Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 22 ( Chapter 22 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Simone was busy putting up the last few decorations for the baby shower in the living area of the home, while Dani was on the phone with Tom.
Dani giggled as she listened to some of the boy's names he had rattled off as possibilities for the twins. She absently rubbed her belly, pushing against the one spot where one of them refused to stop kicking. She grimaced slightly as the unpleasant action continued.
“I went for an ultrasound yesterday…” she trailed off as she listened to Tom reply, “And they were able to tell me the sex.” She smiled as she could hear his breath quicken. “Do you want to know?”
“Do you know?”
“Yes,” She smiled, “girls, Tomi…we're having girls!” she would have jumped with joy but it wasn't physically possible at the moment. So instead she settled for hearing Tom's reaction, he remained quiet but she could tell he was excited by the quickening of his breath. He let out a laughing sigh.
“I wish I was there.” She could hear the melancholy in his voice.
“I wish you were here too.” She answered softly. “They've been kicking like mad today, I think I'm starting to bruise from the inside out!” she tried to laugh but it hurt.
They talked for a bit more before Tom excused himself saying that the camera crew was starting to film. They said their goodbyes and Dani hung up after telling him she loved him, she never waited for a reply, but she was sure that one day he would surprise her and shout it back before she could hang up.
“Dani Hun, we're almost ready, the ladies will be here in a few minutes.” Simone walked into the room, took one good look at Dani and set the rest of her decorating supplies on the table. “Are you feeling alright Hun?” Dani's eyes were slightly glossy and a slight sheen of sweat covered her skin.
“I'm fine mom, its just the girls have been kicking like mad all day, and its really starting to...get on my nerves.” She had wanted to say `starting to get painful' but she didn't want Simone to worry to much, she was stressed enough as it was with all the preparations for the baby shower.
Simone laid the back of her hand against Dani's forehead and sighed in resignation. “Alright then, if you say so, but if you start feeling tired just head on up to bed, you don't have to even be here for this. I just want you to be healthy.” She smiled softly at the shorter girl and helped her waddle form the room to go and sit in her mother-to-be chair to await the arrival of the guests.
Chelzi was telling a joke in German and Dani was grateful for the lessons she had been taking, curtsey of Simone and Hunfrith, she was now able to at least understand what was being said.
“A pregnant lady was in an accident and she woke up in the hospital. She noticed she was not pregnant anymore and asked the nurse what happened to her baby.”
“The nurse said, "You have two healthy babies, a boy and a girl!" The lady said, "Oh, I must name them," but the nurse said, "You were unconscious, so we called your brother, and he named them!"”
“The lady said, "But he's as dumb as a box of rocks! So what are their names?"”
“The nurse said, "The girl is called "Denise." The woman replied, "Well that is a pretty name, so what did he name my boy?"”
“The nurse replied, "Denephew!"”
“The nurse said, "You have two healthy babies, a boy and a girl!" The lady said, "Oh, I must name them," but the nurse said, "You were unconscious, so we called your brother, and he named them!"”
“The lady said, "But he's as dumb as a box of rocks! So what are their names?"”
“The nurse said, "The girl is called "Denise." The woman replied, "Well that is a pretty name, so what did he name my boy?"”
“The nurse replied, "Denephew!"”
The room broke out in mild laughter, and Dani held her belly as the pain skyrocketed. She held her breath until it lessened then called out hoarsely, “Mom!”
Simone stopped giggling and went quickly to Dani's side. “What's wrong Hun?” the room became immediately silent, and Dani was beginning to feel very dizzy.
“I think,” she paused as the pain worsened and pressed her hand to the spot that felt as if one of the twins was unrelentingly pushing on it. “I think- oh it hurts.” She squeezed her eyes shut and Simone's flew open.
“Chelzi, get my car ready. Brittany, go and grab a blanket from one of the bedrooms. Hailey, I want you to phone the Universitätsklinikum Hamburg, tell them Dani Milton is on her way. Mrs Schaffer maybe you could call the boys?” Simone rattled off her instructions in German ending with Gustav's mother.
She slowly stroked Dani's face, worry etched deeply into her eyes. “Dani, where exactly does it hurt?” Dani motioned to the spot where she had been pushing and Simone placed her hand under Dani's to feel. It was hard underneath the skin, harder than it should have been. She lifted Dani's shirt to take a look at the skin; it was dark and bruised looking.
“Dani, have you fallen any time in the last few days?” Dani shook her head and let out a breath, this time the pain wasn't letting up. “Mom, I think something is wrong.”
“Its okay Honey, we're going to take you to the hospital, try and stay calm, okay?” Dani nodded again before muttering in German
“hurry up, please.”
Gustav had barely been on the phone for a minute when he came crashing out of his hotel room and over to Bill's.
“Bill!” he shouted as he pounded on the door.
“What is it?” he could hear Bill's exasperated reply.
“It's about Dani,” he tried not to say it too loud so that no one but Bill would hear. The door flew open almost instantaneously.
“What? What about Dani?” Bill grabbed Gustav by his shirt collar and dragged him into the room, closing the door once he was inside.
“My mom just called me, she was at the baby shower-” he began but was interrupted by Bill.
“I didn't ask about your mom!” His voice was beginning to show his anxiety.
“I was getting to that!” Gustav shouted back, and then took a few slow breaths before continuing. “Dani is in Hospital, she experienced abdominal pains and Simone had her rushed to hospital. I don't know what is wrong, because my mom stayed behind to clean up the house.” Bill began pacing nervously.
“David, I need to talk to David.” He paced form his hotel room leaving Gustav chewing on his nails.
