Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Cake ❯ Sex and the Single Vampire ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Derekica Snake @140 500 words
Pen Name: Kiix


Chapter One: Sex and the Single Vampire

The whole day had been all fucked up. It had been my birthday and here I was,
designated driver to three co-workers I really didn't have anything in common with, or wanted to know any better, and we had finally dropped down to the lowest bars we could hit at two in the morning. Well, technically, it wasn't my birthday any more since with was past midnight. Fuck that. It was supposed to be all about me and I didn't do a damned thing I wanted. I didn't even get a piece of the small cake Allison had baked for me because I got called into a meeting. There was just a smidge of icing left on the tray by the time I got back.

Now, I have that headache back that's been hovering around me all day and it was getting worse. I lost the bastards in the crowd after paying my $10 cover fee.

I should have just left them there. They could cab it home. If I had left when I wanted...maybe my life would have turned out like I planned.

Marcus came up behind me, picked me up like I was nothing more than a rag doll, forced my thighs apart with his knees and planted me on his hard cock. No preparation, no warning. Just they way the sadistic prick liked it. I cried out, bit my lip drawing blood and tried to endure.

"You are thinking again. I do not like it when you think, Sex. It will give you wrinkles."
I fucking hate it when he calls me that. My given name Sigmund Edward Xavier. S.E.X. What the hell were my parents thinking naming me that?. At least the only ones who had called me Sigmund where my Mother and Grandmother; and that was only because I couldn't make them stop. Dad couldn't bring himself to call me that. To him I was Edward. To my schoolmates I was Edward, never Eddie or Ed -- Edward. At work it was Xavier. But to this, thing -- this bloodsucking, kidnapping rapist - I was his fuck toy. I was his private wonderland. I was Sex.

Marcus withdrew completely. I tried not to tense up knowing what was coming but I did anyway. This re-penetration was brutal and I screamed like he wanted me to. My body went rigid and my neck ended up on his shoulder. I could hear his gasp as he saw the blood trailing out of my mouth. He lapped up the line that had dripped down my throat, turning my head easily by wrapping his fist in my the hair that he insisted I grow out in order to get at all my blood. His tongue cleaned my lower lip then brushed at my teeth gathering up every drop. I wanted to be ill. Sick, fucking, vampire, prick.

"I heard that."

He forced my head up higher and stared at me with those red eyes, they had a low glow to them now. He was aroused but not so much to be out of control. He made sure I was watching as his fangs descended. It was still a soul chilling horror to watch that creep show. He was going to bite me and he knew that I knew there was nothing I could do to stop him. It wouldn't have mattered even if I weren't impaled on him. His strength was inhuman. The red eyes caught fire and he smiled. Oh my god, he's going to fuck me while he's drinking - again. No, no, no, no, no, nonononono.

I fought him, for all the good that it would do me. It only made my hips move which stimulated him more and made me seem like a willing participant in one of my daily rapes. My hands came up and tried to push his face away. I managed to catch my finger in a nostril so I jammed it deeper then tried to rip his nose off his face. I was rewarded with a head butt. I literally saw stars when everything tumbled into darkness. Hmm, I won.

My little victory party would have to be held off when I awoke to searing pain in my ass and at my throat. He did it anyways. Well at least I wasn't present for the dual sensations of Marcus trying to make my rape pleasurable and his using me as his own tetrapack, sensual, erotic spiked with a healthy dose of terror. Damn, I'm in pain and so weak...and so thirsty. How much did he take?

I heard the tinkle of ice cubes hitting a tumbler's glass walls as it was filled. I was crouched on the floor, my knees were bruised and ached from the pressure. I must have been out for a while. My shoulders were aching...wait a minute, my wrists were cuffed together behind my back.

"There are times, Sex, I get very exasperated with you. Just when I think that you and I are coming close to an understanding you find another avenue to take. It just leads to more discipline and training for you." Marcus came to a stop in front of me. I knew he was waiting for me to sit up and beg just like a good little puppy but I stayed crouched and stared at the floor. "Because of what you did today, you lost your arm privileges. If you want to eat, I will have to feed you. If you want to drink, it will be from my hand. And as we have learned from the past, I will force what you need into you if I must."

Marcus picked me up with one hand by the scruff of my neck and dragged my dead
weight ass to the long leather couch. He sat down, opened his legs and set me on the floor between his knees. He took my chin and pulled me up to my knees. He turned my head to the right and looked at his ravage of my neck. He hissed and his lips flattened into a straight line. My neck must look as wonderful as it feels. "I took you in anger because of this."

He pointed to his nose, a jagged sliver line of healing. I guess I did rip it off. I knew better then to smirk. I just looked away. He but the glass down and took my head with both hands. I panicked and tried to pull away. "Shh, shh, Sex. I'm just going to lick you. You know my saliva has healing properties."

