Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Midori And The Bloodlust Blues ❯ 2nd Night, Part One ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
2nd Night, Part One

By Hardcover

“Sleep, those little slices of death;
Oh, how I loathe them.”
--Edgar Allan Poe

Barry Cartwright was more terrified then he had ever been in his entire life. And he was veteran of at least two wars in his life. He had thought he’d left all that terror behind him on the battle field when he took up a job with the Jurai shipping company in Niperica. He’d moved up through the ranks and by now, thirty years later, was in charge of coordinating shipping along the It was a good solid job, that he enjoyed doing, managing the endless amounts of cargo ships delivering their loads up and down the Sasami. It was a good job that paid well enough for him to live good with his wife and put his two children through college.

But now that half remembered feeling of unbearable dread and despair was back, gnawing at the pit of his stomach. He had no idea where he was, or any real idea of how he’d gotten there. All he knew was that it was dark, and that he was chained to the a wall and unable to move. Worse, he couldn’t feel anything beneath his waist. The room was moist and dark, and smelled horribly, and only a small amount of light shined down on him in pool around his prone form. Beyond that, he could see nothing, but he could hear the rats: A sick chorus of squeals and squeaks in the darkness that filled the room and Barry’s ears.

My god, so many rats.

He’d been here a long time in the dark, how long he wasn’t sure. But his mysterious captor had only briefly let his presence be known. He was scared, so horribly scared he thought his heart might give out at any minute. Fear and loathing seared at every molecule in his body as he lay helplessly against the stone. Tears had streamed down his face but had dried a long time ago.

“Have you had a moment to think about it, Mr. Cartwright?” The hideous voice came out of the dark.

Barry jumped. Christ! He’d been there the whole time and Barry hadn’t known it. Quiet as anything and how the hell could he stand to be out there with all those rodents? The voice was low and coarse, and seemed to have an Austrian or German accent to it, but more like an old one from mainland The figure moved closed and crouched down, and Barry could make out the hands in the low light.

God! They were pale grey and riddled with thick bluish veins. The fingers seemed longer then they should have been, but were topped not with normal finger nails but with wicked looking two inch talons on each finger which curved into razor sharp points. What kind a creature had he fallen captive too? Barry cringed looking at the claws.

Barry moaned pathetically, “Yes, please. I’ll do what you want, just let me go.”

The voice continued, “You will reroute the specified containers so that they are delivered to the shipping port in ”

The figure waved his hands and the rats began to scurry into the light, getting closer to Barry, he tried to pull back his legs but found he hand no control of them. Good god, no! He was paralyzed from the waist down, just as he’d feared. Tears flowed from his eyes again as he shook at his bonds.

“Yes! Yes! I’ll do it.” He screamed, “Just call them off.”

“And you will destroy the paper trail so that no one can find out where whey came from and where they went?” The voice ignored him.

The rats scurried up Barry’s legs and over his chest, millions of them all at once, all over him. Barry cried out and tried to shake them off but the came over him in waves. He could feel their feet against his body, and the drag of their tails, and the horrible bite of the teeth as the rodents crawled all over him.

“Yes! I’ll do what you say!” Barry’s voice was strained and shrill, “Please, let me go! No one’ll know.”

“I wonder if I can believe you, my dear Mr. Cartwright.” The voice hissed monstrously.

The figure leaned into the light, and Barry saw the face of his tormentor for the first time. Barry’s tongue caught in his throat, as he stared at the hideous visage in front of him. God! Those eyes! Those horrible eyes!

Barry found his voice and screamed like a madman in the blackness of the darkened chamber.


In Burning city, rain fell in a steady stream on the windshield of Midori’s Saab. It had been raining since last night and didn’t look like it would stop. The Sasami hadn’t quite flooded yet, but it was coming soon, and when it did, Burning would be cut off once more from the rest of the world. The drops pattered on the windshield in a soothing pattern, the wipers swishing back and forth clearing the view. Beyond it, Midori could see the rain soaked streets as she drove, drove over to the Mikimoto Hotel where he worked, to it’s lavish restaurant Minmay’s, to meet with her boyfriend Yoshi for a date. She’d forgotten about it, but he’d called her to remind her this morning. Fortunately for him, the landlines were still functional, unlike the cell phone which had remained unable to connect to the network since last night. She’d tried to sound enthusiastic, but in truth she really didn’t feel like going.

The only reason she did was that she was afraid to be alone.

She’d been found unconscious in the bathroom by Officer Tannerberry when she’d come to relive her. Once Midori had been revived, she’d found herself unable to tell them about the events of last night. Far too shameful, she couldn’t even imagine what they’d think of her if she let them know she been seduced by their ghoulish looking futanari prisoner, Natasha. The experience surged in her mind, but she had simply lied and said she slipped in the bathroom. After a quick exam told them she was okay, the cops had all enjoyed a considerable amount of laughter at Midori’s expense. Humiliated, Midori was grateful when she was allowed to leave for the night, especially since every time she was near the cell, she couldn’t take her eyes off Natasha, and that unnerving gleam in her eyes.

Midori had gone home in a daze and collapsed in the bed, falling asleep instantly. Her dreams were bizarre, plagued with visions of monstrous beings, all sorts of sexual perversion, and lots and lots of blood. She dreamed herself running through an enormous pyramid, filled room to room with people engaged in all sorts of debauchery and violence, on some alien like world with twisted barren landscapes in which blood flowed in rivers and lakes. Horrific, revolting tentacled beings, ancient and cruel stalked outside the pyramid, slithering greasily across the scenery.

When she’d finally woken up, for a split second she didn’t know where she was. She’d felt like there was no other world except for that nightmare she’d just been dreaming.

She’d gotten up and habitually gone to take a shower. Inside the shower, all the events of last night had come flooding back to her in an uncontrollable blast of unwanted memory, and Midori had ended up curled up in a ball, naked on the floor of the tub, sobbing and shaking uncontrollably.