“You have forty three-hours until sound check at the next hall, be back by then. Do what you have to.” David's words rang in Bill's ears long after he had said them. Forty-three hours wasn't very long, but maybe it would be long enough, now just to tell Tom, and keep him from freaking out.
He was standing outside Tom's door trying to work out a way to tell Tom about Dani without him spazzing out. Finally he just settled for barging in, because he was low on time. But barging in didn't quite work since he hadn't remembered to use the swipe card.
He grumbled to himself and looked down both ends of the hallway to make sure no one had seen his blunder, his eyes landed on Saki who was trying not to smile; he glared at him before slipping into his brother's room.
“Yeah?” Was the muffled reply from under a pile of blankets on the bed. They had just finished a concert and as it was so late they had all decided to call it a night, and most of them had gone to bed.
“We have a plane to catch. Get up.”
“What the fuck?” came the grumbled reply.
“Just come, get dressed, we're leaving in twenty minutes.” He was about to leave the room and pack his own day bag when Tom's grumbled reply interrupted him.
“Tom I'm sorry but you don't have a choice, we have to go!” he turned around and walked over to the pile of blankets that was his brother.
“Why?!” Tom shouted as his covers where ripped off, and he curled into a ball.
“Look, I didn't want to tell you until we were on the plane, but Dani is in the hospital. We have to go. We have forty-three hours to get to Hamburg, see if she's okay and be back!” He shouted, face turning red.
Tom flew from the bed, dreads becoming airborne for a few split seconds as he stumbled about the room throwing his clothes on.
“What the FUCK! You didn't WANT to tell me!” spit was practically flying.
“Until we got on the plane! I didn't want you freaking out!” Bill shouted back and ducked as a shoe flew at his head. He was dumbstruck for a moment before he bent down grabbed the shoe's twin and flung it at his brother. Tom sidestepped the shoe and shouted.
“Stop throwing stuff at me, we don't have time for this!”
“You started it!” Bill shot back.
“Who cares, you reciprocated!” Tom shouted one last time before his hurried motions carried him out the door, bag in hand. Bill was close behind. They continued glowering at each other as they rushed down the hotel stairs, too impatient to take the elevator. Saki took up the rear as Fillip took the front. Saki couldn't help but laugh inwardly at the twin's behaviour. They were in the middle of what could be called a crisis, and they were fighting like four year-olds.
The flight was short, not more than twenty minutes; it was the waiting for take off and landing that had Bill and Tom fidgeting madly, legs jiggling, hands twitching, mouths spewing insults to each other. It would have been funny if it weren't so serious.
Finally one hour after leaving the hotel Bill and Tom were running helter-skelter through the hospital, trying to find an information desk where they could ask about Dani.
Saki let them run slightly ahead as he stopped a nurse and asked here where he could find a patient, she pointed him to a desk in the direction that the twins were running.
Bill was surprised when Saki overtook him and Tom, he had always thought Saki was not very fit, especially judging by his girth, but he was proven wrong, the man was a formidable runner.
Tom watched, not quite as thunder-struck as Bill, as Saki stopped at a desk up ahead and talked to the nurse behind it. He Sprinted back to Bill and Tom and lead them off to the elevators.
“Level three, maternity ward, room 367,” he spoke, not even out of breath.
Bill watched Saki wide eyed as the rode the elevator to the third level, amazed at his bodyguard, the man had sprung more than a few surprised on him in the past year.
It wasn't long before the four-some consisting of the twins and their bodyguards arrived in the maternity ward. Bill had rushed to the nurse's desk and asked for Dani.
“I'm sorry but she's in surgery right now, are you family?” Bill didn't know how to phrase the answer to that question, `yes I'm the uncle to the twins she's carrying'? `No, but my brother is the father to her kids'? Or `Surgery…What the fuck, let me see her right now!' In the end Tom did the talking.
“I'm the father to the babies.” The nurse gave him the once over, then she turned her eyes to Bill and Also looked him over. Her eyes went wide and she mouthed the words `oh my god' before quickly picking up the phone and talking to someone.
Bill could pick up the words `Dani Milton', `Twins', `Tokio Hotel', and `Father', an he sighed, it wasn't often they got through anything without being recognized.
“Tom Kaulitz? You may follow me,” She called out as if she hadn't just been talking to him and walked down the hallway to the right, expecting him to follow. He did and Fillip followed him. Bill was left speechless in front of the reception desk.
`I can't go too?' he though to himself. He was sure to have a panic attack or a hissy fit at any moment, and now he wasn't ALLOWED to see Dani. He felt like pulling out his own hair, and screaming like a lunatic.
Then there were the words that the nurse had uttered, `she's in surgery.' This made Bill turn white and wring his hands.
Bill's hands were red by the time Saki put a stop to his self abuse, directing him to a chair and passing him an outdated diet magazine. He absent-mindedly flipped through the magazine, nothing caught his eye. His thoughts were centered on what could be happening to his Dani, sure she was the mother to Tom's kids, and sure, they could now be called a couple, but he still felt more than brotherly possessive towards her.
He was busy driving himself insane with worry when Saki took the seat across from him and folded his hands in his lap.
“I talked to the nurses.” Saki jerked Bill out of his musings with those softly spoken words. He grunted in response and turned wide questioning eyes on his bodyguard.
“She was haemorrhaging when your mother brought her in; they had to do an emergency caesarean to deliver the babies. They're scheduled to be out in fifteen minuets.” Saki spoke calmly, as if going over the any normal day's schedule.
Bill's mind whirled; haemorrhaging was bad, emergency…bad, deliver babies…not too bad, fifteen minutes…way too long! He was see sawing between Mild elation over the twins `birth' and extreme worry and anxiety over Dani being in surgery and haemorrhaging.