Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Midori And The Bloodlust Blues ❯ 3rd Night, Part One ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
3rd Night, Part One

By Hardcover

“Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind
what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which
make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous. Science,
already oppressive with its shocking revelations, will perhaps
be the ultimate exterminator of our human species -- if separate
species we be -- for its reserve of unguessed horrors could never
be borne by mortal brains if loosed upon the world.”

--Howard Phillips Lovecraft

One the rain slicked streets of the downpour had let up a bit and the rain had reduced to a small drizzle. This would not last, but for now it was welcome relief. Dark heavy clouds still hung over the city, threatening the deluge that would eventually cut the whole place off from the mainland of Niperica for an indeterminate stretch of time. Only a hand full of people still remained, but those that did and ran their own businesses were still trying to get that last dollar out of the populace, guaranteeing that there were still lots of places still open to shop.

Which was exactly what newborn futa vampire Midori Ichise and her familiar Natalie were doing. Midori was still a conflicted mess, trying to fathom and deal with her unexpected transformation. At one time a sweet, virginal girl: Midori’s sex drive as a vampire and as a futa had increased exponentially, making it hard to resist all the opportunities that her friend Natalie was presenting her, having been accidently “familiarized” (somehow mentally altered to fall unconditionally in love with her) to Midori the night before.

Midori had sworn to herself that she would not take advantage of Natalie in her adoring, star struck state, but she’d found it hard not to. Last night, Natalie’s begging for Midori’s attentions had proved irresistible, and Midori had wound up making hot steamy passionate love to her little slave for most of the night. When they had woken up and Midori had gone to take a shower, Natalie had gotten in with her, and they’d ended up fucking again, and afterwards, she’d insisted on cooking breakfast and cleaning up for Midori, who had to admit, having some one perfectly happy to wait on her hand and foot could get mighty addictive.

Midori’s transformation from a human into a vampire had changed a lot of her tastes: and she now found that she hated all the clothes in her closet. And so, since she had the day off today, Midori had given in to Natalie’s requests for a shopping trip. They’d hit all the gothic, fetish, and punk rock sort of stores that were still open. All the kinds of places that Midori would never have been caught dead in before, and now the back seat and trunk of Midori’s Saab were filled with packages and bags stuffed with clothes. Sexy, naughty, revealing clothes, the kind of stuff Midori was suddenly preferring these days. She’d even found a card in one for an interior decorator who specialized in Goth decorating, and she’d taken it.

Fortunately, Midori had discovered that when she got in she sun, even under clouds, her appearance returned to a semi normal state, although she was still pale as hell, and her teeth were still like they were last night. At least she could pass for human, although she spent an inordinate amount of time assuring people that she wasn’t sick. They sped down the street, on their way back to unpack all the stuff they’d bought. Natalie, ever devoted, had insisted on filling up her own wardrobe with similar clothes to what Midori had bought, which made the car feel even smaller and boxier then before.

Midori gripped the wheel as the car headed down the road, now deep in thought again. She shifted, still trying to get used to the penis between her legs. Next to her, Natalie flipped through a fetish fashion magazine she’d picked up, occasionally referring to outfits she thought would look good on Midori. Her hair was down, flowing over her shoulders, no longer in the tight pony tail she used to keep it in.

After a moment, Midori spoke, “Natalie, did you ever find out how the phone lines went down?’

Natalie shrugged, “Not totally, I just heard it was some kind of sabotage. They’re still out. Kyung Mi tried to call over to the south side, and it looks like the landlines are out there too. Why, is it important?”

Kyung Mi was the station file clerk in charge of record keeping. She was forty eight, Korean, and married to one of the biggest assholes Midori had ever met. Kyung, however, had a heart of gold and was one of the nicest people Midori knew. Officer Honda had nursed a massive crush on her for years, despite the obvious age difference.

“Maybe. Maybe not. Natasha keeps talking about something coming. Something very bad, but she’s irritatingly vague on what it is. Whatever it is, she seems to have gathered some other vampires because of it, or at least she’s trying to.” Midori replied.

“Maybe that’s a good thing, this way we’ll be ready.” Natalie suggested.

“It’s just that the phones’ going out is really suspicious, you know? First the cell towers go, and then the landlines get taken out one by one. With the rivers rising, it’s like someone deliberately wants to keep the city isolated. And Natasha knows something but she won’t fuck’n share it.”

“Maybe she doesn’t know as much as she’s pretending to. Maybe she really doesn’t know what’s coming?”

“That scares me even more, and she wants me to be involved somehow. I’m no hero, I don’t even know hand to hand combat, and I’ve never even fired a gun. I’m not strong like she thinks I am.”

“I think you’re strong. You put a brave face and plow ahead at the station when nobody will take you seriously. You did your job when nobody thought you’d be any good and they ended up keeping you on. I wish I could be like you.”

Midori had to laugh, “No, you don’t. Common look at me: I’m a freak of nature. Do you want a big cock hanging between your legs?”

Natalie giggled happily, “Actually, that sounds like fun. I think I’d like that.”

“You’re kidding?”

“No, seriously, look at all the fun we have with your cock? Imagine if I had one of my own to play with. Besides, you can speak Klingon now. That’s awesome.”

“That is not awesome, that’s the furthest thing from awesome. Besides, I don’t speak Klingon.”

“What do you mean?”

“I watched an episode of Star Trek last night while you were asleep, when the Klingons started speaking, I couldn’t understand a word of it. Natasha was just kidding, or maybe she doesn’t want us to know how old she is . . . or maybe she’s hiding something about her past, I don’t know. But if it helps, I looked at some of the foreign channels and I do speak the other languages she mentioned.”

“See? That’s awesome. Instant linguist. You’re fantastic, Midori. I’d love to be like you, dick and all. Especially the dick, I’d love one of my own, as long as don’t have to give up my pussy.”

“Damnit, Natalie, you’re out of your mind. You really wanna be a freak like me? Have you even thought of how that would affect you? How it affects me? How am I going to explain this to Yoshi? How do you think he’ll react to finding out I’ve suddenly got a penis? My relationship with him is effectively over.”

“I’ll still love you. But maybe it’s not over. Maybe he won’t mind?”

“You’ve got to be kidding? Of course he’ll mind! How on Earth could he not mind?”

“You’re always saying how open minded he is. You’re always saying how much he loves you. Maybe he won’t care, as long as you’re still you? Maybe he can adjust to it?”

“He’s not gay, how’s he going to adjust to a girl with a penis? Man, your glass is eternally half full.”

“And yours isn’t?”

“In point of fact, at the moment, I don’t even have a glass: I just have a wet ring on the table where the glass used to be.”

“That’s not true, Midori. Look at how well you adjusted to all your new changes.”

Midori sighed heavily, no matter what she said; in her current state Natalie couldn’t see her as anything other then a perfect angel. Natalie put the magazine on the floor and lay on her side, staring at Midori with those wide adoring brown eyes. Midori’s heart beat a little faster and her penis stiffened a little. Natalie was absolutely gorgeous, with dark brown skin and thick pouting lips. And her constant affection and willingness to indulge every single one of Midori’s new found perverted desires over the last twenty four hours made her hard to resist.

Natalie interrupted her thoughts by saying, “God, I love you, Midori.”

With a frustrated squeeze, Midori tightened her grip on the wheel, “You don’t love me, Natalie. You’re just responding to some kind of vampire mind fuck that I accidently whammied you with. It’s not real.”

“It feels real enough to me.” Natalie responded with a playful pout.

“Are you even listening to yourself?” Midori exclaimed exasperated, “Who ever thinks anyone is that perfect? I mean: I belch and you think it’s cute. I fart and you think it smells like roses. I puke and you run to hold my hair back.”

Natalie laughed humorously, “You’ve never done any of those things in front of me.”

Midori shifted again uncomfortably in the seat. She banged her hand on the ceiling, “Goddamnit! This car is too cramped. I hate this car.”

