Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Midori And The Bloodlust Blues ❯ 2nd Night, Part Two ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
2nd Night, Part Two

By Hardcover

“I see a red door and I want it painted black No colors anymore I want them to turn black I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes I have to turn my head until my darkness goes”
--Paint It Black

Dr. Jerry Hutter briskly walked along the hallway in the Cascade General Hospital Emergency Ward. Being that Cascade City was the third largest city along the Sasami River dwarfing its neighbor Burning City, from which it was separated by a long stretch of wilderness, Hutter was kept constantly busy and on the go. Cascade was actually sitting on both sides of the Sasami, connected over the river by a series of high bridges. The hectic schedule didn’t really bother him because this was his job, and he intended to do it.

Dr. Hutter, unlike a lot his colleagues, didn’t own a fancy sports car or a large house, while charging outrages prices to insurance companies for simply procedures. No, this was where he was needed the most, so this was where he stayed. That was his job, “Do no harm” and so forth, and Dr. Hutter took if very seriously. Saving lives was what he did, and this was where he could do the most good. Not performing unnecessary breast implants at ¥1,000 a pop.

He looked at the file for his next patient that had been delayed thanks to the arrival of stabbing victim. This seemed simple enough at first: The patient, one Mr. Timothy Dobson, had been brought in by his girlfriend, a Miss Britney Chengles, complaining of headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain and dry mouth. Later on he developed fever, dizziness, weakness and chills. Seemed like the flu or something, but while Dr. Hutter had been taking care of the stab wound victim, a new symptom had turned up, bleeding from every opening this man had in his head. That worried Dr. Hutter quite a bit. There were any number of causes, but quite a few of them weren’t good. Hell, they could even be the symptom of some kind of hemorrhagic fever like Ebola, but Hutter rather doubted that.

He pushed open the curtain of the cubicle and was about to great the patient, only to find himself staring into the panicked face of a pretty young blonde girl, presumably Miss. Chengles. She seemed terrified beyond the usual hysterics that he was used to seeing in the ward. Her eyes were wide and sweat poured down her face. She gripped the front of his coat in deep agitation.

“Doctor!” She screamed, “He’s gotten worse! He’s gotten so much worse! Please help him!”

Dr. Hutter put on his reassuring face, “Okay, I’m here, let me take a look at him and see what we need to do. Please, take it easy.”

He gently pushed the woman aside, who burst into miserable tears, and approached the bed. The patient was lying on his side, curled in a fetal position, his face buried in the sheets and out of sight. Dr. Hutter noticed blood still on the sheets.

“Alright, Mr. . . .” He checked the file to make sure he got it right, “Dobson, what say you roll over and let me take a look at you?”

The man didn’t move for a few seconds, and then he rolled over onto his back with an audible moan of pain. Dr. Hutter’s blood froze in his veins and for the first time in years he actually backed away from the patient.

Dobson’s face and arms were littered with pus filled boils covering every inch of the skin, causing him to look almost reptilian. With horror Dr. Hutter recognized them as similar to smallpox blisters, but there was something else: sporadically, huge black buboes swellings had risen out of his skin, most the size of golf balls, skin flaking and peeling off them. There was also severe swelling in his elbows. The man was bleeding profusely out of his eyes nose and mouth. His eyes seemed to be sunken deeply in his head.

With another stab of horror, Dr. Hutter realized that the eyes weren’t sunken; they were gone, dried up to nothing inside the man’s head. The closed lids sank deep into the empty sockets like some ghastly craters in the man’s face. His lips were chapped and cracked. The patient opened his mouth, spewing forth blood and bile, and began to make a long, gasping wheezing sound. Right then, the blisters began to degenerate, digging into flesh and forming deep black gouges in the skin right in front of them, the buboes split and ruptured, dripping yellowish pus over his flesh. The long continuous wheeze persisted as the man’s skin seemed to rot away in a matter of minutes.

And then, just like that, he was dead. Falling back in the bed, the shrill wheezing dissipated and his chest stopped moving. The only sound seemed to be the beating of Dr. Hutter’s heart.

Dr. Hutter turned to pick up the phone. He’d have to order an immediate quarantine of everyone who came in contact with the patient including himself. He turned around just in time to see the girlfriend collapse on the floor, pulling a tray full of plastic cups with her.

At first he thought she’d fainted, but then he saw to his terror that she had begun to bleed from her ears, nose and mouth.


The dark, lonely road in that led to the police station seemed more inviting to Midori tonight as she guided her boxy Saab through the rain slicked streets of the city. Not really a surprise there, she felt entirely different, and after the incident in the hotel, Midori was in desperate need of some answers. What in the world was wrong with her? She’d never done anything so slutty in her life, and now suddenly, she’d just had a four way sex orgy with her boyfriend, his boss, and the boss’ boyfriend. That was simply not like her, and neither were a lot of the things she’d been doing.

And to make matters worse, in the height of passion, she’d bitten a guy.

She shifted uncomfortably: The Saab felt cramped and enclosed, and she loathed the way it looked. God, had she come to hate this car.

It wasn’t just what had gone on in the hotel: When she had gotten home she had stripped herself naked and gone on her computer, impulsively downloading a bunch of songs by the Forms Of Death band she had heard before on the radio. She usually didn’t download recklessly like that. She had lain on her bed, naked, listening to the evocative, eerie music. The lights had all been off and she’d been in complete darkness. She had begun to get disoriented lying like that, with the music swirling around her, stimulating her imagination and invading her very being. Without realizing it, she’d begun to masturbate, working herself in a state of sexual arousal, the shadows playing across the walls, the darkness so inviting.

The disorientation had turned into dizziness, and she begun to experience some nausea. Her head had started to hurt, pounding with a migraine headache, and she started having trouble breathing, almost unable to get a breath. Her heart had hammered in her ample chest, her skin had gone cold and clammy but inside she felt like she was burning up. She’d begun to hallucinate: Bugs, bats, spiders, corpses and all sorts of horrific things.

She’d climaxed, moaning with her small orgasm, and passed out completely.

When she woke up an hour later, she’d felt better. Much better, actually, but her skin seemed pale and pallid, and felt a little cooler then it should have. Her eyes were sunken a bit, like she hadn’t gotten enough sleep, and her whites were bloodshot. And no amount of Visine seemed to get rid of that problem.

And to top it all off, she had a dull throbbing pain just above her vagina.

Realizing that she had to get to work, she’d gotten dressed and headed out.

Rain pelted the windshield, and overhead, Midori was sure she could see more of those bats. Were they following her, she wondered?

She pulled into the parking lot under the awning and out of the rain. She got out of her car, and headed for the door. Her uniform was no longer embarrassing to her the way it once had been. She had almost been late because she had been looking at herself in the mirror. For the first time since she’d donned this ridiculous uniform, she actually liked the way she looked in it. She found that she loved the way it wrapped around her breasts, exposing her cleavage, the way it uncovered copious amounts of her soft young skin, the way it hugged her curvy figure, and the way it showed off her legs. For once, she thought she really looked good in it.

Walking to her job, she felt herself drawn into the shadows. The darkness seemed to reach out to her, to caress her, envelope her, like the arms of a sensual lover, or a caring mother, warming her in its dark embrace. She felt oddly comfortable in the shadows, moving through them silently. She felt almost like cat, moving skillfully at night.

She looked up at the stark, grey, gloomy front of the station. She found it didn’t look so ugly anymore. There was a profound magnificence about the old structure that she had never detected before. It looked impressive and intimidating against the cloudy black sky. She got chills looking at it.

Midori mounted the steps and pushed them open, strolling into the front office. As usual, Natalie was there working late, her eyes glued to the computer screen. She was dressed in a long, brown button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a matching long dress. She had her hair pulled back and wore her glasses, as usual.

Trying to pretend everything was normal, Midori said, “Hi, Natalie. How are you?”

Natalie replied without looking up from the screen, “Hi, Midori. More good news: In addition to the cell phones, the land lines are out now too. Not all over the city, but just in our area.”

“Wonderful.” Midori muttered.

Natalie glanced up at Midori from the computer and gasped when she saw her.

“Midori!” She exclaimed, “Are you alright? You look . . . ill.”

“I’m fine.” Midori lied, “I just didn’t get enough sleep last night.”

“Well, there’s some paperwork on your desk for you tonight, aside from that it should be pretty quiet.” Natalie said, looking a bit skeptical.

“Are the cells empty?”

“Mostly, just that creepy Natasha girl, she’s still here unfortunately.”

“Who’s on the processing desk?”

“Honda. He’s been there for three hours.”

Midori nodded and thanked her as she moved down the room, heading purposefully towards the door that led to the cellblocks. She could do all that paperwork later, right now she needed to have a little chat with someone. But she’d have to get Honda out of there for a little bit first. She entered the door and into the gloomy darkly lit passage of the cellblock.