It was after she’d gotten herself together and come out of the shower, that she noticed that everything was different. Or rather, she perceived everything different. The world around her looked sharper, more well defined and clearer then it had ever been. Colors were warmer and more pronounced and textures, even far away, were more visible. Sound was more pronounced and clearer, without being intrusive. Sensations against her skin were more distinct, as she moved she felt the world around her, the room and everything in it. It was like she had been living her life in an old tube TV set and suddenly been upgraded to Hi Def.

She’d collapsed on her couch, taking in all the new sights and sounds, all the new sensations. She felt alive now, and sensual like she never had before, and if frightened her profoundly, as she felt these deep fundamental changes welling up within her body. She became aware that she was getting stimulated easy, just a passing thought would make her privates moisten in ways it never had before.

And then she had looked around at her familiar apartment. Once so comforting, she now found it bland and unattractive. The décor she had once been so satisfied with now made her grimace. She’d found she longed for her home to look bold, and intense, a world of her own to excite her with sights and sounds of a corporeal and passionate nature.

The sun had begun to bother her, irritating her as it shined through the windows a little bit. She quickly pulled down all the shades in the house, blocking out what light there was, and returned to the couch

She’d pulled her legs up to her chest, and sat on the sofa, still naked, frightened and confused by these new feelings. Fear had started to come over hear, she began to see Natasha’s shadow on every wall, her face at every window.

And her mind kept coming back to what Natasha had said: Something was coming. Midori trembled at the thought of whatever it might be.

.She’d sat there for who knows how long until she’d jumped when the phone had rung. When she picked it up, she’d half expected Natasha’s voice on the other end. It had turned out to be Yoshi, reminding her of their date that afternoon.

Despite her condition, she had agreed to go, terrified of being by herself.

Picking an outfit had been unusually hard. Like everything else, what she had once considered a fairly complete wardrobe, now seemed boring and unflattering. Worse, she seemed to hate every outfit she pulled out. Clothes that had once been her favorites now made her sigh. Quite a few of them she realized she wouldn’t want to be seen wearing. She had finally settled on a sleeveless navy blue dress, which she didn’t care for anymore, but seemed somehow less appalling then the other contents of her closet.

And so, now she was heading along the long street, in the pouring rain, on her way to the love of her life, Yoshi. And yet, everything was different. The patter of the rain was oddly soothing and somewhat exhilarating to her as she drove. The clouds had darkened and the rain strengthened by now, blocking out that irritating sun entirely. The darkness and grimness provided by the thick black clouds was somehow comforting to her, a strange feeling of being at home flowed through her body.

Against the skyline, she could see the silhouettes of the empty outer city buildings. They no longer seemed ugly to her: Something in their massive bleak tombstone like appearance against the dark sky seemed appealing to her, almost majestic. She turned on the radio and flipped through the stations. Nothing seemed good on any of her usual stations. She flipped the radio until she found one she liked. It wasn’t, not surprisingly, her usual kind of music. A strange techno band was playing, dark, melodious music, sinister and beautiful at the same time, mixed artificial sounds with powerful operatic female vocals along with ominous growling male vocals. The music stirred her imagination, and she found herself getting slightly and subtly turned on. She would have to find out what this band was called.

Hell, even her car felt different. The Saab had once been her pride and joy: a simple, efficient safe vehicle that was hers to call her own. Nothing fancy, but it had always suited her needs. Now, the car just seemed boxy and bland, like some kind of metal coffin careening down the street to an infinitely boring destination. She hated how it felt and she hated how it looked even more. For the first time in her life, she was ashamed to be seen in it, on some level.

As she drove, a large flock of big black birds suddenly alighted overhead and flew over her car several feet up. No, wait, those weren’t birds . . . were those . . . bats?

The song ended and a DJ came on. It wasn’t one of the happy, enthusiastic DJs she usually heard on her stations: This guy had a deep cool voice, almost menacing in the way he talked, but soothing and seductive at the same time. He sounded arousing to Midori, and she felt herself getting wet. The band was called Form Of Death, it turned out. She made a note of that. Another song began, also dark and mysterious. She found herself enjoying this one, too. What was this station? She saved it as one of her presets.

Midori stopped at the blue light, that oh so familiar traffic signal. She had thought she might be able to slip through while it was still purple, but it had gone blue too quickly. Sometimes Midori felt like she spent her entire life waiting at blue lights. And in the end, the irony: when you died, they let your funeral procession run the blue lights on the way to the cemetery. As she waited for the light to turn red, she glanced off to the side.

There was a Tetsuo’s on the corner there: One of those trendy hip clothing stores that sold outfits to girls who frequented clubs. In other words, all the outfits they sold showed maximum skin. Midori had never bothered going into the place in her life. She glanced at the front of the store, with its elaborate neon on black coloring. In the windows she could see the mannequins displaying the diminutive outfits. She spied one particular one, right in the middle. All at once, she got an idea that seemed to detonate in her brain like a truck load of mental TNT.

On complete impulse, Midori turned her car around, running the blue light, and drove into the parking lot.


The Mikimoto Hotel that Yoshi worked in was one ’s grander tourist spots: A large ornate modern building that house and enormous amount of rooms with every sort of amenity and comfort you might want. Some of their more elaborate rooms tipped the scales at a couple of thousand yen a night (the Niperican yen, functioned in denominations similar to the old American Dollar, rather then the classical Japanese Yen), although they did offer multiple scales of room rates. Yoshi worked as one of several assistant managers in the hotel, which paid fairly well and gave him a lot of perks. He got a large discount at Minmay’s, the hotel’s very high end restaurant, and he had keys to every single room in the hotel, which had the advantage of allowing him a place to sleep when he was there working non stop like he sometimes was during tourist season.

Midori pulled up to the valet and gave the boy her keys. He was a young, handsome car hop, and Midori instantly took a liking to him. Her senses could feel the heat coming off his body. Midori found herself smiling seductively at him as she got out of the car, giving him a playful look with her eyes.

This wasn’t normal for her, she was never flirty like that.

The valet space in front of the hotel had a large concrete awning over it, so Midori didn’t need her umbrella. She stepped out of the car and could feel the carhop’s eyes on her. It sent shivers through her body.

“Take good care of it for me.” She said impishly, “Treat it like your lover.”

