Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mercy High ❯ Morning ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The hallways were alive and filled with kids chatting; leaning on lockers, running around doing God knows what. Yet Darryl was the only one who was lost, in more ways than one. Lucky for him, Ariel found him sitting against the trash can at the exit of the girls bathroom and decided to persistently drag him to the right class. 
"I'm sorry about that, forgot you were new," she apologized, "If you need anything don't hesitate to ask me." Her hand wrapped around his wrist a little tighter as they went past the pink cat. She leaned against a locker, two boys holding her books and bag for her, a piece of gum chewed raw was stuck to her mirror that she was using to apply makeup. 
Darryl couldn't help but sigh as she looked back at him with blank, bored eyes. She scoffed at him once she realized where he was gawking, and walked away with the two boys following right behind. 
"All right, let me see your schedule so I can escort you to your classes today. That way you don't have to risk facing the embarrassing torment you'd receive for getting lost. None of the jerks here would forget that, or let you forget."
The coyote shrugged, produced a small sheet of folded paper from his pocket and gave the bunny his best nonchalant grin. "I'm not worried about the jerks here. They can't be any worse than the ones I survived from my old school, or the school before that. Jerks are everywhere."
"A'int that the truth?" she mumbled, still examining the piece of paper. 
"I'm more concerned about meeting some more anti-jerks to hang out with. I'm sure you can direct me to the right crowds, I trust you." The bunny blushed.
"Yeah, well the introductions can wait till lunch. We have to hurry and get you to your class before the bell rings. Let's go!" The school's corridors emptied of students as the duo scrambled to Darryl's class. Just as the bell began to ring, the bunny and coyote slid into his first hour, gaining the attention of all his new classmates as well as the teacher.
Ariel, dear, what in the world are you doing?" The teacher, a middle aged kangaroo, gave the two teens a stern inquiring stare. The coyote gave a sheepish smile, feeling the searing eyes of the room picking him apart piece by piece. The bunny at his side panted, winded after the long sprint.
"Sorry... ma'am, I was just... escorting the new kid. I wanted to make sure... he didn't get lost." She barely managed to get that much out, and Darryl just stood there, waiting for his turn to be acknowledged. 
"Oh," the kanga fixed her glasses on the new student. He didn't seem like he'd be much of a troublemaker to her, so she didn't need to keep a constant eye on him. "Okay young man, take any seat you'd like, and..." she looked back at the bunny, "Is there anything I can help you with, young lady?"
Darryl looked for an empty seat, with only two being available. Not wanting to sit in the front and look like a nerd, he took the desk in the far corner, next to a frog boy and the same cat that refused to sit next to him on the bus. She didn't seem to pay him much attention, going through her fairy book bag as he walked passed, but the frog eyed him all the way until he sat down. Darryl just hoped it wouldn't escalate into a fight later.
"Actually, I would like a written pass. I'm already late, and it would be helpful to have an excuse when I have to confront Mr. Cole. You know how grumpy he can be in the morning." Both teacher and student smirked, knowing the rumors about the grumpy old owl.
With the bunny's note taken care of, the teacher took the time to have Darryl introduce himself briefly to the class before continuing her lesson on algebra. The class was pretty boring and quiet for the most part. The students busied themselves by copying problems off the board and the teacher read a few unimportant things from the text book to them. All was going as expected until the last five minutes of class where something spectacular occurred.
"Hey, Ms. Sheridan!" the frog cried out to everyone's surprise, "I don't want to disrupt your class or anything, but I'm finding it very hard to concentrate on working out these problems when your ass is swishing back and forth distracting me. You think you could help me out here?"
The elder animal tuned to face the class with a prominent blush in her cheeks. "Oh my goodness, Mr. Parkman! That is very inappropriate language for a school setting." There was a mock sense of harshness in her tone that vanished once the frog gave her a curious stare. "But, I assume as your teacher, it is my duty to assist you with any problems that arise in relation to your education. Please, come up to my desk so I can assist you properly."
