Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ back in buisiness ( Chapter 24 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Bill felt more than jealous that Tom got to stay behind with Dani and the twins. Apparently being an uncle wasn't reason enough to be allowed to stay behind.
He was happy for his brother, more than happy, ecstatic, but he couldn't help feeling slightly mad at his brother.
He was on the plane back to Berlin, for the interview Jost had scheduled, but allowed Tom to back out of. He wasn't quite sure what kind of interview to expect with it being so early in the day, he had had to board his plane just after six am, with barely five hours with Dani and the twins under his belt, and no sleep. If it turned out to be a live TV interview Bill planned on slowly dismembering David.
It had turned out to be a written interview with Bild magazine, so Tom not being there wasn't as big of a deal, but the question still came up, somewhere between, 'why are you called Tokio Hotel?' and 'how many piercings do you have?'.
"So, why isn't your brother here today?" Bill hadn't been totally prepared for that one, although he should have been. He looked towards Jost who gave him the go ahead.
"Well, Tom's girls were born late last night, so he stayed behind with Dani. He'll be back for the concert tonight." The interview nodded his head and continued on with his required questions, hurriedly scribbling down the answers.
The rest of the interview went by with the same kind of questions Bill had been answering for years, nothing about the interview made it unique in anyway. So in all truth it went by excruciatingly slow.
They were now doing the sound check, it was going horrible without Tom, not that anything went bad, it just wasn't the same. Usually Tom would crack jokes, purposefully play a bad riff just to upset the sound team, or pull off some sort of prank, especially when it was their first concert at a venue.
They were performing at the Olympic stadium in Berlin, THE largest place they had ever played, with a seating for more than 74,000, not including ground seating, it was extremely formidable and Bill really could have used Tom to lighten the mood.
It was their fourth last venue on the tour schedule, and they would be playing three separate dates here, he didn't know how they managed to fill the place once, let alone twice and a half, as to date.
Their fans must be traveling form around the world to be able to fill the place; it was the largest indoor, well mostly indoor, structure he had ever seen in his life.
The sound guys were having trouble with mic volume, the light master was blinding everyone with his flash tests, and the sight of the fireworks was already giving him a headache.
They had quite the performance planned, lights, water, fireworks; it was going to be a crazy and stressful night.
Tom's plane was scheduled to arrive in two hours, but Bill's mental breakdown had already arrived.
He had spazzed out on just about everyone so far, Georg for standing too close while he was warming up his voice, Saki for simply being too tall for Bill to see over his head, Dunja for no apparent reason and David for scheduling the show.
David was now hiding back stage, the boys were off trying to relieve stress, and David hoped it worked. The little diva had really caused quite the commotion about having to come back while his brother got to stay with his children.
He had tried to explain to the kid, who seemed as frazzled as his hair, that although he was human the company was not, they didn't see things like being around when your nieces were born, as important, all that mattered to them was money, and the only way they could make more of it was to schedule the shows as close together as technically possible.
Bill had had quite the fit, which was something he hardly ever did anymore. At the beginning the kid had been as spastic as a pregnant cat, but he had mellowed out in the last year, grown up really.
At the end of his throwing and yelling fit Bill had sat down and nearly cried, Georg had wisely stated that screaming too much would ruin his voice for the show and that crying wouldn't help much either.
Bill had peeked out form behind his hands and given the bassist the middle finger times two, and a sour look that would have caused anyone else to melt into a pile of toxic waste, but since it was Georg he had just shrugged it off and sat beside the distraught singer and offered his shoulder.
After Bill had calmed down, Gustav had suggested they go shopping until Tom's plane arrived. That had brightened Bill's mood considerably and David stored that bit of knowledge safely for use when Bill became unreasonable, he hoped he wouldn't have to use that knowledge in the near future.
Tom stood above the twins' cribs, something he'd been doing quite often, to be honest.
September was asleep, laying quietly in her bed, but Sakiko had been awake for a while. And it wasn't until just then that Sakiko had made a noise.
Looking around worriedly, Tom noticed that Dani too, was asleep. So reaching slowly into the crib, he picked up Sakiko and she continued to cry, but not as much as before. Now it just seemed that she wanted the attention.
Sitting down in a chair in the corner, Tom held the tiny baby carefully in his arms, the baby resting against his chest, looking up at Tom with wide eyes. She seemed a bit small, even to Tom, who hadn't been around many babies in his life.