Natalie returned to her magazine, “The maybe we should trade it in and buy a new one? Something you’d like, something sleek, sporty, and cool, like you. And black like me. There’s a dealership up ahead on the corner.”

“What do you mean ‘we’? It’s not like we’re a married couple or anything.”

Natalie blushed and a wide smile spread across her face. Midori sighed and slumped her shoulders. She knew Natalie was entertaining some corny fantasy where they were walking down the aisle, Midori in a tuxedo and Natalie in a wedding dress, tossing the bouquet to the crowd as everyone threw rice. Midori almost chuckled herself at the image. If this were a cartoon, she was sure hearts would have been floating over Natalie’s head.

They came up on ’s used car lot, a place as reputable as used car lots got. The owner kept the place open all the way till the flooding started to get that last bit of money out of the customers. She could see all the cars that she liked better then hers lined up in the parking lot.

On full impulse, she abruptly turned the car, screeching the tires as she did and throwing the surprised Natalie around, and drove into the lot.


John Miner rode up the elevator to the top floor of The Castle Royale Hotel, one of the most luxurious and exclusive Hotels in all of Miner was a realtor who worked for Niperica General Realty, a large country wide corporation that made its major bread and butter handling property acquisitions that rich and influential customers wanted to keep on the qt. He was dressed conservatively in a suit and tie, a large attaché case held in his hand. Under his other arm he carried a long and thin mailing package. His dark hair was brushed back and he wore small glasses.

He slipped the newspaper he had been reading into his case on the side: An article about some strange new mystery disease at Cascade General had caught his eye, but now he was about to go to work, time enough to read that later tonight. His job tonight was to finalize the last bit of paperwork for some sales to a rather enigmatic new customer named Mr. Lovelock. Miner had yet to meet the eccentric billionaire in person, and all these land acquisitions seemed a little strange, almost placed randomly around the country, mostly along the Sasami River, especially here and over in Burning City. And he was already running half an hour late due to all the damn traffic.

Nobody cared since Lovelock was filthy rich, and had paid generous kick backs to the sellers. The name ‘Lovelock’ was probably a pseudonym anyways, as most of these sorts of customers used. And here he was, renting out the most expensive Hotel sweet in the city. Hell, the top penthouse suite in the Castle was the entire two top floors, and cost a couple of million yen a night. Definitely a man of money, Miner thought. Closing this deal would advance him considerably in the company.

The elevator car sopped and the doors opened into a small hallway that led to two ornate double doors at the end. Miner approached them and pushed the button for the bell, right underneath an intercom box. There was a hiss of static and the intercom came to life.

“Who’s there?” The voice that came from the speaker made Miner’s hair stand on end. It was a sickly, wheezing voice that still carried a strange current of authority. Miner could hear a light German accent to the voice as it spoke.

“Mr. Lovelock?” Minor spoke, “its John Miner from Niperica General Realty. I’m here at your request to finalize your paperwork?”

There was a long silence, and then, “Ah, Mr. Miner. Do come in and make yourself at home. I will be down to speak with you momentarily.”

There was a buzzing sound and the doors unlocked. John opened the door and cautiously entered the suite. Inside he found himself in an elaborate front room, filled with fine furnishings and art. The lights were kept surprising low, giving the room a gloomy, old world feel. John shivered; it was drastically cold in this room. Was the heating on the fritz? He shivered again, not totally because of the cold. There was something vaguely oppressive about the atmosphere in this place. A small feeling of fear gripped John’s gut.

The rain had picked up in the last hour or so, and this high up, it was accompanied by howling gusts of wind that could be heard through the walls, like the moans of so many voices bemoaning some terrible loss.

On his right, there was a pair of double glass doors, frosted so that he could only see vague blurry shapes on the other side, ghostly blobs of darks and lights. All he could clearly make out was what appeared to be a large spiral staircase leading up to the second floor. The lighting on the other side seemed to be equally dim; though that might have been an effect of the glass, which he could now see had elaborate patterns etched into it. There was a flickering of the light in the other room, John saw, and he figured either Lovelock had a fireplace going or he preferred candle light.

He suddenly heard a sound: A small series of rapid scratches above his head up in the ceiling somewhere. He listened again, more of those strange scurrying sounds. It sounded almost like . . . rats? Did The Castle have a rat problem? He would have to inform his client, it wouldn’t do for a man of Lovelock’s stature to be living somewhere with a rat infestation.

A shadow, in the shape of a man, passed on the wall in front of John. He jumped, someone was behind him. He chuckled at himself; it seemed his host had gotten the drop on him.

He turned to great his client, but found the room just as empty. No one was there. John frowned, wondering what had made that shadow.

John noticed something else odd: On the far side of the room, there was a large oval mirror, ringed with a bright brass frame with intricate designs all around it. A large black sheet had been hung over it, obscuring the mirror entirely. For some reason, the discovery made him uneasy. While John wondered about this peculiar action, he heard a sound behind the glass doors.

He turned and looked and heard the telltale sound of feet padding down the spiral stair. Squinting through the distorted glass, he could somewhat make out a tall, thin form coming down the stairs, moving in circles and coming down until it reached the floor. The shape approached the glass doors, getting larger as it came closer to the fogged glass. John was sure the room had actually just gotten colder.

There was a high pitched mechanical sound, and the doors slid open like the ones at a supermarket. The figure moved forward with strange fluid movements. There was a strange trick of the light: As the figure moved forward towards John, he could sweat that its shadow moved diagonally across the room behind, moving until it settled into the place it should be. John shook his head and rubbed his eyes.

John took a look at his host and shuddered inwardly. Lovelock was well over six feet tall, and quite skinny and thin. He was clad in a long knee length double breasted leather jacket the buttoned along the right side near the shoulder, black pants, and thick black boots that were tipped with little silver clasps. On his head he wore a plain black fedora hat, and had a long black silk scarf wrapped around his face, so that only his eyes were visible.

Lovelock held his hands clasped together at his chest, one on top of the other, his fingers curled into balls. John glanced at the eyes and instantly wanted to look away: they were a deep, sickly, yellow color, and stared at him with an unblinking intensity that seemed to pierce right through him. He wondered if Lovelock had some kind of problem with his liver that made his eyes that color.

John shook himself out of his trance. He mustn’t be rude, he had a job to do, and this was an important client.

The figure stepped through the arch of the doors, silently.

“Mr. Lovelock?” John asked politely.

The head bowed to him ever so slightly, “I am he. And I bid you welcome.”

“Thank you.” Was all John could say in response.

There was a brief uncomfortable silence as neither one spoke, then Lovelock broke the pause.

“You’re late, young man.” Lovelock said in that wheezing, hissing voice, “My servants have all retired. I will see to your comfort myself. Please follow me.”

Lovelock beckoned him into the other room with a wave of his hand, and John could now see his finger nails for the first time. He stared: They were long, easily over two inches in length, and extraordinarily thick, coming to sharp points at the ends rather then a curved finish. They looked more like talons then fingernails, and John shuddered inwardly. He tried to dismiss the anomalies from his mind: This was a client. Don’t appear rude.

“That’s very kind of you, thank you.” John said, nervously following his host.

He was guided past the staircase and off to the left into a large wide room. This was truly an opulent hotel suite: The flickering light did, in fact, come from a fireplace, a massive wide one almost as tall as John himself. Just in front of the fireplace lay a soft fur carpet on which sat six soft leather seats. To the left was a large desk and table. A bit away from the seats was a long, luxurious dining table surrounded by seven chairs and decorated with silver candelabras, which were lit. In here, the sound of the howling wind was even more pronounced.

Clearing his throat, John said, “Oh, yes. I brought the package from currier, as you requested.”

“Thank you, so kindly.” Lovelock rasped, “If you would be so kind to put on the desk, please.”

Obediently, John strolled towards the desk and dropped the long package onto the top. The tube was quite heavy, and John wondered what could be in it.

John turned to look at his host and found Lovelock holding out his hands to him. It took him a few seconds to realize that he was offering to take his coat. John slid the coat off and handed it to Lovelock with a curt bow and thank you.

