Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Kuroi Tamashii Kodomo/Black Soul Child ❯ Kato's Indecisive Plot ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Meanwhile somewhere deeper in the heart of Germany was a tall, dark, and gruesome fortress of great structure. Deep into the clutches of this fortress, a dark power resonated while there were groups gathered inside in order to protect this force. The structure of the fortress consisted of four floors, each with different rooms and holding chambers and such. Down on the second floor in the training facility Kato was organizing his equipment while waiting for his next orders from the so called chief he worked under.
“To overthrow the king… We'll need more power,” Kato pondered sitting down going over a structured map over the fourth floor of the fortress. “Kato, what are you scheming?” A voice debated to him as a shadowy figure lurked about into the small room. “You… The King's personal servant, what are you doing here?” Kato implied gazing to the familiar figure. As the person came into the light it appeared to be Maroon, the brother of Megan who was thought to be dead.
“The King has been keeping an eye on you Kato; now tell me why you would steal a map of the fourth floor.” Maroon glared at Kato suspiciously. “Heh… Forgive me Maroon; I just wanted to go over it so I can place more protective measures for the King's chamber.” He answered Maroon in an utmost calm manner trying to hide his plan through a slick lie. “Heh, do what you like, but I'm on to you. You try anything against the King and I will personally kill you myself.” Maroon cautioned giving him another sharp glare before turning his back.
“Maroon, why would you think that the King is so trusting and mighty?” Kato commented giving him a stern look. “You dare question his authority? You have guts I tell you that Kato.” Maroon frowned turning back to look at Kato now. “Don't you feel something is wrong about him, even a little bit?” He added to his worries about the true nature of their so called king. “Would you dare to challenge his power? You should know your place Kato, for no one can defeat our King.” Maroon confirmed stepping closer to Kato.
“I know… But,” “The matter is finished!” Kato was cut short by Maroon's sharp yell. “Maroon… Don't you miss your sister?” Kato noted to him wondering if he even cared about anything else other than his power. “Megan? I have no use for attachments such as those.” Maroon belittled Kato's concerns then went away heading towards the door. “Has your love for Shiva made you heartless Maroon?” He would ask watching Maroon get ready to walk out of the room.
“Don't bother yourself with useless concerns Kato.” Maroon disclosed giving one last look at Kato then made his exit shutting the door behind him. “Those three… If they are still alive maybe I can use their powers to defeat the King… But his powers are too tremendous… It still wouldn't be enough.” Kato began to beat himself up with his own thoughts, wondering if there was any way he could defeat their king.
Later that night Kato was walking down to the first floor heading towards the infirmary then he would be greeted by three members of the King's task force. “You three,” Kato murmured as he saw a tall man with a black bandana, a lean busty woman with an eye patch, and a mid-sized man bulked with weight. “Yes if it isn't Kato Shinosuke,” The woman with the eye patch said. “Haruna, Chisan, and Lavant, you're the King's personal execution unit right?” Kato expressed with an impressed manner of tongue.
Haruna was a tall and well proportionate woman, having a teal green left eye while the right covered by an eye patch, having medium lengthy black hair, a darkened tan tone, wearing a metal body armor like vest that was open, a red mid cut leather top that showed off her well toned stomach, very tight black leather pants, and a pair of high cut red stilettos.
Chisan was a youthful looking man with long silver hair, having a black bandana wrapped around his forehead, haunting yellow colored eyes, a slightly flushed tone, wearing a black military uniform and pants similar to Kato's, a pair of black combat boots, and two silver rings going on his left index and pointer fingers.
Lavant was a heavily built and short man, having onyx colored eyes, a brown well cut Mohawk, wearing a specially made black uniform fit for his very large size, heavy black pants with metal cuffs around the shins and pants leg, and a pair of jet black boots.
“Har-har, if it isn't Kato himself.” Lavant gave a hearty laugh patting Kato on the shoulder hard. “Heh… Heh… Glad to see you too Lavant," Kato laughed nervously then rubbed his shoulder that was sore from Lavant's heavy handed strength. “Kato, we need to talk to you.” Chisan would say as he looked around the area to make sure no one else was around. “What's up Chisan?” Kato directed his attention to Chisan who seemed to be worried about something. “What do you think of the King's work, don't you feel something wrong's going on here.” Chisan admitted as he crossed his arms looking down a bit.
“Yes, I feel the same way, but aren't you three loyal to the King?” Kato looked confused now on the matter. “Yes, but there's no pay in what we do… And can't you feel the malice pouring from his chamber, it reeks of sinister toxins.” Haruna added in to Chisan's point. “Yeah, it gives me the heebie-jeebies y'know.” Lavant shivered just thinking of the sinister air coming from the king's chamber. “We need to gather enough powerful Genii wielders if we're to ever overthrow the King.” Kato told the three as he rubbed his chin a bit in thought.