Mostly by choice, but that wasn't anything to be worried about now. He'd already had problems with staying asleep the night before. He had called up his mom that night.
Sakiko let out yet another cry, squealing insanely as she squirmed out of her blankets. Tom's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you need?" Tom asked, knowing very well that Sakiko couldn't respond yet.
She continued to cry as Tom struggled to hold her. No matter how much Tom whispered to her or how much he tried to comfort her, she just cried harder.
Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed his mom's number. Bringing a shaky hand up to his ear, the phone pressed against it.
"Tom? Why are you calling me so late?" Simone asked in a tired voice as she picked up the phone.
"Mom?" Tom asked in an exhausted, yet scared voice. "I…" Tom let out a sob that sounded like a hiccup. "I need your help," he finished.
"T-Tom? Are… Are you crying?" Simone asked with a hint of ludicrous questioning in her voice.
"I… Mom, I don't know what to do," he responded, not bothering to let her know that he was crying almost as much as Sakiko was right now. "I can't get Sakiko to stop crying, and Dani and Bill went to go get food and… I'm just…"
"Tom, it's okay. Just go pick Sakiko up and hold her. She probably just wants attention. You have to remember Tom, as worried as you are, she's a baby. She wants attention and she'll cry for no reason," Simone reminded him.
Tom let out an uneasy laugh.
"I'm sorry to wake you up. I just didn't know what to do and I… I'll call you later," he promised then added, "thanks."
"Anytime, son… Apparently, that phrase comes to a literal sense now. I'll talk to you soon." She made the noise of a kiss before the phone conversation ended.
Tom could laugh at himself now that it was over. But at the time, he'd been so scared. He was just so sure that something was wrong with Sakiko.
"Hey, Tom, think you could change September's diaper?" Dani asked while picking Sakiko up out of the crib and taking her to go change her.
"Uh, yeah!" See, earlier that day, Tom had told her that no matter what it was, he wanted to help out.
If it meant touching a poop covered diaper… so be it!
"You've got to be kidding me…" Tom said looking down at the innocent September. "…That's what a vagina looks like at birth?!"
"Tom, just change her diaper," Dani ordered. Tom reached over on the shelf and picked up a pair of tweezers that were placed there.
"Tom!" Dani's eyes widened in shock. "Put those down! You can always wash your hands," she reminded him.
Tom looked over at Dani with his eyes wide.
She expected him to… Touch… A dirty diaper.
"Tom, just do it."
No matter what it was seemed to be biting Tom in the ass.
He was happy for his brother, more than happy, ecstatic, but he couldn't help feeling slightly mad at his brother.
He was on the plane back to Berlin, for the interview Jost had scheduled, but allowed Tom to back out of. He wasn't quite sure what kind of interview to expect with it being so early in the day, he had had to board his plane just after six am, with barely five hours with Dani and the twins under his belt, and no sleep. If it turned out to be a live TV interview Bill planned on slowly dismembering David.
It had turned out to be a written interview with Bild magazine, so Tom not being there wasn't as big of a deal, but the question still came up, somewhere between, 'why are you called Tokio Hotel?' and 'how many piercings do you have?'.
"So, why isn't your brother here today?" Bill hadn't been totally prepared for that one, although he should have been. He looked towards Jost who gave him the go ahead.
"Well, Tom's girls were born late last night, so he stayed behind with Dani. He'll be back for the concert tonight." The interview nodded his head and continued on with his required questions, hurriedly scribbling down the answers.
The rest of the interview went by with the same kind of questions Bill had been answering for years, nothing about the interview made it unique in anyway. So in all truth it went by excruciatingly slow.
They were now doing the sound check, it was going horrible without Tom, not that anything went bad, it just wasn't the same. Usually Tom would crack jokes, purposefully play a bad riff just to upset the sound team, or pull off some sort of prank, especially when it was their first concert at a venue.
They were performing at the Olympic stadium in Berlin, THE largest place they had ever played, with a seating for more than 74,000, not including ground seating, it was extremely formidable and Bill really could have used Tom to lighten the mood.
It was their fourth last venue on the tour schedule, and they would be playing three separate dates here, he didn't know how they managed to fill the place once, let alone twice and a half, as to date.
