Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Kuroi Tamashii Kodomo/Black Soul Child ❯ Fire and Ice ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Back at Grandma Ohma's mansion, inside the war room; Hughes was going over a detailed map of a base he was stationed in where they had last heard of Maroon's sighting. “So you're saying if we can infiltrate this base we might find clues about the Second Black Arms Division?” Justin asked as he looked at the map seeing the X's and circles Hughes drawn around certain areas of the map.
“Yeah, there's a slight chance we may have records of them in the storage library marked here.” Hughes pointed out to a red circled area of the map then drew a red X across it. “But won't the place be heavily guarded?” Anne added in as she too looked over the map. “Yeah there's a chance it will be, but that's where I devised this.” Hughes took out a satchel that had a strange heavy orange substance-like powder in it. “Sleeping powder eh?” Justin gave a slight grin looking at the bag.
“Right, since Anne can fly; we'll have her go to the roof and find the ventilation system there.” Hughes took a second map of the rooftop of the building and marked a circle around the ventilation systems on the east side of the roof. “….Maroon, could you still be alive?” Megan watched them quietly thinking of her brother the entire time they went over the plan. “Megan are you alright?” Justin came over to her putting his hands softly on her shoulders looking into her saddened eyes.
“Yes… It's nothing,” She nodded slowly then came over to the long table with them. “If the knockout plan doesn't work, I and Justin here will clean through whatever comes our way with our Genii powers.” Hughes looked to them for approval. “Got it,” Justin agreed giving a confident smile. “Maroon…” Megan said lowly under her breath clutching to her other arm in sorrow.
“Megan, look bright; everyone has to be in top shape for this operation to go successfully.” Hughes tried to comfort her with a reassuring smile, not knowing what else to say about her thoughts of Maroon. “Okay…” Megan smiled faintly then moved to Justin and Anne's side. “Alright troops, let's move out!” Hughes commanded in a militarized fashion as if he was general.
Soon the four were heading gown the streets of Germany in a military jeep being driven by Hughes. They would come 20 minutes arriving at the outskirts of the city where a large military base stood that seemed completely empty of guards on the outside. Hughes would get out of the jeep and unlock the lock to the front gate with his key then get back into the jeep and drive on in.
After parking the vehicle into a shaded garage, the four jumped out and began their mission taking a stealthy approach to the base front building. Hughes had given them walkie-talkies to keep in touch while they performed their separate tasks. “Anne, go up,” Hughes motioned for Anne to go up top side. “Right,” Anne nodded then her angel wings shot out from the back of her sweater.
The young girl flew up holding the bag of sleeping powder tightly closed and then landed on the roof. She then saw that there was glass window shields to look inside the building to, and she saw soldiers patrolling the inside and chatting around and such.
Anne quietly ran over towards the east side of the roof seeing the ventilation fanning system. She looked around for an opening to the vents then as she found one she unlocked the string from the satchel and began dumping in the powder. “Hey…What's that strange du—“ One soldier tried to speak but began to feel dizzy and suddenly collapsed to the floor as the powder enveloped the air around the room. Soon soldiers fell one after another falling asleep from inhaling the powder in air until all in the front room were fast asleep.
“The powder's in place.” Anne spoke over her walkie-talkie to Hughes and the others. “Good job Anne, Justin, Megan, use the gas masks so you don't get hit by the powder.” Hughes said as he pulled out a suitcase opening it, revealing three perfectly conditioned military gas masks. “Right,” “Okay,” The two took their respective masks and put them on, positioning themselves on each side of the front door.
Hughes put his mask on then formed an ebony bladed claymore sword with his Genii power, and slashed the door clean in two running inside first. Justin and Megan followed him in then took a triangle formation around Hughes' sides. “Good, their sleeping like a baby.” Hughes grinned with a subtle look then ran on ahead passing over the sleeping guards around the front deck.
Justin formed his magma-armor around his right arm with his Genii power, while Megan formed a rocky iron stone armor around her left arm. “Come in, Anne, how's it looking from top side?” Hughes ran and talked over his walkie-talkie looking around the main hall for the door leading to the second floor staircase. “The guards haven't noticed yet, and it's clear from the front and back so far.” Anne observed from the rooftops gazing over front and back of the building.
“Good, this will go smoothly then.” Hughes thought as he found the door leading to the stairway. “Hughes how much further is it?” Justin asked as he followed Hughes and Megan up the stairs that led in a spiral way with doors for each floor. “It's on the second floor, but there's a security lock on the door only top ranked soldiers know.” Hughes told him as he reached the second floor door then opened it.
“And you know this code?” Megan looked to him as they entered the second floor front deck. “Yeah, Maroon and I both knew the code, so this should be a piece of cake.” Hughes replied as he came to a stop then looked at the layer of the larger room then saw three video cameras in place on different sides of the room.
“Video cameras?!” Justin pulled Hughes and Megan away from the cameras sight hiding behind a large shelf that stood in place in the room's side. “Can either of you take out the cameras?” Hughes questioned them looking over the edge of the shelf seeing the video cameras move side to side in a slow arc recording everything it could get in its sight range.
“I can take it, Megan's only good for close range.” Justin nodded then he stood from behind the shelf and made his magma whip retract and lashed it cutting the video cameras in half or off completely and they blew up after short circuiting. Back in the camera room one of the soldiers who was on duty was sleeping from his job being a bore and didn't notice the fuzz going from the three camera-placed areas on the screen.