Once again, the cellblock felt cold, and she shivered as she walked down. It changed, as soon as she approached the end, becoming warmer, almost stuffy as she got closer. The wind howled outside, and the rain pelted the windows. The sounds echoed through the hall, like a private storm encompassing just them. In a way, the rain sounded almost lonely. Trotting down the corridor, she stopped at the processing desk where Officer Honda was going over some reports.

It was a few seconds until he realized Midori was there, he jumped, startled when he noticed her.

“Holy, crap!” He exclaimed, “Jesus, Midori, you scared the shit out of me. Don’t do that.”

“Sorry.” Midori smirked at him.

Honda stared at her, noticing her appearance, “What happened to you?”

“Oh, shut the fuck up.” Midori admonished him.

Honda frowned at her, taken a bit back by the uncharacteristic remark. Midori ignored his puzzled expression.

“Do you need a break?” She asked.

“Huh?” Honda said, intelligently.

Midori leaned over the desk, “Do you need to take a break for a little bit, I can watch the desk for a half hour or so.”

Honda smiled, “You would volunteer for THIS job?”

“I’m stupid that way. You want to take a break, or not?” Midori laughed.

Honda glanced at the cell, “Yeah, actually, whatever the hell gets me away from this one.”

He gestured towards the cell. Midori could slightly make out the shape of Natasha’s sleeping form. She lay on the cot on her back, her legs strait, her arms folded over her chest like she was lying in a coffin. Midori shivered, and chill running through her. If she hadn’t known better, she would swear that was a corpse in there.

Honda stood up, but he didn’t move just yet. He still looked at her with concern.

“Midori, are you sure you’re all right?” He inquired, “You took one heck of a fall last night, and you don’t look so hot tonight. Are you sure you’re okay?”

Midori playfully slapped his shoulder, “Oh, just go and take your fucking break. Take your time.”

Honda didn’t move, “And that’s another thing: When did you start talking like that?”

“What do you mean?”

“Look, when I first met you, you were all ‘Oh, phooey, I can’t find the stapler’. Now, you walk into a bar, and sailors come running out.”

“I don’t think that’s likely.”

“Are you sure nothing wrong? You’re acting peculiar. And for the record, as long as you’ve been here, I’ve never seen you swivel your hips all sexy like that when you move.”

Midori grinned, feeling a giddy thrill between her legs that he’d noticed that, “Isn’t that an improvement? Besides, I work all day around hardasses like you. Is it really such a surprise that some of your charming personality traits might rub off on me?

“Completely overnight? Yes.” Honda said firmly.

Midori waved him off, “Will you just go, before I come to my senses?”

Honda continued to stare at her, worried.

Midori made like she was about to leave, “Well, if you’d rather stay here with ‘Morticia’ over there . . . ?

Honda glanced at the cell and then relented with a shudder. He shrugged and then came out from behind the desk. He got a few feet and then turned to look at Midori.

“I’m serious.” He said, “I’m worried about you.”

“Why start worrying about me now?” She sat down on the desk, “I’m fine, really. Now please, go take your break and let me do my good deed for the day.”

Honda turned away, walking down to hall, but stopping a few times to glance back at Midori, who pretended to be working on something. Then he shook his head and left, muttering to himself, leaving Midori alone in the flickering light of the empty cellblock. Alone with the shadows that played on the wall like living things, moving with a purpose all their own. The block was warm, and Midori felt a little bit of sweat on her skin. For a second, she had the urge to take her uniform off.

The lights flickered again, like they had before. There was a soft rumbling, again moving towards her, the lights flickering as the sound moved closer. This time, however, it quickly dissipated and stopped. It was as if the unseen force had halted midway down the cellblock. The overhead lights swayed lightly as they flickered, bathing the corridor with dancing shadows. The sound seemed to dissipate outward, becoming higher in tone as it seemed to fade into the walls. Soon, Midori was left in the silence once more. She turned to the cell door.

She jumped with a start: Natasha was on her feet and right next to the bars, looking at Midori. Midori quickly stood up. Natasha smiled at her, and spoke in her slightly raspy voice, with its light Russian accent.

“While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, as of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door." Natasha spoke in a low, sorrowful melodramatic voice that sent chills down Midori’s spine.

Midori said nothing for a while, then spoke, “I want to talk to you.”

Natasha said, “Oh, Midori. You’ve come back to visit me. I’m so happy.”

Midori was struck speechless for a second, and then said, “Shut up.”

Natasha continued, “Oh, but you’re looking lovely today; so cute in that tiny outfit. Won’t you come in here and let me play with you? I want to kiss you so badly.”

To Midori’s dismay, she felt herself start to get a little wet. A part of her rose up, rearing to rip off her clothes and get in there with Natasha and take her up on her offer. She fought it down, but noticed a sly smile on Natasha’s face. Could it be that she somehow knew? She dismissed the notion and strode forward to the bars, pulling her baton free and banging it loudly against the bars.

Natasha didn’t even flinch.

Angrily, Midori demanded, “What have you done to me?”

Natasha feigned innocence, “Why whatever do you mean, Midori?”

“You fucking know what I mean! What is happening to me? What have you done?!?”

“Opened your mind to a whole new world of experience, you’ll thank me later.”

“That’s not an answer, goddamn it! Answer me! Everything’s all fucked up. I’m doing and saying things I never would have before. I like things I never liked before, and I hate things I did. Everything looks and feels different. I’m seeing things that I shouldn’t be. A few hours ago I passed out cold. Just passed out completely. What the hell are you and what have you done to me? Tell me, goddamnit or I swear to god you’ll rot in there.”

Midori’s anger burned in her belly, her blood pumped through her veins with rage. But Natasha simply smiled at her mischievously, and leaned a little closer to the bars.

In a low, conspiratorial voice, Natasha told her, “I think you know exactly what I am. You’re just afraid to admit it.”

Icy fingers ran up Midori’s spine. She’d thought of this, but she’d been afraid to confront it. It was too ridiculous an idea. Those kinds of things weren’t real. She took a step back, shaking her head, clutching her baton to her chest.

Natasha cocked her head at her, looking at Midori with those unsettling red eyes.

She smiled widely, “Or should I say: You know exactly what WE are?”

Knives of ice stabbed Midori in the stomach. Her blood froze in her veins, and her heart fluttered as fear gnawed at every part of her being. This had been in the back of her mind, but shed didn’t dare to entertain the thought. She back up from the cell, shaking her head. It was impossible, it just couldn’t be.

“No.” She said firmly.

“I’m afraid so.” Natasha said, “But don’t sweat it, I’ve given you a priceless gift.”

“Shut up!” Midori screamed at her, “Shut the fuck up!”

Midori leapt forward banging her baton against the bars again, the sound echoed down the long hallway. Her arm and shoulder jolted from the impact and began to ache. Midori felt moisture on her cheeks. She realized she was crying.

Natasha stuck a hand through the bars and touched Midori’s cheek, catching the tear with her finger.

“Oh, don’t cry.” Natasha said, “I know how scary it is, but you’ll come to embrace your new life. I had hoped you would come to think of me as your friend.”

She paused, a little grin on her face, “But you are cute when you cry.”

“Why would you do this to me? What have I ever done to you?” Midori demanded.

“Because you’re the smartest, strongest person here.” Natasha said, still gazing at her, “And you know this city inside out. We’re going to need you.”

That set off an alarm bell in Midori’s head, “Who is ‘we’?”

Natasha shrugged, “’We’ are me, and you, and others of our kind.”

Midori stared at her, even more alarmed, “There’s more here? Here in Burning? How many?”

Again, Natasha shrugged, “Not sure, but quite a few of us have come here. You’ll be quite popular with us, our new sister.”

“S-stop talking about me like that.” Midori demanded, “I’m not one of you.”

“You will be soon.” Natasha insisted.

After a pause, Natasha cocked her head at Midori and said, “Ai herrdi trrosskili sski?

It was the same strange hissing; growling language Natasha had spoken during her interrogation. It sounded like a question. Midori looked at her blankly, not understanding a word of it.

Natasha’s shoulders slumped, “Not yet? Pity.”

“Why me?” Midori shouted, “Why did you pick me? I’m not smart. I’m not strong. Hell, I can’t even balance my checkbook.”

“I know how that is. Those overdraft charges are killer.”

“Can’t you stop this, can’t you just leave me alone?”

Natasha shook her head, “Once it’s started, it can’t be stopped. That’s what that mark on your neck means.”

“And that’s another thing,” Midori looked at her, “Why is there only one mark? Don’t you creatures have two fangs?”

Natasha smiled and then opened her mouth. There was a contraction of some unseen muscles, and her canine teeth elongated into protracted sharp fangs, almost an inch each. Midori gave a little gasp as they appeared. She displayed them for a moment, and then retracted them.

