Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Destiny's Call ❯ Entry the Eleventh ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Entry the Eleventh
The hell. Just the Hell. THIS IS HELL. It happened. It had to happen. Oldest freakin cliché in the book, and my day has to one up it. Stars ok, gets bad, something goes partially right, gets worse, then goes straight to hell. My day. Right here right now, that's my day. Shit shit shit shit. That's all it is. Shit, hell, FUCK.
Well, here's how it started.
` “Everything is ready. We're loaded, locked, and ready to roll.” Tarius grinned as he wiped his hands and surveyed his work. “yep, this is going to work good.”
The “upgrades” to the vehicles were complete, we had gained two troop trucks, and two more hummers.
“What the hell? Ow!” Nick's voice sounded from somewhere in the hallway.
Arriving at the scene I was half shocked, half annoyed. Somehow, Nick had managed to fry his laptop, which, ever since we'd got the generators up, he'd spent nearly all of his free time on. And no, it wasn't looking at porn, at least not that I was ever aware of. And Nick didn't get private secluded freetime, if you didn't have something to do, you stayed in the gym, or commons, or went with a group somewhere. No one, including Nick, went off alone.
Now Nick loves technology, he thinks he's the best with it, he's always ever so proud of it. So went occurred here, especially to his laptop, is straight up to be considered the ultimate revenge on him for anyone who wanted revenge against him for whatever. Nick fries technology. He had gotten mad because his computer would not link to the internet router that Tarius had supposedly got up in running. Tarius had, in fact, got it up and running, but only to renetwork the school computers and server, nothing more. We did not have internet. Apparently, someone, and I lean towards Leon, though I could never prove it, had apparently told Nick different and he'd actually believed them.
As we had learned, strong emotions are what usually bring out abilities, though sometimes they just sort of happen, no evidence of a specific emotion. This is usually only with the “static” abilities, those always on at full power, like Tarius or AA. They even seemed to have something to do with the abilities gained. I sought to protect, and gained fields. Leon sought to hide, and turned invisible(he also sought to survive) Chris sought to pulverize. If AA or Tarius had emotions connected with their abilities, it was a desire to excel, and a desire to know, and understand tech.
Nick awoke his in great anger and frustration at his Computer, thus frying. His was, unforunetly, static, or so it appeared. He fried everything he came near and it wasn't just electronic. He made mechanical stuff that was working perfectly, flawlessly, go literally to pieces, or just fail, eletronics were just straight fried. And of all days for it happen, it was the day we were supposed to move out. We isolated him, and started loading, while we tried to figure out what to do. And by isolated I mean moved him as far away from everything electronic as we could, then I put a field around him, hoping it might do something. It did. My field effectively blocked his abilities from affecting anything beyond it, just like it blocked physical passage.
Eventually, we decided he could ride on Cheesepuff if necessary, assuming Sam could convince the lady leopard to carry Nick. The cat and he didn't exactly like each other. However, I decided to try something different first. Something I had been speculating on with Tarius and one or two others.
I “attached” my field to an object. So long as one could still directly touch, and thereby move, the object, the field moved, or more accurately, it remained fixed in the same shape and position relative to said object, but essentially, it made a portable field. And the object and field did not have to touch, the field simply remained the same shape, size, and distance from the same points on the object. Interestingly, it was impossible to move the object by contacting the field, but neither could the object be moved into a point where the field would overlap something besides air.
Nick was no more enthusiastic about this idea, but after being informed that no one would stay behind with him, if he didn't agree to this, he'd have to use his approximately half hour till go time to convince cheesepuff to carry him, or he could walk, or just stay. He agreed.
Happiness over the discovery of my new way to manipulate my fields was very clouded by Nick's very angry and upset attitude. Not only this, but to accommodate him, we had to clear out the entire back of a pickup, just to minimize to the absolute max drain on me from contact to my fields.
We picked the oldest truck we had, and we were forced to place it in the center, despite what that would do to the surrounding vehicles if I was forced to drop the field. We didn't know the actual range of Nick's ability.
Here developed another problem, temporary though it may have been. Not 2 minutes from the school were two gas stations, chock full of cigarettes, which was where Chubbs had been raiding. As we had known for a while, something reptilian and evil lived there, and Chubbs knew it too. He'd managed before to sneak in and out without getting caught by it, but this last raid, performed, with the assistance of Tarius, was performed not five minutes before we were due to leave.
