked at it.
The silence stretched for a few moments before Bill cleared his throat. He had to do something to ease the tension.
“Okay.” It wasn't working.
“So, do you want to go for coffee, or something?” `Great job Bill, can't you think of anything better to say?' he licked his lips again as the girl raised her face to finally look him in the eye.
“I don't think I should drink coffee, I don't really like coffee anyway... How about a walk?” her face brightened, and her dark brown eyes shined. He smiled and she jumped out of the bed and began searching the floor for something.
“Aha!” she picked up a rumpled piece of clothing, and he almost laughed as he watched her wrestle her way into the overly large, red hoodie. She looked ridiculous, kind of like an apple on a stick, with her slim legs sticking out the bottom of the garment that fell to her mid thigh.
She ruffled her hair, and turned to him. “Ready?” she smiled, and Bill couldn't resist smiling back, but it struck him that she wasn't the kind of girl he would have expected Tom to spend time with, let alone sleep with, she was too innocent and normal looking. She wasn't plain, but after seeing mountains of girls almost everyday she didn't really stick out.
“Ja, lets go.”
They were walking down the quiet Nanaimo street, hand's in pocket's, Saki was following them at a reasonable distance, he had waited in the apartment hallway while Bill had gone to meet Dani.
The silence was still thick, broken only by the scuffing of shoes on pavement. They both stared at their feet; it had surprised Bill that Dani had slipped on her shoes without putting socks on first.
“You are not wearing any socks,” he pointed out.
“I never wear socks, they feel weird, and usually I just wear sandals…” she trailed off feeling a little embarrassed.
He began to laugh. “I never liked wearing them either, but when I started wearing shoes all the time, for concerts and photo shoots, it kind of became mandatory,” he explained, grinning he asked another question. “So how old are you?”
She blushed, and ducked her head. “Nineteen, I'm older than you,” she mumbled.
“So, how did you and Tom…You know, meet?” She began playing with her chin length hair, twirling it and then tucking it behind her ear, he noticed she had two earring holes and both were empty.
“At the Vancouver after party, my friend Kaisha was hanging with Georg and I kind of tagged along and met Tom, we um, talked for a little bit. I guess I had a little too much to drink and we ended up in my hotel room.” she blushed and bit her lip.
“T-the condom ripped, I found out later, because there was, `stuff' on the bed…” she trailed off again, this time turning her head away from Bill, to look at the street.
“Are you sure, that the baby is his?” Bill had to ask, he felt instinctively that he could trust her, but living in the world he did, one couldn't rely solely on instincts.
She stopped walking and he turned to face her, she had hung her head again and was fiddling with her hands. “I don't make a habit of sleeping with guys, so I'm quite sure it's his. The last guy before him was two years ago…”
`Wow' Bill thought. “Two years? Wow, that's…a long time,” he finished lamely. This girl really didn't fit with Tom's usual line up of girls, it was quite strange really.
“So, what do you do for fun?” He asked to change the subject and he watched as she seemed to unfold.
“Lot's of stuff, I play video games, go out shopping, though I hate shopping for clothes, I go out with friends, but mostly I sing in choir, that's my favourite.”
Bill interrupted here “No way, I love singing!”
She blinked a few times and an odd smile curved her lips, and it made Bill stop and think about what he had said, and then she laughed and he couldn't help but laugh along.
They continued walking and talking for a while, Bill kept asking her question and she kept answering them. He learned that she hated milk, except in Fruit Loops and that it drove her crazy when the toilet paper unrolled towards the wall. He learned that her biological father had died nine years ago and that she kept a bottle of his cologne so she could remember how he used to smell. He also learned that she talked almost non stop once she began, but he didn't mind, for once he didn't have to fill in all the quiet spots.
As they began their walk back to Dani's house, Bill's phone rang. “Hallo Tomi!” Dani heard Bill speak into the phone, a large smile on his face, as she listened she could just make out that the person on the other side was speaking German.
“Wo sind Sie?” Where are you? Bill could tell from Tom's tone that he was upset. Bill winced as he answered.
“Ich bin in Nanaimo.” I am in Nanaimo. The conversation continued, with shouts from Tom and soothing words from Bill, when the yelling became louder Bill pulled the phone from his ear and yelled into the mic. “Ich werde mit Ihnen später auf Wiedersehen sprechen!” I will talk to you later, bye!
With a quick snap of his wrist he closed the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.
“He is coming here.” Bill turned to her and smiled.
Dani saw the pavement rush up to meet her as her world went black.