Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Butterflies & The Net ❯ Chapter 15: And The Beat Goes On... ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Butterflies & the Net
by iloveanimecartoons
Genre(s): Psychological/Angst/Drama/Romance
Rating: T
Latest Addition:
February 27, 2008
Chapter 15: O Happy Day! Part Two:And The Beat Goes On
No. Did I stutter?”
“Whining won't help your cause, Solya. I said no and I meant no.”
“Why won't you—?”
“Papi, I—”
“In what language do you need to hear it to understand? No, nada, nyet, Meyin, Bu shi, nein, friggin' no, Solya!”
“This is amazing,” Solya grumbled to herself as she raked her hands through her lengthy brown locks in frustration.
“Lamar, why not let her have her say?” Denise suggested though her tone leaned more towards indulgent than supportive.
With a prolonged sigh, Lamar relented with a nod. “Speak.” Solya let out a very uncharacteristic squeal and leapt up to hug her father. “Don't get so excited, Sunshine. I'm just agreeing to hear your side of the coin.”
“Yes sir. Obviously you didn't distrust him that much or you wouldn't have let me go out with him”
“Well, yeah...”
“Right. Plus, he's been over a few times and you've had a chance to get to know him.”
“Well, you did say that he was cool and all. Proper and respectable is how you worded it. Doesn't that count?”
“Sir, if I may just say,” Jesse added in when he saw Solya was grasping at straws, “I've only the purest of intentions of Solya and I never planned to have her out all night. I only suggested such a late hour because of how crowded she said her birthdays usually are.”
“Mmhmm…” Lamar muttered before nodding for Jesse to continue.
“It was always my intention to have her home by 1:00—no later than 1:30. With all due respect, she is an adult now and I guess I expected she'd be given more leeway. Still, she does continue to reside under your roof and as such has to abide by your rules—I understand that much at the least.”
“Good. Glad you realize that, young man.”
“You want to…protect her. As a big brother of three younger sisters, I can also appreciate that as I'd be less than honest to say I wouldn't react the same way,” Jesse elaborated, cringing inwardly when Solya glared at him with eyes that screamed “You're KILLIN me, here!” and hurried to reroute his speech, “But, I promise you, sir, she is safe with me.”
“Still, the last two times…one was accidental, as you may recall, and the other, I knew about in advance and was prepared for. I'm sorry, but—”
“Don't you trust me, Papi? If not Jesse, me?”
“Yes, I do. But, this is too sudden and disorganized—and too damn late in the evening anyway. Also, just when were you planning on telling me of this?”
“I fell asleep not long after I talked to him, Papi. That hike took a lot out of me and I was still cold. I just wanted to crawl into bed and relax.”
“I see. Well, be that as it may, this outing will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm sorry.”
“Yeah, me, too,” Solya nearly snapped before grabbing Jesse's arm to usher him to the door, “Can I at least see him to a cab?”
“That's fine.”
“I apologize for any inconvenience my plans may have caused, Mr. and Mrs. Amarante. Good night,” Jesse called out as Solya increased her pace to the kitchen.
“Good night, Jesse. See you at the dinner,” Denise called back.
“Sure…wait, dinner? Solya?”
“Oh, I didn't mention that?” she whispered before flinching, her brown eyes resting on the phone to avoid his.
“Oh, sorry `bout that. My father's having this birthday dinner for me and he said I could invite you—I really could've sworn I told you.”
“Well, I guess with whatever's been keeping your attention the past few weeks, things could've gotten lost in the mix. Don't sweat it.”
“Works for me,” Solya grinned before dialing the number to the cab company and putting the phone to her ear, “Sorry you had to endure my father's more stubborn side.”
“Well, you're his daughter. I get it.”
I don't. He never had a problem with me staying out late before.”
“Okay, well, let me ask you this. When you stayed out late before, did he know of these event beforehand?”
“No, not always…”
“Did he eventually get pulled into the loop?”
“Did he know these people well?”
“Then, as much as I would have loved to spend a little time with you tonight, I think I can commiserate.”