Their fans must be traveling form around the world to be able to fill the place; it was the largest indoor, well mostly indoor, structure he had ever seen in his life.
The sound guys were having trouble with mic volume, the light master was blinding everyone with his flash tests, and the sight of the fireworks was already giving him a headache.
They had quite the performance planned, lights, water, fireworks; it was going to be a crazy and stressful night.
Tom's plane was scheduled to arrive in two hours, but Bill's mental breakdown had already arrived.
He had spazzed out on just about everyone so far, Georg for standing too close while he was warming up his voice, Saki for simply being too tall for Bill to see over his head, Dunja for no apparent reason and David for scheduling the show.
David was now hiding back stage, the boys were off trying to relieve stress, and David hoped it worked. The little diva had really caused quite the commotion about having to come back while his brother got to stay with his children.
He had tried to explain to the kid, who seemed as frazzled as his hair, that although he was human the company was not, they didn't see things like being around when your nieces were born, as important, all that mattered to them was money, and the only way they could make more of it was to schedule the shows as close together as technically possible.
Bill had had quite the fit, which was something he hardly ever did anymore. At the beginning the kid had been as spastic as a pregnant cat, but he had mellowed out in the last year, grown up really.
At the end of his throwing and yelling fit Bill had sat down and nearly cried, Georg had wisely stated that screaming too much would ruin his voice for the show and that crying wouldn't help much either.
Bill had peeked out form behind his hands and given the bassist the middle finger times two, and a sour look that would have caused anyone else to melt into a pile of toxic waste, but since it was Georg he had just shrugged it off and sat beside the distraught singer and offered his shoulder.
After Bill had calmed down, Gustav had suggested they go shopping until Tom's plane arrived. That had brightened Bill's mood considerably and David stored that bit of knowledge safely for use when Bill became unreasonable, he hoped he wouldn't have to use that knowledge in the near future.
Tom stood above the twins' cribs, something he'd been doing quite often, to be honest.
September was asleep, laying quietly in her bed, but Sakiko had been awake for a while. And it wasn't until just then that Sakiko had made a noise.
Looking around worriedly, Tom noticed that Dani too, was asleep. So reaching slowly into the crib, he picked up Sakiko and she continued to cry, but not as much as before. Now it just seemed that she wanted the attention.
Sitting down in a chair in the corner, Tom held the tiny baby carefully in his arms, the baby resting against his chest, looking up at Tom with wide eyes. She seemed a bit small, even to Tom, who hadn't been around many babies in his life.
Mostly by choice, but that wasn't anything to be worried about now. He'd already had problems with staying asleep the night before. He had called up his mom that night.
Sakiko let out yet another cry, squealing insanely as she squirmed out of her blankets. Tom's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you need?" Tom asked, knowing very well that Sakiko couldn't respond yet.
She continued to cry as Tom struggled to hold her. No matter how much Tom whispered to her or how much he tried to comfort her, she just cried harder.
Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed his mom's number. Bringing a shaky hand up to his ear, the phone pressed against it.
"Tom? Why are you calling me so late?" Simone asked in a tired voice as she picked up the phone.
"Mom?" Tom asked in an exhausted, yet scared voice. "I…" Tom let out a sob that sounded like a hiccup. "I need your help," he finished.
"T-Tom? Are… Are you crying?" Simone asked with a hint of ludicrous questioning in her voice.
"I… Mom, I don't know what to do," he responded, not bothering to let her know that he was crying almost as much as Sakiko was right now. "I can't get Sakiko to stop crying, and Dani and Bill went to go get food and… I'm just…"
"Tom, it's okay. Just go pick Sakiko up and hold her. She probably just wants attention. You have to remember Tom, as worried as you are, she's a baby. She wants attention and she'll cry for no reason," Simone reminded him.
Tom let out an uneasy laugh.
"I'm sorry to wake you up. I just didn't know what to do and I… I'll call you later," he promised then added, "thanks."
"Anytime, son… Apparently, that phrase comes to a literal sense now. I'll talk to you soon." She made the noise of a kiss before the phone conversation ended.
Tom could laugh at himself now that it was over. But at the time, he'd been so scared. He was just so sure that something was wrong with Sakiko.
"Hey, Tom, think you could change September's diaper?" Dani asked while picking Sakiko up out of the crib and taking her to go change her.