Without a word, Lovelock moved to the other side of the room where several hooks for hanging clothes. He hung John’s jacket on one, and then took off his hat, placing it on another. From this angle, John could see that Lovelock was entirely bald. Could he perhaps be a cancer patient? I might explain the peculiar wheezing voice, maybe even the yellow eyes, but certainly not those finger nails.

Lovelock undid rolled the scarf from around his head, pulling it up in circles until he had removed it from himself entirely. John suddenly had the intense feeling that he did not want to look at his client’s face, that doing so would be dangerous somehow. He fought the illogical impulse but then froze as Lovelock turned around and stepped into the light.

The man was absolutely hideous: Those piercing yellow eyes sat in deep skull like recesses, dark and back around the eyeballs like he had never slept. He not only had no hair, but no eyebrows as well. His face was long, and gaunt, and his chin was pointed and overgrown. His nose curved down over her face, almost hawk like in its appearance. His skin was a deathly grey with small hints of blue. Blue and purple veins could be seen all over his skin, some pulsing slowly, his lips were the same color as his skin, thin and tight against his mouth. His ears were long and seemed to come to points at the top, making Lovelock resemble a malformed Mr. Spock or Christmas elf. But his most strikingly unnatural feature was his teeth: His two middle upper front teeth where exaggeratingly elongated, coming down over his bottom lip and ending in sharp points, hideously suggestive of a rat.

John felt his knees want to buckle as he stared at him: What the hell was he? Lovelock moved forward, a small cold smile playing across his face.

“Oh, goodness, does my appearance frighten you?” Lovelock said in mock sympathy, “It’s only the result of some bad genetic defects. Not all of us are born with good fortune to be handsome and attractive like yourself. Some of us must live with quite the opposite.”

John chided himself: What had he been thinking? This wasn’t a monster, just some unfortunately deformed man. He relaxed and gave an apologetic bow.

“I am sorry. If I have offended you with my ignorance, it was purely unintentional.”

Lovelock smiled mirthlessly, “Do not fret; you would not be the first person to look upon me with horror, Mr. Miner. And rest assured you shalln’t be the last.”

With a curt wave of his hand, Lovelock guided John over to a seat at the table on the right side of the head seat. Food had already been laid out for him. Lovelock took a seat at the head of the table.

“You must forgive me if I do not join you, Mr. Miner, but I have already dined. So I am afraid, you must sup alone.”

“That’s quite all right.” John said, opening his case and handing the proper documents to Lovelock.

His host set the papers aside and filled a large goblet with wine. He then picked up a second goblet and handed it to John.

“No, thank you.” John said, not wanting to drink on the job, especially not a job as important as this one.

“This is very old wine.” Lovelock slowly explained, “From a private vineyard owned by my ancestors since the days of the crusades. If you turn you nose up at this, you are not only insulting me, but generations of my family.”

He said it with no malice, despite the words, and it took John a second to realize that it was meant as a joke.

“In that case I have little choice but to sample your wine.” John chuckled, offering his glass which Lovelock filled promptly.

Lovelock sat down and began to scrutinize the papers carefully, leaning close to the papers as if he had trouble seeing. Not hard to believe since this room was dark. John sipped his wine, and found quite excellent. While his host continued to peruse the paperwork, occasionally stopping to sign where required. Taking his knife and fork, John sliced off a piece of his steak. He was surprised to find it so raw that it was bloody. He took a bite anyways, and found the taste exquisite. Mr. Lovelock certainly did know how to live.

Suddenly, John heard the sounds again, over the howling of the wind and light patter of the rain. That scurrying sound, all over the ceiling. This time, however, it also seemed to come from around him. Jesus, if it was rats, they were in the ceiling, the walls, everywhere. This would be one hell of an infestation, one that could really be a problem for the hotel owner. He glanced at his client, but saw that he seemed to pay the sounds no mind. He continued to slice off more of the stake as he heard more and more of the sounds.

All at once, he though he heard what sounded like a woman’s voice, moaning in agony.

He yelped as he felt a sharp pain on the palm of his hand, and he looked down to see that he had inadvertently sliced open the skin on his hand while cutting the steak. Damn clumsy of him. Blood flowed out of the wound and down his hand. He winced and reached for a napkin to stem the flow.

Then he spied Lovelock and his blood ran cold. The man was starring at him, eyes wide with a horrid, lustful expression on the damnable face, staring at the blood dripping down John’s hand. John cringed in spite of himself, unable to shake the oppressive feeling of loathing that he had at his host’s attention.

“Goodness, but you’ve cut yourself.” Lovelock said, without the note of concern most people would have had.

“It’s nothing, just a cut.” John assured him.

“But it might get infected.” Lovelock said, rising, and crossing towards John.

Lovelock took John’s injured hand in his own; John shuddered at the ice cold touch and the sharp points of the talons on his skin. Lovelock stared down at the blood with an expression that made John’s stomach turn, almost a face of need, like a drug addict about to get his next fix.

“The old methods usually work the best,” Lovelock observed, lowering his head down, “Perhaps I should suck out any contaminants from the wound? Please forgive me, but it is the oldest method.”

As soon as John realized that his client was intending to suck the blood from his hand, he stood up on impulse and yanked his hand out of Lovelock’s grip. Fear and disgust crawled in his belly like so many eels. Lovelock rose to full height and the two men faced each other, neither saying a word. John could hear Lovelock’s breathing, it deepened and increased, like that of man in deep sexual arousal, but there was nothing sexual about Lovelock’s expression. This was not a gay man making a play for him, this was something else. Something bad.

Lovelock gripped the chair that now sat between the two of them and violently shoved it way, sending it clattering to the floor on its side. He moved closer towards John, the breathing deepening even more, the man’s tongue snaking out and licking his lips. John back away from him, abject and total terror of this man slowing his movements and his mind. His brain seemed to be in a fog as he tried to distance himself. Again, John saw that strange trick of the light, as the man’s shadow seemed to move independently of him: the arms seemed to stretch out and reach for John, while Lovelock’s actual arms were at his sides.

He continued backing up as Lovelock, or whatever his real name was, advanced. His host’s breathing continued to get deeper and quicker, the wheezing sound penetrating the room. John backed away, mesmerized and repulsed by those horrid yellow eyes. All around him, he could hear the sounds of the scurrying, those sounds like armies and armies of rats all around him, and in front of him, his client, looking for all the world like the biggest rat of them all, king of the vermin in all his splendor.

John bumped into something and lost his footing, falling backwards uncontrollably. He fell into one of the leather chairs in front of the fireplace, landing in a perfect sitting position. He looked up in dread as the man, whoever or whatever he really was, stood in front of him. He ceased his advance, and simply stared down at John. John felt almost naked beneath his gaze, stripped bare like somehow this man, this thing, could stare into his deepest thoughts.

The moaning sounds, like a women in pain, started up again. They seemed to be coming from the next room, mingling with the sounds of the wind and the rain like the most sorrowful serenade imaginable. John could see a door on the opposite side of the room now that presumably led to another room. The crying and sobbing wafted through the door, stinging John’s ears and wrenching his heart with its sad lament. And still the rats scampered through the walls. John felt disoriented, from something more then fear, like something was wrong with him.

His host looked over his shoulder at the sounds, his eyes for a moment far away.

“Hark.” He said, “The ladies of the dark make their music of pain and despair. What a lovely sad song they sing for us.”

“Lovely?” Was all John could say as he trembled before his client.

The man sat down in the chair opposite John, sinking into it with a slow, fluid movement. Again, he clutched his hands to his chest in that peculiar position.

“Perhaps, we shall stay up for the night,” His host suggested, “Telling stories of phantoms and shadows and the dead who return form below. And of sickness and pestilence that scars the land like a dark shadow. I seldom can sleep at night, but during the day, I truly sleep the sleep of death.”

“Y-you want me to stay the night?” John stammered.