“No. Not a traitor, Cuteness.”
“Yes, really.”
“Hmph,” Solya huffed as she crossed her arms.
“Let me put it this way, my cousin had a boy last year and asked me to be his godfather. I said sure figuring it was just a run-of-the-mill title that included spending a little extra time and spoiling the tyke.”
“I always that was the gist of it, myself.”
“It's not.”
“No. A godparent is like, well, honor bound to watch over that child they take on and help guide and shape them and support the parents. In the unlikely case of my cousin or her husband ever were to pass, the care and upbringing of said child moves onto me. It's really a pretty big responsibility and one I take seriously. When I remember that, I can't help but feel for your father and his concerns. He's just looking out for ya and I can't really fault him for that. Do you understand?”
“Well, when you put it like that, yeah. I'm still not happy about how things turned out, though. Heh. I didn't know you were so deep, Jesse.”
“Well, once in a while, maybe. Don't tell Gianni, though—I'll never hear the end of it.”
“I'll think about it—nothing like a little blackmail info to keep you on top,” Solya teased as she poked his ribs. He squirmed and eased away.
“Ticklish, huh? Gonna remember tha—oh, hold, phone's ringing. Gawd, they're long-winded.”
“Show's they're out there making the big bucks. Solya, do you mind if I get a glass of water?”
“Sure. Glasses are over the sink. There's a water dispenser on the outside of the fridge—Oh My Gawd!”
“The call just disconnected. Kiss me goodnight!”
“I'm pretty sure your father won't mind if I stick around a tad bit longer. Here, let me call another number. You called Redball and they're pretty slow.”
“I see now. Okay, work your magic.”
Jesse called the number and went down to the lobby to wait for the ride with Solya. They palled around while they waited, both telling cheesy jokes, Jesse threatening to give her `Birthday Licks' and Solya threatening to retaliate with tickling him into submission. The cab arrived 20 minutes later beeping twice to get their attention. Jesse gave Solya a quick squeeze and waved goodbye before getting in the cab and rolling away. Solya set her face like flint and made her way up to her house using the steps. It was a long trek up but she needed the time to compose herself. True, she saw Jesse's point and, if she had to be honest with herself, she saw her father's point, too. Still, she'd been embarrassed and frustrated at being shut down at every turn the way she was. Inside, she was of two minds about the whole ordeal and just wanted to go to bed and sort everything out later.
Nearly 15 minutes later she'd made it up the stairs, taking a breather to get her lungs back in order—10 flights was enough to turn her knees to jelly. After ensuring that she wouldn't pass out anytime soon, she came back into the house and, without speaking to either her father or stepmother, made her way to her room.
“Goodnight, Solya,” Lamar called up the stairs.
Solya just scoffed and slammed the door before locking it—an action she'd only done two other times in her life.
`Happy Birthday to me…eh, fuck it! Good night.'
After about an hour of restless tossing and turning, she fell asleep for the night with an angry scowl on her face.
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The week moved slowly but Solya didn't mind. After giving everyone a full day of her attention, willingly or not, she was ready to get back to the way things had been. She'd dealt with varied emotions over the last nearly three weeks: guilt, anger, betrayal, loneliness, frustration, embarrassment, disappointment…the list went on and one. One thing she decided from the start was she would not deal with was denial. She hurt, okay? No matter how much she told herself her therapist needed this time off to arrange things in advance and get proper rest and relaxation for her baby's health, she missed her. A lot.
Yes, she felt selfish for feeling the way she felt but she really, really couldn't help it. Change sucked. She might have been trying to do things differently and be more accepting of life's up and downs—and complete upheavals—but she still felt the way she felt. And, as Dr. Busch always tried to get her to understand, her feelings weren't insignificant. No, her feelings were valid.
So used to her common reclusive tendencies, she almost immediately went into a mode of isolation. Hard.
