Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Murder ❯ It begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Jayden stepped out onto the street, glancing furtively back at the house behind her, praying that no lights came on. When none did, she heaved a sigh of relief. Continuing down the street, she wondered if she was doing the right thing. Granted she had made a promise, but if Dre ever found out the real reason she wanted to spend the night, there'd be hell to pay from both sides. She was halfway to her destination when a shadow fell over her. Before she could react, her arm was twisted viciously behind her back. Letting out a cry of pain, she looked over her shoulder. The person she saw terrified her more than any street thug.
“D- Dante…” she squeaked. “And just where do you think you're going?” he demanded in a quiet voice. His tone would have been calming if she hadn't already spotted the danger in his dark brown eyes. “N-Nowhere.” She stammered. “Damn right nowhere. Let's go.” He started to drag her back up the street when a sleek black Corvette pulled up to the curb. A young man in a leather jacket, a black cap and dark shades leaned out the window. “You ok, lady?” He asked. Dante glared at him. “Hey man! Mind your own! I got this!” “I was asking the lady.” The young man said firmly. Jayden's eyes widened in recognition but quickly dimmed. “I-I'm fine. T- Thank-you though.” She whispered. The young man held her gaze for a moment longer before he nodded curtly and sped off.
Dante glared after the car before continuing back toward the house. Once inside, he threw her against the wall. “Where the hell did you think you were going?! Did you think I was fucking playing with you?!” He shouted. She cowered for a moment before coming back. “I don't need to explain myself to you! I don't have to tell you a damn thing!” She barely finished the sentence before his fist smashed into her face. Jayden crumpled to the floor, blood streaming from her nose. The moment she was down, Dante began to kick her. She let out a cry of pain as she tried to cover her face. Reaching down, he pulled her to her feet and continued punching her. You…must…take…me…for…a…damn….fool !” He emphasized each word with a punch. Soon he had her begging, but even then he refused to stop. He punched her, scratched her, kicked her, and threw her against the wall. Finally in desperation after he had once again driven her to her knees, she crawled to him. “P-p- please…baby please…s-s-stop… I'm s-s-sorry.” Dante glared down at her with a look of utter disgust on his face. “Get out.” He said. “W-what?” “I said get the fuck out!” He howled. Grabbing her by her hair, he threw her outside. “You want to leave so damn bad, the get the fuck out!” With that said, Dante slammed the door behind her.
She covered her face with her hands. Getting shakily to her feet, Jayden made her way down the street once again. She didn't get far before he legs gave out and she fell to the ground with a small cry. After what seemed an hour, she heard a car door slam, followed by footsteps. “OH MY GOD!!” a woman shrieked. A man let out a string of curses before scooping her up. “Trish, quickly! Open the door!” She tried to protest as she was put into the car but the woman soothed her. “Easy, dear heart, we'll be there soon.” Jayden made no comment but drifted into unconsciousness.
The next time she opened her eyes, she was on a gurney, rolling down a bright hallway. The nurses and doctor seemed to be speaking a different language altogether. She let them speak it and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she was in a hospital bed. She started to sit up but the pain was excruciating and white lights exploded behind her eyes. “Whoa! Slow down!” She turned her head cautiously and saw a man and woman sitting in chairs next to her bed. The woman's chocolate skin was the same complexion as hers. Surprisingly though the woman had green eyes whereas Jayden's were light brown. She had medium length curly hair. The man was a lighter complexion with soft brown eyes and a bald head.
“You're in a pretty rough condition. Good thing we found you when we did. If Trish hadn't seen you, we…” He was cut off by a sudden commotion outside the door. “The only way you're getting me to leave is by calling the cops! So move!” A young man burst into the room. It was the man from earlier. Although he still had on the leather jacket and cap, he no longer wore the shades and his dark brown eyes flashed furiously as he took in her condition. The doctor had said that she 4 broken ribs, a broken arm, a shattered kneecap, a sprained ankle, a busted lip and minimal internal bleeding. She looked as bad as it sounded and worse. “What the hell?! I told you what would happen! I knew it! None of this would have happened if you had just come with me!” The couple in the room had been staring with open mouths. Now the man stood to his feet. “I say! Are you the one who did that to this young woman?! You ought to be shot and arrested. How dare you call yourself a man?!” Before Jayden could comment, the young man took off his hat and jacket and just like that “he” became a “she”.
If the couple had been stunned before, they were floored. The handsome young man that had walked in the room was now a rather attractive pixie haired young woman. “Dre.” Jayden said softly. “No, I didn't do this to her! I would never in a thousand lifetimes…I have never even once considered putting my hands on her in anything less than a loving manner!” The couple now looked somewhat uncomfortable. Jayden decided to help them out. “Um, could you excuse us? Thank you for helping me.” The man nodded and led his wife out the room.
Dre crossed the room and stroked her hair gently. “I should have never left. I should have insisted that you come with me.” Jayden sighed. “It would have only made things worse and we both know it.” Dre's eyes were blazing again. “Worse! You're lying in a hospital with more broken bones from one night than I've ever had in my life! How could it possibly get worse?!” “You could be the one in a hospital bed.” “I wish I was the one in a hospital bed!” Dre exclaimed. Jayden leaned into her touch. “I'm ok. I…” she hesitated to tell her ex the reason she ended up here. However, Dre was perceptive as always.
“What happened Jay? What on earth made him so mad?” Jayden shifted slightly. “Remember when you pulled up?” Dre nodded. “Well he caught me trying to leave. Not for good.” She added hastily. She saw Dre putting two and two together. “Don't tell me you were coming to see me.” Dre said incredulously. Jayden's silence was her answer. Dre exploded. “Dammit, Jayden, what did I tell you?! Come during the day when there's less chance of him finding out! Come to the house, come to my job, but don't come at night! You know how he is; there was no way he wouldn't have found out!” Jay had started to cry. “We pulled it off before without him finding out! I'm sorry, I just needed some space! I needed…” Her words fell away as she dissolved into tears. Dre knew what she was going to say. She needed her.
She slipped on the bed and gently maneuvered herself beneath her, careful not to cause any pain. “Shhhhhhh, I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at him; no I'm furious at him.” Dre placed her chin on top of her head causing Jay to whine. “I've missed you Dre.” Dre kissed her head. “I know, I've missed you too.” They stayed like that until the nurse came in and announced that visiting hours were over but asked if the young woman would like a cot to spend the night. Dre declined. She had work in the morning and considering it was 3:42a.m., she had to get going. Gently sliding out from behind Jayden, she kissed her on the forehead with a promise to return later. She smiled gratefully at the nurse who apparently was confused since she was sure she had let a man in the room wearing that exact outfit.
Driving home from the hospital, Dre thought about how she needed to get Jayden away from Dante. He was dangerous and no good for her. Yes, she'd get back, even if it meant crawling thru hell and back, because for Jayden, it was definitely worth it.