He knew he had to get out of here. To get away from whatever that was in front of him, whatever monstrosity sat across from him in the guise of a man. To hell with the contract. He tried to stand up but found he was unable to. In fact, he suddenly realized that he couldn’t move his body at all, like he was paralyzed. The wine, he realized: there had been something in the wine, no wonder his host had been so keen on his drinking it. Shudders of sheer panic gripped John as icy fingers of terror clawed at his spine. He was trapped here, with this thing, this monster. He was now sure it was not human.

The thing smiled coldly, “I will accept no refusal.”

Behind the man, John could see the outline of several figures staggering out of the doors as his captor giggled madly in front of him.


After dark in Brian Taube made his way down a long dock along the Sasami Kawaii. The rain had picked up and pelted his cap and rain coat and he made his way to the end along with his friend and co worker Carl Truman. Their job, as it was every season, was to inspect and monitor the river, measure the rising water, take instrument readings, and keep any blockages from the drainage system, and basically keep an eye out so the elements couldn’t really get a foothold. It was a bit of a miserable job, but an important one and it paid well. And they only had to worry about their small section; other teams took care of the rest.

There were actually three of them on the team; the third member was Mako Kobyashi, who was at this time back at their base keeping an eye on the instrument readings. He had the good job tonight because “base” was back in Carl’s house, in his huge wide den with its central ventilated fire pit , full bar, pool table, stereo set, and wide comfortable couches. The three of them always drew straws over who was going to get that job.

The two of them continued down the dock, lighting the way with their flashlights. They always saved this dock for last since it was right in front of Carl’s house and they could get back into the nice warm den as soon as they were finished with their rounds. They swept their lights over the rain soaked wood of the dock, talking with each other as they did: The usual guy stuff.

Brian was a man in his mid thirties, had red hair brushed back over his head, and was nursing a bit of stubble. He was average height, and had a firm round chin wide shoulders. Carl was into his early forties, slightly taller, with blond hair that he usually parted to the side. He wore wire frame glasses, but not all the time. Of the three of them, Brian was the only one who was still unmarried, though with the fights Mako had been having with his wife lately, Brian wondered if that was going to be true for very much longer. Carl, on the other hand, was happily married to his wife of ten years, Carole. Brian could scarcely help himself but to chuckle at their names: Carl and Carole, what are the odd that two people with those names would end up married?

Brian spoke to his friend, “So, Carole’s up at her mother’s place already?”

Carl nodded, “Yeah, she left at the beginning of last week. She’ll be there till the flood season ends. I miss her already. It’s funny, she took all her clothes in six huge suitcases, said she’d only leave the stuff she didn’t like, and the closet’s still stuffed from one end to the other.”

The both laughed: Carole owned a considerable amount of clothes. But it made sense; she was always dressed well every time Brian saw her. Many was the time that Brian had envied his friend. Carole spent the flood season every year with her mother while Carl stayed behind and attended to his duties. Brian had often speculated that the time spent apart is what made their marriage so strong.

They approached the end of the dock, they could see the rain pounding into the surface of the river, making an endless array of ripples and waves.

Carl spoke, “I didn’t see anything here, but we’ve got a report of some erosion going on in section D.”

“Really?” Brian asked, it wasn’t a major problem, but it would have to be addressed, “Who called it in to you?”

Carl made a face, “Chuck.”

Brian returned the grimace, “Lovely. I’m glad you had to talk to him and not me. Man, that’s one mean son of a bitch. I have no idea what Kyung Mi sees in him.”

“Yeah, no kidding. When I file our paperwork at the police station, I’ve seen her crying a few times. And you know what? Ever notice how she’s always wearing long sleeve shirts? You gotta wonder about that. I mean, I hope it’s not true, but you gotta wonder.”

“Damnit, I hope that no good son of bitch ain’t been beating her, hell, even if he ain’t, he treats her pretty bad. Always yelling at her and putting her down. Christ, if I had a woman like Kyung I wouldn’t treat her like that.”

That was very true; Brian had nursed more then one fantasy about that girl. She was beautiful and mature with a heart as big as football stadium. It really depressed Brian to see her hitched to the likes of Chuck.

They approached the edge of the dock and Brian was glad to get on a different subject. As was their custom, Carl took the left side while Brian went over to the right. He crouched down on the side of the dock near where a metal ladder led down off the side into the water. Moving his light along the side, he checked the struts for any decay or anything that might break off and get in the drains. Moving it around, he didn’t see anything to be concerned about.

And then he noticed something large floating just under the water. He shined his light on it and jumped: It was human body.

It wasn’t the first time Brian had made such a discovery, but it still made him shiver. Every so often some unfortunate person drowned accidently in the Kawaii or committed suicide this time of year and one of the river inspectors had the unfortunate luck of finding it.

“Damn! I’ve got a floater.” Brian called to Carl.

“Oh, goddamn it!” Carl replied.

The body floated just under the surface, slowly rising, but still completely submerged.

Brian looked at the body: It was the body of a woman. Brian’s heart sank, she was young, maybe eighteen or nineteen, and very pretty. Her hair had been blonde, apparently, but now seemed to be a chalk white color. Her face was round and lovely, with a small petite nose. He could see that a small braid had been tied in one side of her hair. She wore a sheer black dress that tied at the shoulders and ran down between her breasts loosely. The dress was short and showed much of what had once been gorgeous legs. She was shapely and curvy, with ample bosoms and curved hips. Her eyes were closed with a peaceful, almost serene expression. What a damn shame, so much promise in that young face. So much life that would now never be lived. Brian felt a heavy curtain of sadness over his heart.

“H-hey!” Carl called, “I’ve got one here too!”

Another one? They’d hit some kind of daily double? Damnit, now he was going to be even more depressed. He wondered if the other body were related to this one, perhaps they were a pair of lovers who had committed suicide. Another damn waste of life. He shined the light into the face of the woman’s body as it broke the surface. She didn’t look familiar, and Brian didn’t think she was from around here. Probably a tourist. They’d have to call the police so the bodies could be fished out, and whoever it was that once loved this girl could be notified of their loss.

Brian was about to stand up when the eyes suddenly flew open.

At first, Brian thought it was some kind of nervous contraction, some trick of the brain firing off one last electrical charge. But then the eyes rotated and looked up at him, and the mouth broke into a small smile. The eyes were all wrong; the irises were a deep unnatural red color. Brian gasped as the arms and legs moved and the girl began to push herself through the water towards the dock. Brian bolted upright, backing away.

He heard Carl scream from the other side of the dock, “Holy shit! She’s alive!”

What the hell? That girl had been dead, he was sure of it. It was corpse; no living person could ever look like that. But then again no corpse could ever smile at him. He saw that Carl was backing away from his end the same way. What was going on here, two floaters in one day, and they both came back to life? Scared out of his mind now, Brian aimed his flashlight at the pier’s end.

At first, he saw no movement. Nothing at all, only the steady pour of the rain. But then one pale, ghostly hand reached up from the side of the dock and gripped the railing of the ladder. Another one soon joined it and the girl pulled herself out of the water and slowly onto the top of dock, her beautiful but unnatural face coming over the edge of the boards.

Carl was shining his light over on the side he had been, and sure enough, Brian spotted another figure pulling itself up to the dock from the water, the fluid of the river dripping around it in splashes. This one was a woman also, and seemed to be wearing the same kind of dress. Brian realized with a start that the second girl looked exactly like the first one, completely and totally the same. They were twins he suddenly understood, identical twins.

The Twins were now full sanding on the docks and approached each other. They stopped just inches from each other, staring into each other’s eyes. One reached out and brushed her fingers along the other’s cheek. Then the other one did the same. They reached out and clasped each other’s hands, and then slowly turned and looked directly at Brian and Carl with those horrible red eyes. Holding each other’s hand, The Twins began to walk towards the men, smiles on their faces that were at once sweet and charming and filled with malevolence at the same time.

“W-we better get inside.” Carl suggested lamely.

