Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Kuroi Tamashii Kodomo/Black Soul Child ❯ Maroon vs. Justin ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Megan lied unconscious from her brother's attack then Justin's fist erupted with flames and he charged on to meet Maroon who was coming right towards them. “You'll pay you evil bastard!” Justin yelled as he punched his fist forward to collide with Maroon's face. Maroon brought his ice armor to block his punch with his own attack, and the ground began to shake violently as torrents of red and blue energy whirred and swirled from the bodies of the two attackers.
“You can't win, you should give up your futile attempt!” Maroon shouted as he began to lock his hand around Justin's magma fist and it began to freeze up, becoming coated in ice. “What…His ice is that strong?!” Justin pulled back then his arm dropped to the side as his right hand and going up were frozen solid. “Heh… Heh… Just admit it, you're beat, Shiva's ice can penetrate even the hottest of flames. ”You underestimate me Maroon.” Justin grinned as he pointed out to Maroon's ice hand that was melted to where his humanly flesh showed.
“What's this?! No matter I'll put out your fire and take you down!” Maroon yelled as he reconstructed the damaged ice around his hand drawing in tense moisture and froze it back to its solid form. “Justin, let me help.” Hughes told him as he held out his sword ready to strike. “No, you take the one who's gotten Anne, Maroon's mines.” Justin spoke as he began to move his frozen armor building up heated lava in the creases of his magma coated arm and shattered the ice with its intense heat.
“Right,” Hughes nodded then leaped at Kato practically gliding from where he stood in a single bound. “Kato, take the girl and leave.” Maroon commanded as he blocked another attack coming from Justin. “Don't get yourself killed.” Kato said as he avoided Hughes' claymore swing and then took a grappling gun and fired it out the broken window top and it hooked on to something tight. “Hughes, don't let him get away!” Justin tried to launch a blast at Kato, but Maroon knocked his arm away altering the path of his heat blast to utterly miss Kato.
“Time to go then,” Kato grinned then was railed up towards the window till he made his exit then made his escape carrying Anne off with him. “Anne!” Both Hughes and Justin yelled, but were both knocked away by an instantaneous attack from Maroon's speed having moved to each one to hit them with a knock back blow to the gut. “Damn him…” Justin growled after sliding back and catching his footing. “He hits hard I might add.” Hughes added as he held his stomach slightly then shook off the pain.
“Now I can fight you how I want.” Maroon said as the air around him began to grow colder and his other arm began to freeze up and then his legs with his feet having icy talons and he stood in a closed stance bringing his hand up and taunted them giving a slight motion of his hand.
“Wildheart let's get him!” Justin roared trying to connect to his Genii. “Right.” Wildheart's voice echoed in his head. Justin would give a loud wolf's howl as fire swirled and danced around him as his arms would completely become magma coated as well as his feet, his hair becoming jet black and wild as before with Omnicron and he stood in his wild wolf hunting stance. “Lineage we shall stand and defeat Maroon.” Hughes called on to his Genii for strength as well.
Hughes began to burn with black flames and his body would become incased in ebony armor from head to toe and his hair grew longer exiting the back of the helm becoming a golden blonde color, and his claymore shined with such clarity and the light reflected off the armor as well.
“Two Genii at once, this should be interesting.” Maroon observed their Genii altered forms then would stand in defense awaiting their attacks. “Let's try a combined attack Hughes.” Justin advised glancing back at the armored Hughes. “Right, our flames should burn through his ice if combined.” Hughes agreed then tossed his normal sword away and then slammed his fist into the ground as a pool of darkness and fire spewed out he began to draw a new yet massive broad sword that's blade was shaped like an ebony dragon flame; hence was his Genii's weapon of choice, the Dragonmage.
“Draw forth the flames of the abyss… Circle about and destroy the enemy… Inferno Star!” Hughes chanted as he began to spin his sword slowly in a perfect circle as a ring of fire would come forth and he would thrust his sword into the center and flames began to draw into the circle erupting. “Cosmic Flame!” Justin howled as he forced his fist forward sending a massive flame blast through the center of Hughes' Inferno Star, and the two blasts would then combine into an awesome destructive blast of spinning fire and crashed into Maroon full force.
The blast radius caused a massive like recoil explosion forcing Hughes and Justin back as a sphere of fire formed into an explosive ark had enveloped Maroon then would explode into a pillar of fire that crashed through the roof and shot towards the stars. “Did it work?” Justin thought as he waited for the flames and smoke to clear. As the flames died down and the smoke cleared, Maroon remained; however, his entire body was incased in ice becoming like a humanoid demon of ice and a large barrier of ice had shielded him in an entire 360-degree angle.
“Is his ice impenetrable?” Hughes looked shocked as he saw the newly formed Maroon. “Was that an attack?” Maroon laughed as if the blast was nothing to him then the ice barrier around him would shrink and absorb back into his armor. “I'll cut through that Ice you just watch!” Justin yelled as he shot towards Maroon with impressive speed reaching him in almost an instance and began punching and clawing into his icy shell like armor. Maroon was being forced back with each blow while trying to put his arms out to block, but Justin's wild attacks kept getting under his arms and all starting to put deep cracks in the ice.
“He's actually able to hold off my defense tirelessly…” Maroon began to grow nervous as all he could do was try to defend or dodge Justin's aggressive attacks. “You're armor isn't—So tough—As you think!” Justin grunted and growled as he followed after Maroon's movements and tucks keeping up his relentless assault. “You're persistent aren't you…!” Maroon snarled from under his ice then pushed away jumping far back and then punched into the ground releasing a wave of shattering ice crystals to rise from the ground, heading straight towards the two. “Here it comes!” Hughes put up his Dragonmage and shielded of the ice spear strings being forced back. Justin on the other hand jumped off ice after ice shard using the trail to head right back at Maroon.
“Take this! Ice Dragoon!” Maroon screamed as he pushed both arms out and they would expand becoming the length of a long snake like dragon with ice dragon heads and would crash into Justin as he made his leap for him. Justin began spinning like a ball cutting through the icy dragon heads coming closer and closer to Maroon. “Maroon yelled in pain as his arms were being shattered and sliced away by Justin's aerial maneuver.
“It's over!” Justin yelled as he reached Maroon finally and struck him with a spreading arm slash of his claws shattering deep from the armor that covered his chest, cutting even through his clothes leaving bloody wolf claw gashes into his chest. Maroon went sliding far back then he fell to a knee as blood dripped along his chest and ice armor and dripped on the marbled floor.
“I've… Been wounded… By these weaklings…” Maroon's eyes shook in shock as he saw he had actually been hurt by their attacks. “Justin, we should finish him off now!' Hughes told him as he slashed away the ice pillars then began making his charge for Maroon. Suddenly blasts from a 60mm flak cannon hit the ground exploding the floor knocking Hughes back, then two more soldiers came in from the window tops grabbing Maroon then hit the ground with smoke bombs.
“Damn, their getting away!” Justin coughed as the smoke kept him from seeing a thing at all. “Clever bastards they are.” Hughes sighed as the smoke cleared and no one was there any longer. “Aaaaaannnneeee!” Justin gave a loud saddening howl as the enemy had escaped off with his sister.