Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ the babies ( Chapter 23 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Tom had followed the slow nurse down the many twisting hallways, cursing the woman for walking so fucking slowly. She had eventually shown him to a room where he could wait. Since the operation had already begun he wasn't allowed to enter the room in case the opening of the doors would cause a contamination, so instead he had to wait there and try to remain calm.
It was extremely hard. Seconds crawled by.. The minutes were even longer. After what could have been days, but was more likely little less than half an hour, a different nurse walked towards him.
“Mr. Kaulitz?” she asked.
“Ja,” he croaked.
“You may see her now, sir.” She replied and gestured for Tom to follow her.
“Mr. Kaulitz?” the voice startled Bill out of his frantic mental ranting. He looked up at the woman who had called his name.
She came over and sat in the same chair Saki had been sitting in five minutes before
“Miss Milton is out of surgery now, as are her twins. It went very well and the mother and babies are as healthy as can be expected. Your brother is with Miss Milton. Would you like to meet your nieces?” Bill could hardly contain his excitement..
“Yes please!” he nearly squeaked, and mentally reprimanded his voice for acting like that of a fourteen year-old.
“Come with me, please.” She stood up and Bill scrambled to follow her. He was so excited he wasn't even capable of thinking straight and almost tripped three different times.
He followed the nurse to a long hallway with glass walls on one side, behind the glass were rows of clear cribs-on-wheels, each with their own baby swathed in either pink, blue, or yellow.
She led him past the long window-wall and into another waiting room, this one with rocking chairs and softly colored walls.
“Wait here Mr. Kaulitz and I'll bring out your nieces.” She smiled one more time at him, and he was to out of it to notice the bedroom eyes that accompanied the smile.
“Dani?” Tom called out to the figure lying on the bed, face turned towards the window. Her head snapped towards him as soon as she heard his voice.
“Tom?” her voice shook and was thick with sleep. Her hand moved to the crook of her elbow.
“Shouldn't they take this out now? I don't think I need it anymore…” she trailed off. She looked up again, she was slightly cross-eyed until she focused on Tom's figure once again.
“Tomi! You're here!” she giggled, and Tom rolled his eyes, remembering the last time he had been with her when she was in the hospital, he hoped this time wouldn't be so…frustrating.
“Tomi, aren't you supposed to be…somewhere?” Dani tried to communicate that Tom was supposed to be on tour at the moment, but failed to find the right words, instead she waved her hand about, which made her notice the IV sticking out of her arm….'what is that still doing there?'
"I came back to see you," Tom responded smiling at Dani as he stood next to her on the bed.
“Oh…” she trailed of and her eyes roamed the room. “Why? Why did you come and see me?” she looked truthfully unaware of why he would have come. He was gob-smacked for a moment.
"D--Dani," he started, not quite sure how he should tell her. "You uh..." Could the phrase giving birth work with c-section? "You just got out of surgery."
Dani looked down at her no longer large belly; I took a moment for that fact to register in her painkiller fogged brain. She let loose a wail.
“Tom! I'm not pregnant, what happened, what's wrong with me?” She tried to bury her face in her hands but the iv made it uncomfortable. `what is in my arm' empty belly forgotten she stared at her iv once more.
“Why is that still there? Shouldn't they take it out now? I'm not in surgery anymore.” And then she gasped.
“Surgery! Tom where are my girls I want to see my girls!” Tom sighed.
Bill sat in one of the rocking chairs; it calmed his jumping nerves to feel the soothing rocking motion. He had only been rocking for a few moments when two nurses came into he room.
“Your nieces are very healthy Mr. Kaulitz, but still premature, so be sure to support them fully when you hold them, okay?” The new nurse spoke to him as if her were a child, which judging my her apparent age, he was a child.
He just nodded dumbly and slowly raised his arms to the nearest baby. The younger nurse smiled softly as she passed him the pink swaddled bundle. “This is the older one,” she offered and tried to look him in the eyes, but he was to caught up in the sight of his oldest niece.
She was beautiful, her eyes were all crunched up, she was all wrinkly, her hands were curled into little fists; she was perfect. Her black hair was barely visible under her pink toque, and Bill thought that Tom would have been proud of his kid's hat.
She was fast a sleep, her lips open slightly and he could see her little red tongue as it made, what he supposed was, a sucking motion.
“They've just been fed.” The younger nurse offered, trying once again to gain his attention; it wasn't working.
His eyes finally moved to the other twin that the older nurse was still holding, his eyes seemed to ask if he could look at her as well.
The older nurse bent down and held the baby girl level with her twin.
Bill took his time going over every visible detail between the girls; there were no differences. They were identical.
