Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mechanical Affection ❯ Chapter 19 ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mechanical Affection- Chapter 19

I wasn’t sure who I was or who I used to be, but I knew one thing. Something I kept replaying in my head, over and over again. I was waiting for someone named Matt and that he would save me. I’m assuming this Matt fellow was a breather, considering he had a name, but I wouldn’t know him if I saw him. I just had to hope he’d know me.
I didn’t like it in here. It was cramped and dark and gritty. I think it was a kennel or something. Whatever it was, it wasn’t designed for something as big as us and definitely not so many. Packed in like a can of sardines, I scarcely had room to move in the concrete and chain link cage I currently called home. My undead companions, to be blunt, were terrible cellmates. Unfortunately stupid and annoyingly persistent. Whereas I waited patiently in the corner, they crammed up against the front reaching out for any passerby even more stupid than them. I wished they’d give it a rest because they were damn noisy.
Back up, I used the wall for leverage and watched over their heads as a breather walked by. He stopped by the cage and I decided it better to play dumb than look obviously different. Lurching forward, I reached for him over the others, snapping my jaws even though my mouth was covered. The breather kept going and I backed off… The others kept pushing. I kept watching.
When the breather came back a short time later, he had one of us at the end of a stick, like the kind you catch dogs with. He walked backwards using our desire to kill him to keep the one he had going the direction he wanted. I didn’t like this at all. I could be next, and who knew if I would ever come back from wherever it was they’d take me. I don’t know that I saw any others come back after being taken. Maybe they were just gone too long.
I waited for them to come back, but… I couldn’t concentrate on that for long. I had to keep up my repetitions. Matt was coming for me. Matt would save me. He would take me away from here… Maybe if I told myself that enough times, it would become true.
“That one.” I jerked into the conscious world and looked towards the sound, the warmth. Two of them were looking in at me and I attempted to look as normal as possible so that when they opened up the gate they wouldn’t take me. They stuck a stick in through the fence and looped one of us, not me. She was pulled in close to the door and when they opened it, they shoved the rest of us back with prods while she was dragged out. This time I went to the front and watched them go. Matt would come for me. I needed to be here when he came…. He would come.
The door the breathers had left through opened and I half expected to recognize whoever walked in… And I almost did. Pushing back inside, I hid among the gnashing teeth and waited for another one of us to be caged. They almost passed by us, but masked captive came to an abrupt halt in front of the cage I was in. He was looking right at me. I groaned a little. Don’t look at me… He was going to get me killed acting like that, you know, if I could be killed again.
The breather pulled but the guy on the pole pulled right on back until he got his way. Shouting something incomprehensible, the breather opened the door and shoved him in the cage with us. The moment the breather was gone, he shoved his way back towards me. Gaping at him, I let out a gargling hiss and backed into my corner. What did he want with me? Why just me?
I eyed him as he got closer. The nearer he got the more I could see of his features, which had been blurred by distance, damn I was blind. Up close… He seemed a little off. There was a dark hole under the mask with shiny almost white beads… It took a moment for me to realize they were teeth. Someone had fucked him up bad. I tried to touch my own face because now I was paranoid I didn’t have one, but ended up jamming my finger on the solid thing that covered my mouth. I had a knack for forgetting the obvious it seemed. At least I hadn’t punched myself in the eye.
He stopped in front of me, just short of against me. Lifting his hand, he thumped it against himself. How weird. Maybe he was trying to mimic me and just failed that bad at it. Then he did it again, I guess it was on purpose. Stepping closer, he breathed a raspy sigh. What? I was never really good at charades. I don’t know what chest thumping meant. He rattled a sound at me before making a sound that was definitely not normal for one of us. It startled the others too. They all turned to look at him, “Ktch!” He said, and I understood even less when he touched his body again… Then I looked.
There was something on his shirt… A building. What was that supposed to mean? “Kah kok!” It was like he was trying to speak to me.