The frog complied, standing from his seat excitedly and swaggering towards the teacher with exaggerated confidence. Without any hesitation or hint of embarrassment he dropped his jeans in front of the entire class, and much to the teacher's enjoyment. She knelt down, dragging his boxers along with her, succeeding in giving her students a nice view of the boy's green cheeks. To Darryl's astonishment, no one seemed interested in the event in the slightest, and he watched in dumbfounded confusion as his math teacher gave one of her students a blowjob.
The frog moaned in delight as the kanga's moist lips travelled up and down his sensitive pole. His hands lifted to the sides of her face, tugging her hair gently to guide and direct her. This continued until the bell rang, and the teens casually gathered their things and exited the room. The teacher let the rod go from her lips with a slick audible pop to remind them to study for a quiz that would take place at the end of the week before her student forcefully shoved himself down her throat, causing her to half choke half moan on her own words. 
In shock, the coyote watched until the spectacle came to an energetic conclusion. The kangaroo's head moved up and down at twice her speed, abandoning tenderness and kept her pace until the imprisoned penis grew larger and spit sticky juices down her throat. The frog let out an appetizing groan before shuttering in ecstasy as a sensuous tongue flicked and flapped over his tip like a fluttering butterfly wing.
Once the ordeal was over, his presence in the class was finally noted. 
"Hey homie! Did you enjoy the show back there?" Darryl's brain was in lock down mode, and he continued to stare bug eyed, the images of what he'd witness playing in a loop inside his head.
"Oh my!" the teacher exclaimed when she found she still had an audience. The rosy pink blush returned to her cheeks. "You should scurry off to your next class young man, and so should you Sparks! Run along now, the both of you, so I can properly compose myself for my next class. Go on now, shoo!"
Not needing anymore cajoling, the disturbed teen took off through the door while the sexually satisfied student pulled up his pants and followed his lead.
"Hey man, where you going in such a hurry?" The coyote tried to ignore him, too busy seeing the sex scene playing behind his eyes to pay much attention to anyone. He wasn't even sure where his next class was located, but found it was easier to let his mind focus on that than... "I know you're the new kid and all, so you wouldn't know we get a fifteen minute break between classes to let off steam." Sparks managed to catch up and grab him tightly by the shoulder to slow him down.
"What?" Darryl's mind was still distracted, but he forced himself to listen.
"I said stop rushing away so I can explain some stuff to you, since your bunny guide isn't here to help you yet. First of all, my name's Scott Parkman, but everyone here calls me Sparks." He offered his hand while taking the other from the coyote's shoulder. Dazed, Darryl took it and Sparks grinned. "I can tell by your reaction that you aren't used to this kind of thing, but all you have to do is look around you. It'll at least help put things in perspective."
Confused, Darryl took his word for it and gazed around the hallway. His mind nearly exploded at what he saw. Teens all over were giving each other seductive, playful, even down right naughty glances or likewise posing for the other's eyes. Even from the way he came, there were a few dozen couples kissing forcibly against the walls and lockers, stripping clothing, putting mouths on sensitive body parts; basically having a massive, cross species orgy throughout the building.
Farther down he saw his teacher, Ms. Sheridan, with her panties around her ankles, fingering her plump pink pussy all the while using one of her dainty feet to pleasure a young man beneath her. Darryl silently mouthed a 'what the fuck?' and Sparky nodded, knowing exactly how the coyote felt. After all, he was once the new kid, and this was possibly the biggest shocking experience of his, or any furry teen's life.
Out of pure coincidence, Ariel came walking down the hall. An air of satisfaction radiated from each and every movement she made, and once she was closer, he noticed it in her eye as well; the hollow gleam of stress stealing pleasure. The sticky stain above her right eye also clued him in to what delayed their reunion after class.
"So..." she paused, wiped the fresh stain off her eyebrow and stuck the finger in her mouth with a skin tingling moan, "You ready to head to your next class? We're headed to the same place, so we can walk together if you like."
"Hey Ariel!" The bunny paused to regard the young frog before responding.
"Sup Sparky?" She raised one of her eyebrows in question and he grinned sheepishly at her.
"I think your lover here is feeling a little shell shocked being exposed to our lewd actions here."
"Really? I thought he would've gotten over it after seeing the twins go at it on the bus." The two buddied up, arms wrapping around waists as they ushered the coyote to class. "Well, there are still a few minutes before the bell rings. I can go for another round if you're feeling pent up Darryl." The seductive tone was just as effect as a sedative as the proposition itself. His tongue was numb, tied in a knot, restricting him from accepting or denying.