It was extremely hard. Seconds crawled by.. The minutes were even longer. After what could have been days, but was more likely little less than half an hour, a different nurse walked towards him.
“Mr. Kaulitz?” she asked.
“Ja,” he croaked.
“You may see her now, sir.” She replied and gestured for Tom to follow her.
“Mr. Kaulitz?” the voice startled Bill out of his frantic mental ranting. He looked up at the woman who had called his name.
She came over and sat in the same chair Saki had been sitting in five minutes before
“Miss Milton is out of surgery now, as are her twins. It went very well and the mother and babies are as healthy as can be expected. Your brother is with Miss Milton. Would you like to meet your nieces?” Bill could hardly contain his excitement..
“Yes please!” he nearly squeaked, and mentally reprimanded his voice for acting like that of a fourteen year-old.
“Come with me, please.” She stood up and Bill scrambled to follow her. He was so excited he wasn't even capable of thinking straight and almost tripped three different times.
He followed the nurse to a long hallway with glass walls on one side, behind the glass were rows of clear cribs-on-wheels, each with their own baby swathed in either pink, blue, or yellow.
She led him past the long window-wall and into another waiting room, this one with rocking chairs and softly colored walls.
“Wait here Mr. Kaulitz and I'll bring out your nieces.” She smiled one more time at him, and he was to out of it to notice the bedroom eyes that accompanied the smile.
“Dani?” Tom called out to the figure lying on the bed, face turned towards the window. Her head snapped towards him as soon as she heard his voice.
“Tom?” her voice shook and was thick with sleep. Her hand moved to the crook of her elbow.
“Shouldn't they take this out now? I don't think I need it anymore…” she trailed off. She looked up again, she was slightly cross-eyed until she focused on Tom's figure once again.
“Tomi! You're here!” she giggled, and Tom rolled his eyes, remembering the last time he had been with her when she was in the hospital, he hoped this time wouldn't be so…frustrating.
“Tomi, aren't you supposed to be…somewhere?” Dani tried to communicate that Tom was supposed to be on tour at the moment, but failed to find the right words, instead she waved her hand about, which made her notice the IV sticking out of her arm….'what is that still doing there?'
"I came back to see you," Tom responded smiling at Dani as he stood next to her on the bed.
“Oh…” she trailed of and her eyes roamed the room. “Why? Why did you come and see me?” she looked truthfully unaware of why he would have come. He was gob-smacked for a moment.
"D--Dani," he started, not quite sure how he should tell her. "You uh..." Could the phrase giving birth work with c-section? "You just got out of surgery."
Dani looked down at her no longer large belly; I took a moment for that fact to register in her painkiller fogged brain. She let loose a wail.
“Tom! I'm not pregnant, what happened, what's wrong with me?” She tried to bury her face in her hands but the iv made it uncomfortable. `what is in my arm' empty belly forgotten she stared at her iv once more.
“Why is that still there? Shouldn't they take it out now? I'm not in surgery anymore.” And then she gasped.
“Surgery! Tom where are my girls I want to see my girls!” Tom sighed.
Bill sat in one of the rocking chairs; it calmed his jumping nerves to feel the soothing rocking motion. He had only been rocking for a few moments when two nurses came into he room.
“Your nieces are very healthy Mr. Kaulitz, but still premature, so be sure to support them fully when you hold them, okay?” The new nurse spoke to him as if her were a child, which judging my her apparent age, he was a child.
He just nodded dumbly and slowly raised his arms to the nearest baby. The younger nurse smiled softly as she passed him the pink swaddled bundle. “This is the older one,” she offered and tried to look him in the eyes, but he was to caught up in the sight of his oldest niece.
She was beautiful, her eyes were all crunched up, she was all wrinkly, her hands were curled into little fists; she was perfect. Her black hair was barely visible under her pink toque, and Bill thought that Tom would have been proud of his kid's hat.
She was fast a sleep, her lips open slightly and he could see her little red tongue as it made, what he supposed was, a sucking motion.
“They've just been fed.” The younger nurse offered, trying once again to gain his attention; it wasn't working.
His eyes finally moved to the other twin that the older nurse was still holding, his eyes seemed to ask if he could look at her as well.
The older nurse bent down and held the baby girl level with her twin.
Bill took his time going over every visible detail between the girls; there were no differences. They were identical.
Bill held his phone in his hands as he leaned over the sort of crib like thing the twins were in, both sitting next to each other. "Tut Dani wollt zu übersehen die Zwillinge?" he wrote in and sent the message. Of course, he was hoping that he was sending it to Tom. He'd checked seven times that he was sending it to Tom for sure.