She ran a hand playfully over his chest and shoulder as she did. The boy blushed and deep red color.

“Y-yes, mame. I will.” He stammered.

Midori smiled at him and walked away giving him a playful wave with her fingers. She headed into the hotel, knowing her way around. Minmay’s occupied a large balcony over the hotel’s elaborate lobby area, which was accessed by climbing a wide spiral staircase to the side of the lobby. Midori stepped up the stairs and entered the dining area.

Like most fancy restaurants, a host waited at the front to seat the guests. She approached the podium, and noticed the man’s eyes lit up when he saw her.

“Hi.” She said, “I’m Midori, I’m a guest of Mr. Kawajiri.”

It seemed like it was with great effort that the host pried his eyes away from her and looked at the guest book.

“Ah, yes.” He said, “Mr. Kawajiri is dining in the VIP section. May I take your coat?”

“Certainly.” Midori said.

The host came behind her and took the coat down from her shoulders, sliding it off her arms. Midori heard him suck in a little air when he saw her new dress. She smiled, enjoying the attention. The host moved away and gave the coat to the coat check booth, and then quickly returned to the podium grabbing a menu.

“Right this way, Miss.” He said beckoning Midori in.

Midori followed him in and walked into the familiar dining area. As she stepped into the room, heads turned and eyes focused on her. Men and women both stared at the newcomer, eyeing her, sometimes with lust, some with jealousy. For the first time in her life, Midori was feeling really good about herself, she was dominating the room simply by walking in. The energy of the attention coursed over her body like electricity. She could almost forget that last night with Natasha.

Heads continued to follow her and small whispers could be heard as she followed the host over to where she could see Yoshi sitting in a small booth for two. Yoshi was a handsome young Japanese man two years older the Midori at twenty one. He wore his black hair parted at the side and held in place with plenty of mousse. He had a slightly long face and a pronounced chin, his light brown eyes carefully studying the menu. He was dressed in a tan shirt and expensive brown pleated pants along with a pricey looking (although Midori knew it wasn’t) brown and gold striped tie. Yoshi looked up when he noticed her approaching and took on the look of squirrel mesmerized by a pair of headlights. His eyes went wide and his mouth almost fell open.

The new dress that Midori had bought was a dark black color with shiny black sequins all over it. It tied at her neck and came down her front in two lines of fabric that passed over her breasts and finally joined just beneath her stomach. It then formed a skirt that stopped only inches beneath her crotch. She was not wearing a bra, and the dress showed copious amounts of her cleavage along with her belly. It was completely backless in the rear, until it wrapped around in the back, starting just under her dimple. Along with it she wore black high heeled shoes and some jewelry she’d brought: A fake pearl necklace and matching fake droop earrings.

Her hair was no longer tied up in pigtails, but hung freely down her face. She was wearing make up, which she normally didn’t do, including a luscious red lipstick. She approached her boyfriend waving ‘hi’ to him pleasantly.

She leaned over and kissed him briefly, “Hi. Hope I’m not too late?”

Yoshi stared at her, “N-no, you’re fine. Um . . . wow. That’s . . . a different look for you.”

“Is it?” She faked an innocent look, “I guess so. I saw it in a window and I had to have it. I thought you’d like it.”

When he didn’t say anything, she took on a pouted expression, “You don’t like it . . .”

“Oh I think I do.” Yoshi chuckled looking her up and down, “You look beautiful. But isn’t it a little revealing.”

“Maybe.” Midori admitted, “But I think it looks good on me.”

“I’d say it looks spectacular on you.” Yoshi smiled.

“Thank you.” Midori smiled warmly and sunk into the seat opposite him.

The host handed her the menu, “Enjoy your meal, Sir. Madame.”

He gave Yoshi a ‘you-lucky-son-of-a-bitch’ look and departed the table. A few seconds later, a waiter appeared. Again he was young and handsome, and again, Midori began flirtatiously eyeing him.

“Can I get you two anything to drink for a starter?” He asked.

Yoshi shook his head, but something had caught Midori’s eye, “I’d like to try a bottle of this Abreu 2003 Madrona Cabernet.”

Yoshi almost chocked. It was ¥459 a bottle. Even though Yoshi made plenty of money, Midori had always been frugal with her selections.

The waiter smiled, “An excellent choice, Miss.”

“On second thought, at that price, I might as well have a glass too.” Yoshi told him.

The waiter moved off, scribbling on his pad, and Yoshi raised an eyebrow at Midori.

“I thought you never drank wine.” He asked.

“I’m trying new things.” Midori winked at him, “Isn’t it good to try new things?”

When the waiter returned and poured the wine, Midori took her first experimental ship. Taste and sensation exploded across her tongue, radiating out warmly across her body in a pleasant tingle of vibrations. She liked it, this feeling she got. She started to drink more as she talked pleasantly with Yoshi. She noticed a couple in a booth across from them. To her amusement, the woman kept having trouble keeping her eyes off Midori and paying attention to her date. When Midori flashed her a seductive smile, the woman blushed and turned back to her boyfriend. She wasn’t sure if Yoshi noticed it or not.

By the time the waiter returned to take their order, Midori was already on her second cup of wine, and feeling very happy, to say nothing of slightly turned on. Midori usually ordered a salad when she was out in public, but she felt the urge to get something else, something meatier. She ordered a new dish on the menu which looked good called a spicy Cajun chicken sandwich: A juicy tender seasoned white breast of chicken rolled in Cajun spices, topped with fried red bell pepper slices, four thick strips of smoked bacon, four large slices of melted pepper jack cheese and a garlic mayonnaise sauce on a tender white bun.

Midori and Yoshi chatted as they waited, and Midori was staring at Yoshi’s face with renewed interest. He looked a little bit Caucasian in his features, being a quarter German on his mother’s side. He was quite a handsome man, and Midori was shifting, feeling pleasantly uncomfortable as she felt her privates moisten a little more. Her nipples hardened which was obvious through the dress she was wearing.