“The fangs don’t sire a person, they’re only for feeding. This is what you use to sire someone.” Natasha explained.

And then she stuck her tongue out at Midori.

For a second, Midori thought Natasha simply wasn’t going to tell her, or that she was making fun of her. Then, the skin on the tip of the tongue split and moved apart and a small barb, needle thin at the point, surfaced from the opening. Natasha waggled it at her and then withdrew it. Nausea welled up in the bit of Midori’s stomach.

“Goddamn you!” Midori shrieked, “Goddamn all of you! I just want to live a normal life and be like everyone else.”

“Eww.” Natasha made a face, “Go through life just being a face in crowd? One of the herd? Never making an impression on anyone? That sounds horrible. If you live like that, who would remember you when you were gone?”

Midori turned away from Natasha, cupping her hand over her mouth, she sobbed deeply into it.

“What’s happening to me? What am I going to become?” She moaned miserably.

“You’ll find out,” Natasha answered her, “It’ll be grand, glorious. Now please come over here and unlock this door, I wanna get you naked and make love to you again. Oh, come on, please?”

“Go to hell!” Midori hissed at her, “I don’t want to be like that.”

“No?” Natasha replied, incredulously, “Not even with that handsome stud Officer Honda? Awe, come on, Midori; I saw the way you looked at him. You’re telling me you wouldn’t want to wrap you lips around his package as much as I would?”

“I’m not like that.” Midori said irritably.

“Really? I know different, sweetie. You sure had fun wrapping your lips around my package.” Natasha chided, and then added, “You know, you don’t have to worry about getting any kind of disease anymore, you’ll be immune to all of it. Nor will you have to worry about any unexpected . . .”

“Just stop it.” Midori snapped, “Just shut up.”

Midori crossed to the desk and sat down at it, staring blankly at the top of desk, her mind haunted with thoughts she dared not think. She kept her eyes way from Natasha, feeling miserable and alone, and just about scared out of her mind. This couldn’t be, this could not be happening to her. She buried her face in hands: What was she going to do now?

Wrapping her arms around the bars, Natasha intoned morbidly, “Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken. Leave my loneliness unbroken. – quit the bust above my door.”
“Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door.” Midori finished gloomily.

For the rest of the time, there was silence, broken only by half hearted attempts by Natasha to talk Midori into having sex with her again. Midori ignored her, lost in her horrid thoughts, her mind a future she dared not believe she would have to face. She felt herself trembling, her hands unable to stop shaking. And yet, there was that insatiable tingling between her legs, and some small part of her mind crying out for the strange futa in the cell. Not to mention, that annoying throbbing pain.

Honda returned quickly, having only been gone about twenty minutes or so, and by the time he got back, Midori had composed herself somewhat. He approached the desk, looking over her, a look of concern still on his face.

Midori managed a small smile, “Back already? That was fast.”

Before Honda could say anything, Natasha piped up, gripping the cell bars.

She said in a school girl like voice, “Midori likes you. She wants to suck your dick.”

Without looking at her, Honda said, “Of course she does. What woman wouldn’t want to get their hands on my baton?”

Natasha giggled: a sound that seemed both playful and infinitely creepy at the same time. Midori rose and moved away from the desk, clearing her throat and blushing profusely.

“I’ve got better things to do then listen to this.” Midori stated, “I’ve got a ton of paperwork to do.”

As Midori passed Honda, her nostrils flared, and she began to pick up that sweet, sweet scent again. The coppery small that started her mouth to water, pulsing and wafting up from underneath Honda’s skin. She eyed him hungrily as she passed, then tore her eyes away from him, and continued down the hall, feeling her crotch flood and her body tingle with desire. She unconsciously licked her lips with thirst and need, and became aware that she was swishing her hips sexily again as she walked. She willed herself not to look back.

She could feel Honda’s and Natasha’s eyes as they watched her go.


Midori’s desk wasn’t really her own, several different girls shared the desk on different shifts. The girl on the shift before her, for example, used the desk as her own personal storage facility. Midori was always finding make up, and other stuff left there by the previous girl. Oddly enough, Midori had never met her, but by now she knew what she liked. Right at the moment, Midori had found several CDs of a new pop star named Kamilla. Kamilla was a blonde very pretty and frequently underdressed pop singer whose music had a certain hard edge to it that other pop stars lacked. She was also notorious for her scandalous sexcapades, having graced more tabloids with various party girl antics and unabashed sexuality then most of her contemporaries. Her dance moves were one step removed from a stripper, and two from a porn star.

While Midori could see the appeal of Kamilla, she was a very beautiful woman; her music usually did nothing for her. Probably still didn’t. The funny thing was, Kamilla bore a striking resemblance to a punk singer called Trash from the 1980s in old as well as a disco queen who’d had several hits in the 70s named Morella. Midori had even seen some old photos of a sultry jazz singer from the 40s who also bore a striking resemblance to Kamilla. She just had that look, Midori figured.

She was wrapped up in her paperwork, alone in the room, delving into work to help forget the revelations she’d gotten from Natasha. Still, fear clutched at her heart and she felt chills of despair every so often as memories of what she’d been told flooded back to her. Add to that the irritating pulsing ache in her crotch, and she was very uncomfortable.

Still, she plowed on, filling in the paperwork and entering it on the computer. She worked rapidly, engrossed in her job. So much so, that she didn’t feel the change in the room at first.

The room she was in was a medium sized office room with five desks set up in rows. Two windows on the far north side looked out over the back of the station, down on the houses, since this room was on the second floor. On the south side there was a row of small lockers, and a large full length mirror. On the west side, a large opening in the wall led to a small hallway that ran to a blank wall, but contained six doorways to the sides that led to filing rooms. Across on the east wall, two closed double doors led out do another, longer, hallway, line by doors that led to more offices, then curved left at the end, which led to a flight of stairs.

It was subtle, a slight warming of the room and a barely perceptible dimming of the lights. When she did notice it, she gasped. The room darkened, the lights dwindling to lower levels, the room heating up. She looked around herself, glancing around the room fearfully.

Almost imperceptibly, although no windows were open, there was a slight breeze, a delicate rush of air. Across from her, on another desk, she saw some papers lightly lift with the wind, rising slightly before settling back down on the desk.

And then she heard the voice. Just barely, as the papers rose, whispering in the silent room, as quiet as the breeze itself. She couldn’t make out what it said, wasn’t even sure she was hearing it, but it sounded like that strange language that Natasha spoke. She couldn’t make out what it said. And then it was gone, as if it had never been there in the first place.

Midori stood up, her heart racing in her chest, fear clutching at her belly. She timidly moved in front of her desk, looking around the room as the lights dimmed further, bathing the room in shadows. With the florescent lights, it made the room seem slightly green. She looked around, unsure even of what she was looking for. For an agonizing few moments, there was nothing except the sound of her own breath; and then she heard it.

It was that same rumbling, growling sound as before, faintly echoing from off to the west side. She turned, and saw that at the end of the west hall, the light overhead was flickering slightly. Soon, the next one started, and the sound got louder. Just like the night before, the unseen force seemed to move through the hall, one light at a time flickering as it went, the sound getting closer and closer to her. It came through the hall and into the room.

Midori was frozen, glued to the spot in fear. She couldn’t move a muscle as the sound filled the room. The lights overhead flickered and the computer screens filled with static and the sound fill the room and flowed through it, loudly around Midori who covered up her ears. Whatever it was moved through the space, the lights reacting to it as is traveled from one end to the other, the fluorescent bulbs seeming to be drained of life by the invisible source of the low, growling sounds. The noise seemed to penetrate her as it came around her.

She heard a hissing whisper, “Miiiidddoorrreeeeeee . . .”

And the sounds moved past her, towards the East wall, seeming to pass through the doors. The lights ceased to flicker, but remained at their previously low levels. As if she had no control over her body, Midori walked slowly to the doors. Her heart beating a mile a minute in her chest, she reached out and turned the knob of the doors carefully. With a slight creek, the door swung open and Midori fearfully peeked her head through and stared into the hall beyond.

The light immediately in front of the doors was flickering, and the sounds reverberated against the walls, as if it had been waiting there for Midori to open the door. With a slow deliberateness, the disturbance began to move again, moving unhurriedly down the darkened hallway, the flickering lights causing shadows to dance along the walls. As it continued to move away from her, the sound got fainter, moving leisurely away to the end of the hall. Once it got to the end, it seemed to fade and disappear entirely.

For a moment there was nothing but silence.

And then a figure stepped from around the curve. Midori gasped: It was Natasha. How in the world had she gotten out of her cell?

Natasha was completely naked now, her soft breasts bare, the nipples hard and extending her nipple rings. Her penis was fully erect in front of her and her vagina seemed moist and swollen. She looked at Midori with those sinister read, cat like eyes, and began to move towards her, walking slowly and seductively, her hips swaying back and forth as she put one foot in front of the other, the shadows from the darkened light playing off her pale skin.

