Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Kuroi Tamashii Kodomo/Black Soul Child ❯ Will of Fire ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

As Omnicron was approaching Justin and the girls, Justin shot a heat blast from his magma fist, but as the fireball would connect it would disperse as it touched the beings armor. “What?! No effect!” Justin stammered looking shocked. “Let me try!” Anne shouted as she stepped in front of the two. “Luna Arrow!” Anne cried out as she spun flying into the air forming a larger bow of light energy and then shot forth a spiraling blast of light that formed into a beam connecting to an arrow.
Omnicron rose out its hand and then the arrow's trajectory would change and return fire speeding towards Anne and the others. “Get down you two!” Justin shouted as he pushed Anne out of the way and shielded Megan putting his armored arm out to block the incoming blast. As the blast connected with Justin it caused an explosion of light and he went flying back and crashed into the ground skidding back. “Justin!” Megan yelled as she ran to get to Justin's side. “This thing's way out of our league….” Anne thought to herself starting to perspire in fear.
Megan knelt down by Justin and shook him after seeing her lost consciousness. “Justin! Justin wake up!” Megan shouted shaking him harder. “Dark…. It's so dark…” Justin in his mind beginning to drift further off and he could feel himself falling in an eternal pit of darkness. “Don't give in yet… Use it, the will of fire…” The voice of Wildheart reached out to him from the black shadowy void. “Will… Of fire…” Justin's voice spoke out weakly as he felt himself growing closer to the void's end. Justin suddenly landed on ground at the bottom of the black void then the world around him began to clear up and what took place began to shock him.
He stood inside what appeared to be a factory where his parents worked and they were backing away in fear from a strange yet dark creature. “Jonas… What is that thing…” Justin's mother, Maria Shikyo shrieked as she remained by her husband's side. “I don't know but you have to run Maria, run and get help now!” Justin's father, Jonas Shikyo yelled to her as he grabbed a long steel rod attempting to fend off the monster before them.
The monster with a bloody muzzle appeared to be a massive lion with pitch black fur and a long silver mane, having four long dragon wings, and a triple snake-headed tail. “Mother! Father!” Justin shouted trying to touch his parents but his hand went right through them as if he was never there.
“You measly mortals will make a fine meal.” The chimera-like lion said as he licked the blood from its muzzle as there were dead and half eaten bodies all around behind him of innocent people he had slaughtered. “You'll pay for this you monster!” Jonas ran at the lion in a desperate attempt to protect his wife and kill the beast before him. “Claws of Naught!” The lion would yell as it took one mighty swing of its arm and sent three dark slicing claw waves at Jonas.
Jonas would be knocked back being cut deep from the shoulder and leg barely managing to swerve around the attack. “Jonas! Are you all right dear…” Maria ran to his side seeing blood pouring from his wounds staining the floor. “Stop this you monster!” Justin screamed in agony as he couldn't help but to watch his parents become attacked. “Now you die humans… Calamity Blast!” The lion opened its mouth wide and a dark sphere of energy formed from the opening and a massive blast shot out heading towards the two. “Maria!” “Jonas!” They would both cry out as the blast came at them with no time to avoid it.
The blast collided with the two and caused a large explosion with a flash of light but as the smoke cleared nothing remained of the two but ash and a crater where they once stood. “Mother…. Father…. Nooooo!” Justin's agony would only double as he saw his parents be destroyed with the blast and he would fall to his hands and knees shedding tears of pain.
Soon the area would return to darkness and the autumn forest would return. Justin looked up as he could see Wildheart coming to him. “You wanted to know how your parents had died… They were killed by the Genii known as Drasil.” Wildheart told him as he put his paw on Justin's head as if trying to comfort him. “Why….” Justin cried sobbing as tears over flooded his eyes.
“I know it is painful but you must become stronger so you can avenge your parents death and defeat Drasil.” Wildheart explained to him as he sat down and gazed into the saddened boy's eyes. “I want to become stronger…” Justin bellowed then looked back into his guardian's eyes. “You have that strength… Use it to crush any enemy who would dare take life of the innocent… The will of fire…” Wildheart consoled him and looked at him with a kind-reassuring look.
Soon Wildheart would vanish and Justin would begin to howl like a wolf as the evening sky became night and the full moon arose. Back outside Megan was starting to cry over Justin as she had thought he had died from the attack while Anne was trying her best to hold of Omnicron's continuous energy blast having a barrier of light around them. “Megan… Don't cry…” Justin began to whisper to her as his eyes were still closed and his body began to respond. “Justin…?” Megan looked at Justin pulling her head from off his chest beginning to feel relieve and the tears running down her face would slow in pace.