“Move, move, move!” Hughes rushed out heading across the room floor heading towards the automatic sealed door that had a key code pad at the side of it. Justin and Megan hurried behind him heading towards the door as well. As they made it across the room in a quick fashion Hughes looked at the key code lock then inched his fingers towards the numeric keys on it. “9-5-0-1, there we go.” Hughes typed in the four numbers he said aloud then suddenly the orange light went green and the automatic door slid open instantly.
As they walked into the large expansive record room that was enveloped in a dark blue lighting, Hughes would skim through all the record filings searching for anything he could find on the Second Black Arms Division. “Spread out and search you two.” Hughes gave a hand motion for them to search the area. Justin and Megan did as they were told then would go in scattering through the files in different parts of the room.
“Hmm…” Justin went reading through a particular file that caught his eye. “Hey guys I think I found it!” Megan shouted for them to come over after searching through files in the back finding a particular one that had red inscriptions of the word “restricted” on them. “Good job Megan.” Both Hughes and Justin said as they ran over to her to come see the file.
“Hmm… It says… The Second Black Arms Division, an organization started in Russia consisting of the best classed politicians and militarized branch. They were formed in 1987, in order to keep the peace of Russia's mainland. But as years passed a new leader took control of the division after two thousand soldiers were mysteriously killed. A former hierocrat from England, by the name of Zwelwig the third. But after that everything is inked out to where I can't see.” Megan read to them over the files turning through the pages that had photos of the division and its pastime and at the last page was of the new leader, Zwelwig III.
“Zwelwig the third, I've never heard of this man.” Hughes pondered over the matter looking clueless about the organization's leader. “Chhh…Come in, Hughes… Chhhhh… There's trouble…” Megan's voice came over the walkie-talkies as well as loud amounts of static. “Megan?! What's going on…!” Justin shouted over the walkie-talkie he had. “Chhhh… It's them…. Hurry!” Her voice sounded more scared and frightened as even more static came through and a sudden click.
“We should hurry to the roof!” Hughes yelled leading them out of the storage filling room. Suddenly the glass windows above came shattering and two figures came down landing on their feet and one carried an unconscious Anne. “Who are they!” Justin shouted as he shielded himself from the falling glass with his arm as did the others. The two were dressed in body armor from head to toe and wearing helmets with jet black visors completely hiding their face and eyes.
“Put Anne down!” Justin yelled punching his fist straight out launching a heat blast clear for the soldier that held Anne. The one beside the hostage taker stepped in and caught the blast with his hand and the blast would be reduced to smoke and water. “What?! He stopped my attack?!” Justin shouted nervously. “Fire huh? That arm… You possess a Genii don't you.” The armored soldier said as he lowered his hand as smoke poured off his black material glove.
“Show yourselves, quit hiding behind those masks!” Hughes barked as he formed his black claymore sword once more. “Hughes… You haven't changed at all.” The voice from the soldier began to grow more familiar to Hughes and Megan. “No… It can't be…” “Maroon?!” Both Hughes and Megan looked in shock as the soldier took off his helmet revealing his face being Maroon.
“So that's Maroon…” Justin growled slightly as he saw the young man's face. “Megan, you came as well? What a pity…” Maroon said slowly then tightened his gloves. “Brother! You're alive!” Megan screamed in joy as she ran to her brother. “Megan no!” Hughes and Justin shouted out to her. Just as Megan reached her brother and attempted to hug him, she would be stopped in her tracks as Maroon's hand locked around her throat and lifted her up off the ground.
“Bro…ther?!” Megan gave a muffled shout starting to become suffocated by the pressure he had put into her throat. “You stupid girl, I have no use for things such as siblings.” Maroon told her in the coldest and sinister manner he could. “Let her go!” Justin shouted standing his ground not being sure if it was safe enough to approach him without Megan being strangled anymore than she already was.
“Fine, have her.” Maroon muttered then tossed Megan hard into Justin knocking him over as he caught her. “Maroon, why are you doing this! And how did you survive that explosion!” Hughes yelled in utter confusion. “That explosion, the incident of the accidental atomic bomb exploding in Russia? Did you forget that I too possess a Genii.” Maroon gave a smug grin as his Genii would appear visible to their eyes and she stood by his side.
“His Genii is visible?” Justin looked up from Megan to the icy maiden that stood beside Maroon. “You seemed surprise by my Genii, all Genii have the ability to become visible to the eye that is as long as your bond remains fully synced to the Genii.” Maroon explained as his arm began to become shrouded in ice and formed claws from his hand. “Shiva, you do not need to witness the deaths of these pitiful Genii-wielders, return until I've finished here.” Maroon said as his eyes became that icy blue color once more. “Yes master Maroon…” Shiva vanished from their sight on Maroon's command. “Maroon, don't get ahead of yourself, we're on a tight schedule.” The other soldier still cloaked by armor said. “I know Kato,” Maroon grinned walking his way towards the three. “Kato's here too?!” Justin shouted knowing that he had two worst enemies in the same room now.
“You should be honored by me sending you to the afterlife for I shall become stronger than any being alive!” Yelled Maroon as he ran towards them springing in to attack.