Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mitsuki the Ice Dragon ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
the Ice dragon, Chapter 1
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My teaching began the moment I developed a clear mind, yes that means I was taught in my Mothers stomach. You may be wondering how that was possible. Simple, telepathy. She spoke in my mind. Only the mother can do so with the young in the womb. Dragons did not lay eggs, for we are not mere animals as many humans like to think. That would harm us, and for Male Dragon/Human Female, painful. Not to say, we would have to be
in out true form TOO much.

My teachings consisted mainly of family history. History is THE most important thing a young dragon will ever learn. My child. Mother would often think that to me, like I was a blessing, any way. Family and friends were the two important things for a civilized Dragon. That was my second lesson. To honor and cherish your family and friends. ((I know, laugh it off you two....just you wait))

When I was born, the first thing I heard was "Awww, did it have to be a girl?" I will always remember that, the voice of my dear brother. "Come now, my son, she will be as strong and as fierce as any male." My father. "She will become the most powerful Dragon alive" That voice was one I knew very well, my mother. Mummers of agreement were heard about the room. "If you say so" My brother said, sadly. "Jackass" that was my first word to him, to the others. ((Feel honored kakahi, my first term of endearment)) Dragons can talk as soon as were born, but we choose not to. I opened my eyes
and AH! The light! It hurt my eyes. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the light and I could clearly see the face of my father, right in my face. I did not like this ,so I did something about it. "OW, little one has a strong kick.." Others in the room laughed, I hated them for it. Looking back now, I hate myself for thinking that. There was a celebration for my birth, being the first female born the in Ice leaders family. I won't say much about it, only it was fun and people got hammered. ((reminds me of YOU two, Kakahi and Akira)).

Much of my early years aren’t worth telling about. All I did was eat, sleep, and grow. I also bounded with my brother. It wasn’t until my age of 500 did anything really interesting happen. The leaders of the Fire Dragons and their son came to out kingdom.

"Hello, your Highness" That was said to my father, I don't know his name at the time. "Hello fire lord" My father spat back. "What do you want?" I was scared, so I hid behind my mothers leg, trying to hide from the fire dragon, but he saw me anyway. "Ahh, there’s the new addition to the world, Mizake was it?" "Its Mitsuki" snarled my brother. The Dragon lord glared at him, but smiled. "Ah, I’m sorry Mitsuki, come out from behind you mother’s leg." I obeyed him, stepping out shyly. ((Yes, I was shy at one point so shut up)). "Hello Mitsuki" The fire dragon ushered his son out, "This is my son, Ruku.” “Enough” Fathers voice rang out. “tell me why you are here” The Fire Lord glanced at father. “why simple, I’ve come here to arrange a marriage between my son and your daughter.” That demon smirked. “NEVER” yelled out my father and brother. “my daughter will never be involved with the likes of you” The Fire beast looked shocked that father said no. “but..” “NO” Father snarled. “leave us, NOW” Father was on the verge of transforming. “Now Ice Leader” said the mate of the Fire lord. “be reasonable, this will benefit us all” “Leave” Was all father said. The Fire demon snarled. “this will not be the last you hear from us.“ Then they left ((looking back on it, I realize why father said no so fast, a marriage like that would have killed me)) “Father” I said quietly. “will I have to marry Ruku?” He lifted me off the ground and hugged me. “Never Mit, never” It was good enough for me. Every thing was fine, until a year later.

“THE FIRE DRAGONS ARE ATTACKING” Alarms were sounding, everyone was running or fighting. I was clinging to my brother as he was trying to lead me to safety. A blast of fire shot through, killing a few of those around us. It was at that moment I was introduced to violence, to death. The stench of burning flesh was horrible and I got separated from my brother. I ran amongst the crowed and spotted a crack in the mountain, big enough for me to hide. I had just about reached it when a fire dragon appeared before me. “helloo little one” It hissed as it reached for me. When it touched me, I screamed. Everything happened at once, a blast of light and the fire dragon let out a horrified scream, when I saw his face I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, the fire dragon before me was no more, frozen from the inside-out. I stood there wide-eyed, I has killed someone, and I was covered in its blood. I turned around and threw-up, that was how my father found me. “My daughter..” He tried to hug me, but I pulled away. A small part of me died that day. “Mit-” “Stay away from me father.” My voice cracked. “Its alright” He tried to tell me, as if I did nothing wrong. I wanted to scream at him, hit him, cry. But I just closed my eyes and fell into the welcomed darkness. That fire dragons horror-stricken face stuck forever in my mind. ((hard to believe I once hated killing))

When I woke up, I was in my room, my brother beside me. When he say I was awake, he jumped up in joy. “Sister, your awake” I loved my brother, don’t get me wrong, but hw was a little dense at times. I just stared at him, the fire dragons scream still in my mind. He informed me that I had been out of it for about three days. “Son, leave us” My father said as he walked into my room. “But--” “Now” My brother left, muttering under his breath. Father sat at the edge of my bed. “Mitsuki” He sighed. “I…I think it’s time you began training. I looked at him in shock. “But father, I’m not of age” This struck me as odd, my brother had only just begun training. “You have no choice” Then it hit me hard, they were afraid. Afraid of the power I possessed at such a young age. “As you wish father” He smiled and stood up. “good, now change your clothing then come to the main room, your mother is worried” Then, he left. I did as ordered. Now I knew that I could never be the same. It was around this time I began to earn my last name. Reigen, heartless.
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According to the translator, Reigen means heartless, so don’t freak on me if you think different.

Disclaimer: Mitsuki is owned by me. The name Akira might be used in a show, im not sure, but that’s not who I’m using. Their borrowed from a role play.