“I'll protect you… No matter what.” Justin's eyes slowly opened and he rose to his feet as an aura of fire began to burn around him. “Justin you're alive!” Megan shouted in utter happiness as she watched him in bliss seeing her hero still alive and strong. “Anne, pull back.” Justin commanded as his fist began to surge with fire around the magma-coated fist and then burned hotter than an inferno. “Okay…” Anne dropped the barrier then flew away from the incoming blast. “Cosmic Flame!” Justin howled as he pushed his fist forward and a massive erupting flame rocketed from his fist cutting straight through Omnicron's blast and crashed into his chest plate, piercing deep through and then collided with a machine causing an explosion.
“Damage taken…. 26% upper body… Activating Regen Probes…” Omnicron's computer voice would respond then the wound in its chest began to heal up at a rapid rate as tiny nano-machines would begin reconstructing the damaged inner flesh and armor plate at a rapid rate until it was as if it was never damaged.
“It can regenerate?!” Justin shouted in fury looking very nervous now. “It's surely a monster…” Megan gulped not seeing a way to beat this metal monster if Justin's attacks would prove useless. “Time to go all out… You ready Wildheart…!” Justin thought as he began to sway around in his fighting stance as fire and smoke began to pour from his body forming an almost acid like aura of heat around him. “I'm ready…” Wildheart's voice echoed in Justin's head.
“Arrrrroooo!” Justin would raise his head and howl as his voice and Wildheart's would sound the air in perfect harmony of one combined howl. Suddenly the fire around Justin's body would erupt and it began to burn his coat and shirt off and his once lean body and flushed skin would turn a darkened bluish gray and his hair grew wilder and turned pitch black. His arms would become completely covered in hardened active magma and his shoes would burst in flames as his feet too were covered by the armored magma. The transformation would then become complete as Justin changed his stance and the fiery aura around him dispersed.
“Data calculation… Justin Shikyo… Does not compute… Repeat, does not compute…” Omnicron's databank would begin to malfunction trying to read Justin's signature and his heat levels were off the charts as the thermal scan would render him the size of a volcano making it much harder to see as one figure.
“I'll show you! Our combined resolve!” Justin would shout then shot towards Omnicron as the ground under his feet melted from the intense heat. Omnicron began to fire another energy blast at the transformed Justin but the blast seemed to bounce off his iron like skin. “X-Slash!” Justin roared as he crossed his arms leaping at Omnicron and then would slice clean through him in one passing movement, causing Omnicron's entire top half to erupt and explode. Mechanical oil mixed with blood splattered everywhere as the downed machine fell to the ground and blood poured from its remains.
“Arrrrrrooooooooo!” Justin would give a victorious howl as his claws were soaked in the mixed blood and oils and then he lowered his head. “Justin?” Megan would gaze in awe and amazement seeing the new Justin who seemed to be yet a wolf, but a man and as he turned to look at her the orange nova eyes that took her, began to make her melt even more. His darker form was beautiful to her as she could not help but to stare at him as he returned to her. “You okay Megan…” Justin would gaze back into her eyes giving her a soft kind look once more.
“Yes…” She would not hesitate to say as she sprung off her feet and hugged him tightly bringing her face up to his warm darker flesh listening to the sound of his heart beat that seemed to flow and sound like a tranquil clock. “Megan…” Justin pulled his arms around Megan as his magma armor would begin to feel cool around her.
Anne would then smile in happiness for the two deciding she'd just sit back and watch what would happen next. “I'm glad you're alright… I don't know what I'd do if you'd had died.” Justin's smile deepened in softness as he rested his chin on top of her head remaining close to her.
After the soft moment between the two, Justin would then see a way out through another wall blasting his way through with another heat wave and then pick up Megan in his strong arms and carry her out, being followed by Anne.
As the three finally reached the outside of the massive laboratory they came out in the forest somewhere in Germany's forest outskirts. As the light hit Justin's eyes he began to close them tightly relieved to feel the light of day once more and he would sit Megan down and they all would gaze towards the sun lit high in the sky.
“Where to now… It seems we're no longer in Japan.” Justin smiled not caring that he was thousands of miles from home, thinking of Megan's warm embrace the whole while. “If I am correct, there's a town not too far from here, I remember my grandmother still lives in this town, but I've never been this far out of the town or seen this laboratory.” Megan said as she scratched her cheek with her finger trying to get a heading on where they were.
“Well time's a wasting, let's start there.” Justin told her as he took hold of her hand as his body would return to its normal fleshy hue and the magma around his arms and feet would return to its humanly form. “Right.” Megan blushed as Justin held her hand and seeing him return back to his normal self. “Boy, this is one long day.” Anne would sigh as her wings sunk into her skin returning to its hiding place.
“Germany…” “I'd never thought I'd return to my home country.” Megan thought to herself as she walked with her two friends leaving the forest and laboratory behind.