Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ KuroOokami ❯ The beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
KuroOokami was lonely. Living in the city, away from the nature was really getting to him. Wondering everyday when something exciting would happen. Waiting seemed like eternity. He was rejected from most groups as he was a half-wolf. Human with black ears, and a black tail. Claws protruded from his fingers instead of normal human nails. He was ridiculed because of it, so he tried to hide himself just to fit in. But everytime, somebody would notice his deformities. They would point him out, and again he would be forced into hiding. Into the darkness. But it wasn't long before he found one just like him. Koinuyami.

KuroOokami awoke to his alarm. Dazed, he dragged himself into the bathroom to take a shower. The warm water felt refreshing as it hit his ears and rolled down his body. His tail moved side to side very slowly, as if it were caught in slow-motion."I wish this could last forever" he thought thinking about how little time he had to relax, as he scratched his ears with his claws.
Minutes later he turned off the water and jumped out of the shower, grabbing a towel to dry off. He reached into the medicine cabinet and pulled out a jar of hair gel. Spiking his hair was the only way he could conceal his ears. He put some of the thick goo into his hand and bagan massaging it through his long brown hair, trying his best to make it look nice. He replaced the gel and walked into his room, where he slipped on a pair of black camoflauge cargo pants and a black t-shirt. The Camo pants helped him to hide his tail from the rest of the world, so nobody would know he was a half breed. He slipped on some sunglasses to hide his bright yellow wolf eyes, and he headed downstairs.

Born from two full-breeds, Kuro was supposed to be a full breed himself. But a curse loomed over his family. One that only effected certain generations. He was cursed to walk the earth as a half breed. Some ridiculed him. Others rejected him. Nobody wanted to be seen with a half-breed. Apparently being seen with a half breed was bad luck. But Kuro thought that was just a rumour to keep his type in hiding. He thought he was the only one. That was until he met Koinuyami.