`Me and Tar were going for one last cig raid. I'd used up or traded my stock, I wanted more, needed more, and it was the only reliable source. I had to go for it. Tarius had “volunteered” to go with me, watch my back, but really, I think he just itched for some fun, and he didn't want me to miss my ride. We krept towards it, around the church building on the corner, which is not the church Leon talked about. I checked my binoculars and looked with my own eyes, nothing. “You see anything moving over there?” I handed him the binocs and he checked for himself
“No man,” Tarius shook his head. He handed the binocs back to me, and we dashed across the street. How the hell should I have know it was watching from somewhere else? Or that it had camo?
Tarius crouched out front in one of his Shadow cloaks while I went in to grab my paks. Oh yeah, I guess you might wonder how the hell I got out? Simple. There was a tiny gap in the defenses of Corben's Dome field, which I had discovered the field touched the ground, well, it didn't, it touched this sort of cover, which had a small gap beneath it. The gap was way too small for anything that had attacked us to fit through, but myself, and Tarius, both of us being unusually thin for our age, could fit through it. Anyways, back to the problem.
I was still inside when I heard Tarius shout. “Chubbs, somethings it out here, amscray, now man!” he fired.
I dashed out to see him firing in random directions across the street. “Where, what I don't see anything?”
“It stopped moving. It knocked moved one of the cars left in that lot, and I could see as contrasting colors. It moved faster than I could shoot, and disappeared. I couldn't hit it.”
“Are you sure it isn't Leon?”
“Yes, I am, you could see the outline, very large and reptilian, but not really like anything we've encountered before. Besides, Leon would have come out when I started shooting. He's not stupid, Jew or no.” Jew being a rather twisted joke made in reference to Leon's choice of hairstyle. He was not a jew, or related to any, far as I know.
I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, something moving towards us. “Tarius, I believe you, I think I saw it to our right, let's go left, the way we came.”
“it might want us to go that way, but I doubt we have any better options, and it is better than sitting here. Move.” We ran for the church. Now you could see it, charging cross the street at us. It was large, and suddenly, it was no longer camouflaged. It was really really weird looking.
It had a head similar to a chameleon's, a real one, but blown up, and with huge teeth, very long legs with claws, rather like hands, a largish body, and a long curled tail. I'd say something like 15 feet from nose to curled tail, and taller than, well, Horse's are measured in hands right? I've seen an eighteen hands horse. This, based on memory, had to be 25 hands or something. And that's me trying to state down considering extreme fear and adrenaline rush.
Me, seeing this, didn't pay attention to my feet. I tripped on the curb, and I knew it had me. As I hit the ground, one of my drawings, that of my favorite of my angel characters, which I had tucked away on me with several others, flew out and fluttered to the ground. And thus I thought, “Damn it, why couldn't he be real, or something, and just get rid of this thing. I don't want to die.” A flash, and then I heard a new, high voice proclaim. “worst wishes to the Devil, foul Demon!” rounding, tearing and slicing sounds could be heard as I rolled over. The thing's head hit the ground at my feet. The body, minus the head, followed seconds later. My character, in perfect detail, was hovering next to the body, bloodly sword and slightly flapping wings and all, in perfect detail. My drawing was blank.
He looked at me. “Are you injured boss?”
I blinked. “you don't sound like an Angel.”
“I save you, show concern for your wellbeing, and all you can do is say I don't sound like an angel. Well excuse me for not living up to whatever stereotype about how angels sound you had, mister boss man. If that's all, I'm going back.”
I blinked, “uh, right.” Another flash, and he was back in the drawing.
Tarius looked at me, I looked at him, and then he asked, “what just happened?”
“Hell if I know.”
After a good, well, Corben yelling at us to get to where we were supposed to be, and something about how it would be useless to even try finding a fitting punishment, especially for not mentioning a significant gap in the field, both myself and Tarius were in position.'
And to clarify, that was chubbs speaking. I'm back as your narrator for this trip.
We hit the road, going double file until we hit the highway. There, we spread out. The front and rears of the group contained Hummers. Rugged's truck was second in sequence, followed by another pickup, then vans, more vans, only one or two cars we'd taken for their speed and excelleration. We'd even found a couple ATVs, which together with my Leviathan, fanned out in scouting formation. The only man not riding anything was AA, he could match the fastest speed we'd dare travel easy, and outstrip that a little, and he had no end of stamina. Along the edges we had a set of empty vans, remote controlled by Tarius, which we meant to act as decoys and shields.