With out a word, the two men turned and ran towards the house. In another time, Brain might have found it absurd for two grown men to be running from a pair of girls who looked like they were barely out of high school, but this was not just any time, and Brian was as frightened of them as he’d ever been during his time in the war.

The men burst into the house, running into Carl’s den. Brian slammed and locked the doors behind them, breathing heavy, his heart racing. What the hell was going on? What had those two been?

Mako, a Japanese man in his mid thirties with black hair that he parted to the side looked up from the monitoring station against the far wall. He stood up, walking towards them, not really seeing how scared his two friends were. He pointed towards a small package covered with mailing tape and an address label that he’d set to the side on an end table.

“Hey, Carl. You got a package. There’s no . . .” Mako began but stopped when he saw the frazzled expression on his two co worker’s faces, “What’s wrong?”

The men moved quickly away from the door, passing the fire pit which crackled with a warm inviting blaze, and over to where Mako now stood.

“There’s . . . something out there.” Carl started to explain.

He was cut off by a sudden flickering of the lights. Inexplicably, the lights dimmed to at least half their previous levels, allowing the flickering fire in the middle of the room to cast dancing shadows on the walls, tracing ghostly shapes on the ceiling and floor. All three were silent, sensing something, some kind of unnatural presence suddenly, invisibly, in the room with them.

And then they heard it, a low, echoing growling noise from the opposite end of the room where Mako had been. It rose in intensity and then seemed to move towards them. Almost imperceptibly, the room seemed to darken a little on that end, and this faint darkening moved with the sound as it flowed through the room, past the men and moved towards the door, fading when it reached there to nothing but a whisper. A whisper that seemed to be saying something that Brian couldn’t quite make out.

The lights remained at their low levels, the fireplace continued to crackle as the logs within burned, and then the door knob turned and the door swung open. Brian was sure he’d locked it, absolutely positive, but suddenly it was wide ajar and the twins entered, still holding hands. The door swung shut behind them, and Brian heard the sound of the lock reengaging. The two girls slid their arms around each other’s waists, their hands resting on each other’s thighs.

They began to walk towards the men, their hips swaying seductively, their hands caressing each other’s hips in a very un-sister like manner. They were both barefoot, and water from the rain and river dripped off their bodies and onto the floor as the moved. As they approached, Brian got a better look at their faces. They were exceedingly pretty, with wide expressive eyes. Even with their pallid corpse like complexion and their other peculiarities, they were beautiful. Brian found a consuming feeling of lust mingling with his fear. The twins approached the fire pit, staring at the flames.

They said noting, looking into the fire. Their free hands reached each other and clasped together as the sisters pressed close to each other. Even Mako, who hadn’t seen them in the river, was staring at them in apprehension.

“Uh . . . C-can we help you?” Mako stammered, staring at them.

The girls looked across at the men, their eyes wide, and a mischievous grin on their faces. When they spoke, the both spoke in unison, their soft high voices mingling with each other in unearthly stereo.

They said, “We love the feel of fire. The way it burns. We love to feel it all around us, consuming us. Tasting us all over our bodies like so many burning tongues. Take another sip of emerald absinth, and plunge to the depth of the labyrinth. Gather at cross roads and run to the wind. Dance in the graveyards and revel in sin. Blessed are sinners for the world tastes of them.”

The twins began to run their hands over each other’s shoulders. The raised their hands in the air and began turning around, moving against each other. And then, abruptly, the both fell to the ground on all fours. The began to rise, slowly, their breath coming out in ecstatic moans as they continued to move against each other. They stared into each other’s eyes, and then they kissed.

Not a sweet peck between sisters, but a long, deep passionate kiss of lesbian incest. The men glanced at each other, both shocked and exhilarated by the act. The twins turned and rolled against each other, kissing and feeling each other. They locked lips and began to kiss deeply, their hands rubbing each other’s bodies, running over the behinds and breasts. They moaned as they rubbed each other, their hands going between each other’s legs. They each cried out, panting in incestuous lust. And they moaned and writhed against each other, building to a pitch until they suddenly threw themselves to the floor once more on all fours.

They began to crawl towards the men, moving cat like, their eyes filled with hunger. All Brian could do was watch in flabbergasted fascination. They came forward, slinking across the floor.

They all jumped as suddenly, and without warning, they stereo set turned on and began to play music. Nobody was standing next to it; it seemed to have turned on all by itself. Rock music blared out of the speakers, as the twins began to dance wildly, trashing their bodies and sending millions of drops of water into the air, which caught the golden light of the fire like a sky full of jewels.

The song played, “Here comes the womanWith the look in her eyeRaised on leatherWith flesh on her mindWords as weapons sharper than knivesMakes you wonder how the other half dieOther half die”

The twins cavorted in wild abandon, dancing and moving their hips with an unbridled sexuality. They pushed their dresses up almost above their hips, letting their panties get exposed a little bit under the skirt. They undid the straps on each other’s dresses, dropping them to their waists, exposing their firm, young breasts. Brian felt an unbidden stir in his pants at the sight. The twins squeezed and kissed each other’s breasts. Licking at the nipples in turn.

They moved and danced, pushing their dresses further down, slipping them over their hips. They thrashed their head left and right as the music continued to blare, gyrating their hips in an almost pornographic manner. Their dresses fell away, down the floor. They both wore lacy white panties underneath. They two sisters undulated against each other, kissing one another with wild incestuous passion. Like the ultimate forbidden dance, their bodies seeming to ooze sex into the room like something tangible.

Still the song played, “The devil insideThe devil insideEvery single one of us the devil inside
The devil insideThe devil insideEvery single one of us the devil inside.”

All three men were in for a shock as the dresses came off. There, pushing out of the lacy material on both girls was the unmistakable outline of an erect penis. Brian’s head swam, on top of everything else, they were both guys. That normally would have made him look away, but he couldn’t take his eyes off. There was still something alluring about the twins. He’d never been gay, but god help him, he was still attracted to these creepy twins, even though they had a cocks. His own stirred in his pants, he hoped his friends didn’t notice. It was like the twins were sending out some kind of energy, that seduced his mind from far away.

They slid to the floor, moving like eels, stripping each other’s panties off. Brian realized he was excited, that he’d been hoping to see them take their underwear off, even though he knew what was underneath. He licked his lips but then instantly blushed and glanced to make sure the others hadn’t seen it. He saw that they were staring at them with same transfixed expression.

The twins kissed each other, their tongues visibly sliding in and out of each other’s mouths. Brian knew that what he was seeing was wrong, that he should be alarmed by what he was seeing, but he couldn’t think straight and all he could think of was how hot they looked doing each other like that. He felt a stab of shame at what he was responding to. What was wrong with him, why was he thinking such thoughts?

“Here come the worldWith the look in its eyeFuture uncertain but certainly slightLook at the facesListen to the bellsIt's hard to believe we need a place called hell”

The twins rolled around on the floor, moving in a stunningly sexual manner, they spread their legs and all three men gasped. Not only did they have a penis, but they quite obviously had a perfectly normal pussy right underneath it. Brian’s head swam even more. They weren’t men, they were hermaphrodites, or more properly, they were those futas that he’d heard about. The girls were kissing each other, while stroking each other’s cocks. Brian couldn’t help himself; it was like his mind was in a thick fog while his crotch was on fire. His libido roared at him that he wanted these twins.

Both sisters rolled over onto all fours and began writhing their rears to the music, their legs spread wide, displaying their dual sex organs from behind as the cavorted. They kissed each other again, wiggling to the beat. Shadows moved around the room, and Brian was dimly aware of some strange trick of the light, he thought he could perceive the outlines of a whole group of human shadows moving around on the walls like some sort of primitive pagan orgy.

“The devil insideThe devil insideEvery single one of us the devil inside
The devil insideThe devil insideEvery single one of us the devil inside”

One twin rolled over on her back, the other one got on top of her and began to grind her sister, making Brian blush more as he noticed that their penis’ were clearly touching while the did that. The two beautiful sisters moved against each other with untamed eroticism, apparently unconcerned about the deep rooted taboos they were breaking. It seemed for all the world that despite the fact that what they were doing was so wrong, it just seemed so right for them.

