Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mafia ❯ Volume Thirteen, Chapter Forty-Nine: Trail to Trail ( Chapter 49 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Back on the plane again. Where are we going now? Back to Russia, of course. Apparently, they have business in the motherland. I am married to her, but why am I here? I mean, I get it. But still…

I looked out to the plane window. I get no say in this. I just have to sit there and look pretty. Ha. Look pretty. Like a trophy husband. Is that even a thing?

“You okay?”

“Huh?” I lifted my head. Boris was behind me, staring at me. I blinked before I pressed my lips together.

“Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.” I settled back into my seat. I should be used to it by now. I'm just numb. We'll be in Russia in a few hours. We're going to be there for a few days.


We landed at the airport close to noon. The chill hit my body as soon as I stepped off the plane. I will never get used to it. At least Valentina hasn't been mean to me. No dirty looks. No nasty comments. I don't know what to make of this.

I felt a nudge in my arm. I turned just as I was being dragged along. I had to stumble along to keep up. Here we go again. I knew the drill.

We checked into another fancy hotel. Apparently, we own this one too. I shouldn't ask. I really shouldn't.

“How many things do we own?” I asked. Valentina, Boris, and our men, (still feels weird to call them “our men.” They aren't mine. They are all hers.) stared at me. I said something stupid, didn't I? Boris patted me on the shoulder.

“You'll find out soon,” he said. I kind of nervously laughed. He still treated me like a kid. But I don't complain. He is on my side.

I stay behind in the hotel room. I have been to meetings before. Valentina didn't let me talk. I would just sit in the room and be quiet. Now, Valentina won't let me go with them.

“What?” I asked. “What do you mean? I usually go—” She put her finger to my lips. I stared at her.

“Not this one,” she whispered. I drew my mouth closed. Valentina didn't act like a bitch for a change. She even sounded like… she might… actually care.

“Behavior yourself while I'm gone, okay?” Valentina said. My face dropped. I take that back. She turned and walked out of the room. So this was how it is then? Get dragged along everywhere and get left behind? Okay, so I'm not completely alone this time. They left me with a bodyguard this time. That's something, I guess. I flopped back onto the bed.

I want to go home. But no. She said that she had to build strong ties with her father's allies in the motherland. After, she and I are going to New York. Valentina didn't tell me why. I rolled my eyes. Great, another meeting. I want to go home.

I picked up my phone. Well, I could give Mom a call. That should be okay, right? They didn't say I couldn't. A quick call would be fine. Valentina and them won't be back until three. I will just make it quick. Besides, my bodyguard was in the hallway. I'm going to do it.

I took a breath and made the call.

Trail to Trail