Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Kuroi Tamashii Kodomo/Black Soul Child ❯ Enter Justin Shikyo ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was a pleasant morning in Kyoto, Japan as class had begun for Shiroi Taiyo Academy. As always high school life went easy for most students, with everyone wearing uniforms made differently for the female and male student body.
But today, a certain group of three girls were about to confront the quiet and mysterious senior student named Justin Shikyo. The first girl was Shima Akuchi, a young freshman with purple hair and gleaming blue eyes, wearing a collar-top uniform and a mid skirt that matched her top.
Next there was Maya Setsuna, a junior who had long silky brunette hair, dark brown eyes, wearing a similar uniform as the first girl. Last was their leader, Kura Yamaguchi, a loud and very self-confident girl. She had red-orange hair and stood out from all the other female students with a busty brood chest and stunning yellow eyes, wearing a shorter skirt than other girls would wear.
"Kura, can't you pick any other guy besides him?" Shima asked adjusting her glasses up to her face. "Are you crazy Shima?! He's the hottest looking boy on the entire male student body!" Maya exclaimed as if no one would hear her loudness in the hall.
"That's why he'll be mines!" Kura shouted over her two lackeys brimming with confidence with her fist raised with an almost evil and greedy smile on her face. "Look Kura, here he comes!" Shima shouted pointing down the hallway seeing Justin Shikyo coming from his first period class. Justin was a furiously handsome young teenager being 17 of age and had well smoothed hair of silver and hazel green eyes of a frozen forest; as well as being tall and very lean.
Justin as well stood out from other students as he took not to the dress code, wearing a long black denim jacket, a long white tank top, black denim jeans, and a pair of black and white running sneakers.
As Justin was walking down the hall with his hands in his pocket and his usual empty stare, he stopped to see the three girls in front of him. "Hi Justin." Both Shima and Maya spook blushing wildly as they looked at him. "Hey," Justin gave a short wave looking at them with a serious, yet tact kind of look.
"Justin Shikyo, would you like to go out with me sometime?" Kura asked him feeling confident that her looks and her appeal would reel him in for a yes. "Hm, what?" Justin looked a bit clueless not catching on to what she asked him.
"Boy good looking but clueless." Shima and Maya whispered back to each other looking at him with a funny face. "That's quite a development Kura, but it takes more than breasts to get my attention." Justin rejected her, but gave a soft flick to her forehead then walked to his next class.
"Ooooh! That Guy!" Kura screamed and stamped her feet in denial and rage balling up her fists. "Calm down Kura," "You'll give yourself a headache." Kura's two lackeys try their best to calm down their leader.
After lunch that day at break time, Justin stood by the metal fencing near the gymnasium building. He gazed at the soft clouds in the ever-blue skin seeming to be lost in his own thoughts. "It's quiet now," Justin thought as he closed his eyes feeling the calm, cool breeze blow into his face and hair.
Just as he was having peace to himself, a group of three rowdy male students came up to him; with one having a lead pipe in hand. "We heard you're the baddest dude on school grounds," "I bet you're nothing but a pretty boy." The two cronies spoke to Justin who seemed to not even be paying attention to them.
"What do you want?" Justin groaned in annoyance as he slowly opened his eyes to see the three in his space. "To beat you to a pulp of course!" The leader of the group yelled at him. The first crony had a temp fade hair cut and onyx colored eyes. The second had a bowl hair cut and aqua blue eyes as well as noticeable freckles. And the last had a messy spiked haircut and navy blue eyes.
"I don't have time for the likes of you." Justin told them as he fitted one hand into his coat pocket and leaving the other hanging to his side. "You'll just have to make time then!?" The leader charged Justin and swung the lead pipe aiming to strike Justin's face.
Within an instance Justin brought his hand from his side and caught the pipe dead-on stopping it inches away from his face. "No Way!", "How in the world did he do that?!" The two cronies shouted looking shocked to see how fast Justin moved his hand.
"Big mistake fool," Justin warned the thug in front of him still being at a deadlock gripping the lead pipe. Soon the students gathered around all coming to see the fight that was going on. Justin's eyes began to reflect light and become the color of an orange sun or nova like color. His eyes burned with resolve and determination to win as it seemed. He then jumped and turned his whole body in mid-air and plowed his foot into the chest of thug.