"What about me? You know I'm always ready to go."
"Oh shut it Sparks, I'm sure you've gotten your jollies from Ms. Sheridan already. She can never keep her hands off you."
"True... but I hardly ever get to run in that sexy bunny ass you always have on display." Darryl couldn't believe he was listening to this, and they kept going back and forth all during their travel to biology.
"That's because you lack the finesse or aggression to get me off too. It's always about you! You are a stingy lover!" The frog laughed, but the coyote's ears mercifully shut off, as well as most of his functions.
It was as if his body went into autopilot; his legs marched on as his mind replayed the haunting but hot images of a teacher fellating a student. He was dropped back into reality nearly a full hour later, sitting in the back row between his new friends. He was relieved to find that this school's biology lesson didn't involve any dirty touching or learning about mating correctly. The bell rang shortly after, and he realized he'd blacked out for way too long.
"Did I miss anything?" he asked quietly while the trio passed the lizard teacher, heading off for lunch.
"Nah, just a recap lesson," answered Sparks. "I think there might be a quiz tomorrow though, so just read through pages 80 to 85 in the text book."
"Any more questions D?" Ariel asked at his side, squeezing his arm gently with both of her paws. The musky scent betrayed her intent just as much as the husky tone.
"I already told you sweetie, I'm just not comfortable with that yet. We haven't even gone out on a date!"
The bunny grumbled beneath her breath. "I bet if I was that cat slut I could get some action."
Sparks found it a proper time to interject with, "My offer is still available!" but it only made the bunny more miserable.
"I'm still waiting for one of you to explain why the teachers allow... well, encourage all of this inappropriate interaction."
"Well, most of the students enrolled here have an overactive libido, and the administrators figured if they rewarded the kids for it instead of punishing them, it would produce better academic achievements. So far the unorthodox system has been working, and they even constructed the curricular around it, which is why the only qualification for teaching here is being willing to service any student in every way they desire."
On their way to the lunchroom, just as Darryl was starting to understand, his ears turned off yet again, just so his eyes would function better. Right in front of him, the mauve kitten was in the middle of a heated make-out session with one of her stooges. During her thrilling tongue play, she caught him staring in the corner of her eye and he saw all the heated exhilaration pouring from her pupils. She paused, and he froze in place, watching eagerly as her partner clawed at her tight fitting tee, trying to tear it open and slobber all over her perfect breasts.
She stopped him with a finger, and he instantly placed her down from her spot mounted and grinding against him. He backed away, the surrounding kids halted in their lewd actions, wanting to watch the oncoming train wreck. Ariel and Sparks hadn't noticed their friend had been left behind until it was too late to prevent what was going to happen.
"Hey!" she called out to him. He felt the erection spring up just by having her attention. She sashayed her way over to him, possessively putting her arms around his neck regardless of being a head shorter than him. "I've seen you watching me a few time already baby, you want me don't you?" He nodded, adding incoherent grunts as the cat's head moved lower.
Her taunting lips kissed his chest through his shirt, moving down to his stomach and finally becoming eye level to where her paws were resting, atop his straining member. "This is where you want my fiery kisses the most, right boy?" One paw stroked him through his jeans while one of the other's agile claws caught his zipper and pulled it down. "Ready to plunge yourself into what you desire most?" His tongue was tied, but his head bobbed up and down with zest.
The bunny screamed his name in warning from down the hall, but she was too far to stop it. His pants dropped to the floor, the mauve cat smirked deviously, puckering her lips, pressing them sternly against the protruding head of her victim before enveloping it whole. The surrounding students held their breath in anticipation, knowing what to expect from the temptress.
"Get away from him you slut!" Ariel's protesting shouts were in vain, for as soon as the first tingles of pleasure caused the coyote to shiver, the kitty grew devious. Teeth sank briskly into the pup's plump flesh. He yelped in surprise then howled out his agony as the hoots and hollers of his peers echoed around him. "You bitch!" The fist slammed solidly with the kitten's cheeks, but the damage was done.