Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Bound Together ❯ Out of the Fire, Into the Oven ( Chapter 14 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 14
Out of the Fire, Into an Oven
Out of the Fire, Into an Oven
Tai-Shi collapsed to the ground with his hands to his face shaking. He couldn't believe what he had just done. Tai-Li had crawled over to the fragile boy and pulled him into an embrace.
“Shh…it's okay Tai-Shi. It's over now…” Tai-Li said quietly, hoping the calm the boy.
“What have I done? What have I done?” Tai-Shi continued to shake and cry into Tai-Li's chest. “I…I'd killed someone again…”
“Tai-Shi…not this again.” Tai-Li paused as he gently pushed him back to get a clear look at his face. “You did not kill mother.”
“Stop it! If I didn't kill her, none of this would have happened. Father would be well…mother would be here…we'd probably have a little sister and you'd be marrying her come next month…” Tai-Shi looked away, not wanting to see how Tai-Li was looking at him.
Next month was when Tai-Li would finally become of age to take over the Kay estate. He was to become the Master of their home finally, and if there was a pure blooded Kay daughter he would marry her to take on the legacy of the Kay Clan. Though, Tai-Shi knew it didn't matter anymore. They were already mutts as he learned when he was staying with Rei.
“Tai-Shi…please stop this. That wasn't your fault, and I'll be Master of the estate…and you'll finally be free. You won't have to worry about our father anymore. He will have no say about what you can do…and I won't let him lay a hand on you.” Tai-Li said softly, gently kissing his forehead.
Tai-Shi shook his head.
“Tai-Shi?” Tai-Li asked as he stared down at the still shaking boy.
“I want to sleep…” He said quietly.
“It's still morning Tai-Shi…” Tai-Li stated.
“I want to sleep!” Tai-Shi said a little more forcefully.
Tai-Li sighed as he slowly got up, and lifted Tai-Shi up into his arms.
“Put me down! I can walk!” Tai-Shi squirmed.
“Don't care…” Tai-Li said as he began the walk back to the Mori estate.
“Put me down! Put me down!” Tai-Shi continued to squirm and flail.
“Stop squirming! You're going to hurt someone.” Tai-Li fought back, trying to hold the fighting blond.
“Put me down!” Tai-Shi whined.
“You're such a child…” Tai-Li sighed as he walked around a few rocks.
“Am not! I'm just a few years younger then you!” Tai-Shi exclaimed.
“Then grow up.” Tai-Li growled.
Tai-Shi jumped, Tai-Li had never used that tone with him before, and it scared him.
Tai-Li sighed. He had messed up again.
“I'm sorry…” Tai-Li said slowly.
Tai-Shi had finally stopped squirming, but he didn't answer.
“It's just…everything is different now. No matter how hard I try to see things differently…or close my eyes to it…it's still right there in front of me. I can't change what happened, nor can I make any of it go away.” Tai-Li sighed.
Tai-Shi nodded, and looked away, finally spotting Sei's home. He squirmed slightly and finally Tai-Li put him down.
~ * ~
Sei sighed, “How'd we get stuck with you…I'll never understand.”
“Quit teasing.” Allen squeaked as he gently nudged Sei in the ribs.
“Ow! I was kidding. You know I don't mind.” Sei laughed and rubbed his ribs.
“Still…it sounds mean…” Allen pouted.
“It's alright Allen, I don't mind, really.” Tai-Shi smiled.
Tai-Shi had arranged to stay with Sei until everything had cooled over. News had come to the Path and Mori estates that Rei was badly injured, but he wasn't dead. Turns out Rei's name had a little truth to it after all. Tai-Shi was glad that he hadn't killed Rei, but at the same time had mixed feelings. It had seemed that Rei hadn't ratted Tai-Shi out, or if he even could.
“See, he doesn't mind.” Sei smiled and ruffled Allen's hair a bit.
“Hey hey hey!” Allen moved away and ducked behind the blond.