When the food arrived, Midori wasted no time biting into it. Her taste buds were alive with the flavor, a symphony for her tongue. The sandwich was good, really good and she ate and talked while she poured her third cup of wine. By the time they had finished the meal; they were both laughing and chatting amiably with each other. It was fun pleasant conversation, and Midori was finding her heart glowing with more affection for her boyfriend. Midori attempted to pour another cup when she found the bottle was empty. She suggested getting another.

Yoshi eyes her a little concerned, “Don’t you have to work tonight?”

“Not until much later.” She waved him off, “I’ll be fine.”

In that case, Yoshi suggested a bottle of Cain Five 2003 Napa Valley Red Wine, which was quite a bit cheaper at ¥179 a bottle, but Yoshi assured her it was just as good. It turned out, he was right; the wine tasted exquisite especially with Midori’s heightened taste buds. Soon they were both tipsy and giggling and laughing with each other, draining the second bottle dry.

Midori had never had some much fun at dinner in her life. She never wanted it to end, she was enjoying the company so much. Once more, she was getting hornier. She looked at Yoshi and imagined the curves of his muscles and chest under his clothes and the bulge of his manhood. Her nether regions tingled with stimulation, and she found herself getting slightly warmer, the inside of her panties now soaking, as she found herself imagining doing some of the things that Natasha had made her do to Yoshi. She found she wanted to, really bad. She finally made a decision.

“Let’s make this a really special night for us.” She suggested.

“How so?” Yoshi inquired.

She looked him right in the eyes, “Do you still have access to all the unoccupied rooms?”

She raised her eyebrows so he would get her meaning.

Yoshi was quiet for a second and then said, “Are you serious?”

Midori nodded without saying anything but let a seductive smile slip across her face as she looked into his eyes.

Yoshi smiled back, leaning in and lowering his voice, “Well, I’m not really supposed to, and you’re a little drunk . . .”

Midori pouted theatrically, “Don’t you want me?”

As she said that, she ran a hand over the front of her dress, pulling it aside quickly exposing one hard nipple before just as rapidly hiding it again. Yoshi’s eyes lit up like a neon sign. He grinned.

“Whatever you say, sweetheart.” Yoshi told her.

The both got up after Yoshi paid the check and Midori put her arms around her man as the walked out of the restaurant, all eyes still glancing hungrily at Midori. As they left, they passed a man eating a large tri tip steak. The stake smelled delicious to Midori, her nostrils flaring as she picked up the scent. She would absolutely have to order one of those next time, the juicy coppery scent was alluring and inviting, stimulating her taste buds, nose and mouth.

The steak was rare and bloody.


Midori and Yoshi kissed deeply, lips pressed against each other as they entered the unused hotel room, their arms wrapped around each other. Yoshi blindly kicked the door closed and then reached over and locked it. He threw his arms back around Midori as they kissed passionately.

Midori stuck a hand out and turned on the light, and then began to move backwards pulling Yoshi towards the bed, still kissing him. Her loins were on fire and desire was consuming her. She wanted this so badly it was astonishing. She grabbed Yoshi’s tie and undid it clumsily, frantically pulling it off. Yoshi grabbed it and pulled it all the way off while Midori unbuttoned the neck of his shirt.

The room was one of the smaller, less expensive rooms in the hotel, less expensive being a relative term: They were ¥149 a night. There was a small bathroom on the right as you entered and then a large king sized bed in the middle of the room flanked by two night stands. A clothes cabinet and TV were on the left wall in front of the bed, and a small desk sat next to that. On the far wall was a wide window. The shades were open, neither of them made a move to close them.

The both landed on the bed, and began kissing passionately, running their hands all over each other’s bodies. Each of them quickly kicked off their shoes and let them fall to the floor with a soft thunk. Yoshi touched Midori’s breast and she cooed with delight. She let her tongue slip into his mouth, probing him with the tip. She ran her hands all over his back and slid them down, squeezing his butt a little. She broke the kiss briefly to grin impishly at him before kissing him again.

She could swear the lights had started to dim a little. She felt warm all over and her body prickled with sensations. She pressed her body close to his, feeling the bulge of Yoshi’s erection against her thigh. She shivered with anticipation. Yoshi kissed her neck and shoulder as Midori’s chest rose and fell in deep breathes, her eyes closed and her tongue wetting her lips.

Midori sat up on the bed and reached behind her neck, undoing the clasp. Yoshi watched her with lust as she slipped the top part of her dress down, exposing her large breasts to him. The look on his face said he appreciated it. She shuddered a little, turned on more by her exposure. She blushed a bit and giggled, teasing her lip with her finger.

“Man, you’re so beautiful.” Yoshi whispered to her.

Yoshi sat up and kissed her lips, pushing Midori down on her back on the bed. He kissed her chin, and then her neck, causing Midori to sprout visible goose bumps on her arms. She had her eyes closed as he moved downward. One of his hands gently massaged her left breast, her nipples as hard as they could get.

“And I always thought you were ashamed of these.” Yoshi lightly chuckled.

“Not any more.” Midori answered dreamily.

He took her breast in his hand, squeezing it gently. He tongued her nipple, rolling it around before taking it in his mouth sucking on it. Midori’s body moved with pleasure, such a simple thing and it felt so good. She ran her hands through his hair as he did. He moved from breast to breast suckling her nipples, Midori gave out small sounds as he did, small amounts of sweat starting to glisten on her exposed flesh.

Yoshi rose and undid the last buttons of his shirt, pulling it off and tossing it aside. He quickly pulled his undershirt up and over his head, revealing his mostly hairless chest. Yoshi was slightly athletic, having well defined muscles without being bulky, or even like the more chiseled form of Officer Yamada. She got a sudden imaginary flash of him there with them, both men working on her at once, and shivered with glee. Such a naughty imagination she was developing.

As Yoshi crawled back over her, Midori rolled over onto her stomach. Looking back at him over her shoulder, she smiled and said, “Pull my dress off.”

Yoshi kissed her and nodded. He took the dress by both sides and slipped it down her hips. Midori raised her hips to allow him to pull it down easier. He skillfully slipped the dress down her legs and then off, stripping Midori to nothing but her panties. Yoshi tossed the dress aside and gave a little gasp of approval when he saw what she was wearing under it: A think, black, diminutive pair of thong panties.