Natasha licked her lips, her tongue running around her mouth lustily as she continued to approach. Her shadow seemed to cover the walls around her, rolling across them in horrible shapes that couldn’t be cast by her body alone. As she moved closer, her eyes stared deep into Midori’s, seeming to penetrate her very being. Natasha moved further down, her hands on her thighs. As she got closer, she ran her hands over her hips, and then up to her breasts, squeezing them playfully.

She grinned creepily at Midori, her fangs extending.

Midori slammed the doors shut and locked them, backing away from the entrance, her chest rising and falling as terror clawed at her stomach, her arms and legs trembling. She backed up, staring at the doorknob, expecting to see it slowly turn at any moment. The room was silent, and stifling. For a time, there was nothing except Midori’s breathing and the sound of her heart.

And then she began to feel it, the room began to get warmer; she could see the windows fog with heat. She began to feel light tingling sensations between her legs. The doors swung open, and Natasha stepped into the room. She moved forward, licking her lips as she ran her eyes up and down Midori’s body. Behind her, the doors swung closed with a bang.

Midori backed away from her, unable to speak. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the naked woman. Natasha was quite beautiful in her unsettling way: the way her long black hair flowed behind her in its two braids, the curve of her hips and breasts, and the alarming specter of her erect penis. It sent shivers through Midori, who found her vagina gushing uncontrollably.

The room seemed to pulse as Natasha got closer, Midori felt light headed and just a little bit dizzy. Tingling sensations of pleasure ran unbidden from her crotch, stimulating her body. Midori tried to fight the feelings of lust that were surging in her, but it seemed hopeless, her body was betraying her, yearning for more sex. She kept backing up until she bumped into the front of a desk. Unable to go further, the remained there, her hands clasped to her chest.

Natasha approached, getting right up to her, her nude body just lightly touching Midori’s. Midori stared into those cat-like red eyes, inadvertently licking her lips. She felt her hips undulated a little, and her head swooned with need. She knew fighting was useless, she was going to submit to Natasha’s attentions, once again abandoning herself to animal pleasure, like any common slut. Guilt was ebbing away, replaced rapidly by desire.

Natasha leaned in close to her face, “Oh, Midori; why do you run from me? All I want to do is to make you fell good; to let you feel pleasures that will delight all your senses and fill your being with joy. Is that such a horrible thing? Is that such a terrible act? To want to share my pleasures with you. Oh, Midori, why should you fear me so?”

Midori had nothing to say to the darkly poetic mini monologue. And then, Natasha’s lips were on hers; kissing her deeply and passionately, her tongue entering her mouth. Her hands slid over Midori’s shoulders, caressing her. Midori felt Natasha’s penis press up against her and shivered with excitement. All of a sudden, she realized that she was kissing Natasha back.

Natasha’s hand slipped down to Midori’s breasts, squeezing them softly, causing Midori to move slightly in joy, the other woman’s hands feeling lovely on her bust. She kissed Natasha deeply, relishing against her will the feeling of her wet lips. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Midori realized that there was a good chance they’d be discovered here, but her passion overrode her common sense.

Natasha broke the kiss and began to unbutton Midori’s top.

“Do you like to kiss me?” She teased.

“Yes,” Midori breathed almost silently, “Yes, god, yes. What are you and how can you bring out these feelings in me?”

The last button on Midori’s top was opened and Natasha slipped it off her. She was not wearing a bra under it this time, and her nipples were hard and stiff. Natasha looked at them approvingly, and then looked back into her eyes. She brought her hands up and with the tops of her fingers, her palms facing herself; she gently caressed Midori’s cheeks.

“We already discussed this, honey.” She cooed, “I think you know the truth. But let me spell it out for you: I am a vampire. And now, so are you.”

Natasha paused and then added, “Sorry, sweetie. But you didn’t pass out earlier tonight . . . you died and came back.”

Vampire. The word hung in the air, chilling Midori to the bone now that she had heard it spoken aloud. It had hovered there, in the back of her mind, but she hadn’t dared speak it or even think the word. It was too fantastic, too ridiculous to comprehend. But here it was. She was becoming a vampire. She had died tonight and been resurrected as one of them. She was the living dead, and somewhere deep inside her, an unwarranted thrill at the prospect surfaced.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she gave a gasp as Natasha began to suck on her nipples, softly squeezing her breasts as she did. Midori’s heart raced and her breath came out in deep gasps and Natasha’s tongue lapped playfully at her nipples. It felt so good; her body responded flooding her panties, her head tilted back, and small moans escaping her mouth. Unable to help herself, she let Natasha continue.

She felt Natasha’s hands at the top of her shorts. I quick order, the belt was undone, the button and zipper were opened, and Natasha slid Midori’s pants and panties down her legs and off in one move, stripping Midori as naked as herself. Natasha stood back up, and looked over Midori’s nude body appraisingly, her eyes taking in all her features.

“You’re so beautiful, Midori.” Natasha breathed, “I love seeing you naked. Don’t you like seeing me naked?”

“Yes, you’re very pretty.” The words were out of Midori’s mouth before she could stop them.

Natasha smiled and then kissed her again, wetly moving her lips against Midori’s. The two women kissed each other deeply, lost in each other’s arms. Then, Natasha reached down and spread Midori’s legs, bringing them up and wide, exposing her vagina pornographically to her. Midori’s whole body blushed a deep pink color.

Sinking down on her knees, Natasha reached in and spread Midori’s pussy lips with her fingers. Midori gave out the tiniest moan and moved her body a little. Natasha leaned in and began to lick and suck at Midori’s vagina, running her wet tongue all over Midori’s privates. Midori gasped and moaned and arched her back as she was eaten, tingles of pleasure flowing from her crotch as Natasha expertly stimulated her. Her tongue wetted her lips as Natasha sucked on her clit.

She felt so dirty, and yet so incredibly alive at the same time. Midori was rapidly starting to enjoy what she was becoming. Her hands slid up to her breasts and began to massage them. She loved the feel of them now, the tenderness to the touch. She had always thought of them before as big and unsightly, a bulky inconvenience to have attached to her, but now she was starting to enjoy the attention they brought her, and the look of them, bulbously hanging there, looking sexy and desirable. For the first time since they had appeared, Midori was proud to have big boobs.

She lay back on the desk, moaning and lifting her hips a bit, swaying her body with delight as Natasha ate her, biting her lip with bliss at the feeling of the other woman’s tongue. Her glasses had begun to fog up with her heat. The world seemed to swirl around her, as she became lost in the feelings of lust.

With infinite patience, Natasha worked at Midori’s private part with her mouth for what seemed to her like ages. Finally, she stopped and gently pulled Midori off the desk and onto her feet. Midori was completely gone now, a slave to the passions awakened within her. She kissed Natasha quickly, deeply, letting her tongue slide into the other woman’s mouth, like the lesbians she sometimes saw in front of their bar in the outer section, or the floozies she saw picking up men at the bars and ports. She’d once thought of them as shameless sluts, now she was one herself.

She felt Natasha’s hands on her waist. Natasha turned her around and bent her over at the waist. Midori complied, putting her hands on the desk and bending over, spreading her feet wide giving Natasha full access to her from behind. Her hips swayed with anticipation. She gasped as she felt the head of Natasha’s penis against her pussy. Not inside it, just brushing against it up and down.

“Do you want this in you again, Midori?” Natasha teased.

“Yes, god, yes!” Midori begged, her body moving with desire.

“Say you want it inside you.”

“I want it inside me.”

“Say ‘I want you to fuck me, Natasha’.”

“I want you to fuck me, Natasha.”

Midori gasped loudly as she felt Natasha enter her. Her legs trembled and her pussy cried out with joy, sending shivers of pleasure all through Midori’s body. Natasha began to fuck her, slowly moving in and out of her, burying herself deep within. Midori moaned and cried out. Natasha bent over her, running her hand all over her body, squeezing her breasts as they flopped back and forth underneath her. Midori rocked to and fro, the sounds of the desk creaking as she moved mingling with the slapping sound of Natasha’s hips against her ass. She groaned in shrill yells as the felt the bliss wash through her.

This was far more intense then it had ever been before. Something was different, waves of delight crackled across her body like electricity. It felt like she was having tiny, short, micro orgasms every two or three thrusts. Midori thrashed her head, rocking with the feelings, her body feeling more alive then it ever had. It felt like the outside world didn’t exist, and all she wanted was to explode with animal lust like the slutiest whore in the world. She cried out in joy at the feelings, as Natasha huffed while fucking her.