“Anyway, is Tai-Li coming by today?” Sei asked quietly, not sure if it was a touchy subject or not.
Tai-Shi shook his head, “He can't come by for a while. He is busy with customs and such.”
“That's right…Tai-Li is getting ready to inherit the Kay estate.” Allen smiled. “Soon you'll be able to go home.”
“Ya…” Tai-Shi nodded slowly.
Tai-Li had slowly begun to patch up his relationship with Tai-Shi. Everything was still awkward, but it was getting better, slowly. He had arranged for Tai-Shi to stay at the Mori estate through certain conditions.
Life had returned back to normal for everyone, except Sei. He now had to worry about Tai-Shi, who had become attached to him during the stay. Sei didn't mind at first, but at times it got really annoying.
“What are we going to do today?” Allen smiled brightly, latching onto Sei's hand. He'd love to just spend the day with Allen, but he knew that wasn't going to happen.
Tai-Shi lightly bit his left index finger and looked away from the two. He didn't like the feeling he was invading their privacy, and the glances Sei kept giving him wasn't making it any better for him.
Allen blushed and quickly let go of Sei's hand as he darted down the hall ahead of the two. “Let's go out.” Allen said but was interrupted.
“Young Master Mori?” A guard asked slowly as he approached the group.
“Yes?” Sei said as he looked up at the guard who was just slightly taller then him.
“There has been a report that the young Path has gone missing.” He paused and spotted Allen, who had passed him by before he called for Sei. “Young Path!”
Allen jumped and ran behind both Tai-Shi and Sei.
“What do you mean missing? Allen can only come when his father gives him the permission to…right?” Sei turned to the guilty Allen. “Allen?”
“I snuck out…” Allen said slowly.
“Allen…if they know you're here…then you're father is going suspect something even more!” Sei said, getting a little agitated.
“I…I didn't want to be there today.” Allen said quietly.
“Why didn't you want to stay home?” Tai-Shi asked.
“I don't want to talk about it…” Allen said quietly.
“You need to go home.” Sei sighed, not liking the thought of sending Allen home.
“But…” Allen began to fuss.
“No buts…if you're not supposed to be out, then you're not supposed to be here.” Sei had to put the foot down, at least in front of the guard.
Allen sighed and looked away. “Alright…”
Tai-Shi watched as Allen quickly walked away from them. Tai-Shi glanced at Allen and then back to Sei and turned to quickly follow after Allen.
Allen rushed around the corner and leaned against the wall. He jumped slightly when Tai-Shi approached him.
“What's wrong Allen?” Tai-Shi asked.
“I…I don't want to talk about it.” Allen said quietly as he slowly began to walk away.
“What's going on at your home that you don't want to go back to it?” Tai-Shi asked.
Allen didn't stop walking, but he hesitated to answer.
“Allen?” Tai-Shi asked slowly.
“My father has made plans for me…” Allen began slowly, finally stopping as the two came to the outer courtyard.
“Plans? Like for today?” Tai-Shi asked.
“No…for my future. He's planned my life for when I take over the Path estate.” Allen said as he slowly turned.
“Is that really that bad?” Tai-Shi asked, stopping as he stared down at the small boy.
“I won't be able to come here anymore…” Allen said with a fake smile. “I'll be married come harvest time this year.”
“Married? To who?” Tai-Shi asked a bit alarmed
“I'll be meeting her today.” Allen said as he slowly began to pace towards the exit, where his painted horse waited for him.
“Does Sei know?” Tai-Shi asked as he watched Allen jump up onto his horse with some difficulty.
“No…I didn't want to worry him.” Allen said as he pulled the reins and took off back towards his estate.
Tai-Shi stood watching Allen ride off, and couldn't help but think, `I have a bad feeling about this…'
~ * ~
“Yee father, I know…” Tai-Li sighed.
“You will not speak to me like that!” Eliot growled down at his son.
Tai-Li sighed, “Yes father.”
“Now, recite to me the text from a book of our family's history.” Eliot watched Tai-Li.