Brian backed up staring at them. He looked at Carl and Mako and saw that they had done the same. Were they as captivated as he was? He wondered if they were starting to get hard too, and then blushed at the inappropriate thought.

The song began to fade, spiraling down towards its end. The twins rose and came forward towards the men, their hips swaying seductively, their eyes filled with an erotic hunger. Brian cringed as they went around the fire pit and came towards them, their dick’s hard and erect in front of them. Some kind of jazz number began to play out of the stereo set, an instrumental of some kind, Brian didn’t recognize it.

The sisters rejoined at the close side of the fire pit and held each other’s hands again, coming over until they were right in front of the men. They looked at each other gleefully and then at the men, those disarming grins on their faces.

What the hell was wrong with their teeth? Brian thought wildly, staring at the odd shaped canines. He couldn’t bring himself to move or run, although part of him still felt like he should. An erection now throbbed in his pants, the familiar feelings of arousal tugging at his mind.

The twins spoke in unison, “Hello, boys.”

None of the men answered them, just stared at them, entranced.

The one on the right spoke, “My name is and his is my sister Kelsey. Did you like our show? Do you think we’re pretty?”

There was a numb nod of assent from all of them. Brian couldn’t seem to stop himself from acknowledging the fact. They were, in fact, incredibly alluring and beautiful, as haunting as they were. Their faces were round and soft, their eyes big and wide. This close he could see that the pupils were thin slits like a cat’s eyes. They both had small cute noses, large but firm and pointy breasts, and well curved hips. Their cocks were hard and erect, and their pussies moist with stimulation.

The girls came forward and Brian’s heart leapt as he realized was coming right for him. She pressed up against him, naked, her penis hard and throbbing, and brought her face to his. She closed her eyes and kissed him on the lips. He couldn’t help but kiss her back, his eyes closing involuntarily. Her lips felt wonderful, like he could drink from them for all eternity. He felt his raincoat slip off and fall to the floor as removed it, and then was pushed back to the couch and he fell into a seated position. She crawled over him, her naked body brushing his as she kissed his lips with such enthusiasm. It didn’t make sense; Brian couldn’t believe such a woman would be attracted to him. He was suspicious, but he couldn’t fight her.

She was undoing his shirt now, pushing it open and off his arms. He didn’t fight: God, how could he? She slipped the shirt off, baring his chest, smiling as she ran her hands through his red chest hair. She ran her tongue over his nipples, stimulating them. He moaned a little, his chest rising and falling with her attentions. He felt her hand cupping his cock through his jeans. Shivers of pleasure shot through him as she rubbed him.

With a quick, sure motion, she undid his belt and zipper, and pulled his pants down letting his hard penis spring out. She smiled at it happily and then pulled his heavy work boots off so that she could pull his pants all the way off. She slid them off rapidly, stripping Brian as naked as she was. Her tongue ran across her lips with anticipation as her hand returned to his dick, masturbating him. She leaned down and opened her mouth, taking him between her lips. Common sense would have normally told him not to accept a blow job from a girl with teeth like that, but he seemed to be totally in her power.

She began to suck him, moving her head and her mouth expertly, stimulating him, running her lips and tongue all over his hard member. She stared up at him into his eyes as she blew him, a naughty look on her face that seemed to say “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” He groaned as she worked on his cock, sucking him with proficiency, her lips something on the side of magical.

He glanced to his side and saw the Carl and Mako were both also naked, and that Kelsey was sucking them both off in turn, moving form one to the other. Suddenly, he noticed something amiss: He was sure he detected movement on the skin of both his friends, as if their flesh were changing somehow. He was quickly alarmed, but Chelsearising over him distracted him.

She leaned down and kissed him on the lips, her hard dick pressing up against his. Surges of pleasure flowed through him at the contact, and shame out his response to another penis. But he couldn’t help himself; he was enjoying the rubbing sensation. It was flowing in his whole body, making him squirm and shake with feeling.

And then something was terribly, terribly wrong. As the pleasurable sensations coursed through his body, he felt his skin move and change. Something was happening to him: something he had no control over. His skin seemed to pulse and contract all on its own with waves of pleasure. He was changing, he realized. Some kind of fire seemed to burn in his brain as his flesh began to rearrange itself. He looked down and could see the skin on his chest rising in two mounds.

Oh my God! Breasts! He was growing breasts! He looked at the others and saw that the same thing was happening: They writhed in delight as their bodies changed and altered. Mako had flipped around on all fours but Carl was still on his back as breasts grew from his chest and his body shrunk and changed.

Brian tried to will himself to throw the freak off of him and run for his life. Fear, anger and pure panic tore at him, but the waves of good feeling were muting his common sense, as if something was reaching into his mind and stopping him.

He moaned more out of pleasure then out of fear, the changes felt so good, like hundreds of orgasms all at once. Tingling ran all over his flesh as his body hair fell out and rolled off his skin. His muscles deflated and softened, his arms, legs, torso, and shoulders contracting and shrinking. He felt something brush his neck and realized his hair was growing out, spilling down his shoulders. He tried to focus but his mind was coming apart at the seams.

He looked at . . . Carl, that was his name, and saw that his testicles were shrinking and a hole was forming underneath them. Carl’s penis was still the same, however, and his now feminine body undulated in delight.

A futa, he was turning into a futa like the twins. His body shuddered; it felt good what was happening to him. How could it? He was being robbed of his body, of his own flesh and his own blood. How could something being done to him that was so horrible feel this good? How could he enjoy it? How could he like it?

He felt his face changing and moving, his hips narrowed and curved. He felt his own testicles shrinking and contracting and just underneath them he felt his skin sinking inside him. He knew what was forming down there. He couldn’t stop it, he was being reshaped. His body writhed and convulsed as it was transfigured, his new breasts shaking as he moved. He cried out and heard a high pitched soft squeal, a voice no longer his own.

Something exploded in his brain, his will was collapsing. He could feel himself being destroyed, his mind and identity torn apart so that it might be rebuilt as something else. Something different. Spasms of pleasure rocked his body as it altered itself into a woman’s form.

She had to fight it. No! He! He had fight it. He hand to keep control, keep his mind from being taken away. He was man, whatever was done to him, he was still a man, and he was still himself. She just had to concentrate. Remember who she was. Remember her name, her past, her identity.

But what was her name? She couldn’t recall. She couldn’t even remember what it was she was supposed to be fighting to control. What was she doing here? What had happened to her? She knew this place, but from where? She collapsed back on the couch, breathing hard, the transformation now complete: She now had long, wavy red hair, and cute, doll like facial features. She was small of build and frame, with slender arms, and a thin petite neck. Her breasts were ample and firm, her nipples hard and erect. Her body was curvaceous and luscious, her skin a soft, creamy color. Her penis was a good large size, not huge, but not small, and her new vagina lay between her legs, virginal and ready for the picking.

Who was she? Who was she and what was she doing here? She was a woman; of that much she was sure. She had a penis, but she was absolutely positively sure that she was female. After all, she also had a vagina, and breasts. Yes, she was a girl, but what girl? What was her name? She looked to her left and saw two more hermaphrodite girls next to her: A blonde and a brunette Asian girl, both were exceedingly pretty. These were her friends, she realized, she didn’t know their names, but these were her companions. She ran her hands over her body, her smooth skin and soft breasts. She looked up and saw the twins staring down at her and the others.

A warm feeling began to fill her: They were so indescribably beautiful. She knew their names, Chelsea and Kelsey. They were twins. They seemed so incredibly wonderful to her, so gorgeous, so pretty, and so sexy. She seemed to recall vaguely having at one point been afraid of them. She couldn’t imagine why? Just one look at them and she knew they meant absolutely everything to her. They were, she knew, the most important things in her life.

leaned over her close, her brushing hers, “I think I’ll call you ‘Brandy’. Is that okay?”