Dani seemed to be remembering things a little more clearly now, she had stopped asking when they were going to take out her iv, and she actually remembered things he had just told her, so it was looking up for Tom. He felt his cell phone vibrate and he fumbled slightly to grab it from his pocket; it was a message from Bill.
`Does Dani want to see the twins?' Tom quickly tapped ion his reply. `I want to see the twins you fuck, get them over here!' the swear was meant as a joke and he hoped Bill would understand that, they hadn't been on the best of terms all day
At the moment, Bill couldn't care less about whether he wasn't happy with Tom or not, the twins were so cute and angelic, Bill almost forgot about Tom and their late night tiff.
Both Dani and Tom's faces lit up as they saw the twins. So cute, So sound, So… alive. They were wrapped in swaddling blankets, one in yellow and the other in pink.
Dani held out her arms. “Let me see my babies,” she said with a weak smile.
As the nurses picked up the younger one, in yellow, the baby started squealing in protest forcing the nurse to cringe. But the moment the baby was placed into Dani's arms, the screaming stopped and the child looked up at Dani, burnt sienna colored eyes. Just like her father's.
Of course, the moment was completely ruined when a flash filled the room and everyone looked over to Bill who was smiling innocently down at his niece in Dani's arms, holding a camera, unaware that he'd ruined the moment, merely by capturing it.
“What?” he asked as he looked up and around at the other people in the room. Even the nurses seemed slightly annoyed.
Tom rolled his eyes and moved over next to Dani, who had already gotten over Bill and his camera flash, was now holding both of the twins in her arms. Tom opened his mouth to ask something but it seemed as though Dani already knew what he was going to ask and slightly moved one of her arms as if asking Tom if he wanted to hold the one in pink, the older one.
Tom reached out and held the girl like he was going to break her. his large hands placed safely but awkwardly, he looked over to the nurses for help.
“Am… am I doing it right?” he asked and one of them smiled walking over to him and moving his arms to hold the baby correctly, he nodded in understanding.
Tom was absolutely thunderstruck by his baby girl, he never thought in a million years that he would be a father; life just hadn't been working that way, and he hadn't been planning for it either But gazing down at his daughter he felt his heart swell with an unfamiliar emotion. Something that he never thought he would feel. Well, at least not for another ten to fifteen years or so.
Another flash blinded him momentarily but he was too caught up in the feeling of holding his child to really care much. "Your so beautiful, my little angel," he whispered, then reluctantly passed her back to Dani, eager to see his other child.
The one in yellow was passed to Tom slowly and carefully by one of the nurses after Tom sat down in a chair right next to the bed and Tom held her just as he had held the older, but this one was larger than the last. Still, her little squinty eyes were there, exactly like the first's.
Tom was having what most people would think of as a moment of insanity as he caressed her cheek and was mumbling words to her, only for her to hear. Another flash.
Stupid Bill, If he couldn't pout like-no-other, they probably would have kicked him out of the room.
The baby's face scrunched up as Tom poked her nose very, very lightly and reached her little chubby hand, she wrapped her fingers around his index , and he tried to hold it in front of her nose. He chuckled and pressed his lips to her forehead. There was just something about those girls that made him not care how "manly" he was looking.
"Tom… Thanks for coming," Dani said as she and Tom were having alone time with the twins. Bill was just down the hall speaking with Simone and the nurses were just outside the door in case something went wrong.
"I uh… I wanted to," he replied looking down at the older twin. He probably couldn't keep thinking of them as the older and younger. Since they weren't technically born, neither was technically older. But one had been taken out of Dani's body before the other, so he would keep referring to the squealing little one as the older until they were named.
"But… Thank you," Dani repeated.
"I—You're welcome," Tom said smiling, deciding it would be better to not argue with Dani over something so silly. Dani smiled back and then looked down at the younger, talking to her quietly.
Dani sure was something. Something different. Something better?
Dani blinked heavily as the nurses shifted about in the room. Tom had requested that the twins stay in the same room as Dani, wanting them to be as close to each other as possible.
"How about Sherry?" Bill suggested, thinking about the last hair dresser that had dyed his hair.
Dani shook her head. "No, it reminds me of a dog," she said almost aggravated. But both Bill and Tom knew that it was because she was trying to fight off the sleeping medication. She really wanted to help think of names, since she and Tom still had yet to decide on one, let alone two.
Tom sighed. "Dani, you should sleep. We'll think of names and then give you some options when you wake up."
Dani sighed and rubbed her eyes, just-barely-there traces of what makeup that she'd been wearing at the baby shower. Thinking about it now, Dani knew that it'd been ruined. But child birth was better than a baby shower.