“Ooo” He said, “A thong?”

“I thought you’d like it.” Midori replied, smiling.

“You thought right.” Yoshi grinned down at her.

Midori flipped back on her back and pulled Yoshi down on top of her. They kissed each other, their bodies pressed close, flesh to flesh. Outside the window, large bats fluttered by briefly. The lovers ignored it.

She pushed Yoshi over and rolled him on his back. She got over him, straddling him, and kissed him tenderly but tightly, her large breasts hanging down and sliding over his chest. She kissed down his neck and over his chest. Her hand slid down his body and touched the front of his pants, cradling his erection. She shivered with yearning at the feel of his penis beneath the material. She rubbed his cock, listening to him moan, and moved her head across his stomach, kissing his abs.

With one hand, Midori began to undue his belt, and then the snap on his pants. She got both hands to work and pulled them totally open. She could see his boxers underneath it, tan and color coordinated with the rest of his outfit she observed, and the bulge of his hard penis under that. She licked her lips and pulled his pants all the way off. She crawled back over him, cat like in her movements. Her hands ran across the front of Yoshi’s boxers, feeling the lovely stiffness beneath. She reached in and pulled out his dick. She sucked in air with a hiss as the penis came into view: he was fairly well endowed, smaller, actually then Natasha, but big enough and not so big as to be painful. She eyed the member that she had been craving, his magnificent symbol of masculinity that she much loved and desired.

Taking it in her hands, she ran her tongue across the shaft from bottom to top and then along the sides harmonica style. Yoshi moaned his enjoyment, rolling his head a little. Midori looked up at him, taking in his expression, and then slipped her mouth over the tip, letting the hard member into her mouth. She began to suck him up and down, pushing his cock against her tongue. They had tried this a couple of times before, but Midori had never been into it like she was now. She couldn’t imagine why she hadn’t wanted to suck his dick before; her lips and crotch were burning from the arousal of the act.

She kept it up until Yoshi stopped her. He leaned over and kissed lips playfully.

“Wow, don’t get too carried away, we don’t want to end this yet.” He teased.

He rolled Midori back onto her back and kissed her lips hungrily. With both hands he took the sides of her panties and pulled them down over her legs and off, stripping the eager Midori completely naked. Yoshi tossed her underwear aside and pulled his own all the way off. Midori spread her legs, letting him see her bare, exposed vagina.

She colored a little, still feeling somewhat self conscious. But she loved the feeling of Yoshi eyes on her most private part, and felt herself flow between her legs, lubricating her swollen and stirred vagina.

Yoshi got down and kissed her along the insides of her thighs, kissing her legs and the top of her pubic hair, teasing her into shivers of arousal before finally running his tongue along her pussy. Midori gasped and shuddered a little squirming as Yoshi worked on her. His tongue penetrated her pussy and licked at her clit. Waves of tingling pleasure flowed from between her legs, causing Midori to emit small sounds of joy. With his fingers he spread her lips, accessing deep in her vulva.

Midori bit her lip a little and whimpered. This felt so good, “Oh, Yoshi, I love you.”

Yoshi ate and licked her, driving her into torrents of sensations all over her body. There was magic in his tongue, Midori thought, as every one of her newly enhanced senses was alive with bliss. Something flew past the window. More bats. Where were they all coming from?

He finally stopped and crawled over her, his penis held directly over her open, wet, and waiting pussy. Midori spread her legs wider, raising her feet into the air. Yoshi looked deep into her eyes. She stared back, entranced.

“May I?” He asked simply.

Unable to form words, Midori simply nodded.

Midori gasped as she felt Yoshi enter her, his penis slipping past her lips and deep inside her body. She was hoping desperately that Yoshi wouldn’t notice, or at least didn’t care, that she wasn’t a virgin anymore. Yoshi kissed her as he began to move in and out, fucking her slowly at first.

Midori’s eyes closed and her legs and arms wrapped around Yoshi, pulling him close to her. He body trembled with glee, pleasure coursing through her as she was fucked, moving her hips with him as he penetrated her. She ran a hand through the back of his hair, cries escaping from her mouth, mingling with Yoshi’s grunts. Her body was enveloped in his embrace, all sense of shame or self consciousness was swallowed up by the delight she felt in his arms.

She pushed him up and over, rolling both of their bodies over so that now she was on top without ever removing him from her. She sat up; riding on him, moaning was she ran her hands through her hair. Yoshi gripped her thighs and ground into her as Midori rolled her hips in a circular motion. She cried out, paradise on her face, her senses alive and electric with gratification.

Midori flung her body down over Yoshi’s, pressing flat against his chest, her hips moving up and down, driving his penis deep inside of her. Her pussy thanked her with trickles and shivers of gratification. Midori kissed him deeply on the lips and then sunk her head lower by his neck as their fucking picked up speed. She cried out and groaned, not just from the pleasure felt by her body, but all her senses. The sounds of their sex, the wet slapping sounds, their dual moans and groans, the creaking of the bed as the rocked back and forth, all penetrated her being. She smells and tastes were augmenting her as well, spinning her into an avalanche of stimulus.

Her nostrils flared with the scent of something else, something irresistible floating up to her nose: a wonderfully enticing aroma, a coppery sweet smell that seemed more delectable then any perfume or meal she could think of. And it was right next to her nose. She could feel it coming off of Yoshi, from his neck. She brought her head closer and could smell it. It was flowing through him, this amazing scent, inspiring an undeniable thirst. She could feel it, just beneath his skin, flowing through his body. This close, she could taste it on her lips, separated only by such thin flesh. All she would have to do to get it was tear it, just a little, maybe with her nails. Or maybe with her teeth.

At that moment, as Midori started moving her mouth towards Yoshi’s neck, the door suddenly flew open, and two giggling, hugging figures stumbled into the room. Midori and Yoshi both let out a cry of alarm. Midori rolled off of him and onto her back, the spell of the alluring urge momentarily broken.