We'd nearly reached the Rendevous, the most dangerous point, because at this stage we'd run into the 291/470 split, not that far from the school. It was at this juncture we'd take the West running 4 lane rd most of the rest of the way. But most crucial, we'd pick up a military escort that should have punched through the blockade, which was only some 5min West. We could hear the rockets and gun shots.
Everyone was tense. Leon went in on foot with AA, the other ATVs and myself spreading out, along with the Dogs and Cheesepuff, to scout for traces of Raptors, crocs, or anything else not human.
And then, chaos.
“Corben this is viz, i've got visuals from the outriders, incoming military, things looking… oh shit! Corben, raps! And something new! We're surrounded look out!” and then static covered the airwaves as a huge explosion occurred up ahead, colossal, gigantic, right where the army and marine escorts were supposed to be. The Roars of the Giants could be heard bursting from the crowd, could actually be seen swallowing the military convoy trucks.
I still feel shame at myself for my failure that day, that cost us so much. My hesitation, indecision, and rash confidence could have killed us all. But I will not let another tell this part of the story. I will tell this tale, all of it that I witnessed.
I was frozen, unable to move for precious seconds. I kicked into gear and yelled at everyone to stop. I tried to field the ground, but those precious seconds had cost us. Giants erupted from the ground and wiped out several vehicles in the center. A huge rain of fireballs took out several of the outside vans. I fielded the sky to stop those, but already raptors and such were following the giants out of the ground. Complete and utter chaos consumed us.
At this point, a number of things occurred. The first was that Stone was thrown from her transport and landed at the feet of one of the Giants. Rugged saw this. And here it was he did something insane, crazy, and almost sensible. He charged his truck at the Giant. I got a small recounting of the real details of what happened from Leon.
`“Rugged, what the hell are you doing? I know you think your truck is invincible but it isn't man! You can't stop that thing with this! It's just suicide!” I ducked as Rugged swung at me, then pointed out the door.
“Stone's in trouble, and you are not going to stop me. So get out!” he caught me with a kick, and I leaped off the truck as it sped for the Giant. Rugged ramped it up the leg and smashed into the head of the Giant, actually knocking it slightly to the side. Its foot missed Stone by several feet, vs landing on top of her. I dashed in a grabbed her, then returned for Rugged just in time to prevent the giant eating him. I wasn't completely on time, it got his left arm. I shot it through the eyes while it couldn't detect me, and miracle of miracles, it fell over dead. Must have hit the brain. Booyah, Head Shot!'
That wasn't all. We had two other occurances, which happened about parallel to each other. Here's Jump's account of what happened to him.
`I looked around, trying to find a target, anything. I found one, and started firing. I felt like ninja because I was shooting from a “concealed” position. Kakashi would have approved. The abridged Kakashi anyways. And I was mowing them down like Zabuza! A head shot here, a head shot there, with a HS here, with a HS there, everywhere a Head shot. Old Zabuza decapitator Hiyah Hiyah Hiyah!
Anyways, I got discovered and surrounded. So this is why you don't fight tons of enemies alone. I started wishing, while I fired, that I was about 20 the other direction, next to a nice pocket of people around two of the hummers and one of the gunner pickups. I blinked, and there I was. Astonished, but ever eager, I tried it again, and again, and a third time. I could teleport! Fun!'
Enough from Jump for now, I must get back to where we started this entry. I was fighting nearby Walker, Tarius, Reggie, and the major, along with a group of others. I was still a little out of it, not quite accepting what had happened so quickly. The creatures tried to drive a wedge between us with an attack concentrated at one point. I worked, and I was split from the others, but still with Tarius. Reggie wound up isolated, and then Urani appeared.
“Hello little children, I'm back! And this time, revenge is mine! I'll kill your friend. Watch this!” Urani tossed a fireball at Reggie. A great big blue fireball. it hit the left half of reggie and just kept on going.
“Oh Dear God, REGGIE! NNNNOOOOOOOOOO!” I collapsed, dropped to my knees, and cried, completely overwhelmed by it. Reggie, the unstoppable, the incorrigible, the guy who was one of my best friends, who would rule the world someday, or so we had joked, gone, in an instant.