I shivered as I felt that warm brush on my skin. His saliva felt warm on my flesh then he touched the fang puncture wounds. It was pouring acid into an open wound. I gritted my teeth and thrashed. He just held with that incredible strength and licked at the wounds again. FUCK! Once, I would have fought the burning sensation behind my eyes but what was the point, in front of him or alone in the playroom, I'd end up sobbing. I just didn't feel so drained if I let them fall when they wanted rather than trying to bottle them up.

"I have scarred you." Marcus sat back and overlooked his handy work with a frown, "and they are in a place that cannot be hidden easily. You will have to wear turtle necks or scarves when we go out." He just said that matter of factually. Go out. I've been naked or naked in chains since the day I woke up here....I don't even know how long ago that was. I have no way to mark the passage of time. All I know for sure is that I wake up every day, see Marcus and get fucked whether I want to or not. Ha, like I ever wanted it. My universe had shrunk to three rooms, the bathroom, the living room and the playroom and I try like hell to stay out of the playroom. This was the first time he mentioned anything like going back into the real world.

"You like that." He used his thumb to wipe the tears from my face. He picked up the glass he was carrying before he slobbered on my neck and put in front of me, a straw pointed at my mouth. Cranberry juice on ice with a lime wedge floating in it. Every fucking day. I took the straw and began drinking mainly because I was thirsty and a smaller part was that Marcus had no qualms about making me drink it. I had a cracked tooth over that. How he had gotten a dentist down here was amazing. And scary.

"Your body accepts me." He reached between my legs and grabbed my cock. I gagged and coughed on the juice then winced as it burned through my nose. Marcus laughed pulled me to my feet by my cock and set me back against him on the couch. His left hand stroked me, getting me hard while the other took the drink away and wiped my running nose with a tissue. "You're body accepted me along time ago." His tapped my temple with his finger three times, "I want this."

I could feel his arousal through his pants at my backside. He took my legs and hooked them around his own knees then spread me wide, all the while stroking my cock into an erection. Stop this. I don't want this.

"Yes you do my little Sex. And, you are not my fuck toy. We will have to work on your language. There is no need to be so crass and un-refined. May be my little toy that is what you started out being -- but then I saw your mind. You are my perfect match. You have no idea how long I have been waiting for you. But we can't go any further until...this..." He poked me in the head again, "joins in the fun and we are running out of time."

He bucked my hips forward with his own then rammed a digit inside me, thrust in time with his other hand. Please...please...please...please...What the hell was I begging for? I should be fighting him. He kidnapped me and turned me into a sex doll and drinking fountain. His mouth was back at my neck but there was only sucking kisses and that healing tongue.

"You deserve gentleness, Sex. You deserve to be held and cherished for the special creature that you are. I want to do that for you, but you keep fighting me. In a way that is erotic." Sucking kiss hard enough to leave a hickey, was on the underside of my jaw, "I never expected you to give in easily, but I never thought it would be so hard a task. I could break you completely, but then what would that leave me? It would not be you, Sex. I want to sleep with you in my arms and not have to worry about getting knifed again." These words all whispered into my ear through my hair.

I wanted to laugh but the sensation he was wringing out of my body was getting too intense. I was horrified as my traitorous body began thrusting back on his finger then pumping forward into his stroking palm.

I had been keeping rough track at the beginning of his madness. It might have been the ninth day when I did that. Maybe he was right about my body accepting him, at least it was acclimatized to his size, but then, everything was bloody and torn and nothing but searing pain. The living room was tastefully decorated then - canvases, crystal vases, stemware and all sorts of breakable paraphernalia. Marcus had been overly excited that night or was it day and after the third fucking in the space of an hour, I grabbed the nearest thing, a letter opener and rammed into his chest.

That was the first time I saw those red eyes. To say he was pissed was the understatement of the year. I discovered a lot of things that day. I found out how strong he was, when he threw me across the room with only one arm. I learned how much pain my body could endure before passing out. My forearm was broken in two places but I was still able to experience my first red eyed rape. I was trained to be a warm portable blood bag for a vampire -- to just be still when Marcus was drinking cause it hurt too much to struggle and what was the use. He was already in.

When he pulled the letter opener out, I wanted him to stab me with it, to end this horror show. Instead, Marcus dropped the knife, ran his index finger through his own blood and pinned me up against the wall, which was good because I couldn't have stood if I had the strength to, and ran it down my forehead, down my nose and across my lips. "You have the honor of First Blood."