Midori didn’t bother to conceal herself; she stared in surprise at the two intruders. She actually felt a little thrilled to be discovered like this, and to be seem naked. She didn’t know the man, but she recognized the woman: Yoshi’s boss, Melinda. Midori had me her a couple of times when she’d come to visit Yoshi. She looked a little wobbly on her feet as she gasped in surprise at finding the room occupied.

“What the hell?” Melinda said, bewildered.

“Oh, god!” Yoshi cried alarmed, “Melinda! I’m sorry; I know we’re not supposed to be in here . . .”

Midori put a hand on his shoulder, “You don’t need to apologize: What do you think they’re doing in here?”

Yoshi relaxed a bit when he realized that his boss was engaged in the same flagrant violation of the rules that he was. Since she was also drunk and apparently on the job, he understood that he wasn’t in any danger of losing his position.

Melinda looked at the two of them, an eyebrow raised, and then she looked at her much younger companion and giggled a little. Melina was a good looking woman, the kind that was pushing forty and still in good shape. She hand brown wavy hair that went past her shoulders and was streaked with blonde highlights. She had narrow green eyes and a longish face. A few winkles creased her eyes and her cheeks, but were barely noticeable. She had decent sized breasts and round curvy hips. She was dressed in a tan suit skirt that ran past her knees, a white fluffy blouse, and flesh colored nylons.

Her companion looked like someone’s personal trainer. He was of medium height, but made up for it with a lot of toned and pumped muscle. He seemed to be in his mid twenties. He had brown hair in a spiky buzz cut, and a wide round chin. His eyes were a deep brown color, and he had thick eyebrows. Tattoos marked his arms and neck. He was dressed in a white t shirt that was one size too small, and a pair of blue jeans. The sort of guy who looked like he’d never had a pimple in his life.

Melinda cleared her thought but was grinning from ear to ear, “Okay, well, I guess this is a rather delicate subject. I guess, Mr. Kawajiri, that we can just say we won’t tell if you won’t.”

Yoshi nodded, “I’m fine with that, Melinda.”

Yoshi laughed nervously and Midori joined him with a giggle.

Melinda looked at Midori, who was propped up on her elbows on the bed, still naked. Melinda raised appreciative eyebrows at her. Midori smiled sweetly back at her.

“Well,” Melinda said, “I guess we should leave you two to it. Miss Ichise, nice to . . . see you again.”

She put the emphasis on the word “see” and Midori blushed a little, realizing that Melinda was checking her out. That explained why Melinda had been going out of her way to compliment her on her appearance the first couple of times they’d met. It excited Midori to know that she was being watched with hungry eyes like that, and Melinda was a very beautiful woman. Ideas began to come unbidden to Midori’s mind.

Melinda stepped closer to the bed, eyeing both Midori and Yoshi. Midori noticed with a thrill that the other man had started to get a visible erection in his pants looking at her.

Melinda said, “Well, that’s okay. We should be finding another room.”

Then Melinda leaned over playfully, “That is unless you and Miss Ichise here are open to a little four way action?”

She said it as a joke, but Midori’s libido was already taking over. She smiled at the older woman, and leaned up, putting her hands on her shoulders. She gently pulled Melinda to her and kissed her deeply and lovingly on the lips. It was a wet, lustful lesbian kiss. She let her tongue slip in a little, and felt the heat rise from Melinda’s body. Melinda tensed in surprise at first, but then relaxed.

“Woah!” Yoshi exclaimed at the unexpected turn of events, “Holy . . . !”

Midori broke the kiss and stared lustily into Melinda’s eyes, “Call me ‘Midori’.”

The other man spoke up, “Hi. I’m Roj.”

Midori smiled at him, “Hi, Roj.”

She flopped back on the bed, “And I’m okay with it if Yoshi is.”

Yoshi leaned over to her, whispering a little, “Midori? What are you doing?”

“Trying new things.” Midori answered cheerily, “Is this okay?”

Yoshi shrugged, “Hell yeah.”

Midori clapped her hands, her over excited libido making her feel giddy and goofy to say nothing of adventurous. She sat up on the bed, excited beyond belief.

“Get naked, Melinda.” She said in a sing song voice.

Melinda quickly stripped down; she was wearing a lacy bra and panties underneath her clothes in addition to her stockings. She pulled her bra and panties off and then sat on the bed and skillfully pulled her stockings off. She stood up afterward, naked before them all. She had a well trimmed bush over her pussy, which was shaved bare. Midori liked her lips.

Yoshi let out a low whistle, “Never thought I’d see this.”

“Hey,” Melinda advised him, “I may be your boss, but I’m still a woman.”

“Oh, that much is deliciously certain.”

Melinda crawled onto the bed and crawled across to Midori, planting a wet passionate lesbian kiss on her lips. Midori responded in kind, letting her tongue enter the woman’s mouth. Midori lay back as Melinda, more experienced then her in the ways of lesbian love, began to kiss and lick at her breasts and nipples. Midori moaned and arched her back a little. She pulled Yoshi to her and kissed his lips, feeling the wetness of his mouth on hers.

One of Midori’s hands slid down Yoshi’s body and took his dick, wrapping her fingers around it. She slowly began to beat him off as she kissed him, the penis warm and delightfully stiff in her hand.

Melinda moved down and opened Midori’s legs, which Midori swung wide open without hesitation. Melinda gave Midori’s pussy a long lick starting from the bottom and going up, ending at her clit. Midori moaned and rolled her hips at the older woman who immediately started teasing her clit with her tongue. Pleasure flooded through Midori’s body, responding to the touches.

Midori pushed Yoshi further up the bed and took his cock back in her mouth. She started sucking him, blowing him as Melinda ate her. The dick felt good and natural in her mouth as she worked it, slurping on it up and down, swallowing the hard shaft down her throat. As she sucked, she glanced down and Melinda, and noticed that Melinda kept glancing at Midori as she ate her. Midori suddenly got a wicked idea. Before she had time to think about it, she acted on it impulsively.

Taking Yoshi’s cock out of her mouth, she pointed it towards Melinda with a wicked grin.

“Melinda? Did you want some?” She asked, and then glanced up at Yoshi, “I mean, if that’s alright with you?”

Melinda climbed over to them, eyeing Yoshi’s hard dick lustily.