“What the hell? It burns like hell, but it wasn't that bad.” Reggie's voice floated to me, dragging me out of my sorrow, forcing my head up. Reggie stood on one leg, half of him brunt to a crisp and gone, but his head was 3/4s intact, that is, retaining shape, and he was still talking. A small portion of him was completely unharmed.
“Reggie, what the…? You should be dead! You're missing half yourself.”
He looked over, and I'm sure if he'd had brows to raise, they'd have gone up in surprise. “What the? I'm half gone? Oh well, that won't stop me!” As we watched, a cloud of particles started flying to Reggie, and before our eyes, he began to reform.
Urani had been laughing hysterically after he thought he'd blown Reggie to hell, but when Reggie spoke again, he stopped, and his jaw dropped as Reggie began to reform. Soon Reggie was looking almost like nothing had happened, where he had skin, it was perfect. Soon he was whole again, no visible changes as to before he was burned half to hell. Urani was not laughing anymore, he was just opening and closing his mouth in disbelief.
Reggie eyed urani, and then spoke, “so was that supposed to do something? Cause it has no effect on the Immortal one! HAHAHAHAHA!” he grabbed his crossbow and started firing. The others also started firing, and Urani dived for cover.
His fist popped into the air, and he shouted in anger before a flash covered his full retreat. “I will return humans, and you will pay, dearly! Shaman, begin the fire bombardment!”
“Crap! Corben, give us a shield already!” shouted Walker. I unconsciously complied, my conscious self still barely processing the destruction I felt I had walked us right into.
Chubbs was gaining greater control of his ability by now, and had dispatched several angels and was currently digging out another drawing, this one a little more special.
“Master Chief, I am your commanding officer. Acknowledge.” The shiny green armored soldier saluted.
“Destroy anything not human or animal, excepting the reptildra. They are the two humanoid reptiles to your left. Acknowledge, and then commence defense. Prioritize the preservation of human life.”
“Understood sir.” The soldier saluted again, and then raise his rifle, and commenced attacking. He was devastatingly efficient.”
Well over 400 of us were still alive, and the scouts had helped bring in the surviving soldiers. Effectively we were all grouped under an invisible shell that was 7 feet above us. It was then that Jump, having further tested his power, jumped to me. I had failed to register any of the things currently happening, my body automatically killing anything not human that came at us, while my mind remained frozen.
“Jump, over here, Corben's out of it,” Walker waved him over. He stated simply, “You can teleport,” as Jump appeared next to him.
“You think you can take all of us out of here with you, don't you?”
“I need to know the actual location of the Camp to jump to it though, I think. I need a reference.”
“The camp's supposed to be that way. Jump as far as you can see in that direction, and keep doing that till you come across the camp. Then jump back here. I'll gather everyone together. Go, now!” Jump vanished. Walker dashed over to me, and caught my shoulder.
I whirled at the touch, prepared to slice him in half, just barely registering him and stopping in time. He seemed unfazed. “Corben, snap out of it, and get everyone together, and all the gear we can. Luc can teleport us, so we have to get everyone together for him. I'm counting on you.”
At his words, my mind pulled itself out of its stupor, and I nodded. Then, I grinned, “Right, on it.” I turned, and dashed for Tarius, all the while calling, “Leon, get over here! Now!”
He appeared at my side as I ran. “Find Sam, tell her to call back the animals. Then get anyone you can, and anything you can, towards the center. Luc found us a way out.”
“Rugged crashed his truck to save Stone. His arm is gone.”
I nodded and kept running, but smiled grimly to myself all the same. “well, I guess that proves it.”
I found Tarius right where I thought I would, in the center. “get everyone you can on the radios, pull them to the center, here. Luc has us a way out. Pull back any of the vehicles and such that you can.”
“He can teleport can't he?”
“Don't know, Walker's leading this one. We need to move fast though.”
I continued gathering everyone I could, but at the same time, I couldn't let go of my bike. I grabbed that and started riding down some of the crocs, but soon everyone was gathered and Luc, or Jump as we now call him, had returned. “Let's get out of here, everybody step with me if you can. Hold on to each other, and me, and here we go!” I dispersed my field just as he carried us away, finally, safe. The world disappeared from my sight.