The thug was knocked clean off his feet by the force of Justin's kick and went skidding back with students moving out of the way to avoid being hit. "Whoa!" The crowd of male students looked amazed as they saw Justin take down an armed thug with just a single kick.
'Let's get him!" The two followers ran recklessly at Justin as he landed. Justin spun and smashed his elbow into the first crony's face knocking him down under him. The second tried to land a punch to Justin's gut; however, Justin skillfully caught his arm then snapped it and aimed a high kick to his chin to knock him into the air a bit.
The thug came landing down hard on his back and the two groaned weakly not trying to move or they'd get beat up more. "Ha... They will never learn." Justin sighed as he put his hands back in his pockets. The crowd of students surrounded Justin cheering him and all trying to talk to him at once. Justin's eyes began to revert back to its hazel green color as he saw a girl he hadn't seen before. The girl had long orange-golden hair with a few braids in it, soft crystal blue eyes, being lean and having bosoms that were not too big or too small. She was picking up her books after a student had bumped into her trying to get to Justin.
Justin then made his way through the crowd and came to the young lass and picked up her science book for her as she had already gotten the rest of her books up. "Thank you mister." The young girl replied with an innocent smile as he gave her book to her.
"You're welcome, you must be new here?" Justin smiled as he walked beside the girl as the crowd of students broke up and returned to their scheduled classes.
"Yes I am," Megan nodded in response showing a friendly smile upon her lips. "Hey Kura, who's that Justin's with?" Maya pointed out as she watched the two come from the distance. "I don't know, but that broad won't have Justin!" Kura pouted looking at them as if fire was burning in her eyes.
"Oh, by the way, what's your name?" Megan asked as she glanced at Justin beside her. "Justin Shikyo" He answered in a softer voice than when he spoke to Kura. "That's a nice name, I'm Megan Kurosama." Megan introduced herself with a short bow to the Japanese customs but keeping a tight grip on her four books.
"Well let's hurry and get to class, its room 3-A, science class." Justin chuckled then took the lead showing her the class. After the students were settled down in their desks the gawky, but energetic black-haired teacher, Genma Ichiro, had Megan come up to the front to introduce herself. "Hi, my name is Megan Kurosama, I'm currently sixteen, and I'm an exchange student from Germany." Megan began her introduction and bowed to her classmates. "Germany?", "She came a long way.", "Where's that?" Students murmured around about the new student back and forth.
Justin was watching the ceiling from his desk in the back row. "Miss Kurosama, you can sit in the first row, the desk aside of Mister Shikyo." Mr. Ichiro told her pointing to the empty desk on the right side of Justin in the back.
"I hope that won't be a problem for you Mister Shikyo." The teacher looked to Justin concernedly. "It won't be." Justin replied and looked back to the teacher with a smile. Before long the bell rang and it was time for the students to head home. Justin stopped at his locker to get his book bag and as he put his books in his backpack, Megan came up to him all ready to go. "You know, that was pretty fast." Justin grinned sweat dropping a bit seeing how fast she got everything ready. "Sorry, just trying to keep up. I see you stay in the apartments down on 21st Kuma Street." Megan responded as she panted a bit trying to catch her breath from all of her rushing.
"Yeah, where do you have to go?" Justin questioned her raising a brow curiously as he strapped his bag over one shoulder and held the other strap with his hand. "I and my parents are in the same apartment, but we're just on the other side of yours." She giggled as they walked out the front entrance. "Well, I have to pick up my little sister from elementary school, you're welcomed to come." Just told her with a bright smile as they walked down the block.
"Sure thing." Megan nodded then took hold of Justin's arm as they left school grounds. While the two were leaving school a special operative who kept watch was looking at them from special high-tech binoculars getting a good reading on their looks. "Have you gotten visuals on the target?" A voice called over from the operative's headset. "You got it chief, Justin Shikyo, son of Jonas and Maria Shikyo." The operative said with a sly grin as he brought up his VAIO laptop computer with a camera attached to it.
He began typing on the laptop then brought up images and feedbacks he gotten from watching Justin during the day. He sent over the data to his superiors after getting everything loaded. One of the images caught the operative's eyes when he saw Justin's eyes had changed into that furious orange nova color. "Kato, we will act tonight at midnight." Kato's superior commander told him. "Whatever you say chief." Kato gave another impish grin as he got ready to leave the school's rooftop.