Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Dipped Roses ❯ The Shining Star ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When I awoke the next night at twilight, my room was as black or as a new moon night.
My immortal eyes quickly adjusted, and when I arose and opened my window, it was already dark outside, with the pale moonlight glinting off of the ivory snow.
It was abnormal, something was not right, it never got this dark this fast.
And the smoldering remnants of the across the forest didn’t argue different.
I looked over at my so called ‘neighbors’ across from my house, and saw that one was standing on the roof and he to was looking at the burnt town.
They were also creatures of the night, they didn’t think I knew, but I wasn’t a young moronic teenage fledgling like they thought I was. I actually knew a couple of things.
I silently walked over to my small dresser and pulled out a pair of black straight leg jeans that were faded white on the front and a black t-shirt with white intricate designs on the front and song lyrics on the back.
Well, on the bright side, there was always certain advantages to being a vampire.
Immortality, but sometimes I wonder if life is worth living if there us no one I care for in it.
Not to mention the air that we have around us, our aura.
We had a sensuous, romantic essence, It was very easy to woo mortals and lure them into our layer for a midnight snack.
I scurried to get dressed before for I glanced at the mirror and got intoxicated with Ethan.
The bathroom... that’s were my feet were taking me.
In that room I could risk a glance into the bathroom without being brainwashed into spilling my guts through blood tears.
The house was silent as I walked down the hall.
The silence was comforting, it cradled me like a mother wolf cradled its new born pup.
It was my only companion.
It was my life.
But still....I craved more then silence.
I reached the bathroom and stared at my homely reflection.
Red and black lines stained my porcelain cheeks.
My black and white eyes gleamed with young innocence.
My chin length ebony bangs fell into my face as more red tears flowed over and fell into the sink.
The useless heart in my chest told me I was beautiful.
My brain told me otherwise, that I was a disgrace and I would never find anybody.
It pondered question like, Am I beautiful, Am I usable?
I tried to wipe away the remains of the recently shed tears but the marks wouldn’t leave so I dropped my hand to grip the edge of the cold sink.
I sighed and looked up at myself in the mirror again.

The air seemed to disappear and I was suffocating.
I couldn’t breath.
I couldn’t move.
My arms and legs were bound by invisible ropes.
The world around me turned black and pain forced its way into my spine.
I groaned as my legs kicked at the ground and my stomach started convulsing.
I needed-

Blinked as the phone rang, stirring me from the daydream I had.
I looked into the hall with a dazed expression and headed for the phone..
It began to ring a second time when I was about three feet away from it.
But I was hesitant, what if it was him?
I reached the phone and stood In front of it, looking at it while it rang for a third time.
I picked up the receiver and held it gingerly, slowly bringing it to my face.
I licked my lips muttering, “H-hello..?” in a small voice.
“ we held hands, we shared laughs, we shared beds. I cheated and I remember.
You walked in, ‘ is there something I should say, or have I just seen to much...’ was all you were able to muster.
I remain the one to blame... please speak my name again...love these screams like I do.”
He stopped. The angel from my nightmare.
He stopped, and it was my turn to speak my mind.
“It’s freezing but it’s the desert, what to do?
Maybe we’ll see a body, maybe we’ll see a few, I shook....did you...?
We were once together, but now I am just simply surrounded.
Pain, despair, sadness, I didn’t know one person, one action could cause so many emotions...
Eventually it all comes back to this. Eventually you have nothing else.
Shame really.
We were perfect, we were beautiful, we met in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of nothing, and kissed where everyone could see, no before, no after.
We kissed and it was perfect. It was beautiful.
It was nothing...” There was blood on the floor.
I slammed the phone down and crossed my arms as I continued to look at it.
I wanted it to ring.
I wanted him to call back, to come back to me.
I wanted to feel his arms around me again, for him to hold me close.
I wanted his caress.
I wanted him, I loved him, Star.
I always though it was a silly name, but he was my Shining Star.
And he always will be.