Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Exaron ❯ Chapter 1-Loser of the Day? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I reached my school after 5 minutes of full sprinting, and practically broke the front doors running in. What a way to look like a moron. I ran into the front office and grabbed my schedule, glanced at it, and bolted down the hallways to my first class, which was unfortunately math class. What a way to start the day, run in late and start working with some numbers.
After a few minutes of searching the halls, I found my room and entered. Of course, the teacher, Mrs. Dallows, was still doing her boring, introduction, that nobody generally cares about.
“Ah, you must be Chris, go take a seat,” she said with a smile on her face, pointing me in the direction of a seat against the wall, which was also conveniently next to a very beautiful girl who I probably would never have a chance with, and would taunt me through the rest of the year. Yippee.
I walked across the classroom, tripping on something, making me topple to the ground, and also landing me a spot on the `Top 10 Losers of the Year' list. I'm on a roll. I roughly stood back up and brushed my shaggy brown hair out of my equally boring brown eyes, and quickly shuffled my way to my desk. I plopped down into my seat, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone as I stared blankly out the window, attempting to ignore the mocking glares I could feel on my back.
About an hour later the bell rang, and everyone stood up and frantically scrambled out of the door. Except for one. Ok well two, but I don't think I count for anything.
As I got up from my seat, I couldn't help but notice the girl next to me packing up her stuff. She was absolutely beautiful. She had long black hair, that was kind of wavy and hung down from her head as she bent over to collect her things. I would tell you her eye color, but I hadn't actually seen them yet.
I noticed her getting up and I quickly walked out, trying not to be seen staring, and I found my way to my second class, History. Time to learn about a bunch of old and/or dead people. Little did I know, this class was going to be one of the most interesting classes I had ever been to.