For the first week, after spending the day with Jerrod and the night and consecutive day with Josie and the kids as they tried to lift her spirits with various mini game tournaments and even an offer to treat her to Olive Garden for lunch—all of which she turned down flat—she decided to throw herself into her art. She drew, wrote poetry and songs, took pictures—anything to successfully engross her time and hide the main reason for the sudden surge of creativity…she needed, or so she surmised, to be alone.
That was all she knew. No crew, no Jesse, no internet, and no Papi or D as far as she could get away with that, living in the same house and all. She didn't want to have any free time to be able to dwell on her feelings.
Ironically, she lost about 11 pounds in that 2-week period—14 in the total time since then. Not even drawing comfort from her normal vices or, as she called it, `The Better Four Food Groups'. These `groups' consisted of sugar, salt, grease and carbohydrates but this—her usual response to eat her frustrations away—never came up. In fact, the only reason she ate much of anything was because, when at home, dinner was eaten as a family meal and she didn't want to avoid it to possibly tip off her psychiatrist stepmother or her too-perceptive father.
When they'd asked her as casually as they possibly could why they hadn't seen Jerrod around lately, she'd shrug and say he must be busy. She purposely found as much cheerful music as she could and played it as loud as she could without incurring any repercussions. She didn't' listen to it, though. It was, to her, the perfect cover to keep up appearances while she donned the Bose noise reducing earphones she always used while concentrating or studying. Or, sometimes, she'd just turn on her iPod and play Lithium on repeat.
No matter what her mind told her—the truth of the matter that she doggedly pushed away—she shut it out.
Looking back, she'd have to say that, in her own way, she was isolating. She found herself wondering what Dr. Busch would have to say about it…or Dr. Zayne. Having a particularly heavy and painful day of menstruation where she had two accidents and was so bloated and crampy she hardly left the bed all day, Denise had a talked with her father and they both decided to postpone her appointment till next week—this week—and she wasn't really looking forward to it. Change was never a pleasant thing for her and when she thought back to that day her therapist told her she had to leave, it still had enough bite to make her misty. And every time she felt those urges, ones she deemed as utter weaknesses, she dipped further into her guise of `being busy' or `really concentrating on her portfolio'. It was a valid enough excuse, she figured, since she knew her father knew she'd always been into art since she was a young child and it was discussed often the possibility of her attending college for her art degree. It kept the door knocks to a minimum and it worked for her just fine.
She ought to have known it would come to an end…
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`Ah, yes, the celly. Should I answer it? What to do, what to do…'
Another ring.
And yet another ring—cut off in the middle.
`Huzzah! They gave up! Whoot!'
Solya was in the midst of writing the bridge to the song she'd been tinkering with for the last 19 days.
It was coming…
It was on the tip of her tongue…
One more line to wrap it up…
Inspiration was stirring and her hand went to the paper…
“Friggin' HELL! I LOST it!” Solya roared as the line that was brewing—a pretty good sounding jumble of words at that—flew out the proverbial window.
Another ring.
“Kiss. My. ASS! Shit!” she griped at the cell as she picked it up and tried to resist the urge to slam it into the floor and stomp it.
And, wouldn't you know it? Another ring.
“Have MERCY!” she nearly shouted before giving in and answering in a tone she couldn't really seem to alter at the moment—steamed, “Yeah? What?”
“Well, damn. The hell's wrong with you, TB?” Jazmin muttering into the phone, partly taken aback by her best friend's tone.
“Oh. Hey. Hi, Jaz. Sorry,” Solya apologized in a stiff voice and not a very convincing one at that.
“I'm not the only one on here, TB. Say hi to the other `Mystery Caller', dahlink!”
“Hi, Jerrod,” Solya greeted in monotone. `Oh joy, the tag teaming begins…'
“Damn, Sols. Why'd you take all the fun out of it?” Jazmin pouted.
“Dunno. Probably not in the mood or some such sh…” Solya returned in the same droll tone.
“Well, hi anyway, Sols. How's life?”
Raising an eyebrow at Jerrod's overly bright tone, Solya paused. `Oh, boy. This is gonna be deep, isn't it?'
