Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Kuroi Tamashii Kodomo/Black Soul Child ❯ Anne and The Obnoxious Knight ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Reaching town now; Justin, Megan, and Anne would gaze at around at the hustle and bustle of the large town with people fluttering about and cars traveling the streets. “Japan is way more compact than Germany.” Justin would say as he began to shiver having no coat or shirt and he stepped in puddles of water barefooted.
“Justin, are you could?” Megan would come up to Justin's side slightly grabbing on to his arms to keep them from shaking. “Yeah…” Justin's teeth chattered together as he wrapped his arms around himself. “How far is your grandmother's from here?” Anne asked as she walked up to the two. “About, another five blocks to be exact.” Megan told her as she would guide Justin to the sidewalk. People would pass them by gazing at them from the corner of their eyes.
“Brother… People keep looking at us.” Anne hugged closer to her brother's side as she felt scared of the townsfolk's glare. “Don't pay them any mind, just keep walking Anne.” Justin murmured to her keeping his head lowered trying to keep people from seeing his eyes that radiated to the orange nova color yet again. Before long they reached what appeared to be a mansion tightly fenced by iron ebony fencing and a gate.
“You didn't tell me you were rich Megan.” Justin's eyes met Megan's in a soft glare. “Well… I didn't want you to treat me differently.” Megan said looking a bit worried. “I have no interest in money… You're all I could ever need.” Justin spoke softly then pulled Megan gently into his arms, laying her head on his chest. “Thank you Justin…” Megan whispered almost being brought to tears by his warmth and kindness.
Megan then would walk towards the gate and a camera looked at them as Megan would ring the bell. “Granny Ohma, it's your granddaughter Megan.” Megan said into the voice box that led to the intercom inside. “Megan? Come on in my child.” Grandma Ohma's voice could be heard then the gate opened automatically. The three walked into the front yard that was surrounded by neatly-cut grass, fountains, clay sculptures, and many flowers. As they reached the door, they would be greeted by an old woman who was a bit shorter than Megan, with faded orange hair, a pair of specs, green eyes, and a well made dress wrapped with an apron around it.
Grandma Ohma would lead the three to the living room and fixed them some glasses of hot chocolate. “Thank you ma'am,” Justin said politely then took his small mug glass and blew trying to cool down the hot liquid. “Young man, what happened to your clothes?” She asked seeing his pants were burned and rugged at the legs and seeing his flushed torso out in the open.
“It's kinda hard to explain ma'am.” Justin chuckled nervously then sipped his hot chocolate. “And young one, your nice uniform seems to have holes in the back of them.” Grandma Ohma noticed the tears in the back of Anne's uniform where her wings had ripped free from when they were in the laboratory. “He-he-he… Well I guess so.” Anne gave a nervous laugh as well.
“Megan you go upstairs and change into something nice while I help these two to some more suitable clothing.” Grandma Ohma giggled as she gave a short wave telling Megan to go upstairs. “Yes grandma,” Megan would nod then she left the living room going up the tall staircase heading to her room. “So, you're good friends of Megan's I presume?” She questioned the two as she adjusted her specs trying to get a better look at the two.
“Yes, she's a very nice girl.” Justin nodded in reply finishing his chocolate in a few more gulps. “That she is, Megan is a sweet and innocent child, though I fear she grew up being too sheltered.” Grandma Ohma told them as she led them upstairs. “I see, but what made her come to Japan?” Anne pondered as she tilted her head as her and Justin followed the old lady up the staircase. “Ever since her older brother died, she couldn't get over mourning the young lad's death. Eventually she decided on her own strength to move on by going to Japan to start a new life.” The old lady explained to the two.
“She didn't seem like the sad type though.” Justin blinked not being sure about what he was told. “She is a strong girl despite her innocence; she is like a fox in a way of speaking.” Grandma Ohma stopped as she came to two bedroom doors that were on side of each other. “Like a fox you say?” He'd look to the wall above the doors seeing a painting portrait of Megan on one side and Megan's older brother on the other.
Megan's brother was dressed in military uniform of Germanic stature, having brown eyes, a laid back spiky hairdo that was dark green colored, and had skin that was a bit paler than most. The older brother in a way looked similar to Justin and was just as handsome as he was. “Well these are the old rooms of Megan and Maroon; feel free to use the clothes and anything in the rooms.” Grandma Ohma would leave them to do whatever going back downstairs.
Justin would enter Maroon's room and Anne, into Megan's old room and they'd shut the doors behind them. After Anne picked out some clothes to change into she would get dressed in them. Anne wore a green beret, a lime green down sweater, a pair of junior sized jeans, and a pair of snow boots. She'd step out of the room then saw Justin come out at the same time as her. “Brother?” Anne gazed at him blankly.
Justin now wore a green sleeved vest that had tattered fur trims, a black sweater shirt, faded green loose jeans, and a pair of khaki military boots. “You look cute Anne.” Justin smiled and patted Anne on the head then walked back downstairs. “Brother, you look nice too.” Anne shouted running down to her brother and hugged his leg. “Anne, you're so sweet.” Justin smiled more brightly then knelt down to her level and hugged her gently.
“He-he-he-he… Well I'm gonna go run to town for a bit.” Anne said cutely as she spun around then winked at him in such an adorable manner. “You behave now; only use your powers if you're in danger alright.” Justin told her as he patted her head softly. “Okay, be back soon big brother.” Anne laughed cutely then ran to the door then left running outside.
