Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mafia ❯ Volume Fourteen, Chapter Fifty-Four: New Blood and Traps ( Chapter 54 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

War was coming. War means more soldiers will be needed for the fight. Valentina got right to work on recruiting new blood for the Solshska. Good thing there were some Russians in Japan. The mob boss smiled as she straightened her tie.

“Okay! Let's do this!” she said to herself. She turned and walked out of her room. Valentina knew just the place to start.


Time to go downtown. Valentina had a plan. The wine business, the nightclub, and the fight club were going to need more workers. The nightclub was going to need extra PR. Best to start with the easiest thing first and then work up to the nightclub. Good thing she had Boris by her side.

Wine Business

Krasnaya Roza Pobedy was doing well. It was growing, in fact. The clientele was happy. It was time to expand again. First came the help wanted ads online. It didn't take long to get responses. The men who were loyal to Valentina sorted through the applications. Only thirty came through.

“I want to sit in on the interviews,” Valentina said.

“Yes, ma'am,” Boris said. Out of the thirty interviews, half were asked back for a second interview. She had to have only the best men she could trust. Brave men. Loyal men. Men with confidence. This looked like a good bunch so far. Just a little tightening up and they would be perfect soldiers.

Fight Club

This one was more of Viktor's area. But he was happy to help her.

“No problem,” he said. Valentina bowed her head.

“Thank you so much,” she said. Viktor smiled as he tapped her on the cheek. Valentina would sit in on the process.

They were going to need fighters, promoters, ring people, organizers, and many more. Viktor would have all of that taken care of. He always had her back. Viktor was good with the club on his own. Valentina would make things much better.

That just left one more place.


Oh boy. Here came the challenge. Crystal Tear was in a weird place. Most people didn't want to go there. Those who showed up only did so out of morbid curiosity. This would not do.

She and Viktor needed more security guards for one. Another bartender, maintenance people, janitors, and many more.

Valentina took a breath.

“You alright?” Boris asked. The new boss turned her head.

“Yeah,” she said, nodding. “I'm fine. I can do this.” She walked up to the closed building.

This would take more time. Time that she didn't have. But Valentina needed to do something. Had to act fast. The war was about to heat up.


Meanwhile, there are still traitors in the Solshska. They still want blood. And Valentina's head. This war would be perfect. However, one question remained.

And then what?

The men talked about it on and off. Maybe they could form a new group. They would have to see. Right now, Valentina had to die.

However, that might not be so easy now.

New Blood and Traps