I tried to read the shirt… But it was useless. Whatever this communication he was attempting to do wasn’t going to work with me. I felt stupid just being next to him. The door clicked as it was opened again and he backed off with a soft, “Hsh.” I narrowed my eyes. Don’t shush me! I grumbled, but I quieted as a group of warm bodied patrols walked by the cage. When they’d gone, Mr. Talkative was back at it. Maybe if I pretended I gave a shit and knew what he was talking about, he’d stop… Unfortunately for me, I had no idea how to go about doing that. Not like I could talk or anything… So I tried to make some sort of affirmative groan. He didn’t seem satisfied but also realized that it was useless to keep on trying.
After he stopped being so focused on whatever task he had in mind, I found his company rather enjoyable. We both hung back behind the others, watching… Waiting. I don’t know who or what he was waiting for but it seemed improbable that he was waiting for Matt too. Then again, it seemed improbable that I was waiting for some breather named Matt as well. I was beginning to wonder if I’d screwed up at some point and was remembering it wrong. I’d told myself he was coming for me so many times I felt like I’d been saying it since the dawn of time. Totally poetic, but also super lame. Waiting for a prince charming that was never coming. I should be waiting for something else. Like a chance to eat these assholes.
I stared at my companion. If he could only tell me what he waited for. I’d wait with him. He noticed me looking and said something in that bizarre language of his… I pretended he told me he was waiting for Matt too. It was comforting.
As time passed… I became aware of how few of us there were. I had thought there was a time there were so many but now that I looked. Me, half-face, and one biting at the fence. How long had we been here? When was this guy coming for me? I went to the gate and looked out. I called out for anyone who would listen to me and my companion stood close by.
Someone let us out! I don’t want to be in here anymore! I’m starving! Probably… If I could die again, I’m sure that was happening too.
I chewed at the chain link in desperation. Let me out- Ouch! I snapped over my shoulder as I was shoved none too gently. Knock it off. I turned and realized a little too late that the attack wasn’t really an attack. It may have been a warning.
Something around my neck yanked me back into the gate and I snarled viciously as the door opened. I couldn’t leave! I was waiting for someone, but what the fuck could I do? I reached for the breather that had me by the neck but couldn’t reach past the pole as it locked into place. The gate closed and I tried instead to hold onto that. I clawed at the chain link as he tried to pull me away. You can’t make me go! Half-face help me! I shouted, making some very unbecoming noises as my companion slammed into the fence. The door gave way as I held it and both my captor and I went flying to the ground.
What the…?
I looked up. Half-face stared down at us and I swore the guy had the eyes of a tiger with all the intensity they held. A single hand raised purposefully to his face. The motion was stilted and slow, but couldn’t be mistaken as anything but what it was. He ripped that weird restraint clean off his face so I could see just how damaged he was under that. He really did have half a face … Also, that was totally cool. He’d have to teach me that trick.
Mouth wide, he went to town on the guy on the floor next to me. I relished in his screams. Take that asshole!
Rolling over, I grabbed onto his kicking legs and went for a bite. Damn, I forgot about my own muzzle. Jerking, I rubbed my face into the ground but to no avail… Then, like magic, it was off and I was sinking my teeth into some human tenderloin. I ripped through the fabric with ease, burying my face in the soon bloodied flesh of the breather’s leg, not that he was breathing much anymore. Our friend from the cell joined us in the meal, but I didn’t eat as much as I’d wanted because I got kicked in the face. God damn!
I scowled best I could at half-face. What the fuck, man?
“Kahk!” He barked, sounding more like he was hacking up a hairball than actually speaking. Yeah, yeah, I still had no idea what the hell he was talking about. He kicked me again. I flailed. Fuck, stop it! “Uck!” He grunted and I got to my feet. God, he was a bossy son of bitch. I stared longingly back at the body that the least intelligent of us was currently chewing on. Maybe I’d revisit this if there was time… Who was I kidding? I’d never be back here… Except. I looked back at the cage. I couldn’t remember any place but this. Matt was coming for me. Shouldn’t I stay? Half-face gave me a push and hissed at me. I staggered a bit away from the cage. I hesitated but started walking when half-face weaved around me to lead the way.