"Uh, yeah!" See, earlier that day, Tom had told her that no matter what it was, he wanted to help out.
If it meant touching a poop covered diaper… so be it!
"You've got to be kidding me…" Tom said looking down at the innocent September. "…That's what a vagina looks like at birth?!"
"Tom, just change her diaper," Dani ordered. Tom reached over on the shelf and picked up a pair of tweezers that were placed there.
"Tom!" Dani's eyes widened in shock. "Put those down! You can always wash your hands," she reminded him.
Tom looked over at Dani with his eyes wide.
She expected him to… Touch… A dirty diaper.
"Tom, just do it."
No matter what it was seemed to be biting Tom in the ass.
Tom's plane had arrived twenty minutes early, and just in time to save the rest of the crew from the freshly awoken wrath of Bill.
Shopping hadn't lasted more than forty minutes before the more than 148 thousand people that had booked the two and a half shows at the arena, had made themselves manifest in the form of a twelve to thirty year old mass of fans.
Usually Bill was beyond charismatic in the face of fans, and he managed to remain so until someone had tugged too hard on a chuck of his hair she had somehow gotten a hold of and had torn some of it out.
Saki had barely been able to get the boys into a nearby store before Bill broke down. He sat on the floor, curled his knees up, dropped his head between his arms and cried. Fifteen minutes later backup had arrived and ushered them back to the venue, where Tom was waiting.
Now Bill was busy yelling at Tom, once again for no apparent reason. Tom joined in and there was now a yelling and throwing match going on between the twins, no one on the crew were brave enough to jump in, and the G's just found it funny.
"You are a fucking ass-hole!" Tom threw a drumstick at his twin, "why shouldn't I be the one to stay behind, they're my kids, she's my girl!"
Bill had no proper response to that so he picked up Georg's hair straiteners from off the dressing table and made to throw them at Tom, but Georg was fast enough to save his new infiniti nano silver baby; Bill simply moved on the next accessory on the table, which happened to be his own straiteners, and threw them at Tom.
Tom side stepped the cart-wheeling projectile, but the cord managed to whip him across the chest. He hissed at the stinging pain before quickly tackling Bill to the floor.
"THAT hurt you little fuck, stop throwing things!" Tom managed to pin Bill's hands above his head before he caused too much damage with his nails, thankfully they were acrylic and any scratches they did make weren't deep.
"You started it!" Bill growled back, and struggled to free himself from Tom's grip. Finally he gave up and tilted his head back, his eyes filling with tears that he didn't allow to fall. He lay limp for a few seconds before softly attempting to roll over, Tom let him. He glared at the audience that had gathered until everyone but the G's had filed from the room.
They sat on the floor, shoulders, hips and knees touching.
"I changed my first diaper," Tom offered out of the blue. "Oh and I never thought a vagina would look like THAT!" Bill laughed very quietly and elbowed Tom in the stomach. They often switched gears at the end of a fight, choosing to forget it, to forgive and carry on.
"Of course, only you would notice a vagina while changing a diaper... that sounded sick."
"HEY, I wasn't ogling or anything, I just noticed. EEWWW, Bill!"
"SORRY! It just... it sounded weird."
They heard a giggle and turned to see Gustav clamping his hand over Georg's face, Gustav seemed completely calm, while Georg looked like he was going to shit his pants.
"What's so funny?" Bill asked, honestly curious.
Gustav shook his head, while Georg attempted to hold his shaking belly and roll around, practically embodying the term 'ROTFL', but Gustav's hand still somehow managed to remain over his mouth.
Tom gave Gustav a pleading look, and the younger 'G' awkwardly dragged Georg from the room.
"What's wrong Bill?" He finally asked. Bill sighed, he didn't know how to say it, how to tell Tom. "We've always been able to talk about anything. Tell me."
"I-I," Bill took a breath, he wished he could tell Tom, tell him how much he loved Dani, how jealous he was of him, but he couldn't, it wasn't right. Dani belonged with Tom.
"I can't. I wish I could, but I can't." He sighed and looked Tom in the eye portraying his honesty and the pain caused by it. "Okay." Tom was startled, never before had Bill been unable to tell him, but he took it in stride. "Are you going to be okay?"
"With you here? Ja, I'll be okay." Bill laid his head on Tom's shoulder.