Anne reached town then she saw that the people around were less in crowds and the chilly wind blew more wildly. “Brrrr… I hope it doesn't get too cold.” Anne shook some as she reached into her pockets and put on her mittens. Anne walked on the sidewalks then she could hear the chattering of armor walking into an alley way. “Huh? What's that noise?” Anne went to investigate the sound beginning to pursue the sound. As she ran into the alley she saw what appeared to be a giant suit of walking armor that had golden blonde hair running out the back of its helmet. The armor was colored of dark ebony and had facet designs of aquamarine colored patterns aligning the shoulder pads, gauntlets, and shin guards.
“Armor… Hey you there,” Anne shouted at the armor with a slight growl in her voice. “Hm… The sound of a child's voice...” The armor began to look over its shoulder seeing Anne. “It looked at me!” Anne stumbled over frightened by the tall armor's appearance. The armor began walking towards her with Anne trying to crawl away in response of her fear.
“Please stop child, I am not going to harm you.” The armor reached its hand out to touch her. “Stay away!” Anne screamed covering herself with her arms out in front turning her head and closing her eyes. Soon the armor would glow black then in a flash of light the armor took a human appearance. “What is the matter child?” The young man said as he knelt down by Anne.
“Huh? Where'd that suit of armor go?” Anne opened her eyes slowly then blinked as she saw the young man knelt beside her. “That was my Genii, Lineage. My name is Hughes Shin.” Hughes introduced himself and the name of his Genii. “Hughes Shin?” Anne sighed with relief seeing he was a normal person.
Hughes was tall and slender, having rugged spiked black hair, with velvet purple eyes, and a pair of reading glasses on his face. He wore a blue pull over jacket, a red t-shirt under it, loose black sweatpants with blue trims, and a pair of black walking shoes. “What might your name be!” Hughes asked in a very loudly manner being taken in by Anne's cuteness. “Uh… Anne…” Anne spoke looking a bit nervous. “That's a lovely name for such a cute little tike.” Hughes said as he picked Anne up and lifted her up high gazing at her as if she was his own baby girl.
“He-heh-he-heh…” Anne giggled a bit nervously blushing some. “Well what are you doing out here all by yourself Anne, there could be mean people out there on the streets ready to kidnap sweet, innocent little children like you.” Hughes told her as he gave her a piggyback ride having her latched on to his back and he held on to her under thighs to keep her from falling off.
“Well this is my fist time in Germany,” Anne chuckled looking around being able to see things at a much higher view than she normally could. “Well, I'd be a burden not to show you around the town.” Hughes grinned then began make his walk around the town carrying Anne. As time passed that day Hughes showed Anne around the town and all of its sites, laughing together, strolling and running around the park, going out to eat at a restaurant then headed back to where they met.
“So how do you like Germany, Anne?” Hughes would ask as he smiled having given her another piggyback ride. “It's pretty okay.” Anne would giggle then nod having enjoyed the time spent with him. “So where are you staying? I'll make sure you get home safely.” Hughes asked her and gave a brimming and bright smile. “With Grandma Ohma,” Anne answered still giggling happily.
“Grandma Ohma eh? Well let's get going, hang on princess.” Hughes would look back to her and then ran carrying her on his back. Anne held on tight cheering him on as he ran heading back towards the mansion. As they reached the front gate, The gate opened up once more and the two would go on in together. “Anne?” Justin exclaimed as he saw her riding on Hughes' back. “It's alright brother, Hughes is a nice guy.” Anne acknowledged getting off Hughes' back and then would run to her brother and hug his leg.
“Hughes? You're that friend of poor old Maroon's from the military.” Grandma Ohma observed them then saw Hughes, and became surprised now. “Correct Granny Ohma, it is I, Hughes Shin, second platoon vice captain of the seventy-fifth brigade.” Hughes stood at attention putting his hand up to his head in salutation.
“Hughes?” Megan came down to see them all gathered around. Megan was now dressed in a black coat with small white angel wings out the back of it, a white sweater under shirt, a pair of tight denim jeans, and a pair of cowgirl boots. “Captain's sister is always as fancy the dresser as she is.” Hughes criticized in a cute manor.
“So Hughes. What have you been up to.” Megan added in looking at him seeing he wasn't in uniform. “Back at headquarters there's been a well… Circumstance that us soldiers we're laid off all of a sudden.” He announced in a calm manner and rubbed his slightly bearded chin. “What could've happened if you can make any guesses?” Justin emphasized on the manner wanting to know more about the situation. “I've come to believe that someone has staged poor Maroon's death and is using him… Or what appears to be him to do as they please.” Hughes eyes would twitch slightly as he spoke looking saddened and anger at the thought of an imposter.
“Granny Ohma, for the time being may I request that your mansion will be our base of operations?” Hughes gave a bow hoping for a yes to his question. “If you believe Maroon is still alive and some conspiracy is about, I would be ashamed not to help you in anyway.” Grandma Ohma went to Hughes and put her hands on his shoulders nodding in agreement. “Bless you Granny Ohma and poor Maroon.” Hughes blessed her almost being brought to tears.
“Well we should begin to follow-up a plan or something.” Justin confirmed with a solid definite look. “Right you are, let's go to Maroon's war-room.” Hughes nodded in comply then led them knowing which way to get from where they were.