The intense pleasure seemed to block out other things that Midori was dimly aware of: The pain in her crotch had become more pronounced, and now her teeth seemed to hurt. Even the tip of her tongue was getting a little ache. Something was screaming in the back of her mind, drawing all these things together, but her brain was too befuddled and overcharged with lust to recognize it.

“Oh, Natasha, fuck me! Fuck me!” Midori begged.

As the good feelings mounted and Midori slipped further away, she began to hallucinate again as the pleasure exploded in her brain. Dancing colors and lights flashed and moved before her eyes. Infinitely intricate patterns exploded before her in a breathtaking spectacle of tint and luminosity. A wondrous kaleidoscopic barrage of images the likes of which she’d never seen.

She felt something in her mouth, like popcorn cornels or something like that. Irritated, she spit whatever it was out.

All at once, she felt as if she was floating, deep in a massive, endless sea of blood. She was rising up, moving towards the surface, still crying with pleasure as Natasha’ cock did its work. Swimming around her were massive shark like fish, eighty to a hundred feet long with eight inch triangular teeth, feeding on monstrous two hundred foot long squid like creatures with twenty tentacles and eight huge bulbous eyes. She rose above the carnage, and found herself surround by naked men and women, sporting gills and web like skin between their fingers and toes, and all hermaphroditic like Natasha. She broke the surface of the blood and saw a massive sea of blood as far as the eye could see. The sky was covered with black thick clouds, and huge bat like monsters flew in the air, vampires riding on their backs. Far off in the distance, she spotted and island with a massive monolithic volcano in the center, the erupted spewing hot glowing lava in the air.

She drifted towards the island only to be shocked back to reality be a massive jolt of pleasure that flowed through her. She was cumming, her body spasming and convulsing with delight as the orgasm took hold of her. She rocked and shuddered, crying out with joy and pleasure, feeling so good she almost wanted to pass out. She gripped the edge of the desk, letting the pleasure flow through her, moaning and wailing uncontrollably. She felt better then she’d ever felt before.

When the orgasm finally subsided and Natasha pulled out of her, Midori opened her eyes, panting and sweating, she noticed five small white things lying on the desk. With a shock, she realized that they were her own teeth. But before she could fully register that, she noticed something else wrong. Something was wrong between her legs, her skin felt bunched up, somehow. She looked down and screamed briefly.

There, just above her vagina, she now sported a limp but good sized male penis.

Shock ran through her whole body as she tried to comprehend this. At first she thought it was another hallucination. She reached down and touched it; then recoiled fast: it was real, she had a penis. She still had her vagina, but like Natasha, she now had a dick as well. She felt like she was going to faint.

She turned around to look at Natasha, only to notice her grinning wickedly at her, her eyes sparkling with joy. Midori tried to say something but found her voice wouldn’t come. She stared at the beaming face of Natasha, stunned at this new development.

Natasha wordlessly took her over to the large mirror on the wall. Gently she guided her until she reached the spot in front of it, and then she turned her to look at her reflection, beaming happily.

Midori gave a shrill cry when she saw herself: She didn’t look all that different then she had before, but the differences were abruptly noticeable, besides just the cock hanging between her legs. Her eyes, still bloodshot, had changed: The irises were now a deep red and brown color, and the pupils had elongated and thinned to a point at the tops and bottoms of her irises, like a cat’s eyes. Her skin was more distinctly pale, and she could see the traces of blue veins under her slightly translucent flesh. Around her eyes, the skin had darkened as if she hadn’t slept for several days. Her finger nails had thickened and come to small points at the ends of her fingers, almost like tiny claws. Her lips seemed to be a deeper shade of red. When she opened her mouth, she saw that her canine teeth were slightly sharper then they had been before, and that the three middle teeth in between them on the upper jaw were now pointed like canine teeth.

She had taken on Natasha’s creepy appearance.

Midori stammered, “Oh, my god, what’s happened to me?”

She backed away from her reflection a bit, only to have Natasha’s arms wrap around her. Natasha began to kiss her tenderly on her neck and shoulders from behind, running her hands over Midori’s large breasts. Still overcome with shock and lust, Midori closed her eyes and breathed deeply at the feeling welling within her.

“You’ve never looked so lovely, Midori.” Natasha cooed as she kissed her.

With a gentle push of her hands, Natasha turned Midori around and kissed her on the lips. Midori shivered with excitement as she felt Natasha’s still hard cock press up against her new, soft one. She felt a slight feeling of movement, and realized she was becoming hard as well. It was bizarre and confusing feeling, since, after all, Midori had never had a penis before.

Natasha pulled her close, kissing her deep, and whispered, “What do you say we break this new bad boy in?”

Natasha lowered herself to her knees, her hand stroking her own cock, and took Midori’s virgin penis in her hand. Midori gave a small gasp as shivers of excitement ran through her new organ. Very tenderly, she felt Natasha lips touch the tip of it, and soon her cock was slipping into the other vampire’s mouth. Natasha began to suck her, moving her head up and down. Midori moaned and felt herself becoming hard, a strangely empowering feeling.

As Natasha performed her fellatio, Midori let her hands run over her body, massaging her breasts. This felt good, she realized. Really good, but different from getting her pussy eaten, no wonder guys liked this so much. She ran her hands through Natasha’s hair affectionately. She learned to enjoy sucking cock in the last few days, now it looked like she’d be getting used to having her own sucked.

In deep breaths, Midori’s chest rose and fell as Natasha sucked on her, getting her as hard as she could get. Pushing her legs apart a little more, Natasha also began to finger Midori’s pussy, playing with her clit and getting her more excited. In her delirious lust filled state, the bizarre nature of her transformation didn’t quite hit Midori all the way. She simply enjoyed the new found pleasure from her new organ.

“Ooo.” Natasha breathed, “I love sucking your cock, Midori. Do you like it when I do?”

Midori nodded her head rapidly, “I do. Oh, I do.”

Natasha sucked on her for a little while longer, then stood up and took Midori’s hand. She led her over to one of the desks, and with a sweep of her arm shoved everything off with a disquieting ruckus of noise. Natasha then got up on the desk and crawled across it, cat like on all fours. She spread her legs wide and looked back over her shoulder at Midori, displaying her dripping wet pussy, her hard cock visibly hanging down below it.

Tingles of pleasant desire flowed through Midori. She realized Natasha was asking her to put her new cock into her. Natasha wanted Midori to fuck her the way a man would. All rational thought vanishing, Midori stared at the inviting pussy, instinctively rubbing her erect penis at the though. Without a word, Midori got up on the desk, got on her knees behind Natasha and positioned her penis over Natasha’s vagina.

“Come on, Midori, put it in me.” Natasha moaned, “Let’s break this thing in properly.”

Unsure of what she was doing, Midori pressed her cock against Natasha. After a few failed attempts to get it in, she felt Natasha’s hand take her dick and guide it in. Natasha gave a loud joyful moan as she was penetrated, and Midori cried out herself as she felt the warm wet feeling of Natasha pussy around her cock.

“Oh, goodness gracious!” Midori exclaimed.

She started to move in and out, imitating the motions she knew from what Natasha, Yoshi and Roj had done to her. She thrust her hips, penetrating Natasha, picking up speed. God, this felt good, she huffed and moaned with delight as she fucked Natasha, causing the other girl to squirm and yelp under her. She reached around and squeezed Natasha’s tits as she fucked her, driving them both into spasms of lust. Sweat glistened off of both of them as the made love madly on the desk, oblivious to all else.

All of Midori’s senses seemed alive. Everything seemed twice as real as it ever had before. Her vision was clear and highly defined, like the world was suddenly in High Def. She heard things with a clarity she had never known, able to make out every drop of rain as it splattered on the window, and the sound of Natasha’s cock as it swung back and forth slapping against her legs. Her skin felt all the sensations two fold of what they were doing, and her nostrils flared with the scent of their lovemaking.

Despite that, they were so wrapped up in the sex, that they didn’t hear the door open.

It was Natalie, carrying a small stack of papers which she was absorbed in sorting so she didn’t notice what was going on. She entered the room opening the door and then absent mindedly closing it behind her. Leafing through the papers, she came into the office.

Still nose down in the papers, Natalie said, “Okay, hey, Midori, I’m gonna leave for the night, but the boss sent down some new paperwork for you. Sorry . . . Woah!”

Natalie looked up from what she was carrying and gave a start, seeing Midori and Natasha naked together on the desk. She was so stunned she dropped the papers on the floor with a rustling sound and backed up a few feet.

Midori froze, her heart leaping into her throat. A bit of rational thought was coming back to her, she’d been discovered and she could be in a lot of trouble here, especially since she’d been caught with a prisoner that was supposed to be in holding. She felt panic rise up in her, how had she come to this moment? She could have her whole life ruined because of this.

Natasha didn’t seem to mind, she smiled wickedly and said, “Busted.”