That’s who she was, she decided. If said she was Brandy, then she was Brandy.

Brandy smiled back up at her, and spoke with her new, soft, musical voice, “Yes. Absolutely.”

Kelsey got done on her knees in front of the other two, she pointed towards the large breasted blonde who sat next to Brandy, “In that case, that makes you ‘Candy’.”

The blonde smiled and nodded enthusiastically, grinning from ear to ear. Brandy smiled at her, not really remembering her that much, but knowing they were friends was enough. Candy had a thicker body, larger, heavier breasts, and her hair went down almost to her waist, starting strait and then getting wavy at the bottoms. She was very pretty.

Kelsey then gestured to the Asian girl who was laying stomach down draped over the couch, looking at her from over her shoulder, “I guess that makes you ‘Mandy’?”

Mandy was also very pretty, with one of those perfect Asian school girl faces that lit up the room. Her hair was strait and black, going down to her shoulders. She was skinnier then the other two, but still hand nicely shaped breasts and hips, her naked body looking stunning from behind like that, her legs spread a little, exposing her vagina and penis from the rear.

All three of them giggled, looking at each other and nodding their heads. Brandy, Candy and Mandy: That was too cute.

Chelsea crawled over Brandy, kissing her lips again running her hands over her body. Brandy kissed her back, accepting her tongue and moving her body against the other futa’s. She felt their cock’s touch and shivered with delight. The mouths mashed against each other, tongue’s exploring passionately. Brandy felt vitally alive, her skin crawling with sensation.

stood up on her knees, her legs on either side of Brandy, and gently cupped the other girl’s head, bringing it forward to her crotch. Brandy knew what was expected of her: She would try her best to use her mouth to please . She wanted to please her more then anything in the world. She kissed the tip of dick, letting her tongue slide along the shaft. She blushed as she heard moan a little. It felt strangely clumsy doing this, as if somehow she’d never done this before. But surly she had, hadn’t she? She slipped the dick past her lips and began to suck her, moving her head up and down. The penis felt good in her mouth, like her mouth was made for this. She sucked on it greedily and hungrily, feeling her own pussy start to get wet as she got more and more excited doing this.

She stole a glance at the others: Candy and Mandy were taking turns sucking on Kelsey’s cock, their hands were between each other’s legs, beating each other off, and from time to time they’d pause to kiss each other. Brandy felt a little jealous: She wanted to kiss her friends, too. But then she realized that she had all to herself, and that was much better.

She moved her mouth down to ’s pussy and spread her lips, licking at her lips and clit, sucking on it, trying her hardest to be as good as possible. gave a moan as she was eaten, running her tongue along her vampire teeth. Brandy sucked on her clit, slipping a finger into her, feeling a surge of pride as quivered in response.

“Do you like that?” Brandy asked her, “Am I pleasing you? Does it feel good?”

“Oh, you’re very good, Brandy.” cooed, “Ah! You’re doing that so well.”

Brandy blushed at the compliment and buried her face back in vampire pussy, not caring about the odd grey color of the skin. She sucked on her slipping her finger up her and toying at her clit with her tongue, revealing in the sounds of pleasure that made.

then pushed Brandy back on the couch. She lay down on her body, letting her hard dick once again rub against Brandy’s. Brandy wiggled under her, grinding herself against ’s penis. God, that felt so good. She kissed deeply and lovingly, pressing her own body against her lover’s skin.

“I love you.” Brandy said to her, the words simply rising unbidden out of her mouth.

smiled warmly at her, “I love you, too. We love all our little dick girls.”

Brandy giggled at this, happy to hear it. Wait a minute? Did that mean there were more? Brandy hoped so, that sounded exciting. The thought was cut off as moved down and pushed Brandy’s legs wide apart. Brandy blushed a little as her dual genitals were exposed completely to the vampire twin. licked at the tip of Brandy’s penis and ran her tongue down the shaft, licking the small tight testicles at the base a bit.

With her fingers, spread Brandy’s pussy lips, “My, my, what a pretty little pussy you’ve got.”

“Thank you!” Brandy beamed with pride at the compliment.

leaned in and started to lick at Brandy’s pussy, slipping her tongue in past the lips, teasing the vulva and kissing it, moving her tongue around until she reached her clit. Brandy moved her hips and moaned, her hand automatically gripping her cock and masturbating herself. She moved her head as she groaned, feeling the pleasure rushing through her body. Her tongue snaked out and licked her lips.

Sucking on her fingers first, slipped three of them into Brandy’s virgin pussy at once. Brandy jerked and writhed as she was penetrated, a flood of fluid flowing over ’s fingers at the stimulation. finger fucked her, slowly at first, then picking up speed, watching Brandy squirm with delight as she was penetrated.

“Do you like that, Baby?” asked her.

“Oh, yes!” Brandy cried, “I love it! I love you!”

“Would you like me to fuck you?” asked in a teasing voice.

Brandy cried out in pleasure, “Oh, yes! Please fuck me! Please!”

Beside them, Kelsey had placed Candy and Mandy on top of each other with their pussies touched and was eating them both out at once while the girls squirmed against each other and groaned.

Pushing Brandy’s legs apart even more, Chelsea got up on her knees and placed the tip of her penis against Brandy’s new vagina. Looking deep into Brandy’s eyes, she pushed herself inside, slipping her cock into Brandy’s pussy, deflowering her, going deeper and deeper. And so, the person who had once been Brian Taube, now a helplessly horny futa girl named Brandy, had her cherry popped by her vampire lover. Brandy arched her back, crying out helplessly as she was penetrated. started to fuck her rapidly, moving in and out, kissing her lips as she did her.

Her body completely alive now, a slave to her passions, Brandy moaned with pleasure, delight flowing from between her legs and she was fucked, making her undulate her body as she twisted from the assault of feeling. She felt incredible, nothing could compare to this, the feeling of making love to one of the twins. She abandoned herself willingly to the lust, casting off any last lingering trace of her former self. She was a futa. She was a little dick girl. And she was happy.

By now, Candy and Mandy were making a Kelsey sandwich: Kelsey had her dick up Mandy’s pussy, who lay on her back, squirming and squealing, and Candy was fucking Kelsey’s pussy, moving back and forth, thrusting her hips, her huge breasts flopping back and forth. The vampire withed, obviously loving it.

Brandy gripped the material of the sofa, feeling the pleasure build between her legs. She undulated under feeling every inch of her drive her further and further into an abyss of pleasure. She moved her hips thrusting herself at as she was fucked, moaning and wailing, until finally the pleasure exploded out of her, causing her to writhe with delight, gripping as the spasms of pleasure rocked her body. Her first orgasm as a futa flowed over her in waves, causing her to squirm with undisguised bliss and abandon.

She twisted moaned until the orgasm was finally finished, smothering Chelsea’s lips with kisses, her body still trembling.

“. . . that was so good . . .” Brandy mumbled.

Chelsea rose up and scooted down, taking Brandy’s still hard penis in her hand, “Ah, but I’ll bet you’d like to fuck me now.”

“Yes!” Brandy exclaimed, “Yes! May I?”

It seemed like a great great honor to Brandy, to be allowed to be inside one of the twins.

Candy and Mandy were now back on top of one another, both of them on their backs, and Kelsey was taking turns fucking each of them.

lowered herself down, sliding Brandy’s hard dick inside her. She threw her head back and groaned as it entered her. Brandy reached in and took ’s cock in her hand, masturbating the vampire as she slid into her. Brandy bit her lip as she felt the wet warm embrace of the other’s girl’s cunt around her dick, welcoming it inside her. began to move up and down, sliding Brandy’s cock in and out of her. She moaned and thrashed her head, her hips gyrating on Brandy as she thrust her hips upward, pushing herself deep into her.

“Oh! Baby!” was crying, “Ah! Fuck me, oh yeah!”