I watched stupidly from blood loss and the pain of broken bones as the red glare faded from his eyes to return them back into the plan chocolate brown. That was the first time, I really felt him in my mind. His touch was like a warm summer wind. "I am going to have to watch myself with you, Sex, you are a mine field."

He let go of me and I slid down the wall landing on my abused backside. I could only stare up at him. I thought I had just been drugged and picked up by some sort of maniac. That letter opener would have been my ticket out, either with him dead or me dead, but this? Vampire. I wouldn't let my head get around that. Vampires were just legends. They couldn’t be real. They can’t be real. I felt my neck and found two deep wounds...and they were still bloody. A vampire had taken him from a bar, locked me up, God knows were, and was raping me and now drinking from me. The drinking part was far worse than the sex. I shuttered and fell over sideways on my broken arm.

"Not just any vampire, Sex. My name is Marcus and I am yours." I fainted then and thought it was about damn time.

I came back from my little mind trip just as the tip of Marcus' cock slipped inside. His other hand was still busy working me into a lather. Somehow he had managed to get me knees further apart and angled my hips to take me slowly without resistance. This was worse than before. I didn't want pleasure with this thing.

"Try it, Sex. You just might like it enough to come back for more. I would not mind providing for you any time you ask for it."

Marcus thrust hit my prostate and I didn't think of anything. He rode me hard like normal, it was just his initial entry had changed and that confused me...so I thought a whole lot of time later. I was just a bundle of nervous and sensations. I came on his third thrust and would have fallen on my face if he hadn't caught me. He must have liked this position because he shifted so my face was angled toward the floor, his hand was on my cuffed wrists and my knees were still locked with his. He stood up and began pumping away for all his worth. He kept hitting that sweet spot. Drool slipped out my mouth and ran down my cheek. Oh Christ, I was getting another erection.

"See, this is the true you, Sex. Embrace it."

I stared to cry with each thrust as it caressed that spot. I couldn't have kept quiet if I wanted to. It was too much. I knew Marcus found it erotic, because he always said such encouragements even when the sex was at its worst. My stomach was slapping my erection and now precum was leaking everywhere. Oh God...I cried out as I came again. This time Marcus jutted into me and stayed still. He groaned right into my ear. His breath hot on my neck and I could feel his offering add to what he had already placed there. I wasn't going to be able to move.

"That was beautiful, Sex."

Marcus dragged us back to the couch and laid on it sideways. He was still in me and didn't seem to be in a hurry to pull out. I could feel tears pricking at the back of my eyes. I felt so dirty. Dirty because I enjoyed it. I came without any one touching me.
"There is nothing to be ashamed of, Sex. Your body took pleasure in it. You were truly excited and...it...was...a...glorious...thing...to see." Each word was accomplished with a nip and lick along my spine. "I'm hungry but you have not replenished and you did not finish your juice."

I winced as he pulled free from my body, He reached over picked up the glass and stuck the straw between my lips. No, was not an option. I drank the sickly sweet stuff until I was down to the ice cubes. The fact that there was still ice cubes floating in the juice when I stared drinking told me not as much time had passed as I had hoped. He should be leaving soon.

"I am here all night, Sex. There is something important I have to tend to in the morning and it will be easier to just stay here....with you. Do not move." He got up and strolled off to the bar cart to get me something else to drink. Anything but cranberry juice. As far as I could tell, vampires don't eat food, yet Markus messes with everything that gets sent down here through the dumbwaiter. He's limited himself to drinks now since he almost killed me with food poisoning a while back.

Don't move...where the fuck would I go, I can't even sit upright. Oh crap. I needed to shower, now. He came back carrying cheese and crackers and another glass of cranberry juice then saw my predicament. "Shower first, eating later. Drink this now."

After I had choked down that vile drink, he picked me up with the same effort an adult would for a child. He set me down in the bathroom and I hoped that he would take the cuffs off, but he reached in and turned on the shower. Damn it. He was going to wash me. He shoved me into the water and followed. He stood behind me and rested his chin on the top of my head. I fucking hate that. He laughed.

He was getting aroused as he soaped my body. I was fighting myself. What good was getting clean just to get dirty right away?

"I told you, you looked beautiful. You always look beautiful."

I scowled at him and turned my face up to the water stream. A strong hand wrapped around my throat and I was pulled back against his body. My hands were trapped between us, but my fingers brushed his arousal. What was going on? He shouldn't be aroused...this would be five?

"I have never lied to you, Sex. Why do you think that I would start now? The way your face flushes when desire hits you. I can see the blood vessels open in your face to turn it that beautiful shade of pink. I saw hints of that in that bar when I found you. I am so glad that you share it." Marcus took my hair in his free hand and pulled it out straight. "I hoped it would have been longer. There is nothing to be done about it now."