Natalie sputtered her eyes wide in astonishment, “Midori! Wh-what are you . . .?”

And then Midori smelled it: her new heightened sense of small picked up that sweat coppery smell of blood coming from Natalie. She detected the intoxicating aroma, as it wafted off the bookish black woman and made her nostrils flare. She suddenly became aware that she could also smell Natalie’s pussy, mixing with the delectable scent of her blood, and that she could tell that Natalie was a little bit excited all ready. The aroma was alluring, and irresistible.

With a panther like sway of her hips, Midori pulled out of Natasha and stepped off the desk, approaching Natalie, her hips swiveling with a sensual motion. Completely naked, her fully erect penis was displayed in front of her.

Natalie clapped both hands over her mouth and stared in shock and Midori’s new member, giving loud gasp as she saw it, her eyes glued to the penis.

“M-Midori!” She cried, “Wh-hat . . . how did you get that?”

Midori’s libido was roaring inside her body, taking over her mind. Her lust drove her on, the aroma of Natalie’s blood and juices was overpowering. She said nothing, simply approaching Natalie with a mischievous smile on her face, her tongue wetting her lips. Behind her, Natasha rolled over into a sitting position, stroking her cock lightly, watching the two of them with eyes gleaming.

Midori reached out with both hands, and took Natalie’s in hers. She looked deeply into Natalie’s eyes, smiling lustily at the perplexed and frightened woman.

“Natalie, I never realized how pretty you are.” She cooed lightly.

Something seemed to energize Midori, and crackle of electricity from deep within her that flowed out warmly from her body in Natalie’s direction, like waves of heat. Natalie reacted instantly, moving with slight discomfort and visibly flushing a little. Midori could smell her pussy juicing more, and knew that whatever it was, it was stimulating Natalie sexually.

Natalie tried to mumble something but nothing came out. And suddenly, Midori leaned in and kissed her deeply on the mouth. She moved her lips gently against Natalie’s, kissing her tenderly. She broke the kiss and stared into her eyes: She could see hesitation and confusion on Natalie’s face, and a hint of longing for more. She could feel her body warming up under her. Good.

With a slight wink, Midori kissed Natalie again, this time she felt her kiss back. She pulled Natalie to her, running her hands over her shoulders tenderly. She felt Natalie’s hands touch her waist and then run over her slightly. She kissed her friend deeply, enjoying the heat of her body.

When Midori finally broke the kiss, she took the confused and befuddled Natalie by the hand and led her over to the desk, where Natasha waited. She turned Natalie around and pushed her in front of her, back first, to the desk. Natasha wrapped her arms around her, kissing her lightly on the neck. Natalie closed her eyes for a second, and then snapped them open as Midori got close.

“What . . . are you doing to me?” She stammered.

“Makin you feel good.” Midori answered.

“You’re pretty. What’s your name?” Natasha asked her.

“Nuh-Natalie.” Was Natalie’s reply.

Midori was at first surprised, but then realized Natasha had been in the cell the whole time, brought in through the back, and had never really even laid eyes on Natalie before. Natalie had only seen Natasha briefly, from the back of the crowd of cops. It had been enough to spook her, however.

Natasha skillfully undid the tie behind Natalie’s head, letting her long black and brown hair fall down over her shoulders. Natasha ran her fingers through Natalie’s hair.

“You have beautiful hair, why do you keep it up like that?” Natasha mused, “You should leave it down more often.”

Midori moved in and kissed her again, letting her tongue slip into her mouth this time. From behind, Natasha began unbuttoning Natalie’s blouse, quickly opening it up. She wore a black lacey bra underneath that cupped her large breasts perfectly. With the loose fitting blouses Natalie had always worn, Midori was surprised at how big her tits were.

“Dang, where have you been hiding those things?” Midori teased.

Natalie’s whole body tensed as Midori touched her breasts and lightly squeezed them. God, she loved the feel of them, and the warmth from her flesh. Natasha unzipped Natalie’s skirt in the back and let it fall, revealing her non-matching pink cotton panties. Midori could see that they were moist inside. She ran her hand over Natalie’s ample bosom licking her lips in anticipation.

“Natasha, unhook her, we really need to see those baby’s bared.” Midori grinned.

“Wait, please, don’t . . .” Natalie started to protest.

But Natasha unsnapped her and brought the bra down over her shoulders and very slowly slid it off, letting Natalie’s larges breast fall out freely. Natalie quickly put her hands up to hide them, but Natasha gripped her wrists firmly and pulled her arms away. Her dark nipples were hard and erect; Midori eyed them with a bit of glee. She ran her finger slowly over the nipples, giving them a little twist, and then she leaned forward and kissed Natalie again, pushing her own bare breasts against her friend’s.

Natasha slipped her hands around Natalie and reached down, stroking her panties with her fingers, moving down to her vagina, rubbing it through the material.

Midori crouched down and took Natalie’s breasts her hands again. With a grin, she began to suck and lick at her nipples, running her tongue around them and gently biting them with her teeth. Natalie moaned; her head moving from side to side as Natasha rubbed her pussy slowly.

Sinking to her knees, Midori reached up with both hands and gripped Natalie’s panties on both sides. Natalie’s eyes snapped open in alarm.

“No, please.” She begged, “Don’t do that.”

Midori ignored her and pulled her panties off, sliding them down her legs and too the floor, moving Natalie’s feet to get them all the way off. She looked up at Natalie’s bared pussy: It was hairless and completely shaved smooth. Midori felt a jolt of lust flow through her, her libido uncontrolled inside her.

“Mmmm, looks like you’ve got a little Kojak going on there.” Natasha observed.

Using the fingers on both her hands, Midori spread Natalie’s pussy lips, making her squeal in shock and surprise. As she was opened, the pink showed with delightful contrast to her dark skin. Midori’s dual genitals were crawling with sensation at the sight. She leaned in and gave Natalie’s pussy and long lick.

It looked like Natalie was willing herself not the show any enjoyment, but like Midori’s had, Natalie’s body betrayed her. She inadvertedly closed her eyes and a long moan escaped her lips as Midori began to lick and suck at her privates. Midori pushed her mouth deep on her, shoving her tongue in between her lips, her glasses fogging again comically.

“Jeeze, Midori.” Said Natasha, “Why don’t you just take the glasses off.”

“’Cause I can’t see without them.” Midori answered taking a breath, “I don’t want to miss a moment of this.”

Midori went back to sucking Natalie’s clit, lapping up the juices. She continued to do that, driving Natalie wild. After a while is seemed like all her resistance had failed her and she was just a helpless slave to Midori’s tongue.

Her pulse racing, desire clawing at her insides, Midori couldn’t wait any longer: She stood up and spread Natalie’s legs while Natasha held her from behind. She took her cock in her hand and guided it between Natalie’s legs. Natalie stared at her with apprehension, her eyes wide, her chest rising and falling in agitation.

Carefully, Midori pushed her newly acquired penis into Natalie’s pussy. Natalie gasped as it went in, her head lolling back and forth on her neck, her eyes rolling back. Natasha’s arms held her in place as Midori pushed her legs up and started to fuck her. Natalie made a half hearted attempt to shove her away, but her back began to arch and loud moans escaped her lips. As Midori continued to thrust, Natalie began to move with it, groaning with pleasure, a look of fierce desire crawling across her face.

“Oh, god!” Natalie exclaimed, “Oh, Midori! Fuck me hard. Oh, god it feels so good.”

It was quite surprising to hear words like that coming out of sweet little Natalie’s mouth. Had this lust filled wild woman been lurking just beneath the surface the whole time? Probably, Midori thought, look at what I’ve been doing. Shivers rolled all over her body. Like it or not, she found she preferred Natalie this way. God, she was such a pretty woman, and so damn sexy. Just looking down and seeing her new cock going into Natalie’s dark pussy was a thrill. Midori grunted and moaned with pleasure. If felt so good to be inside her.

Natasha move behind Natalie sinking down a little bit, and swaying her hips a bit as Midori fucked her. Midori had no idea what she was doing until Natasha pushed herself up and Natalie shrieked in surprise, her eyes flying open and mouth forming a perfect ‘O’: Natasha had just shoved her cock up Natalie’s ass.

Natasha grunted as she began to rapidly fuck Natalie’s asshole while Midori did her pussy. This felt incredible to Midori as she could feel Natasha’s cock against her own inside Natalie as they both fucked her. Natalie was yelping and crying out, bouncing back and forth between the two of them as she was pummeled from both sides.

“Not as tight back here as you’d expect.” Natasha teased, “She’s done anal before.”

“Naughty girl.” Midori said, her eyes sparkling.

“I . . . use a vibrator . . . in there.” Natalie panted.