“But for now we have to continue to play along and make sure Maroon doesn't become too suspicious.” Chisan agreed with Kato then nodded his head slowly. Soon a loud siren alarm went off catching the four's attention. “Are we under attack?!” Kato shouted nervously looking around as the red danger warning lights whirled about the rooms from the wall hangings. “Kato, we will assist you in your case, but for now let's make this as nothing has ever happened for the time being.” Haruna assured him with a bright smile.
“Thank you Haruna, and you both.” Kato smiled softly then ran off and the three split up going to check out whatever triggered the alarms. Meanwhile on the third floor of the fortress dead soldiers in a bloody massacre all around the rooms stood, as Maroon walked over the bodies with his arm covered in solid ice forming into a large arm of armor and icy claws that were soaked in human blood. “No one shall stand in my way; I will kill the King myself…” Maroon gave a sinister chuckle as he lowered his ice covered arm and continued on heading towards the stairs leading to the forbidden fourth floor.
As Maroon made it to the fourth floor he saw that the room was filled with a black miasma like gas and a chambered room with a golden double door gate stood at the end of the room. “I shall kill the King, and prove that I am the most powerful. Shiva, awaken from your slumber my icy maiden.” Maroon called out then suddenly his Genii took physical form becoming visible to the eye now. Shiva was a gorgeous and seductively beautiful woman coated with soft blue icy skin, long ultramarine blue silky hair that stopped at her feet, having aqua colored eyes, wearing a dancer's like top made of icy cloth that fitted like a bra, a long icy silk dress that split from front and back covering both sides, and a pair black sandals that were tying black lace around her thighs.
“You called Maroon?” Shiva would ask as she floated down and stood behind Maroon, touching his face with her icy cold hand and give him a sweet loving look. “Yes my beautiful maiden, it is time we use our power to defeat “him”,” Maroon nodded as his brown eyes reflected the color of Shiva's as they synced powers. Maroon would then walk towards the gate with Shiva hovering behind him to guard his rear. As he reached the gate he would then open it slowly and suddenly an outpour of black miasma would shoot out almost pushing him and Shiva back.
“This air… It reeks with blood and death.” Maroon coughed as the smell burned his nose and his eyes became watery. As he gazed into the room as the smoke cleared he would see a man sitting on a throne inside the room that was suited for a king. “Maroon… You would dare defy me?” The man insinuated looking at him with his red beady eyes filled with death and destruction.
“I know if it wasn't for your powers I would still be dead, but no matter I will kill you and become the most powerful man alive.” Maroon's eyes were filled with a cold lust for power and his heart began to beat with anxiety and rage. “Stand down Maroon, I gave you life and I can easily take it away again.” The king would say as he sat there crossing his arms not one bit interested in fighting Maroon. “You look so smug sitting there on your throne, but I've become even more powerful than you!” Maroon yelled as he pushed his frozen armored arm forward and launched an ice spear straight for his head.
The king would raise his hand and the ice spear melted into nothing but vapor as it reached his hand. “No way…” Maroon looked shocked to see his attack become dissolved with just a use of the hand. “If you let go of your lust for power now, I will forgive this atrocity, if not I will be forced to take measures into my own hands.” The king would declare as his red eyes began to glow even more.
“….” Maroon would growl under his breath as his arms began to shake in rage by his sides. “What brings forth this display of emotion so suddenly Maroon, you are definitely far by my most faithful servant.” The king spoke to him in condolence now. “Forgive me my master… I am under heavy stress at the moment.” He would force himself to bow to him and lower his head in forgiveness making up a lie even though he didn't want to.
“It is alright, but do not let that stress be the death of you, you are far by more useful than any of my subjects around.” The king gave a soft sigh then propped his hand to his face tilting his head some. “I understand your majesty… I will take my leave now.” Maroon stood up then made his way leaving the room as Shiva followed after him and they would shut the gates behind them. “Can he be trusted Drasil?” The king looked to the side as his Genii appeared visibly, being the mighty lion chimera beast Drasil.
“I would say I should devour that mortal, but if you see him of any use then it is your choice.” Drasil said after a growl from his throat. “Hmm, I shall keep him a bit longer, but if I find him traitorous, you can feast on him as you please.” The king grinned then closed his eyes as they turned back to a soft green color. “As you wish, he would make a fine meal.” Drasil licked his lips in hunger then faded from sight. As Shiva and Maroon stood outside the gates Maroon would yell and slam his icy fist into the ground cracking it quite a bit. “Damn him!” He gave another yell then raised his fist from the ground then looked at his icy hand as the ice began to retracted into his skin and returned to its humanly form.
“We will succeed Maroon… But don't you would agree that you would need help.” Shiva floated to his side then held his face looking him in the eyes. “I don't need help…” Maroon would look away from Shiva sadly knowing she was right but wouldn't listen. “Let's return to my quarters and think this over Shiva.” Maroon told her as he would press a kiss to her icy cheek then leave heading downstairs. “You are strong… But you have closed off your heart to everyone except me…” Shiva thought to herself as she watched him leave but fading away back into his psyche.
“I will defeat him… Someway… Somehow…” Maroon clinched his fist as he returned to his quarters on the third floor.