Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodsport ❯ Black Sheep ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Four: Black Sheep:
Within hours, Chachi awoke alone in the darkness. He looked all around him. All he saw was black darkness. Kim was nowhere in sight. “W-Where am I?” the thug thought. “What happened?” “You are dead!” a voice hissed to him. “Huh?” Chachi asked. “You died in the haze!” a little girl called to him. “What do you mean?” the thug asked. “I'm still alive!” “You are dead!” the voices called together. “Just like us!” Then, the darkness began to shrink away into the light.
“Hey!” a voice yelled out to him. “Wake up!” Chachi quickly yanked his eyes open. He was in broad daylight again. Kim stood over him, looking down in slight worry. “It's you!” the thug exclaimed. “Of course it's me!” the smoking gun called out. “Who else would it be?” Chachi lied still and shrugged. “Aw,” Kim said. “Here.” Then, the woman helped him to his feet again. Chachi brushed himself off. Kim smiled at her partner. “Altogether now?” she asked. “Yeah!” the thug replied. “Good!” his girl said. Then, she turned to leave. Chachi became lost. “Hey!” he yelled out. “Now where are you going?” Kim looked over her shoulder. “Well come on if you're coming!” she called. “I don't stop, remember?” Then, the fox began moving again. Chachi ran to catch up.
Don't look now, we're branded, we're the black sheep
Sewn apart and Siamese - the black sheep
When the water seems too deep
The shadows always wait beneath
But laughing loud we brave the role of black sheep
If you see me you'll be crossing the street
Or kick me and then leave me to bleed
If looks could kill wouldn't need all the pills
But I take what it needs to be easy with the black
Sheep now
As they walked through the woods together, Chachi was still caught on something. Who were those voices? Why were they saying that he was dead? Was he dead? And when did he die? But that wasn't all. What was with that haze in the city? Did he die there? And that smell, what was it? But oddly, why was Kim not noticing any of this? Why did she not smell that scent or see that haze? Was she… No! She couldn't be, could she? The whole thing was making his head hurt again.
Don't look now, we're stranded here as black sheep
Swallowed whole and out of reach - the black sheep
Unsafe enough for now
We're shepherded from higher ground
But drowned all out we save the role of black sheep
“Hey!” a voice called out to him. Chachi looked up and saw Kim again. “Oh!” the thug said. “It's you!” “Of course it is!” his fox called. “What's wrong with you? You've been too quiet on the entire walk. What's up?” The thug looked at her closely. Could he tell her the truth? Would she think he was crazy? Well, here goes!
“It's complicated.” he began. “Oh?” Kim asked. “Try me!” Chachi paused for a moment. Well, here goes. “Do you ever wonder if you are dead at times or not?” he asked. Kim looked at him oddly. “No,” she replied. “Why?” Chachi just shrugged at her. “Dunno,” he said. “Just a thought.” The fox smiled at him sweetly. “You leave all of your thoughts to me, okay?” she told him. Chachi nodded. The fox smiled at him again. “Good,” she said. “Now, you look tired. You need to rest. I know a lodge where you can eat and stay for the night.” Chachi smiled back at her. “K!” he replied. “Follow me!” Kim called. “Alright.” Chachi said. Then, they walked further into the woods.
If you see me you'll be crossing the street
Or kick me and then leave me to bleed
If looks could kill wouldn't need all the pills
But I take what it needs to be easy with the black
Sheep now
If you see me you'll be crossing the street
Or kick me and then leave me to bleed
If looks could kill wouldn't need all the pills
But I take what it needs to be easy with the black
Sheep now
With the black
Sheep now
With the black
Sheep now
With the black
Sheep now
If Looks Could Kill