“C'mon, spill so I can tell you my good news, girl!” Jazmin pressed excitedly.
“Long story short. I'm spending an inordinate amount of time alone some say, but in truth, I'm just really getting into my craft. That's all there is to it,” Solya replied in an even slower monotone before resuming her editing.
“For dry, red eyes…” Josie egged, quoting part of one of her favorite commercials.
Jerrod couldn't hold in the chuckle as he, too, recognized the line Josie just imitated.
“Fun-ny. Mind giving me some time alone?” Solya muttered, the irritation in her voice coming out regardless of how much she tried to hold it in.
“It's true, Sol,” Jerrod agreed, reining in any remaining laughter to ease her frustration though it still came out in his voice as well as his half-contained smile, “Ya sound like you're trying to win Ben Stein's money the hard way.”
Josie saw it because she was just across the room from him on her cell phone. She'd just arrived in town and was staying over his house for the stay under the excuse of a `death in the family'—total bunk, but it got her a week out of school to grieve so she was happy.
“Wow. Gee. That was original, Jerrod. Think that one up off the top of your head or did you have help? Why not take that flow to the Apollo?” Solya shot back. There was no force behind her words but the message still came out loud and clear: Step off. I'm busy and don't feel like being bothered!
`Well, too damn bad, Sol. You're not getting another chance to isolate into yourself. Not on us—not on me—not again.'
“I'm coming over,” both Jerrod and Jazmin said at once.
“Huh? What the he—no.
“Oh, yeah…you don't think I'm gonna come all the way back to Baltimore and not visit Uncle Lamar and Auntie Denise, do ya?” Jazmin cooed, knowing it would get a rise out of her.
Jesse chortled at the huffy breath Solya let out and decided to jump in the game. “And I need to visit my baby mama. Denise must miss me so…”
“Well, I'm not gonna be here,” Solya lied to avoid the unwanted double interrogation that she just knew she was in for if both of her best friends got her cornered.
“Well, that's cool. I'm here for a week, TB! That's my surprise! Oh, Happy Belated, too!”
“You already said that to me a couple days ago, Jazmin. But, look guys, I'll have to catch you later. I gotta go, now.”
“Hmmm, if you have to, Sol. Well, maybe tomorrow?” Jazmin asked hopefully.
“Yeah. Maybe. See you guys.”
“Later,” Jazmin replied and hung up, clicking both lines off.
“Ugh. I've got to get out of here. Inspiration's shot and I'm not in the mood for the Spanish Inquisition today. But, where should I go?” Solya pondered, wracking her brain for some place to go and de-stress as she hurriedly got dressed. “The library…no. Starbucks…nah, too high. Let's see, Josie…don't feel like being around hyper kids, today…Juan—okay, that's not even a possibility…everyone else is either working or looking for work…I miss Shakey. Man!
Fully dressed and ready to beat feet, Solya stopped short. `Oops, better alert the parental units. Don't want a repeat of the birthday fiasco.'
Running down the stairs, Solya nearly ran into Denise. “Whoa, girl! Pump your brakes!” Denise giggled as she steadied herself on the bottom steps.
“Sorry, I'm on my way out and I'm running late.”
“Oh? Anywhere fun?” Denise pried just a little too lightly.
`Oh, hell… Where to say I'm actually going…hmm.'
Oh, well. At least there was Jesse….
“I'm going to hang with Jesse—for just a couple hours—and I'll be back by 11:00 tonight. Is that cool, D?”
“Works for me. Make sure you give me a call to let me know you got there safe and I'll inform your father.”
“Thanks!” Solya exhaled with a relieved smile, “You're the sugar in my Kool-Aid, D!”
“Heh. Go, me!”
“Later!” Solya called as she exited the apartment. The knot in her stomach loosened considerably and she grinned like a fool as she walked up to the elevator and pushed the down button. `Oh! I guess I ought to call the guy and see if he's even available. Yeah, that sounds like a plan—duh!'
She quickly dialed his number and entered the elevator when the door opened.
“Hey, Solya! How's it…going?” Jesse answered a little winded.