“Father, why must we repeat the same thing over and over day in and day out?” Tai-Li sighed.
“I am preparing you to take over this estate for when I'm gone.” He watched his son, “You will do as I say for you to become the next Master of this estate.”
“Yes father…” Tai-Li sighed.
“Now, repeat to me the text from our family's history.” Eliot said again, growing frustrated with his sun.
“Father…when will you acknowledge Tai-Shi as your son?” Tai-Li looked straight at his father, challenging his angered face with his own.
“You are the only son I have.” He said crossly.
“Stop denying it! How long are you going to try and fool yourself! You have two sons father…TWO!” Tai-Li yelled as he jumped to his feet and slammed his fists on the table in front of him.
Eliot quickly stood and quickly approached his son.
“You will not talk back to me!” Eliot raised his hand and Tai-Li stood still watching.
“You are ill father! You haven't been well since mother died!” Tai-Li stumbled slightly as his father's fist connected with his right cheek bone. He slowly turned and glared at his father coldly.
“This family is going to die when you die; I would rather much like it to have outlived my own son.” Eliot growled.
Tai-Li wasn't afraid of his father's obvious threat, but he didn't want to press his father's luck too much just yet. He still had a few things to take care of before he became the heir to his estate.
“You are dismissed to your room for the rest of the evening.” Eliot turned and hurried off away from Tai-Li, not turning back or regretting the thread he had made to kill Tai-Li if he had continued to defy him.
“Soon old man…you will have no authority here…” Tai-Li mumbled as he rubbed his bruised cheek and turned to head towards his room.
~ * ~
“What do you mean getting married?” Sei yelled.
Tai-Shi recoiled slightly as a few of the slaves head's turned towards them.
Sei took a few deep breaths and grabbed Tai-Shi's arm and pulled him off to the side.
“What do you mean?” He asked.
“I don't know…that's what Allen said. He said that his father was planning his life…and he is meeting the bride today.” Tai-Shi said quietly.
Sei rubbed the bridge of his nose and paced back and forth.
“Why didn't he tell me…?” He mumbled aloud.
“He said he didn't want to worry you.” Tai-Shi said slowly.
“He can't get married!” Sei hissed as he turned to look at the pale Tai-Shi. “Sorry”
“He doesn't want to…” Tai-Shi quietly, standing his ground in front of his angered friend.
“Then…I have to go…” Sei said as he turned away from the blond and quickly headed out towards the stable where the horses were kept.
“Wait!” Tai-Shi ran after him but ran straight into a guard.
“Watch it!” He swore loudly and knocked the blond flat on his back.
“What is the meaning of this?” Sei growled as he turned to acknowledge the guard.
“I'm sorry Young Master, I was to inform you that you and your father…” He paused as he reluctantly looked at the young Kay who was rising to stand on his two feet, “And our guest to see an arranged match between the young Path and a stranger from the city.”
“The city?” Tai-Shi voiced loudly, not knowing what the man was talking about.
He was ignored.
“A match? Between Allen and a fighter?” Sei quickly turned, “Tell father I'll meet him there…”
“Young Master! Your father is in front, ready with two steeds to take both you and our guest.” He had said.
Tai-Shi was still a little confused, but he knew that he had to follow Sei, or get left behind.
~ * ~
Tai-Li kicked his wall as he flopped onto his back on his bed. He stared up at the ceiling.
“Soon this will all be mine…” He said slowly as he looked over to his desk. Inside was the ribbon that had belonged to his mother, and he recalled the night him and Tai-Shi had made up.
“That ribbon did look good on him…” Tai-Li smiled then shot up.
“Tai-Shi…” He held his chest and watched the floor below him, staring idle.
“We'll never be the same again…will we?”
It pained Tai-Li when he thought about this. He knew that Rei had affected Tai-Shi…and that no matter what could happen now, things would never return to how they were before.
Tai-Li jumped when he heard someone at his door.
“Young Master, your father has been invited to the Path resident to witness a match. It is to honor the small Path as he fights to the death…” She said slowly.