Surprisingly perverted girl, Natalie was. Midori moaned as she fucked her, her cock driving deep, pleasure filling her body. Now she knew what sex was like for men. It was so different, fucking instead of getting fucked. Midori was really enjoying her penis now. She fucked rapidly, moving in and out, driving Natalie into spasms of joy, their cries filling the room.

Her arms still gripping and holding up Natalie’s legs, Midori stared into her face. Natalie opened up her eyes and looked back at her, her eyes big and intense, filled with uncontrolled lust, her libido completely out of its cage. And then something happened: Midori felt a huge building of energy within herself which seemed to explode out of her from her eyes and envelope Natalie’s mind. For a split second, they almost felt connected. And then Natalie’s eyes rolled back in her head and she seemed to loose consciousness for a second, as if her mind had been destroyed somehow.

And just like that, she came out of it. But she was different somehow: The expression of wild lust remained, but a look of awe and reverence seeped in with it was well when she looked at Midori, who was too horny to give it much thought.

Midori felt like she was loosing herself, the room spinning around her. The pleasure owned every ounce of her being and more. Her nostrils flared again, the unmistakable scent of Natalie’s blood under her skin. It was calling to Midori, beckoning her, smashing all the barriers of her former identity and taking hold. She looked at Natalie and realized that she could now see the blood coursing through her, the intricate web of her veins seeming to glow beneath her skin.

Something moved in Midori’s mouth, she felt a contraction of muscles in her upper jaw and felt her teeth shift. She opened her lips and her canine teeth slid forward, elongating into sharp, piercing fangs. The bloodlust boiled in her, the last of her resistance to her new nature evaporated. With one hand she pulled Natalie’s hair back, exposing her neck.

Natasha eyes widened with enthusiasm, “Yes! Do it, Midori! Feed!”

A moment’s hesitation, and then Midori gave in and sank her fangs into Natalie’s exposed neck. She clamped her lips on her throat, and sank her teeth deep. Warm, sweet blood flowed over wounds and down Midori’s mouth. Natalie screamed in shock and pain and twisted between the two of them, even as their dicks shoved in and out of her.

There was no going back now, Midori realized. She was a vampire.

Midori greedily drank down the warm, intoxicating liquid. Natalie’s sounds and motions had changed: she was now moaning and wailing in abject pleasure, her body undulating with waves of delight between the two of them. She was enjoying the bite, responding to it sexually.

Again, hallucinations flooded Midori’s brain. Flashing patterns of color swarmed in front of her eyeballs. Images followed: A huge black tower reaching into a red sky, a massive battle raging at its base. Like a mad telescope, the images changed.

Powerful waves of pleasure rocked through Midori’s body, like she was have ten orgasms at once. Her mind exploded with images again. A city full of people that changed at will, morphing into other forms rapidly. Natalie, as a fourteen year old girl, caring for a crippled and sick old woman. Her mother. Her mother, in serious pain, wretched and twisted by some disease. Natalie standing over her, holding a pillow.


Natalie, pushing the pillow down over her mother’s face, tears streaming down her cheeks, her mother’s body instinctively convulsing. Natalie, lying fetal at the foot of the bed, crying, her mother’s lifeless but peaceful corpse still on the bed. It changed again, a swarm of bats flying over a dark sky. The bottom of some ocean, a field of vampire skulls half buried in the silt.

Midori pulled back, her mouth dripping Natalie’s blood over her lips, her chest heaving in deep breaths. Instinctively, she leaned it for more, needing the sweet elixir of Natalie’s blood. Her fangs bared and ready.

Natasha’s hand stopped her, pressing on her shoulder, “Woah, go easy, girl. You don’t want to kill her.”

Midori looked down at Natalie, to see she was grinning up at her, sheepishly, a goofy smile on her face. Blood had trickled from the wounds in her neck, but they seemed to have healed instantly.

“I came.” She giggled softly.

Hoping off the desk, Natasha pushed Natalie down on her knees as she stood next to Midori. This time Natalie need no coaxing, she took their cocks in her mouth one by one and began to suck, slurping on them madly, hungrily, her lips moving up and down. She moved from one to the other, going back and forth, and then licking at their pussies with the same relish. Midori and Natasha moaned and kissed each other as Natalie worked, her body writhing a little as she did, her naked flesh looking wonderful to Midori as her breasts slapped back and forth with the motion.

Midori moaned slipping her arm around Natasha, kissing her. Natalie looked great down there on her knees in front of them. Now she really, really, understood why guys liked blowjobs so much. Midori felt the pleasure build in her, moving through her rapidly until she couldn’t hold back. A sizzling electrical jolt of pleasure seized her penis as she cried out loudly, grunting. She shuddered and trashed her head as delight filled her body, her eyes rolling back in her head. Spasms rocked her body as the pleasure increased and continued until they subsided.

She stepped back, sweat covering her body, her chest rising and falling with the exertion. Midori looked down at Natalie and saw the familiar white fluid dripping from her mouth, while she looked up lovingly at Midori. Midori realized she had just ejaculated in Natalie’s mouth, who swallowed it gleefully and then moved over to Natasha’s.

Staggering back, Midori caught the end of a desk and braced herself against it. As she simmered down, she tried to get a handle on what had just occurred, what she had just done. It was almost too much, her mind refused to process it. She heard Natasha crying out in pleasure, probably cumming in Natalie’s mouth, but she didn’t look. Suddenly, everything was different, and everything in her life had changed.

She was a vampire now, but her brain simply wouldn’t accept it. She didn’t’ know what to do, how to live like this. She had a dick now.

With a small sob, she realized that just that last fact alone in all probability ended her relationship with Yoshi. She bit her lip in distress, clutching at the table. She wanted to cry, all of a sudden, but her mind was too overloaded and couldn’t focus.

Natasha approached her, leaning over the side of the desk, “Congratulations on your first feeding, Midori.”

Midori looked at her, “What the hell was all that that I saw?”

“Feeding and sex are kind of like a drug to us. We hallucinate as well as get high and feel good. You’ll come to enjoy it, we see some spectacular things.”

“When I . . . with Natalie . . . I saw her, in her past . . .”

“Sometimes, when you feed, you see flashes of their stronger memoires. There’s a strong psychic connection between the vampire and her prey. It’s really an incredible experience.”

“I . . . saw something I didn’t want to.”

“I was just a memory, part of the past. Whatever it was, remains between you and Natalie. Don’t tell anyone, not even me. It’s part of the vampire’s code, if you will.”

“Why did you have to pick me, I don’t want this. I won’t even be able to go out into the sun anymore without frying like an omelet.”

“That’s actually a load of bullshit. We walk around in the sun all the time just fine. We just don’t like it, and it weakens our abilities. We’re creatures of the night, after all.”

Natasha smiled happily at Midori and said, “Hushllammrr har slishshmarr thotha?”

Midori nodded and replied, “Ka susshmar kada.”

She stopped and gasped when she realized she was speaking a different language. She had been speaking the bizarre tongue that Natasha had spoken before; only this time she understood it perfectly. She stared at Natasha, a thousand questions in her eyes.

“It’s called Sarkish.” Natasha explained, reading her face, “The vampire language, we all speak it.”


“Vampires pass on knowledge to the people they turn. Everything your sire knows, you know, including everything he or she learned from those before. You’ll be quite the linguist now, actually: I speak nine different languages. Ten if you count Klingon.”


“My sire is a closet Trekkie.”

Natalie was crawling over to Midori on her hands and knees, she looked up and Midori pleadingly.

“Did you like that, Midori?” Natalie asked her, still on her hands and knees “Did you like what I did? Did it make you feel good? Are you pleased with me?”

She stared up at Midori, looking for all the world like some love sick teenie bopper. Midori stared down at her, a little put back. This behavior was somewhat strange. And she wasn’t the only one who thought so; Natasha leaned over, narrowing her eyes at Natalie, scrutinizing her. After a moment, she gasped and clapped a hand over her mouth.

“Holy shit!” Natasha exclaimed, “You familiared her!”

“I what-ed her?” Midori asked, confused.

“It’s something some powerful vampires can do.” Natasha explained “They can turn a human into their willing, loving slave by reaching into their minds. Only very powerful vampires can do it, and I’ve never heard of it happening by accident before. You must have some powerful Mojo about you.”

‘Mojo’, Midori scratched her head, she felt like she was falling deeper and deeper into a pit that she couldn’t escape from.

“So, what’s happened to her?” She finally asked Natasha.

Natasha pursed her lips, “She’s yours. Completely. In her current condition, you can do no wrong. It’s like she’s completely, unconditionally madly in love with you. She’ll do whatever you tell her, happily, and with no question. It’s a very powerful connection, some of the strongest of us can actually use that connection to physically change the bodies of a familiar. Hell, I’ve seen some vampires completely changed the gender of their familiar.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Just be careful what you say to her. She’ll do whatever you ask. If you tell her to step in front of a bus, she’ll gladly do it. In her condition, if you get mad and tell her to go to hell, she’ll go get a shovel and start digging. This is amazing; you’re going to be one powerful bloodsucker one day. Mark my words, there’s greatness in you. Like I’ve said all along.”