“I'm BORED! Rescue me?” Solya whined.
“Sure, I'm free. Just…moving my couch…around,” Jesse huffed again, “Call a cab and I'll pay for it.”
“You sure? I didn't want to put you out.”
“No big. What's $17 gonna do…to my bank…account?”
“According to you, not much. Okay, I'll call them now. See you soon!”
“Cool, Cuteness. I'll be…the dude melting…into a puddle…of sweat,” Jesse joked with a particularly loud grunt.
“Let me go so you can concentrate on moving furniture. Oh, by the way, nice visual.”
“Peace,” he squeezed out before hanging up.
`Yup. There's always Jesse!'
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“Happy Birthday, Solya! Um, well, belated, anyway…”
“Gee, thanks, Jesse! You should have,” Solya gushed.
Jesse chuckled.
Taking the card Jesse gave her without looking at it, Solya opened it and out fell two gift cards. She didn't seem to notice it.
“If you don't mind, Cuteness, I'd like it if you read it aloud.”
“Okay,” she agreed, closing it to read the front, “You Make Me Smile
Jesse smiled rather bashfully as she opened the card again, absently running his hands through his black hair tapered at his neck. She looked up at him and smiled a little shyly.
“Well, read it, Solya,” he pushed.
“Okay, here goes,” Solya went on.
“It's amazing what a smile can do
When you're feeling sad or in a bad mood
And that's how I feel every time you are near
I'm starting see our relationship as something dear
I find myself wanting to be around you more and more every day
I wonder exactly what I'm trying to say
To keep it simplified, I'll simply say this
You're a good friend to me and one of the nicest
You have an easy-going nature and a caring sort of smile
And I feel it in every way each time you make me smile
Happy Birthday, Solya. Now you're all grown and sexy! Have a great day and enjoy your gifts!
P.S. The little one can't wait to meet ya”
“So, like it?” Jesse asked hopefully.
She paused before nodding, a shy and rather cheesy smile on her face. “I make you smile, huh?”
She turned the card over and read the card company out loud. “`SAI'. A subsidiary of `Words on Paper'”
Frowning at what her perceived as a grimace, Jesse tapped her on the shoulder. “Problem?”
“It's not a Hallmark,” she mock whined, “Don't you care enough to send me the very best?”
“To me, that is,” he replied softly.
“Yeah, `cause it's all me.”
“Yeah. The layout, illustration, poem, productions—everything—it's all me,” he announced with a little hesitation in his tone.
“Production? Production?” Solya laughed out loud—she really couldn't help it really when the dude in front of her all but insisted that he created the card from scratch—humor-fed tears filling her vision. Solya wound down after a few more chuckles and wiped the moisture from her eyes.
When Jesse frowned again, Solya paused. `Oh crap. Did I hurt his feelings?' She cringed inwardly thinking she just may have. “Sorry, Jes. Just…you made it seem like you run the works behind the making of this card.”
“I do.”
“Come again?”
“`Words on Paper'. It's my job—well, more like my hobby that pays—and the `SAI' part is sort of a gift/proposal.”
“Proposal? But, where's the ring?” Solya gasped in humor as she dramatically placed her hand over her heart.
“You're a riot, Cuteness.”
“I know.”
“No, a…business proposal is what I was getting at. But, we can get into that on a later date. Meanwhile, my two other gifts are—well, one's in your hand—the other's in the guest room. Hold a sec.”
He left and came back two minutes later with the cutest “puppy” she'd ever seen. “Happy Birthday, Solya…um…again,” he announced while passing her the leash restraining the dog he bought for her, “He's a miniature Doberman. I remember you saying you were into dogs and if you could afford it you'd buy a purebred.”
“I…did…” she replied as she reached down to offer her hand to the dog to sniff.
“Well, as far as my cousin assured me, he is. And my cousin's a pretty straight forward guy.”
“Yeah…like him?”
Do I! He's perfect!” Solya nearly squealed as the dog proceeded to lick her hand.