It was halfway through the first set, and they had a little break to talk with the crowd.
Talking to 74 thousand plus people was still a little daunting, but Bill decided to treat them like any other crowd of fans.
"Well Tom and I have some exciting news for you," he started, as he wrapped one of the stage towels around his neck.
"We do." Toms reply came back more like a question and Bill sent him an exasperated look. The crowd broke out in a deafening cheer, and Bill raised his hands in a sign for quiet.
"Yes, well Tom and I rushed back home two nights ago, but maybe I should let Tom tell you why?" Once again the crowd cheered madly, and Tom laughed, he played a crazy riff on his guitar, and the crowd quieted.
"Well," he began, and then played another crazy riff, his excitement coming through in the improvised little ditty. "I became a father early Thursday morning!" He shouted as he softly swung his guitar on its shoulder strap until it rested behind his back.
He raised his hands in the air, holding up two fingers. "I have TWO beautiful baby girls waiting for me back home when this tour is done!" He beamed at the crowd, his face and countenance bright despite his two days and nights without sleep.
The crowd roared for a good three minutes, in which time Carl, the soundman signalled that they were ready to begin the second set. Bill raised his hands, again asking for silence.
"At the end of this tour, Tom, Gustav, Georg and I will be taking a little break." Bill smiled as the crowd made it clear that they would be missed. "So that Tom can spend time with his twins, but just so you don't feel left out, here is a song we wrote for you."
Tom slung his guitar back in front and nodded his head to Georg and Gustav, before beginning 'An Deiner Seite'.
Tom's plane had arrived twenty minutes early, and just in time to save the rest of the crew from the freshly awoken wrath of Bill.
Shopping hadn't lasted more than forty minutes before the more than 148 thousand people that had booked the two and a half shows at the arena, had made themselves manifest in the form of a twelve to thirty year old mass of fans.
Usually Bill was beyond charismatic in the face of fans, and he managed to remain so until someone had tugged too hard on a chuck of his hair she had somehow gotten a hold of and had torn some of it out.
Saki had barely been able to get the boys into a nearby store before Bill broke down. He sat on the floor, curled his knees up, dropped his head between his arms and cried. Fifteen minutes later backup had arrived and ushered them back to the venue, where Tom was waiting.
Now Bill was busy yelling at Tom, once again for no apparent reason. Tom joined in and there was now a yelling and throwing match going on between the twins, no one on the crew were brave enough to jump in, and the G's just found it funny.
"You are a fucking ass-hole!" Tom threw a drumstick at his twin, "why shouldn't I be the one to stay behind, they're my kids, she's my girl!"
Bill had no proper response to that so he picked up Georg's hair straiteners from off the dressing table and made to throw them at Tom, but Georg was fast enough to save his new infiniti nano silver baby; Bill simply moved on the next accessory on the table, which happened to be his own straiteners, and threw them at Tom.
Tom side stepped the cart-wheeling projectile, but the cord managed to whip him across the chest. He hissed at the stinging pain before quickly tackling Bill to the floor.
"THAT hurt you little fuck, stop throwing things!" Tom managed to pin Bill's hands above his head before he caused too much damage with his nails, thankfully they were acrylic and any scratches they did make weren't deep.
"You started it!" Bill growled back, and struggled to free himself from Tom's grip. Finally he gave up and tilted his head back, his eyes filling with tears that he didn't allow to fall. He lay limp for a few seconds before softly attempting to roll over, Tom let him. He glared at the audience that had gathered until everyone but the G's had filed from the room.
They sat on the floor, shoulders, hips and knees touching.
"I changed my first diaper," Tom offered out of the blue. "Oh and I never thought a vagina would look like THAT!" Bill laughed very quietly and elbowed Tom in the stomach. They often switched gears at the end of a fight, choosing to forget it, to forgive and carry on.
"Of course, only you would notice a vagina while changing a diaper... that sounded sick."
"HEY, I wasn't ogling or anything, I just noticed. EEWWW, Bill!"
"SORRY! It just... it sounded weird."
They heard a giggle and turned to see Gustav clamping his hand over Georg's face, Gustav seemed completely calm, while Georg looked like he was going to shit his pants.
"What's so funny?" Bill asked, honestly curious.