"Don't let me sleep too long, I don't want to miss anything," Dani said very slowly scooting down out of her sitting up position and sitting up on her own as one of the nurses put the bed completely flat and Dani laid down.
Tom leaned over and kissed her on the lips very lightly, just getting the feeling that it was the right thing to do. Dani smiled and gave him one of those loving looks before closing and her eyes and slowly drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
Neither Bill nor Tom spoke until Dani let out a soft, girlish snore. That made Bill giggle softly and that broke the silence.
"You have any ideas?" Tom asked Bill in a whisper and Bill scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, picking up his chair and slowly moving it to sit next to Tom.
"What?" Bill asked in a whisper, leaning closer to Tom so they wouldn't have to whisper so loud.
Tom leaned over as well before speaking in yet another quiet whisper, "Do you have any ideas for names?" he asked.
Bill pursed his lips as he thought. "Middle names, but nothing I can imagine calling them their whole lives," Bill responded.
Tom felt like walking over to a wall and bashing his head against it.
"Think you could go ask mom to go buy us name books really quick? I know mom would know where to find them," Tom said with a smile. He was still as much of a child as Bill was; he still thought his mother, Simone, knew everything.
"Yeah, sure, I'll be right back," Bill said before standing up and pulling the back of his coat down then leaving the room, very slowly opening and closing the door, careful not to wake Dani up.
Tom let out a breath as he looked over at the sleeping Dani, just watching her sleep. Unconsciously, he was thinking about that time they'd spent together.
Thinking about it too much might get him in trouble, especially when he was alone in a silent room. Could it have been that that had caused Dani to haemorrhage? Tom wasn't sure, but he must have looked constipated, concentrating that hard on remembering what the reason was that the doctor had told them that Dani had started to haemorrhage.
"Tom?" Bill asked as he entered the room. He couldn't remember a time when he'd seen Tom look so sullen.
Tom looked up at Bill with a questioning look, not realizing how hard he had been trying to remember that moment.
"Mom will be back in half an hour with the books," Bill said sitting down. It seemed as though once Tom was sullen, Bill couldn't be chirpy. It was just empathy.
"Then we'll wait," Tom said looking around the room, just looking to notice anything he heading in the time that he'd been in there, talking to Dani.
Looking round, there was a rocking chair in the corner that Tom had completely overlooked then there was a roll of black trash bags by the trash can, obviously forgotten by the janitor. There was a calendar on the wall with some strange coloured blob that Tom couldn't quite make out what it was and… Wait, what?
Wow, was the janitor blind? Or was it Tom? The calendar was funny. Or Tom was on drugs?
The nurses or janitor, or whoever it was that was in charge of the calendars were doing a horrible job. The calendar was completely off, saying that it was September… Of 2007.
Tom was half tempted to go snottily ask for a new calendar in the room. He might just forget that he had to go back and play a concert in a few hours if he fussed over the calendar long enough.
After a few minutes of tapping his fingers against the wooden armrests of the chair he abruptly stood up and went over to the wall and pulled the calendar off of the wall, flipping all the way to the front. January… A lovely wonderful picture of a monkey. What he was sure they didn't realize that the monkey had a hard on. Snorting, he flipped the page to February where a picture of a swordfish, nice and brightly colored, but with the dimmed lighting for both Dani and the twins, the picture looked dull, as did most of the room.
Bored with February, Tom flipped it to March, pictures of the Alaskan state flower were shown, blue and beautiful, but dull once again. It seemed as though the pictures just weren't interesting enough to keep Tom's mind off of Dani, the twins, and what had possibly caused the haemorrhaging.
Tom flipped through April, May, June, July, and August quickly, almost eager to actually find out what was on the picture for September.
It was a large pink hibiscus flower with yellow around the outside that covered most of the page. Something just struck in Tom, it made him forget about how dull the rest of the pictures were and focused on the vibrancy of the photograph, even in the dim lighting.
"Wow," Tom whispered. The flower was close to being as beautiful as his two young daughters. Tom smiled to himself at the thought of himself having daughters. It was strange, he wasn't entirely used to the idea, but it was still something that could make him smile.
"What?" Bill asked as he walked over to Tom. Bill hadn't even realized that Bill had gotten up and was smelling the different kinds of perfumes that Dani had gotten as presents. Sure, it was a baby shower, and of course, was for the babies, but Simone and Gustav's mom had thought it would have been nice to get something for Dani. And Gustav's mom had brought by the perfumes, just trying to get some excuse to see the twins. Well, the new ones, that is.
"The flowe—What in the world do you smell like?" Tom asked, confused about why Bill smelled so… Girly.