“Great! Good choice on my part, then. Yes, yes, I have skills! Don't hate, don't hate,” Jesse bragged in celebration.
Solya's face suddenly drooped and she pushed the affectionate dog towards Jesse. “Damn it.”
“Solya? What's wrong?”
“I got so excited that I forgot…I can't keep him, Jesse. I live in an apartment complex that doesn't allow animals.”
“Oh. I see. I just thought, when you said you wanted a dog, you could actually have one.”
“No, unfortunately it was just wishful thinking out loud. I'm sorry, Jesse. And he's a purebred, too. Must've cost a fortune.”
“Don't be sorry, Solya. That's what I get for assuming.”
“Still, I feel responsible. How much was he? I'll pay you back…well, in small increments, anyway.”
“No way, Jose. He was a gift and as such, you owe me nothing.”
“Well, alright, if you insist. I'm too damn broke to push the issue anyway,” Solya relented with a pout, “Sorry, little fella, can't keep ya. You're awfully darn cute, though…”
“You really like him, huh?” Jesse asked, feeling for her as she practically sulked over the loss of her dog.
“Yeah, he's like a mini watch dog. I love his pointy ears and you guys left his tail on—it's so cute and curly!”
“Well, I like him, too. Let's say I work something out for you?”
“Well, I'll keep him for you and you just visit as often as you can and bond with him, walk him, and play with him and stuff like that. What do you say?”
“Are you sure you're not just trying to keep me in your sights, Mr. Sota?” Solya cajoled as she softly nudge his chest with her elbow.
“Well, that's just a plus—an unforeseen plus, but a plus nonetheless. And, no, it's just to raise the dog without getting yourself evicted. Sounds like a win-win to me.”
Overwhelmed at the thoughtfulness of his offer, Solya smiled so hard her lips quivered. Looking into his light brown eyes in appreciation, she gulped softly and gave his hand a squeeze. “Thanks. Thank you so much!”
Jesse noted the slight moisture in her gaze and smiled inwardly. “Keep smiling, Butterfly.”
Butterfly? You're so sappy, Jesse,” Solya returned in an attempt to keep things neutral even as her stomach did that odd little flip that she was getting used to when he looked at her just so. She didn't understand it, but it wasn't necessarily a bad feeling, either.
Sensing her slight discomfort, Jesse came back to the subject of the dog. “So, name him, already.”
“Okay…how about Hakurei?”
“Nah. Too old-sounding.”
“It's Japanese for some kind of mountain.”
“D'Oy. Anime again?”
“Of course!” she answered as if he should've guessed it already.
“Name…name…hmmm…Sesshy? Nah…my doggie's not fluffy enough.”
“Oh, brother,” Jesse groaned as he rolled his eyes.
“…Hakudoshi…Hiten…Musou…Goshink i…nah, they're all bad guys…hmmm…”
“Aw man, give InuYasha a rest, Solya, Jesse grumbled under his breath.
“I heard that.”
“Yeah, whatev,” Solya dismissed him while scratching the dog behind the ears. Soon, her eyes lit up, “Ooh! I think I've got it! Kenpachi!”
The dog barked at that and Solya laughed and kissed his nose.
“Yeah, from Bleach—Kenny's my man!”
“You don't say.”
“I do say,” Solya confirmed, cupping the dog around the chops and cooing softly, “My little big man like his name, doesn't her?”
Jesse shook his head and grinned, “Oh my goodness.”
The dog barked again and licked her face repeatedly.
“I'll take that as a yes…and a sign that we're gonna have to find your some doggie breath mints,” Solya grinned, waving a hand past her nose repeatedly.
“So, you've got the doggie, the cards, you gift card, and no—”
“Gift cards?” Solya interrupted, surprised, “Where?”
“In the card…on the floor,” Jesse answered as he picked them up in his peripheral vision and bent down to pick them up, “I'll get `em.”
Solya was bending down at the same time and was about to tell him she had it when they clonked heads.