Marcus washed me with all the efficiency of a dog groomer. I almost fell over off balance when he dried my hair a little too vigorously. I had no idea what my hair looked like now, there were no mirror in the place. I knew that it brushed my shoulders but it probably looked like a rat's nest most of the time. I had never had it longer than ear length in my life. Marcus came up behind me again and started to brush out my hair. I was a little shocked. This was not the vampire's routine. It was like that movie a few years back; he comes; he eats; he leaves. And he's done that. Now he's braiding my hair, I didn't think it was long enough to do that.

Wait, now what is he doing? He took my ear into his mouth sucking on my ear lobe. That sensation sent shivers down my spine. I turned my head away and found his hand on my throat again, holding me still. His tongue came out and licked at the scar on my neck again. "At least it doesn't look like it's new. Come on, you need to eat. I want you again before midnight - all of you. Your blood is like a rare vintage. If I took enough, I know I could get drunk."

I cringed. It's not a good thing to hear your vampiric captor talking about your blood like it's fine wine waiting to be uncorked. He moved his hand to the back of my neck and propelled me out of the bathroom, back to the leather couch and flopped me back on it as if I were a fleshy throw pillow. I laid there. What was the point, he would position me which ever way he wanted anyway.

"See, you can learn."

Oh, Fuck off.

"Language greatly needs to be improved. It is rather nippy in here." He walked out of my line of sight but I could hear him talking to whoever it was at the end of the dumbwaiter. "Do you know what first attracted me to you? You were so out of place in that gay bar. You were in physical pain, you were in a three-piece suit that had seen it's best wearable hours between 9 and 5 and you were furious-no, I will say you were seething. I could only assume you had a very bad day."

And you made it worse.

Marcus laughed then popped into my sight by leaning over the couch. "And I made it worse. Or did I?" He ran his hand down my spine dipping to the shallows before taking the deeper plunge. I hissed in agony. Too much in too short a time. Marcus frowned and withdrew his hand.

"What were you doing in a gay bar, when you were so obviously not gay? Or where you looking for an experience, unlike any you had before?"

I was DD for my drunken friends, who ditched me as soon as they got what they wanted. How did you get me out of that place any way? I just remember you walking up and saying hi.

Marcus raised his hand, fanned his fingers and pressed a small spot on the large gothic looking ring he wore and a needle fine lacet popped out. "Nothing elaborate. I find the old tricks are the best tricks. Then, I just stuck my hands in your pockets, wrapped your legs around my waist and carried you out."

In other words, you made me look like a drunken slut.

"If I had known that it was your first time, I would have waited until you were awake. There is something thrilling about the awakening of a virgin hole. If I had known, the debauchery I would have planned for you.. That still might on the agenda."

Oh God. Don't we do enough as it is?

"When you are as old as I am, what you have experienced is just the frost on the iceberg."

There was a soft ding as the dumbwaiter locked into place. I've searched his entire place and the only opening that I could find was this elevator shaft for the dumbwaiter. There had to be another way in and out, but I just didn't find it. I might be stuffed into the dumbwaiter to get lowered here, but there was no damn way that the big vampire could. Maybe he could walk through walls?

"Yes, I can. However, my clothes do not.” He paused then laughed. “I am kidding. I cannot walk through walls. Do not worry, Little One, you cannot leave me. Speaking of clothes, I bought these for you. I was going to give them to you later but now is fine. It is too chilly in here just to be naked."

The prospects of wearing something other than my own flesh made me struggle to get to my knees. Marcus laid out my new clothes on the back of the couch. My enthusiasm waned greatly. It was clothes from "The Gay". Bronze leather pants, matching stretchy material type t-shirt, black doc marten lace up knee high boots and...a dog Collar!
"Bronze will bring out the gold fleck in your jade green eyes." Marcus looked at me as if expecting some out burst. Gay wear was better than naked any day. "What? No comments on my shopping abilities?"

I gestured with my shoulders. Marcus suddenly seemed to remember that he had locked my wrist together. "Seems like I have to dress you as well as feed you." He gave off a big sigh then grabbed the leather pants. I stared at him. He was acting so strangely. He was being nice. He usually came in ordered his pleasure, when I didn't provide it, he took it by force then used my throat as a cocktail strainer then left until the next night.

Marcus flipped me over onto my back and pulled me up until I was sitting. He caught me by the back of the neck moved in and started kissing my mouth. Using his lips and tongue to tease a response out of me. Oh shit...shit, shit shit. Marcus sat back with a frown on his face.

"Your language definitely needs improvement."

That's what was wrong. Marcus is all teeth and fangs. There is none of this kissing, holding stuff. You're going to kill me!

"Yes my little Sex, I am going to kill you sometime tonight."