Gustav shook his head, while Georg attempted to hold his shaking belly and roll around, practically embodying the term 'ROTFL', but Gustav's hand still somehow managed to remain over his mouth.
Tom gave Gustav a pleading look, and the younger 'G' awkwardly dragged Georg from the room.
"What's wrong Bill?" He finally asked. Bill sighed, he didn't know how to say it, how to tell Tom. "We've always been able to talk about anything. Tell me."
"I-I," Bill took a breath, he wished he could tell Tom, tell him how much he loved Dani, how jealous he was of him, but he couldn't, it wasn't right. Dani belonged with Tom.
"I can't. I wish I could, but I can't." He sighed and looked Tom in the eye portraying his honesty and the pain caused by it. "Okay." Tom was startled, never before had Bill been unable to tell him, but he took it in stride. "Are you going to be okay?"
"With you here? Ja, I'll be okay." Bill laid his head on Tom's shoulder.
It was halfway through the first set, and they had a little break to talk with the crowd.
Talking to 74 thousand plus people was still a little daunting, but Bill decided to treat them like any other crowd of fans.
"Well Tom and I have some exciting news for you," he started, as he wrapped one of the stage towels around his neck.
"We do." Toms reply came back more like a question and Bill sent him an exasperated look. The crowd broke out in a deafening cheer, and Bill raised his hands in a sign for quiet.
"Yes, well Tom and I rushed back home two nights ago, but maybe I should let Tom tell you why?" Once again the crowd cheered madly, and Tom laughed, he played a crazy riff on his guitar, and the crowd quieted.
"Well," he began, and then played another crazy riff, his excitement coming through in the improvised little ditty. "I became a father early Thursday morning!" He shouted as he softly swung his guitar on its shoulder strap until it rested behind his back.
He raised his hands in the air, holding up two fingers. "I have TWO beautiful baby girls waiting for me back home when this tour is done!" He beamed at the crowd, his face and countenance bright despite his two days and nights without sleep.
The crowd roared for a good three minutes, in which time Carl, the soundman signalled that they were ready to begin the second set. Bill raised his hands, again asking for silence.
"At the end of this tour, Tom, Gustav, Georg and I will be taking a little break." Bill smiled as the crowd made it clear that they would be missed. "So that Tom can spend time with his twins, but just so you don't feel left out, here is a song we wrote for you."
Tom slung his guitar back in front and nodded his head to Georg and Gustav, before beginning 'An Deiner Seite'.
It was hard getting used to taking care of twins, even though Simone was there to help most of the time, things were still new.
The boys had been back on tour for more than a week now, Dani and the twins had been home from the hospital for five days, and Dani was beyond tired.
Sakiko cried almost constantly, and Dani found herself wishing Tom was there, as he was the only one she seemed to quiet for.
September was quiet, but a bit of a troublemaker, despite being little more than a week old.
She seemed to wet her diaper every five minutes, or spit her soother out, which in turn caused her to be grumpy; where Sakiko would cry around her soother, September was at least happy as long as she had it.
Dani had also opted to breastfeed, seeing as that was the way she was raised, she just felt it was right, but now she was second guessing her decision. Her nipples were raw and sore, not only from the twins almost hourly suckling, but from their scratching while feeding as well.
Dani hadn't even bothered to think about finger nails when considering breast feeding.
Right now Dani was trying to sleep. Despite being mentally and physically exhausted, sleep seemed to elude her; she figured it either had something to do with the empty feeling that had been residing in her chest since Tom left, or that she was simply to tired and worn out to sleep.
She was leaning toward the first one.
Taking care of twins was much harder than Simone remembered.
It might have been that these twins were girls, and therefore much different than boys, or perhaps it was the fact that it was more than nineteen years ago that she had last had newborn twins.
Little things came back; like how to hold both of them, or rather, not to try and hold both, or how singing calmed them, or how sometimes all it took to quiet September down was a little rub on the back to help her pass the gas.
Sakiko though was a different story.
Simone had no idea why the littlest one kept crying, she was fed, bathed, had a fresh diaper, had a soother, and was, although tiny, given a clean bill of health by the paediatric Dr. at the hospital.
In fact, poor Sakiko seemed to have cried herself blue.
She had been crying nearly non stop since last night, and Simone had made it back from a quick trip to the store, to send Dani off for a nap.
Dani had been up in her room for nearly two hours, and Still Sakiko had not stopped crying.
