Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodsport ❯ Loretta Young Silks ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Five: Loretta Young Silks
Chachi and Kim came to a mansion near the end of the woods. They found it when they followed the lights. Good thing too. The rain was poring down hard. Kim turned to him smiling. Chachi looked blown away.
“See?” Kim asked proudly. “Told ya I'd take care of you!”
“Hell yeah!” Chachi called. His fox smiled at him again.
“Well,” she said. “What are you waiting for? A personal invitation? Go in already!” Chachi nodded quickly.
“Right!” he called. Then they both headed up to the house. Chachi knocked on the door.
“Coming!” a voice called from inside. The couple waited outside. Within seconds, the door opened slowly. A young woman peeked out the door. She looked to be in her twenties. Her short hair was a deep red. Her eyes were a deep sea green. She was French thin. The woman still had make-up on her face. She looked tired.
“Can I help you?” she asked the couple. Chachi stepped forward to the door.
“Excuse me, miss,” he spoke up. “My girl and I need a place to stay for tonight. Can you put us up for the night?” The woman stared at Kim and Chachi for a long while. She seemed about to say no at first. But then, her face became warm.
“But of course!” the woman called cheerfully. “You can stay as long as you like. Come on in.” Kim and Chachi processed inside the lodge. The woman closed the door behind them.
Got answers for everyone, endless excuses
Not happy for anyone, cos I'm trying to break your click-track heart
Seen a vision of perfect grace, airbrushed and lifeless
All contempt and aftertaste its like Im waiting for the scars to heal
You sell Loretta young silks, fashioning yourself as gay
You sell Loretta young silks, trading on your super wave
All style before content, using me as bait
You sell Loretta young silks, swapping your love for hate
The evening war pleasant. Dinner was superb. Roast turkey with grilled vegetables. The wine was deep red. Kim and Chachi ate well. The hostess made the whole meal herself.
“Is everything to your liking?” she asked in a kind voice.
“Yes ma'am!” Chachi called out as he stuffed more meat in his mouth. The woman kept smiling.
“I'm so glad you like it!” she called. “I have you bath and beds ready as well.”
“Okay!” the couple called out. Then, the woman headed down the hall. Chachi turned to the fox.
“She's a nice lady.” he said to her.
“Yeah!” Kim replied neutrally. Chachi sat back smiling. But, his smile slowly faded. Something didn't sit well with him. The woman seemed so sad in some way. He just couldn't figure out why. Kim set her utensils and napkin on her plate.
“Well,” she called. “I'm heading off to bed now. Good night!” Chachi just slightly nodded at her.
“Night!” he called back. Kim blew a kiss at him, rose up from the table, and headed to the bathroom.
Chachi sat at the table alone. Something just didn't seem right in this lodge. But what was it? What was wrong with this picture?
Soft focus for full appeal, pictured as flawless
No contest for self esteem, was that be pushed to give your love on that
As far as the eye can see: too much perfection
Pure substance for wannabes, keeps you beating to a click-track heart
You sell Loretta young silks, fashioning yourself as gay
You sell Loretta young silks, trading on your super wave
All style before content, using me as bait
You sell Loretta young silks, swapping your love for hate
Chachi lied awake in his bed. So much was on his mind. That smell was back again. Only, it was stronger this time. The smell was of some sort of meat drying in the sun. Chachi began to feel queasy again. What was he smelling? The smell wasn't the only problem however. He kept hearing those voices telling him that he was dead. What did they mean by that? How could he be dead if he was up and walking around?
However, Chachi's thoughts were distracted when he heard someone crying. “Hm?” he thought in confusion. “Who's cryin' at this time of night?” He got up to investigate.
Chachi found the hostess in the den sitting on the floor crying. The thug walked in slowly. The woman looked up slowly at him. Her make-up was completely ruined. The wrinkles of her true age were starting to show. Chachi began to feel sorry for her.
“What?” the woman snapped. Chachi stepped forward slowly.
“Is… something wrong?” he asked. The hostess hesitated at first. Then she just turned away in silence. Chachi sat down next to her waiting. Time seemed dead at the moment. The thug looked around while he waited for her to calm down some. He noticed a picture of the woman with a man next to her above the mantle. Both looked really young. Chachi turned back to the woman.
“Is that your husband?” he asked aloud.
“Was!” the woman corrected. Chachi looked at her confused again.
“What do you mean?” he asked. The woman looked up at him with tears in her eyes.
“He left me!” she replied bitterly. Chachi was all ears now.
“Why?” he asked. The woman's lips trembled nervously.
“I was too perfect for him.” she replied.
“I'm not following.” the thug replied in confusion. The woman dries her eyes slowly.
“Years ago,” she started off. “My husband and I ran this lodge together. I inherited from my grandfather after he died. I was determined to run it the way he did. My husband and I were a great team at first. Those were happy times. My husband and I were in love then as well.
“But then, my mother died. I was devastated. She was like my best friend before I met my husband. I seemed to want to fill in her shoes. I worked to make this place perfect. I worked so much on this lodge that I began to neglect my husband in everything. He was understanding about my work at first. But then, we drifted apart and became different people. I was obsessed with making this place perfect. He just wanted me to pat attention to him once in a while. Over time, he lost patience. Then one day, he just up and left me. No words, just left me.” The hostess began to cry again.
Chachi felt bad for her. He held her in his arms and let her cry there. But no sooner had he done that, be began to smell that stench on her body. He began to feel sick again. What was that smell?
“Miss,” Chachi spoke up.
“Hm?” the woman asked not looking up from his chest.
“Why do I keep smelling drying meat?” he asked bluntly.
“Pardon?” the woman asked softly without looking up. Chachi kept trying to brave the stench.
“I keep smelling some meat drying,” the thug explained. “Why is that? Why do you smell like that?” The woman still didn't look up, but she was smiling like a serpent.
“Oh don't worry,” she called. “You'll get used to it after a while!” Chachi looked at her as if she was insane. The obviously didn't sit well with him.
You sell Loretta young silks, fashioning yourself as gay
You sell Loretta young silks, trading on your super wave
All style before content, using me as bait
You sell Loretta young silks, swapping your love for hate
You sell Loretta young silks, swapping your love for hate
You sell Loretta young silks, swapping your love for hate
You sell Loretta young silks, swapping your love for hate
You sell Loretta young silks, swapping your love for hate
The morning was fresh and clear. Kim and Chachi were heading out the door. The thug turned back to the hostess while he and Kim were leaving. She was smiling at them while looking like she did when she first met them. Chachi was now creped out about her. Why did she smell like drying meat? Was she “dead” like him? And what did she mean he would get used to it? The thug trembled at the last question.
“Chachi?” a voice asked him. The thug quickly looked up. Kim was looking at him smiling.
“What's on you mind?” she asked. Chachi kept quiet for a moment. Then, he shook his head.
“Nothing,” the thug replied with a small smile. “Nothing at all!” Kim didn't believe him at all. But, she chose to say nothing. Instead, she smiled and said,
“Okay,” Chachi just smiled. Then, they headed down the road to another adventure.
Swapping Your Love for Hate