Yoshi said, “Hell, its okay with me.”

Melinda smiled and took his dick in her hands, putting it in her mouth, she began to suck him, moving up and back with a practiced skill. She went for a little while, and then handed the dick back to Midori who hungrily slid it back between her lips. Her vagina crawled with lust, she was so horny now she didn’t care what else happened, as long as she got the sex that she craved, and as much of it as she could.

Midori looked at Yoshi and giggled, “Am I an awesome girlfriend or what?”

She returned to sharing his member with the older woman. They kept going like that until Melinda’s eyes bulged as she realized something.

“Oh, my goodness! We’re forgetting about Roj.” She exclaimed.

Midori looked and found that Roj had stripped naked. His body wasripped and toned, though fortunately not grotesquely big like some body builders she’d seen. He hand more tattoos over his body. His penis was huge, not John Holmes big, but quite large and was fully erect. Midori felt a shiver of excitement run through her. She wanted to try that massive meat out herself. Roj was sitting on the bed leaning sideways, patiently watching the proceedings.

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry.” Melinda apologized, “I didn’t mean to ignore you.”

“That’s cool. I’m enjoying this show.” Roj commented, unconcerned.

It looked like this guy didn’t worry about anything. Melinda kissed him and laid him back on the bed. Midori slipped Yoshi’s cock in her mouth and started sucking it, slurping wildly. Her hand slipped between her legs and she began to masturbate, rubbing herself in a circular motion. She watched Yoshi’s face, the expression of enjoyment he showed energized her. She ran her mouth along the shaft, feeling the flesh between her lips. God help her, she loved doing this.

Melinda was likewise slurping on Roj’s massive salami, who moaned with pleasure but hadn’t seemed to change his expression very much. Midori eyed them as Melinda performed her fellatio. She found it exciting to watch other people, now finally grasping why people like to watch porn. Her mind was overloaded with stimulus, she felt light headed, as if she was high as well as drunk.

Melinda noticed Midori looking at her and pulled Roj’s cock out of her mouth. She smiled slyly at Midori, a knowing grin on her face.

“Would you like some?” Melinda politely offered.

Midori looked up at Yoshi, “I would, but only if it’s okay with my boyfriend.”

“Uh . . .” Yoshi stammered, flabbergasted, “Yeah, its okay with me.”

Midori squealed with glee, “You rock, Yoshi.”

Midori rolled over and took the hard dick from Melinda’s hand. The large organ filled up her hand, and as soon as she got it in her mouth, she realized she could only get it in part way. But she began to slurp at it, sucking the big cock while she felt Melinda slide some fingers into her pussy. Christ, she was having fun.

“It’s a nice fat one, isn’t it?” Melinda asked her, mischievously.

“Yeah, it’s great. But I like Yoshi’s better.” Midori replied.

Roj chuckled, “You’ve gotta say that ‘cause he’s your boyfriend.”

Midori held up a finger, “No, it’s the truth . . . ‘cause he’s my boyfriend. A cock is always better when it belongs to someone you love.”

“How profound.” Melinda observed.

They shared the cock, moving it back and forth they way they had with Yoshi, until Midori glanced at her boyfriend who was watching them, slowly stroking his cock.

Midori raised her eyebrows at Melinda, “Now Yoshi’s all alone.”

A wicked grin spread across Midori’s face, “Let’s switch.”

Melinda smirked at the suggestion, “Honey, you took the words right out of my mouth.”

Melinda kissed Midori once briefly, and then scrambled over her and got down in front of Yoshi, carefully cupping his penis and licking it with her tongue in a long, wet stroke. Yoshi glanced skeptically at Midori. Midori gave him a smile and a big thumbs up and put Roj’s cock back in her mouth.

Rain continued to pour outside the window, splashing across the glass.

She continued to suck him, running her lips over the man’s hard penis, cupping his balls and licking the head. She was learning fast, and couldn’t imagine why she had been so repelled by this act before. Giving a blowjob was a fun, natural thing.

Next to her, she noticed Melina crawl up over Yoshi and straddle him, sliding his dick into her pussy. They started to fuck, slowly moving against each other.

Melinda moaned lowly, “Oh, you’re good, no wonder Midori likes you. I should give you a raise.”

Midori giggled, “You’re bangin’ the boss, Yoshi. Do me proud and make her squeal.”

“You’re right: you are an awesome girlfriend, Midori. I’m so lucky.” Yoshi half laughed and half panted.

With a snake like slither, Midori crawled over Roj’s body, up until she straddled him. Gripping his large penis with once hand, she slipped it inside herself. It went in surprisingly easy, and Midori began to move her hips, moving it deep inside her and fucking Roj slowly but powerfully. Some small voice in her mind screamed at her that she was cheating on Yoshi, but her libido overrode it: After all, he’d given his permission and he was with another woman right next to her.

Midori moved and rocked back and forth, her body on fire as she fucked the massive cock between her legs. She moaned and cried with pleasure as she was fucked, squealing with glee as Roj reached up and massaged her breasts. She threw her head back and forth, her enjoyment somehow getting enhanced by the lust cries of Melinda and Yoshi right next to her.

Her brain was on fire, and the room seemed to spin. She realized the walls seemed to be almost liquid and the pictures on the walls almost seemed to be moving. She lay down against Roj’s chest, moving faster and faster, feeling his manhood inside her body, waves of pleasure assaulting her reason. That sweet, coppery small floated up to her nostrils again. She could smell it all over him, just beneath his skin. It pulled at her, teasing her with its alluring aroma. Her lips trembled as her tongue seemed to cry for the taste of it, flowing just beneath that soft, simple flesh.

She could hear the flapping of leathery wings outside the window, driving her on.

She lost control: With a cry she bit down hard on Roj’s neck and sank her teeth into the soft flesh. They didn’t penetrate, they were too blunt, but she bit harder and felt one cut the skin. The blood trickled into her mouth, a deliriously lovely and powerful taste. Her body exploded with waves of delight as the small amount of blood touched her lips.

Roj gave a startled cry as he was bitten, and pushed her back up. Midori licked at her lips, savoring the blood that ran across her tongue.