Tai-Li quickly got up from his bed and hurriedly open the door to stare down at the meek maid.
“Death? Why such an extreme? Who is he fighting and why?”
~ * ~
“Father! Why must I do this!” Allen pleaded, clearly there were tears in his eyes as his voice shook.
“That is enough Allen! You will do this and regain our name's honor!” His father boldly said; his voice filled with fury.
“But father…our name has already been slandered for many years. The city claims we are hermits…and what we do sickens them. They do not believe in the family's code. None of our family has had any honor with the label of Path!”
Nothing more came out of Allen's mouth as he was thrown to the ground. His father stood over him looking down, his face purple.
“That is enough! You will fight! You have dishonored their family by declining their daughter!”
“But father…I will die.” Allen said quietly.
“If that is what it takes…then you shall die.” His father said coldly as he slowly walked away from his son.
Allen curled up into a ball on the ground and cried. The sound of soft steps echoed in the small room.
“Men are pathetic…” A cruel, yet graceful voice cooed. “You cry when faced with death…”
Allen looked up at the small girl.
“Why…” Allen said weakly.
“I wouldn't want you to be my husband anyway. You are not the man I seek. You did me no dishonor, but I will have no man decline me.” She said as she turned on her heal and slowly walked away.
“You…you're a wild one…aren't you? You don't want to be strapped down to any man…so you decline them…you just want someone to play with!” Allen growled as he slowly got up.
“You are a sharp one.” She smiled. “Let me see… there was another family that lived around here, no? What was it…they had one son, oh my…what was the name…” She paused as she turned with an evil grin to stare at Allen who turned pale. “I believe his name was Mori…yes, the young master there I hear was tall with long golden hair.”
Allen looked at her with clenched fists.
“I will kill your father…and then I'll kill you…You will never lay a filthy hand on SEI!”
~ * ~
Tai-Shi hung on desperately to the horse he was riding, having never ridden one before. Sei had tied the horse to his as he led Tai-Shi to the Path estate. Tai-Shi had been watching Sei as they rode. He was fidgety and he was anxious. He couldn't think of any way to help Sei, or to calm him down. It was just shortly after they had started on their way to the Path estate which Master Mori had informed Sei of what kind of fight it was.
If Sei's father hadn't been there, or the one to tell him that. He probably wouldn't believe it. His father had no reason to lie to him.
“Allen…” Sei had continued to repeat through the whole journey. It was filled with such pain.
“Sei?” Tai-Shi began but stopped as Sei tightly grabbed the reins.
He didn't want to be bothered.
Tai-Shi swallowed hard as he heard Sei's father announce that they were almost there.
~ * ~
The three families were seated close. It seemed that the Berths were there, with Rei missing of course. No one had heard anything about him and thought of him as much as dead.
The Path family sat directly behind Allen. Sei sat on the other side of his father, with Tai-Shi sitting next to him. Sei had tightly gripped his long shirt and stared down at Allen.
Tai-Shi had spotted Maith, Rei's father, and avoided eye contact. Maith was the one that made him realize he didn't know what he wanted from either Tai-Li or Rei. Tai-Shi had also seen Tai-Li, but he knew that he must not talk to him…his father was sitting close by, and he could feel his eyes burning into him.
Allen stood dressed in light armor. Neither opponent was holding a shield. In there hands were long swords, one for each person. The sword looked like it was too big for the small body.
Everyone was silent as Allen's father slowly stood to announce the beginning of the fight, but all were surprised as Allen's attacker leapt forward towards Allen.
“Allen!” Sei yelled as his father grabbed Sei's arm and pulled him back into his seat.
Allen quickly moved and rolled. His sword dragging along side him. He slowly looked up and had to move once again as his attacked continued to rush him.
The third time though Allen was too slow. The sharp blade cut through his padded armor and a long cut sliced through his skin from his chest to his lower hip. Allen cried out and stumbled back as he raised his swore to parry the second swing.