Midori’s shoulders slumped, “This sounds like a lot of responsibility.”

“Well, there are plenty of perks.” Natasha said.

“Like what?” Midori inquired.

“Well I’m sure Natalie would like to clean all this up and then take care of all that paperwork for you, wouldn’t you, Natalie.”

“Absolutely!” Natalie beamed with enthusiasm.

And then she jumped to her feet and got to work, while Natasha slipped away, presumably back to her cell, and Midori was left to contemplate everything that had just happened, and the illusive ‘why’ and ‘what’ that Natasha was so tight lipped about. It was fairly obvious that she thought something was going to happen in Burning, and that it was going to happen soon, but what?

The rest of the evening went on uneventfully, until Midori left for the day. Not a single officer had entered the office that whole night, which was not unusual. As Midori and Natalie left, they found Officer Tannerberry coming through the door. Tannerberry liked to rib and tease Midori for not being a real cop, but this time she gasped when she saw Midori and gave her wide berth, a hint of fear in her eyes as Midori passed. Midori felt a rushing feeling of power at her response, brushing past her, her hips swaying sexily as they did frequently now.

Natalie followed her out, begging to Midori to let her come home with her. Midori relented to Natalie’s cheerful joy. The rain had slowed to a drizzle, but Midori knew it would start up again and soon. The darkness wrapped her in its now familiar embrace, comforting her. The bats flittered high in sky, blending almost with the dark clouds. Midori walked to her car getting out her keys. She sighed staring at it.

God, she hated that car.


Barry Cartwright wanted nothing more right now then simply to live.

Sometime after he’d lost consciousness, he’d been moved. He was now in a new room, lying on the floor in the middle, chained to two metal rings in the stone floor. The room was completely dark except for a small circular window in the ceiling which bathed him in a circle of dim moonlight, in which he was in the center. There were rats here too, thousands of them scurrying in the dark, over his body and face. Most of them stayed out of the light, off in the darkness beyond the perimeter of the moonlight, but quite a few came to him, biting and clawing at him.

He still could not feel anything beneath his waist. He legs were completely gone now: they had been devoured by the rats until there was nothing left but bloody bone, and even these hand been broken off sometime while he was being moved. The rats seemed to mock him with their chattering, which echoed in the empty cell.

But still, he wanted to live.

With all those strings he had pulled and all the laws he had broken at his captor’s insistence, he would be lucky if he only got fired. More likely, he would probably go to jail. Maybe he could prove he did it under duress, if he got out of here. Maybe. Either way, in his condition, he wouldn’t be working anymore.

But still, he wanted to live.

Sooner or later, he knew, if he couldn’t provide for his family, his wife would do what was best for her and her children, and she’d leave him. She may stick around for a while, since he was a cripple now, out of pity, but he knew she’d go away with someone who could provide for her. She was like that: Old fashioned to a fault. She wouldn’t work herself; she thought a man should take care of her. She would go, and Barry would be alone.

But still, he wanted to live.

“I must admit, Mr. Cartwright: you certainly came through.”

Barry’s morbid thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the familiar hated voice. Damnit, the son of bitch had been right there in the shadows again, and Barry hadn’t known it. The voice continued, sounding sickly, and wheezing, with that hint of a German accent. Still, despite sounding so diseased, the voice was not weak. There was a horrible power behind the horrid sound. A frightening, devilish power that made Barry’s skin crawl.

The figure appeared out of the darkness, stepping just to the edge of the light. His face was not visible, for which Barry was thankful, but the long black leather coat and those, horrible, skeletal clawed hands appeared faintly in the dull moonlight. It his right hand he held a long, ornate antique dagger, curved into a razor sharp point. The figure began to walk alone the edge of the circle of moonlight, moving counterclockwise, just barely perceptible in the dark, speaking as he moved.

“I had considered that I might have wasted my time with you, Mr. Cartwright, but it seems all your efforts on my behalf have come to pass quite adequately. I was afraid there might be some unfortunate . . . inconsistencies in your behavior. The first of my packages has arrived in and the second in Burning, and my informants tell me the rest shall arrive at their destinations no questions asked. And no trail leading back. Quite a good job, Mr. Cartwright, you have my compliments.” The man spoke as he continued to circle the light.

“Please, let me go.” Barry begged, “I . . . have a family. I won’t say a word, I have to protect them. I promise, I’ll take this to my grave.”

The man laughed, a humorless, grotesquely mocking sound, “Probably not the best choice of words, no?”

“I have to protect my family.” Barry repeated, shuddering, “I . . . I’m afraid if I told you might do something to them. I won’t say a word, as long as their okay. Please, you have to let me go. I’ve got nothing else left, nothing to gain by . . . betraying you. Won’t you let me go? Please? I’m begging you.”

“You call that begging?” The figure sneered, “Surely you can do better then that?”

“Please, I want to live!” Barry screamed, tears running down his cheeks, “Will you spare me? Please, won’t you let me live?”

The man didn’t respond, but continued to circle Barry silently. When he finally spoke, it was not an answer.

“It is unfortunate, is it not, Mr. Cartwright, that you have never witnessed first hand the explosion of a nuclear bomb?”

Barry’s eyes widened in horror: No, that couldn’t be true. Cascade, Burning, that was thousands if not millions of people, had he just helped to kill them all? The blood drained from his face as he sank into horrified despair. What had he done?

The man made a low chuckling sound, the hand holding the dagger raised one finger with its horrible three inch claw and waggled it back and forth.

“Oh, no, no, no.” He chortled, “You needn’t be alarmed, Mr. Cartwright. I am not in possession of a nuclear weapon, nor do have any intent to use one at present even if I did. I was speaking, in a way, metaphorically. I simply bring it up on the strengths of its . . . aesthetic value.”

Barry stared, relieved but not comprehending. The figure continued his maddening stroll around the edges of the light.

The man said, “I have never had to privilege to view one myself, but I am told it is quite something to behold. Those who have seen it, never forget it, like a scar on their very soul. At first, there is a tremendous bright white light, so bright you’ll go blind looking at it if you’re not wearing protective glasses. There is no sound until the light begins to fade, then you hear the thunderous blast, and terrible offensive powerful sound followed by an unimaginably strong blast of hurricane like hot air. When the light fades the sky and the land turn red like blood. A large glow rises up out of the earth, like an ever expanding dome, flashing with colors of red and orange. That quickly fades, too, and the massive mushroom cloud explodes into the air like a great fiery flower, ripping through the clouds and tearing into the sky, like the fist of the devil himself, punching a hole through the heavens. I imagine it is a wondrously beautiful sight.”

Barry watched the man, speechless. The man continued moving.

“But when it’s detonated in a city, ah, now there’s the work of art: Thousands of people simply cease to exist in a blinding flash of cataclysm. Buildings, roads, trees, all disintegrated in a matter of seconds. The land poisoned and polluted with radiation. Thousands more sick and dying slowly, agonizingly, women giving birth to twisted and malformed babies, the apex of human destructiveness, a virtual symphony of misery and despair. Yes, Mr. Cartwright, a nuclear bomb is sheer magical poetry of cruelty. The highest art of death.” Continued the man.

Barry was afraid to speak, his tormentor was babbling on, insane ideas pouring forth. He was more scared now then he’d been since waking up in his clutches. He just wanted this man to go away and leave him in peace. The man’s boots continued to clack ominously on the floor, echoing in the darkness amidst the incessant squeaking of those damnable motherfucking rats.

His captor continued, “The first atomic bomb was detonated on July, 16th, 1945 near Mexicoat 5:30 a.m. No one who saw it ever forgot it. Many believe that it was Dr. Kenneth Bainbridge who summed up the event the most succinctly, when he leaned over and muttered ‘Now we’re all sons of bitches.’ But the most famous comment is my favorite and by far the most poetic: DrJ. Robert Oppenheimer recalled the Bhagavad-Gita, the Hindu bible, inadvertently misquoting it, but getting the spirit right none the less. Do you know what he said, Mr. Cartwright?”

Barry shook his head, his mind clouded and numbed with fear. Abruptly, the motion stopped. For a time, there was just silence. And then, with a fearsome power and agility that belied his sickly appearance, the man leapt into the light, landing ferociously above Barry, with his feet on either side of his body. The knife was at Barry’s throat and cut into the flesh viciously. The man roared with a volume and power he’d never reached before.

He shrieked triumphantly, “’I HAVE BECOME DEATH! THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS!’”

Barry tried to scream but his vocal cords had been cut. The last thing Barry Cartwright ever saw was his own blood splashing across the giggling, mad, face of his tormentor.