Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Dipped Roses ❯ Diamons in the night ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The phone call had left me shaken for some reason.
I stumbeled down the stairs, tightly embracing my waist.
Just as i had gotten Star out of my mind, he forced his way back in with such tremendous force.
The intimidating darkness of the living room was to much for my mood, so i heading for the
small, dusty window beside the front door.
The silver moonlight soaked into my porceline skin and gave me a firgid warmth that sent chills
up my spine.
I could only guess what my jet black hair looked like, but it probably glinted like diamonds.
I turned my back to the window and looked around the room, searching for something semi
entertaining, a spider or rat perhaps
to mess with.
I examined every nook, cranny, ever shadow, and every glimmer of light.
The small room was almost clausterphobic. Almost.
But I didn't really mind it, I had lived here for so long, that i had grown used to it, and i actually
liked it here.
It was just like the cold, i had been living in it so long that it no longer bothered me, but i needed
it to survive.
The room was very simple.
A broken down firplace that i very rarely lit, a ratty love seat, a couple of wodden chairs, and the
I lived in the absense of sound, light and anything else that could be considered "modern".
There was a small doorway that lead to the 'kitchen' if you could even call it that.
I hadn't used it in over three months, and it had literally gone to hell.
It was merely an empty fridgerator and and a few counters that pretty much didn't even exist.
I came upon the realization that my life was a bore.
There was nothing or no one to do or see, and i hated that.
I didn't necessarily want to change, i was conent with my nightly routine, but how long would
that last?
I figured it would be a good thing to change, after all, change is always good....
I stumbeled down the stairs, tightly embracing my waist.
Just as i had gotten Star out of my mind, he forced his way back in with such tremendous force.
The intimidating darkness of the living room was to much for my mood, so i heading for the
small, dusty window beside the front door.
The silver moonlight soaked into my porceline skin and gave me a firgid warmth that sent chills
up my spine.
I could only guess what my jet black hair looked like, but it probably glinted like diamonds.
I turned my back to the window and looked around the room, searching for something semi
entertaining, a spider or rat perhaps
to mess with.
I examined every nook, cranny, ever shadow, and every glimmer of light.
The small room was almost clausterphobic. Almost.
But I didn't really mind it, I had lived here for so long, that i had grown used to it, and i actually
liked it here.
It was just like the cold, i had been living in it so long that it no longer bothered me, but i needed
it to survive.
The room was very simple.
A broken down firplace that i very rarely lit, a ratty love seat, a couple of wodden chairs, and the
I lived in the absense of sound, light and anything else that could be considered "modern".
There was a small doorway that lead to the 'kitchen' if you could even call it that.
I hadn't used it in over three months, and it had literally gone to hell.
It was merely an empty fridgerator and and a few counters that pretty much didn't even exist.
I came upon the realization that my life was a bore.
There was nothing or no one to do or see, and i hated that.
I didn't necessarily want to change, i was conent with my nightly routine, but how long would
that last?
I figured it would be a good thing to change, after all, change is always good....