A dizzying giddiness was flowing through Brandy as she made love to looked really pleased, like she really liked it. It made Brandy happy: all she wanted to do was please the twins. And, oh my god, if felt so good doing it. Random memories and images occurred to Brandy as she moved, mingling with the sensations of pleasure. She remembered a few faces, maybe a few places. She couldn’t remember much of anything concrete. The name Brian meant nothing to her anymore, this was who she was. She arched her back moaning. This was all she wanted to be.

began thrashing above her, moving her hips and shuddering.

“Ahhhh!” She cried, “I’m cumming. Oh! You’re making me cum, Brandy!”

She twisted and writhed on top of Brandy’s dick, throwing her head back and shuddering as the orgasm coursed through her, making her wriggle and shake.

Brandy was feeling more pleasure building in her. She knew she couldn’t hold back much longer. But was cumming; she’d made her feel pleasure, that’s all she wanted to do.

“I’m cumming too.” Brandy moaned, feeling herself about to explode.

“Cum inside me; go ahead and cum inside me.” groaned, shaking from the force of her orgasm.

With a loud gasp and cry, Brandy arched her back and felt the pleasure shoot through her body as she ejaculated inside ’s body, her hips shoving upward, her body shivering as she squirmed and undulated with bliss and delight. fell over and kissed her on the mouth, their tongue’s entwined with each other as Brandy showered all of her love for into her passionate kisses.

“I love you. I love you.” Brandy whispered to her with passion, “Did you enjoy that? Did I make you feel good?”

“You made me feel great, my little dick girl.” cooed soothingly to her, “Thank you so much.”

Brandy’s heart swelled with pride, she blushed at the compliments. She just wanted to please them, both of them; she loved the twins so much. She sighed, her heart bursting with love as got off of her, some of Brandy’s cum still dribbling out from between her legs.

was quickly joined by her sister in front of them, they reached out and took each other in their arms.

Kelsey looked at the three girls naughtily, “Now its time for us to give you a show.”

The futa girls all set up in rapt attention, sliding close to each other as the waited to see what kind of show the twins would do for them.

The sisters ran their hands over each other, caressing their skin, and touching each other’s breasts. Their lips met and they kissed each other, sister kissing sister, their lips and tongues working against each other. Their bodies pressed hard together as their hands explored each other. The twins rubbed their nipples together and nibbled on each other’s neck, moans escaping from their mouths in their incestuous passion.

Brandy and her friends leaned over watching in rapt attention. The twins looked so beautiful doing that. Brandy seemed to recall that two sisters having sex with each other was considered wrong by the world at large. She furrowed her brow: how could that be? They looked so happy doing it with each other, and it was so sexy and beautiful to see them like that. Besides, there couldn’t possibly be anything wrong with Chelsea and Kelsey.

Brandy decided that the world was wrong, and all sisters should love each other the way the twins did. It would be a happier world.

The twins had taken their cocks and were rubbing them together, thrusting their hips at each other as they pushed their dicks on each other. They moaned and groaned and kissed each other until they finally both ejaculated, cumming in great spurts on each other while the writhed together in delight.

Brandy, Candy, and Mandy cheered and applauded excitedly, that hand been a great show.

The twins then quickly cleaned themselves up and got dressed while the three futas lay naked on the couch, spent and relaxing. They lay there dreamily until and Kelsey came back over to them.

“So, did you girls have fun?” Kelsey asked.

And enthusiastic “Yes” rose up from all three in unison.

“That reminds me, we’ve got presents for you.” Chelsea said.

She crossed over to an end table on the side and picked up the package that had been delivered earlier. She tore it open and returned to the girls. Brandy watched her with excitement, eager to find out what present they were going to get. It felt like quite an honor, just to get a present from one of the twins. opened the box and pulled out three cell phones which she handed to each of the girls who took it gratefully.

told them, “Well, we’ve got to be going now . . .”

The girls moaned in disappointment.

“No, please stay with us.” Candy pleaded; her new voice was high and squeaky, but pleasant.

“I’m afraid we can’t.” Kelsey informed them, “A friend of ours had called us here, for something that we think might be very important.”

“Then let us come with you.” Mandy suggested her voice also cutesy, sounding a bit like an anime character.

“I’m afraid not, it might be too dangerous.” Kelsey replied, “But don’t worry, we’ll be coming back. In the meantime, we’d like you to do a little job for us. Would you like to do a little job for us?”

All three futa girls nodded in the affirmative.

explained, “Our number is pre programmed on each of your phones. Go out; go to places where there are lots of people. Have fun, talk to people, make friends, and listen to what people are saying. If you hear about anything strange, anything at all, especially any mysterious deaths, then call us immediately. Understand?”

The girl’s nodded, they understood.

“Okay, well, we’ll be off then.” Kelsey told them, “But we’ll be back, don’t worry. It’s just time to find out what Natasha wants. In the meantime, go out, have some fun, make some friends. Have lots of sex.”

The girls all giggled and blushed. Yeah, they could do that.

“Yes, you’ll be surprised at the result.” said and then the twins looked at one another conspiratorially and laughed.

And with that, the twins kissed them all goodbye, and then left arm in arm, leaving the three brand new futas alone in the den. They lay on the couch, naked, resting against one another. There was no more Brian, no more Carl and no more Mako; those people were now dead, replaced by the three happy horny dick girls on the couch, who lay there contented and serene. Happy to simply lie naked with each other.

Finally, Mandy spoke up, “I guess we’ve gotta get dressed too.”

They all groaned in disappointment, but agreed. They couldn’t very well go walking around the streets naked.

Brandy looked around; there were some clothes on the floor. She made a face: They all seemed to be men’s stuff. She and her sisters couldn’t wear that. Were they her sisters? She didn’t really know, but she didn’t think so since Mandy was Japanese. But they still felt like her sisters, in a way. That was good enough for her.

“You know?” Candy said, furrowing her brow in thought, “I seem to recall that there’s a whole lotta girls clothes upstairs in the closet. Funny thing is, I can’t seem to remember who they belong too?”

“Guess they must be ours then.” Brandy mused.

She laid her head on Candy’s shoulder, and then kissed her friend and sister gently on the lips, playfully squeezing her breast. Candy then turned and kissed Mandy. They lay in each other’s arms for a while, gently petting each other and kissing and teasing a little, playing with each other’s bodies. Soon they would stop and get dressed. And then they would go out into town and do exactly what the twins had asked them to.

After all, they would do anything for the twins. Anything at all.


Dr. Beverly Cavendish sat at a small desk just outside the isolation ward in Generallooking at the reports in front of her with growing horror. The file included all the documentation of the new disease that had been brought in yesterday. Dr. Cavendish specialized in the study and treatment of infectious diseases, she had done work with victims of Ebola and the Hanta virus for years, and this was the scariest son of bitch she had ever seen. And she’d seen a lot.

Whatever it was, it gestated and replicated faster then Ebola and did such an incredible amount of damage in such a short time that even the most optimistic appraisals gave the infection a ninety eight percent mortality rate. As opposed to the ninety percent that Ebola boasted and the eighty percent attributed to Smallpox at its worst.

The symptoms were bizarre: a crazed mix of Bubonic Plague, Smallpox, Ebola and god knows what else, the disease seemed almost like it might have been engineered somehow. Hell, this disease seemed almost malevolently evil in its own right. No trace of whatever virus or bacterium might be the cause could be found, but the infection didn’t seem to be airborne.

It had come in with a patient named Timothy Dobson, and had quickly infected both his girlfriend, Britney Chengles, as well as Dr. Hutter, Dr. Cavendish’s colleague and friend. Dobson had died shortly before Chengles and Hutter began exhibiting symptoms. Now, Chengles was dead, and Hutter probably wouldn’t last the night. The disease, which the staff was tentatively calling Dobson Syndrome, was ravaging him to the point where he was unrecognizable.

Dr. Cavendish had called the Niperica Center For Disease Prevention, and the NCDP was sending team to help stop the spread of the infection.

Except that there were now seven more cases of Dobson Syndrome in the isolation ward.

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