Her cries were no longer the loud wails of a new born, but breathy and tired.
Simone had tried every trick in her decades old arsenal, and none seemed to work. She felt more than sad for the poor little girl, but her nerves were beginning to get the best of her.
The girls were now lying in their bassinettes, September was fast a sleep and sucking on her knuckles, while Sakiko seemed to have settled into a half awake half asleep state, she still whimpered but didn't seem as upset as she had been.
Ten minutes later Simone was granted silence. She immediately set to tidying the house.
It wasn't exactly a mess, but was not entirely clean either.
She had just finished putting the dishes in the dishwasher, when she heard a different cry. Somehow she knew it was September crying, the sound was fuller, healthier.
She pressed the start button on the machine, and made her way down the hall to the slightly darker room that was serving as the girls downstairs nap room, so that she could get some tidying done, and still hear them.
She flicked the switch on one of the table lamps and made her way to September's bassinette.
Her soother had fallen out, but she appeared to still be mostly asleep, just upset that her suck-toy had disappeared. Within seconds, her breathing was back to normal.
Simone turned her attention to the other bassinette, and its own precious tenant.
Her smile of grandmotherly pride vanished, and was replaced by a look of fear.
Sakiko's breathing was shallow, and her skin was a greyish colour. Simone gently touched her cheek, she was cool and clammy.
Never before had Simone seen a newborn look like that.
She scrambled through the house for the cordless phone.
Dani woke instantly when she heard her name called, not that she had really been sleeping, more like dozing.
She stumbled quickly down the stairs, she didn't like the tone of Simone's voice, it scared her; she wondered what she might have done to make the normally sweet and unshakable Simone, yell.
The still beautiful but older woman was practically flying about the main floor, grabbing things and throwing them into a bag she had set near the front door. The girls were already in their car seats. Dani made her way over to them.
Simone stopped her before she could get within five feet, by placing her hand on her shoulder.
“Dani Hun, we have to take Sakiko to the hospital-” Dani cut her off with a surprised squeak and she pushed past Tom's mother to look at her baby girl.
It was then that she noticed how quiet the house was, Sakiko wasn't crying, and for a split second Dani was happy, but then she caught a glimpse of her elder daughters greyish face and let out a wail as she fell to her knees beside her baby's car seat, reaching her hand out to touch Sakiko's cheek.
Sakiko's breaths were quick and shallow, but she looked like she wasn't getting enough oxygen.
“What's wrong with her?” she cried.
“I'm not sure, but I called the heath link, and the nurse said to bring her in to the hospital as soon as possible, she told me not to be too worried but to play it safe.” Simone talked quickly as she slipped her shoes on, grabbed September's car seat and the bag she had packed, before walking quickly out the door.
She came back less than a minuet later. Through the door she had left open she saw the mother to her grandchildren still sitting on the floor, her delicate hand gently touching her child's cheek, tears streaming down her own.
Simone struggled to hold back her tears at the sight.
“It's okay Dani, let's just get her to the hospital.” She spoke softly as she lifted Sakiko's car seat and gently directed Dani to her shoes and a coat, since she hadn't taken the time to put on proper clothes.
They left the house minutes later, with a call to Hunfrith to meet them at the hospital and one off to David-(as neither Tom nor Bill would answer their phone, which David explained, was because they were performing.)-They were on their way to the hospital.
Tom had just stepped off the stage when David rushed over to him.
Bill was already halfway down the hall when Tom flew past him, he didn't even pause when Bill called out his name in question, he was closely followed by a running Fillip.
Bill sighed, Tom had been slightly distant since their last fight, although altogether they had been getting along better; Bill still felt that Tom REALLY didn't want to be here anymore, if not less, than he himself did.
It wasn't until half an hour later when he was still searching for his twin; that he even remembered to try phoning him.
It rang once before he was greeted by the voicemail message.
Fuck, Tom's phone was off.
Just as he was about to dial again, his own phone rang, startling him.
“H-hallo?” he answered, trying to keep his voice steady, the sudden ringing of his phone had him even more on edge than his missing brother.
“Bill Hun! We've been trying to get a hold of you, you need to come back to Hamburg as soon as possible, your brother is already on his way. Little Sakiko is in the hospital.”
*~~~*END PART ONE*~~~*