You’d think he’d come through here before the way he seemed to know exactly where he was going. I looked out a window as we passed by it and first thought it was odd that so much garbage had been piled up back there, clothes mostly… Upon closer inspection though, it wasn’t really garbage. Turning I walked toward the piles and grunted a little as I ran into the glass. I didn’t back off it though, face against the unpleasantly cool surface. That was a lot of dead people… Zombies once… Maybe.
I should probably avoid that whole vicinity. I stepped back and looked around. Huh? Where’d he go?
The crack of a pistol echoed off the walls. A breather in trouble? I better get there post haste! Shuffling through the dingy halls, I followed the trace heat that wafted off a living body… Or more accurately spilled from one considering the spatter on the walls. I followed the smears and trail to the bloody pile on the floor. Freshly dead… Mm, I looked around for sourpuss. No? Maybe I could just grab a bite to eat then. I started to lean down when I heard a hollow sounding thump. Hm… I considered the body at my feet. I could come back to it.
I ventured around the corner and stumbled onto another one of them. Pulling my lips back in a grimace, I stood quietly as he raised his arms above his head. I don’t think so. Grabbing him around the waist, I slammed him into the wall and sank my teeth into his neck. The cartilage squeaked and crunched as I tore through it. I bit again, tearing into him more as he began to struggle. One more time and coppery tang spilled into my mouth with the beat of his heart. He struggled just a bit longer as I continued to eat his throat out, until he slipped in his own blood and flipped out of my arms. His skull made a little cracking noise as it hit the ground. Nice.
Are you okay? I shuffled around the corpse and stood over half-face. There was a tear in his head… But he seemed okay. Groaning, he got up and swayed a little. That did look like a rather nasty hit to the head. I leaned in and touched our faces together just to make sure he was okay. I would’ve tried with my hand if I didn’t think that I’d accidentally, or not so accidentally, slap him. Would’ve served him right for kicking me about ten minutes ago. Speaking of… There was something I was supposed to be remembering….
Matt… Where was he? I didn’t even know what he looked like. Was he nearby? I didn’t remember. I jerked my head and started down the hallway. I tried to call his name but, if he heard it, he’d have never known it was supposed to be his name.
He was a breather wasn’t he? I poked my head into a room, searching. Shit, something bad happened in here. There was black gunk all over the ground and I think I saw a hand in the chunky pile in the corner. I pulled my head out and half-face looked back at me, expecting me to follow I suppose. All right… Where did he want to go? I went after him.
As we neared a door, a push kind not a pull, I could sense the heat on the other side. I wasn’t sure if it was more breathers or the possibility of something else warm… Like the sun. I didn’t remember what it looked like, but it sounded warm. I remembered… The feeling of it and I sought it out. Stepping beside my companion, we leaned into the door and it opened for us. Any other door might have given me problems… Though maybe that would have been a good thing considering where we’d ended up.
I don’t think we wanted to be here. I stared at the groaning bodies pulling at their restraints and the ones that weren’t moving on the ground. I turned and met a nice looking gun in my face. I wondered if it was loaded and then figured that if it was there wasn’t much hope the wielder would miss. Fuck.
I looked over my shoulder at half-wit. I fucking hate you right now.
Head down, I backed up into him trying to avoid getting my brains splattered on the wall. Not that the wall couldn’t use some touching up. Looked like they’d missed a spot over there on my uh… Fuck, let’s say left.
The breather lifted an arm before I got a frame shift and he was back to just pointing his gun at me. He was smiling and he made this clipped honking kind of noise. I think it was supposed to be a laugh. A really unfortunate kind of laugh that everyone else could only find annoying. He should really work on that, “Hey! Che-s-t.” I don’t think he’d actually said ‘chest’.
He waved the offending weapon at me and took a step closer, I backed off. He spoke some more and I growled at him. If he didn’t get that gun out of my face, I didn’t care if he wouldn’t miss. I looked over my shoulder just in time to see the noose drop over my head. The gig was up. And I’d felt like we were so close too.
I blamed everyone who wasn’t me for this exercise in futility.