"Japanese Cherry Blossoms," Bill replied and held out his hand to Tom before asking him, "Want to smell?"
Tom leaned forward and sniffed Bill's wrist. "It smells good," Tom said shrugging. But it'd smell better on Dani, he found himself thinking.
He looked down at the calendar again, looking at the name of the month. Tom found it comical that it had stopped on the same month as Bill and Tom's birthday.
After deciding to put the calendar back up on the wall, Tom stood by the twins' cribs, just looking at them, sleeping sound and peaceful. Tom unconsciously smiled, thinking about them once again. They were his. Oh how well he knew that now.
"Bill? Tom?" Simone's soft, motherly voice came from the doorway and both twins looked over as if lost puppies.
"Ja?" Bill asked before Tom could.
"I have the books," she replied holding up two bags full of books and Tom's jaw dropped.
"Mom it's two babies we're naming, not twenty." Simone scoffed.
"Trust me, Tom, you'll need them," she insisted and Tom rubbed his temples then held out his hands for the books.
"Bill, think you could leave too?" Tom asked, looking at Bill with pleading eyes. This… This just seemed like something he needed to do on his own.
Bill opened his mouth to protest, but Simone gave him the look. That look that all mothers give their children to get them to shut up and do as they're told.
Soon Bill and Simone left the room and Tom dumped the books out onto the floor and sat down with his legs crossed underneath them, a pen in hand.
Dani opened her eyes to sun shining through the window, a steady sound of beeping somewhere in the room as Dani sat up, eyesight still slightly blurry.
She rubbed her eyes before slowly pushing herself off of the bed and moving further up to lean against the wall.
Dani would have forgotten where she was if there weren't two hospital cribs down on the other side of the room. She looked from the ceiling to the floor before noticing a hand. Crawling very slowly, she moved herself to look down on the end, finding Tom surrounded by books, a pen in hand, snoring on the floor.
With one poke, Tom woke up and looked around, seeming almost frightened.
"Huh? Was?" Tom asked looking to Dani.
"You must have fallen asleep. What were you doing?" she asked sitting down on the ground, her legs both bent to one side.
"I was… Looking for baby names," Tom admitted, finding that lying about that would seem almost childish.
"Oh! So did you think of anything?" Dani asked excited.
Tom nodded and sat up all the way, finding a selection of books and started naming some off, "Arianna?" Dani shook her head. "Kassandra?" No. "Valarie?" No. "Lori?" No. "Okay, this one was sort of crack-headed. September?"
Dani's eyes got wide and excitement rushed through her body.
"I love it," she said and bit her lip.
Tom grinned, feeling proud he'd chosen a name that Dani absolutely fell in love with, even if it hadn't been his first choice.
"Okay, September is one. Now I wanted them to sort of match, in a way. So I was thinking just give them the same first letter. So, Samantha?" Tom asked and Dani shook her head. "Shelly?" No. "Sasha?" No. "Sakiko?" No. "Sydney?" No. "Sony—"
Dani cut Tom off. "What was that one you said a few back?" she asked.
"Sasha?" Tom asked, slightly afraid. Sasha wasn't his favorite name in the world.
"No, no, not that one," Dani said shaking her head.
"Sakiko?" Tom asked. He'd gotten that name from Sakiko Kanamori who was born in Japan, but had an opera career in Germany. There was some sort of memorial thing on the TV or something or other when he'd gone to get food from the vending machines.
"Yeah! How do you spell that?" Dani asked.
"S-A-K-I-K-O," Tom spelled it out.
"I like it. Can I come up with middle names though? I have some options to go with both names." Tom was about to ask how she came up with names that quickly when it'd taken Tom almost five hours to come up with the seventy or so he had written down that sounded somewhat like he could put his last name on them. Besides, the two she liked weren't even from the books!
"Yeah, of course," Tom replied, not bothering to put up a fuss.
"Okay, for September, my options are Demi, Anais, Alyson, Julie, or…Anna." Tom wrinkled his nose to almost all of them.
"I like Anais," Tom said and Dani nodded.
"Good, because that's what it would have been anyway," Dani said making Tom laugh. It seemed that she'd just cheered up instantly.
"Okay, now for Sakiko, Connie, Michelle, Sierra, or Dea."
"Dea," Tom said instantly. All the three before that had been girls he'd been with. He didn't want to think of someone else when he heard his daughter's middle name.
"Then it's settled. September Aniais for the younger one, Sakiko Dea for the older," Dani said smiling.
"Wait, wait, when did we decide who got which name?" Tom asked, slightly confused.
"Just now. Sorry, you got no choice in that." Tom glared and leaned over and kissed Dani lightly.
"I'll trust your judgement."