“Owie. Damn, Jesse, you've got a bowling ball for a head,” Solya joked as she picked up the cards and rubbed her forehead. Kenpachi whimpered and nudged her elbow with his nose. “It's okay, Kenny.”
“All the better to hold my brains in…” he reasoned before reaching over to put his hand on Solya's forehead. “You've got a little lump forming. Sorry `bout that. Sit down and let me get you a cold compress.”
“Sure. Do you always maim your guest like this, Jes?”
“Not intentionally,” Jesse answered before softly rubbing his thumb over her forehead once more and leaning over to kiss her boo boo, “I'll be right back.”
“U-um, yeah…” Solya stammered, slightly bemused. `Just a kiss on the noggin. Just like Papi…nothing to it.'
He came back to see Solya grinning lightly and brushing her knuckles over her forehead, a light blush covering her face. `And cute as hell...'
Solya looked up and jumped when she caught him staring. “You're back. Good…”
“Yeah. How are you feeling?”
“Honestly? A little dizzy and I've got one hell of a headache forming.”
Jerrod grimaced and sighed. “Aw, man. I'm sorry I'm such a klutz.”
“Don't worry, Jesse. It was just an accident. How are you?”
“What? Are you kidding? You're talking to the guy who won the bet over who could sustain the most head butts before passing out or quitting the challenge. My head is a mountain, babe.”
“Oh my Gawd! I remember that! That was you?” Solya said, amazed, before she blinked repeatedly and flinched, “Ooh, I just got a little too excited. That hurt like the dickens.”
“Lay back on the couch and put this on your forehead. Let me know if you need anything. I'm gonna go get you some Ibuprofen. Wait, you're not allergic, are you?”
“No. Thanks a lot.”
“No problem. Be right back.”
Solya stared at the gift cards when he left: a 1000 minute calling card and a $50 Pet Smart gift card. `Wow… Go, Jesse!'
He came back about five minutes later with a glass of apple juice, a fleece throw and two pills. “Down the hatch. And here's a blanket in case you want one.”
“Um, I don't think I'm supposed to go to sleep on a concussion, Jesse,” Solya chuckled.
“Hardy har…my head's not that hard…is it?”
“Well, you wouldn't know would ya. You're not the one with a D cup in the middle of your forehead,” Solya continued to needle as she took the juice and pills. Kenny was licking her ear and she was trying not to laugh. “Down, boy. Dogs can't have Advil.”
“Just relax and I'll order us some pizza or something.”
“And here I thought you were gonna cook for me,” she whined, pouting for good measure.
“That pout's adorable, but no can do tonight, Cuteness. I'm pooped. There is an Italian eatery a few miles from here that delivers. Want to try something new?”
“No eels, snails, fish eggs or squid and your on the money!”
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Dinner was fun and within a few minutes of the delivery, Solya's headache was gone, her lump nearly flattened and her spirits up. They played with the dog and tried to teach it tricks—all he knew was `sit'—and were pleased to find he was already house trained as evident in his yipping at the front door about an hour after Jesse fed him his meal. They kept a constant watch of the time and soon it was 10:30.
With a deflated sigh, Solya called a cab and then her house so let her father know she was on her way home. When the cab came, Kenny jumped up and down excitedly trying to follow Solya.
“Whoa, little man! Down, boy. You've got to stay with Jesse,” Solya tried when Kenny whined and butted her leg with his nose to try to squeeze past her.
Jesse grabbed the leash and restrained the dog. “Go on, Solya. I've got the little bundle of energy.”
Solya looked back longingly at the dog, before giving in and bending down for one more affectionate pat down, kissing his head before rising again. “I had such a good time, Jesse. I really needed this. Thanks so much!”
“Anytime, Solya,” Jesse smiled, passing her $20 for her ride.
Before she could think about it too much, she leaned forward and gave Jesse a brief kiss on the cheek then darted to the cab. “Thanks again. Good night, guys! Be good, Kenny!” she called out as the cab revved up to leave.
`Hmm…this day turned out good, after all…'
A/N: That's Chapter 15…see you guys for Chapter 16!