Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 4 ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AN:Italicized means their speaking in German.
Once Tom, David and Fillip, one of the senior body guards, landed in Nanaimo they had very little trouble finding the tiny hospital, which was more of a medical clinic, and locating Dani's room. Jost and Fillip has stayed in the waiting room as Tom went ahead, claiming he wanted to yell at his brother first.
He burst through the hospital room's door, and quickly scanned the room until he spotted the lanky form of his brother. Bill was standing by the window staring out at the quite town, playing with a piece of jewellery.
He ignored the girl in the bed as he made a beeline for his brother. “You absolute idiot, what were you thinking coming here all by yourself, and not even telling me!” DDDD
Bill spun around quickly, placed his hands on his hips and glared at his brother. DDDD“I knew you would stop me if I told you, and someone had to confirm that it's your kid. I knew you wouldn't be man enough to come here yourself, so I did it for you,” DDDD Bill spoke sassily and pursed his lips.
Tom fumed. He started shouting obscenities at his twin, calling him every kind of fool, in every degrading way. He paced and flung his arms as if to punctuate every expletive. Bill rolled his eyes and did his best to ignore his twin; he played with his tongue ring and his mind wandered aimlessly until he heard grumbled words from the hospital bed.
“Will someone, please shut that fucking thing up?”
Tom froze.
Bill mentally giggled at the image Tom made; mouth agape and arms still flung wide, face frozen in an expression of surprise, but he decided Dani was more important than making fun of his twin and rushed to her side. “Dani, you awake Hun?” he questioned his face contorted in worry.
There was a grunt, followed my Dani's fingers grabbing Bill's shirt collar. She pulled him so close that their noses almost touched, he stared into her bleary eyes and watched as she blinked a few times.
“Did you finally kill that fucking parrot?” There was an indignant-(and decidedly parrot-like)-squawk from Tom, following that question, and Bill smirked.
Bill hadn't seen this side of Dani; mind you he had only known her for a little over twelve hours, four of which were spent with her unconscious, but he was a little surprised at her ferocity. She had sworn almost as much as Tom in the last ten minuets, complaining about just about everything.
Dani kept poking at the IV -to quote her- `jabbed' into her arm, until Bill finally convinced the nurse down the hall to take it out, a twenty helped speed the process along.
Tom spent most of the time dumb-struck; she kept insulting him, whether on purpose or not. It was rather obvious she didn't like him much, and Tom wondered how, and why, she had ever charmed him into her bed. Compared to many of his conquests she was rather plain, but that was like comparing a poppy to a rose (or roses, in this case) when they were surrounded by dandelions.
After a while her mood changed, and instead of insulting Tom. “Bill? I'm hungry,” She pouted, and oddly enough Bill felt his aggravation melt at the look. Tom though, felt even grumpier, not only had Bill ignored him the whole time, on top of being insulted almost constantly by the room's only female occupant, now he had to deal with miss needy.
“What do you want?” Bill asked.
“Gummy-bears-” Bill smiled at this, he loved gummy-bears. “-with ketchup,” she finished, and bill frowned.
“You can't have ketchup with Gummy-bears,” Tom shot, and Bill nodded in agreement, it would be a crime.
“Why not?” She retorted, “I think it would taste great.”
“That's just gross,” Bill intoned and received a surprised look from Dani.
“Not you too!” she wailed.
After Dani was released form the hospital, they went out for lunch. Tom had remained quiet up until the point when Bill and Dani had started talking about their tastes in music.
“I really dislike Rap music, I mean sometimes you can't even hear what is being said, what kind of music is that?” Dani giggled over a plateful of food, to which Bill clapped his hands and pointed to Tom.
“Don't let Tom hear you say that,” Bill laughed and Tom felt like strangling him.
“Don't Talk like I'm not here, I might not be able to read English, but that doesn't mean I don't understand or speak it,” Tom interjected angrily. “I think, your choir can just suck mine, who wants to listen to a bunch of stuck up preppies screech their vocal chords, and your eardrums, into oblivion?” Bill choked on his mouthful and turned startled eyes to his brother.
DDDD“Tom that is so rude! What has gotten into you? You've been cranky since you got here,”DDDD Bill asked his brother. Dani's face was priceless in Tom's opinion; she looked absolutely gob-smacked.
“It's rude, to speak in a language that Dani doesn't understand Bill,” Tom smartly retorted as he folded his hands across his chest.
“Have you ever even listened to choir music, you egotistical prick?” Dani shouted and unknowingly mirroring Tom's pose as Bill just sat there watching the two most headstrong people her had ever known bicker about music taste of all things.
It lasted a good twenty minuets interspersed with angry eating from Dani and a series of scoffs from Tom. Finally David decided it was time to interrupt. “I'm sorry boys but we should be going back soon, Dani it was a pleasure.” He stretched his hand out for Dani to shake. She took it with a look of bewilderment on her face.
“Nonsense David, we have to at least give Dani a ride home, right Tom?” Bill protested. Tom's scowl darkened for a moment.
Bill insisted that David pay for everyone's food, to which David grumbled but conceded, figuring that it was probably better to humour the Diva until they were in a more private setting, Bill would be getting an earful on the flight home.
As everyone filed out of the restaurant David pulled Dani to the side, he held out a stack of one hundred dollar bills to her. “This is for your trouble, now we at Universalâ„¢ would greatly appreciate it if you would keep quiet about this whole matter, we don't need the press involved. This should be enough to deal with your problem.” He then helped her out the door and into the car.
One week later:
David stared at the legal sized envelope on his hand, it was addressed to Bill and had come through the private postal address, but David knew what was inside. That little Whore had refused to abort the blob, and had instead gone ahead with her plans to test the baby's DNA. He now held the information that could prove or disprove her claim.
But Tom would never have his blood taken and his DNA would never be tested against that of the whore's kid. It would be best if the boys simply forgot about this whole fiasco, so with his decision made, the envelope joined the stack of mail he had already confiscated.