Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Destiny's Call ❯ Entry the Fourth ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Entry the Fourth
You dude, wasup? Anyways, dude, well dude, anyways, this here is mine work, by mean, my original work, characters too. You read, but you no touchy…
That week was insane. We worked out a sentry schedule, organized foraging parties, and Tarius even toyed around with the idea of turning some of the trucks into armed vehicles. Rugged was the first to volunteer his vehicle, which surprised no one who knew him. Tarius put a new gun on the back of it, which had three barrels. He said it would be effective, but quickly run out of charge. I slung a modified over my shoulder, and hopped in to take the gunner's place. Chubbs (who is actually pretty skinny, for your information), took the second cab seat, while Rugged drove.
Tar hadn't had a chance to add any armor to the truck, since we had no materials for it, but he tossed some tires on to lessen the damage. Another group, with two ordinary guns being toted in the bed, followed. The job was to make a scouting run, short, and see what we stirred up. We stirred up nothing. We tried it again the next day, and still nothing, but this time we made a run for the home depot and liberated some generators, while a second group was left to pump out fuel from the nearby gas station. We intended to stockpile.
Now we turn to the most interesting part of the week. We'd begun sending out foraging parties into the nearby neighborhoods to gather all the intact non-perishable food items. Tim, a sophomore, went with the forages on day 5 of that week, which was the furthest expedition since the world went to shit. They were heading well out of site of the school. This was before the truck experiment actually.
We'll listen to what he has to tell here.
`I was nervous as hell. So I avoided showing it by being extremely smart mouth and annoying as much as a could. I had surprised myself with my boldness in volunteering.
We crept along towards the church across the street, which was close to school, but we couldn't see the school. I crept along next to Sarah, clutching my crossbow. We entered the church, and raided their pantry. We found no one inside, and it was complete untouched. Of course, thanks to me, our luck went on vacation to hell. I tripped and crashed down the steps dropping my crossbow, which went off, blasting a lightpole nearby, which crashed down. Nobody moved for a moment, then we all breathed a collective sigh, and I got back up and went for my crossbow. The ground suddenly rumbled and exploded.
Maybe a better way is something blasted out of it and screwed us all over. Sarah's leg got trapped underneath some rumble, and she screamed yelled in pain. I think she was the only one who got seriously injured. The Monster went straight for her. No thinking involved, I grabbed a rock and chucked it. “Hey Big Ugly, have an appetizer! Dinner before desert, didn't yo mama ever teach you any manners? Yeah, this way Mama's boy!” I ran for my life, with living hell at my feet. I tried weaving in and out of a few things, and ended up just slowing myself down, so I dashed round a corner and hid, and prayed it wouldn't find me. it came around the corner, partially crashing through it, and stared straight at me.
I was thinking, “Well God, here I come.” Apparently him or somebody had some other plan, cause the next thing I knew the thing was looking around wildly and sniffing the air, trying to find him. I was right in front of it. I looked down, and didn't see myself. I touched arm, my cheek, my chest. I was there, but I wasn't. I tried to smell myself, not sure why, and I smelled brick. The same as the wall behind me. I was a freakin chameleon! Coolest. Thing. Ever. No exceptions, exclusions, or refunds.
I grabbed a rock and threw it, then dashed off and stood still next to another wall. I was still invisible, it couldn't find me. I kept on throwing, even taunting, and always hiding. It never found me. after about ten minutes, it gave up and I went back to where I'd left everyone. They weren't there. I assumed they had assumed I was dead. So I heading back to the school. I found them halfway, but decided to have some fun. I snuck along behind them, staying close so I got through the field with them. Corben, as we had all agreed to call it, had tears in his eyes at the news. I figured I'd cheer him up and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked over, but didn't see me. I grinned, tapped him on the other shoulder, then dashed off, grabbed a rock, and chucked at the ground by him.
Corben pulled out his blade, looking around, the others had their eyes peeled. I snuck up behind Rugged, and asked, “What are they looking for? And why is everyone so sad?”
“Something's here, but we can't see it. And the things got Tim Tim.”
“They did? But I'm right here!” and willed myself visible, telling myself the danger was passed. It worked, and nearly gave Rugged a heart attack. I got a short lecture, then got questioned for like an hour on my power. Corben however, said it was only about 10 minutes.'
Well, that's enough from Chameleon boy for now. Oh wait, that name is copyrighted… oh well.
The forage parties carried with them hand written flyers telling people to head for O'hara if they sough shelter. We kept lookouts posted to spot them. The flyer's also said to only move in the day, for these anti-creatures were even the opposite in their preference of night over day, and dislike of the sun. most days were cloudy, but still decently bright and somewhat warm.
The number of survivors arriving picked up three days in when Tarius started broadcasting a message similar to the one on the flyers over all AM frequencies. One of the forage groups had brought back an entire radio broadcast set from a nearby neighborhood.
And of course, there was Chameleon's little escapade and subsequent power revelation. Which made 3 of us with powers. Yes yes, some of you are like, 3? Where was 2? Others are thinking, smugly I'm sure, “oh I saw this coming.” Yes, Tarius's mechanical analysis and designing abilities were decided to be a power, because they were far beyond the abilities he had previously had in such categories, even if he always was decent with such things.