True to form, Roj barely seemed phased by it, “Woah, little to enthusiastic there.”

“Did she bite you?” Melinda asked surprised, “Oh, she cut you there a little bit.”

Melinda hopped off Yoshi and then kissed Roj’s small cut, moving next to his lips. Midori’s loins still cried for attention. She slipped back over to Yoshi, kissing his lips tenderly. Roj rolled Melinda over on her back and entered her missionary position, causing Melinda to cry out with lust.

Midori kissed Yoshi, her body alive and on fire. She straddled him and slipped his dick into her pussy, where it belonged. They started to fuck, slowly, but quickly picking up speed.

“Oh, my god, Yoshi.” Midori moaned, “I’m so happy. I love you. I’m so glad we’re doing this.”

“I love you, Midori.” Yoshi responded, “Just don’t bite me.”

Next to them, Midori heard Melinda cry out in the telltale call of a really good orgasm.

Midori didn’t respond, instead thrusting her hips and driving Yoshi’s cock deep into her pussy. Waves of delight and pleasure were washing over her now. She moved wildly and sensually. The world seemed to explode around her in a phantasmagorical symphony of hallucinogenic colors and sounds. The walls ran as if made of liquid, ripples flowed across the floor. The pictures on the walls were alive with movement, faces and shapes moved under the sheet of the bed. Colors changed and shifted, all matter seemed to fluctuate as massive waves of bliss were coursing through every fiber of Midori’s being. The ground appeared to vanish under them, leaving nothing but an vast open void filled with tentacle monsters of the abyss. The pleasure built within her as she continued to ride, faster and faster. She cried out wildly with pleasure and delight, writhing on top of Yoshi in a frenzy.

She threw her head back, issuing an ecstatic yelp as she came, shuddering with unimaginable pleasure. She writhed snake like as the orgasm washed over, causing her to convulse in delight.

There was a loud smack at the window: An enormous bat hit the glass, screeching and flapping its wide leathery wings on the pane. Melinda yelped in shock. The bat smacked the glass one more time and then disappeared into the night.

Around Midori, the room returned to normal. She pulled herself off of him, and then she and Melinda sucked off his cock until he ejaculated into their mouths. Midori lapped up the cum, enjoying the salty taste with newfound senses. She crawled up onto his chest and lay next to him, happy as could be.

When they had all caught their breath, Melinda and Roj showered and then left the room waving good bye.

Melinda kissed Midori once more and said, “We must do this again.”

And then, Midori and Yoshi were left alone once more. They showered together, playfully washing each other’s naked bodies. As Yoshi began to put his clothes back on, Midori simply sat on the bed, naked, staring out the window. The rush had started to ebb, and now that her head was clearing, her actions were coming into focus. With the buzz of her libido starting to fade, she was realizing how out of control she had been. How different her actions were from what she’d been like before. Hell, she had still been a virgin less the twenty four hours ago.

She didn’t feel as guilty as she would have thought, but she was still disturbed. A thousand unanswered questions came to her mind, each more frightening then the next.

The rain was coming down heavy, splashing against the window in torrents. Light from outside cast flowing shadows of dripping water on the walls, painting the walls with forms that made the room look almost like it was crying.

Yoshi came over to her, “Hey, much as I like you naked, we can’t stay here all night.”

After a long pause, Midori said, “Yoshi, I don’t know what’s happening to me. I’ve . . . never been like that before. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

Yoshi sat on the bed, putting his arm around her, “Well, I admit, you shocked me a lot over the last couple of hours. But I don’t know whether something’s actually wrong with you, per se.”

A tear ran down Midori’s cheek, she wiped it away, “Yoshi, I’ve never acted like that before, never.”

“Maybe it’s just like you said: You’re trying new things?”

“No, it’s more then that. I’m changing, Yoshi. I’m going through all sorts of changes and it scares me. What if . . . what if I change so much that you don’t love me anymore?”

“Hey, knock that off. You might be going through some changes, but deep inside you’re still the girl I fell in love with. And that isn’t ever going to change. Not enough to get rid of me.”

“I’m still afraid. I don’t know what’s going on, what’s happening. I used to be ashamed of my body, hated it when people looked at me. Now, I crave their attention. That’s not me. It scares me; I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

Yoshi paused for a bit, considering his words.

He said carefully, “I’ve told you about my grandmother, right? She was a great old spunky gal, with all the blood and fire of a real samurai clan. And she used to love this old saying: When life gives you lemons . . . make lemonade.”

“Oh, god! That’s so corny.” Midori had to chuckle.

“Yes, corny it is, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Whatever’s going on with you, Midori, we will find a way to deal with together, alright.”

Midori gave him a small smile, “That’s even cornier, but alright.”

She wanted so desperately to believe Yoshi, but she wasn’t sure if she did.


After dressing and cleaning up, Midori went downstairs to the front lobby of the hotel and out the front doors. The night was warm and humid; rain still fell in a steady stream. It was dark now, no stars visible through the thick black clouds. She was already sobering up. She gingerly moved down the steps, finding herself walking with more of a sway to hips. She was still enjoying the attention she got in this dress, how all they eyes turned her way.

She looked at the sky: More dark shapes fluttered across the view, bats blindly flitting around in the air like silent observers of the actions of mankind. Where were they all coming from all of a sudden? Midori had an idea for the answer in the back of her head, but she didn’t want to contemplate it.

The valet pulled up with her Saab in front of the steps. Midori grimaced: The car was simply ugly. She hated it, and felt ashamed that she would have to get into it in front of all these people. She sighed heavily and started forward. She glanced at her watch; she had three hours until she had to get to work. Time enough to relax and change and get ready.

She needed to get to the station tonight. Specifically, she needed to get to the holding cells, one particular holding cell, in fact. And she’d need to find a way to get in there alone. She needed some answers. And one way or the other, Natasha would have to give them to her. She didn’t like the idea, thinking of Natasha still make her spine prickle with fear, but she could see no alternative. She got into the car, winked at the valet naughtily, and drove away.

The rain poured down on Midori’s car, like the tears of a million bereaved gods, all mourning in unison.