The metal clanged loudly as the families watched. This was not a fair fight for Allen, and everyone knew it. Allen was never good with a sword like his father was, but he at least knew how to fight.
Blood had seeped down Allen's body and stained his clothing. His breathing was heavy as he staggered to and fro. His enemy had come after him continuously, not showing any signs of letting up.
The man's sword cut away at Allen's Leg, sending him falling from the pain. He cried out and swung at his attacker, but his sword was deflected and sent sailing a crossed the battle field. It was over.
Allen closed his eyes tightly, knowing what would come next.
“Sei…” He cried quietly.
“Allen! Allen! Let me go!” Sei yelled as his father held him back from going out there.
“This was the condition! Sit back and let him do what he has to.” Master Mori said firmly as Sei continued to struggle.
“Sei!” Allen cried out louder in both pain and fear. He didn't want to die…and he didn't want Sei to be sad.
“Allen!” Sei called back as his voice crack, no longer able to hold back his fear.
The man in front of Allen raised his sword and prepared to drive it through the small white haired boy.
Tai-Shi didn't want his friend to die; he didn't want to see anyone else he cared about get hurt or die anymore. He quickly rose but froze as a blur quickly jumped passed his face.
Everyone watched stunned to see the man who was ready to kill Allen fall to the ground, between Allen and the attacker stood Tai-Li, his hands dripping with blood.
Tai-Shi stared at his brother, being able to see everything he had done since he had jumped passed him to help Allen out. Tai-Li had rushed to stand between the two. As the sword came towards him now, he had clasped his hands on both sides of the flat part of the blade and through the attacker off balance, slicing the palm of his hands during the process. Tai-Li had then proceeded with quick blow to the back of the neck which caused the man to fall.
“What is the meaning of this?” Master Path's voice echoed in the small area.
Tai-Li coldly stared up at him.
“Tai-Li! How dare you do this?” His father growled, purple in the face, “How could you embarrass me like this!”
“Shut up…both of you.” Tai-Li said in a low firm voice. “This fight was meaningless.”
“Meaningless? I do say this fight was for hon-” Master Path began.
“Honor? This fight had no honor. This was a fight for your pride. You were willing to send your only born to his grave, leaving the Path family to die out once you go.” He turned to his father and coldly glared at him. “I will not let my friends die.” He did not take notice of the man who was fighting Allen.
“Tai-Li!” Tai-Shi yelled as he saw the man get up and swing his sword to take Tai-Li's head.
Tai-Li looked back at the man in the last second. Blood splattered and Tai-Li let out a dreadful yell.
In an instant, the man's head rolled and Allen stood over the two, shaken slightly by what had just happened. He slumped to the ground and held his side from where it was cut.
Tai-Shi ran to Tai-Li's side. Tai-Li had collapsed to the ground, looking down, his hair, having grown, covered his eyes from view.
“Tai-Li? Are you okay?” Tai-Shi asked worriedly.
Tai-Li reached up and felt Tai-Shi's face, “Tai-Shi…I…I can't see.” He said slowly as he looked up, blood covered his eyes. The sword had appeared to have left a cut a crossed his face, right over where his eyes were.
“No…Tai-Li can't go blind…” Tai-Shi began to panic. “Tai-Li can't!”
“Tai-Shi…please…get me some help…” Tai-Li said slowly as he slowly slumped over onto Tai-Shi, bloodying his clothing.
“Tai-Li! Tai-Li!”
Off a ways, where the fallen warrior's family was presumed to watch, the small delicate girl dressed in a floral white kimono lightly fanned her face.
“Tai-Li….” She smiled, “you will be an interesting catch.”
~ * ~
Author's Note: Well hello again. It's been a while…like…over a month? Maybe more? Well I finally finished this chapter…and I meant to give the girl a bigger roll. Well…she'll get a better introduction next chapter when I figure out a family name for her. In fact…I just came up with one.
We'll see what happens with Tai-Li next chapter, will he remain blind? Maybe.
