Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Ghost ❯ Chapter Sixteen ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Ghost
Chapter 16
© 2009 Ohne Sie

"Did you find it?" Will asked hopefully when he noticed Callie approaching him outside.

Callie shook her head. It pained her to see the disappointment on his face, but she was determined to keep up her lie. "No...I looked, but it wasn't there."

"Are you sure you looked in the right place?"

She nodded. "I looked in the same place that it was in my dream. Sorry, Will. It's not there. It must have been removed a long time ago."

He sighed. "It did seem like it was too easy..."

"I'm sorry," Callie said again. "Do you have anymore ideas? Anything else you remember?"

He shook his head. "Nothing."

Callie looked at the ground, unable to look at him any longer. "We're so close, though. There must be something we can do."

"Hey," Will said, causing Callie to look up, despite her intentions. "You're right. We are close. And of course, it's disappointing that my brother's journal is lost. I mean, I've been waiting for almost a century for this. But..." He smiled. "Even if we never find it, even if we never find out what happened that day, I'm glad that you came here, and I'm grateful to you for at least trying to help me."

Callie managed a weak smile, despite her guilt, as she said, "Really?"

He nodded. "Really. You're the first person I've spoken to in over eighty years. And while that person could have been anyone...well, anyone who happened to move here, anyway...it was you. I'm glad it was you."

"You...you are?" Callie felt like an idiot, unable to say anything except to ask such inane questions. When had she become so tongue-tied?

"Absolutely," he said, still smiling. "That's why, even if we never find out what happened to me, it won't be so bad. As long as I'm not alone anymore, and I have you."

Callie frowned. "But...then you'll be a ghost forever...and one day I'll die, and you'll be alone," she said. "Again," she added.

"Even a few years is worth it. I mean, of course I don't expect you to stay here forever, anyway. You're sixteen years old. In a few years you'll probably go off to college somewhere. You'll probably move away. And I'm sure you'll want to get married eventually and start a family."

That last sentence caught Callie off-guard. "A family...?"

"Yeah," Will said. "It would be selfish to expect you to stay here for the rest of your life, just so that I have company. You'll get bored of me, eventually. I'd definitely run out of things to say after a while." He laughed, but to Callie it seemed like the idea of being alone again was hurting him.

"You wouldn't be okay, and you know it," she said, suddenly angry at herself for being so selfish. Still, she didn't want to let him know about the journal. She needed to pretend--to get to know him better--at least for a little while. "You might try to make me think that if I leave, and you're alone again, you'll be okay, but you won't. You know the truth." She sighed. "You want to make me feel better about failing you, and you want to give me an out in case I leave in the future, so that I won't feel so guilty. But you know what, Will?"

"What?" he asked quietly.

"I promise you, I will not leave until you do." Callie thought she saw relief wash over Will's face, but she couldn't be sure.

Still, he argued with her. "And what happens if you never find out who killed me, and it is your time to die?"
"I made a promise," she said, "And if it works the way I think it does, then I guess I'll be stuck here with you for eternity."

"I'm not sure you're thinking this through as well as you should."

"Well, I'm sure I did. That's my guarantee. So I have to help you, now." She smiled. "Deal with it." Fortunately, she thought, I already know where the journal is, so when the time comes, and I'm ready to let him go, I can. Will said nothing, and his face revealed no clues about how he felt. Callie nodded. "I take your silence as acceptance. Okay, then." The cell phone in her pocket rang, signalling that she had a text message.

From: Aaron
Hey, Callie. I have a question for you.
April 2, 9:32 AM

Callie frowned, typing a reply, while Will watched curiously.

To: Aaron
~ <3 Callie ~

"It's Aaron," she told Will, trying to satisfy his curiosity.

Will smirked. "He's probably going to ask you out."

Callie rolled her eyes, but she didn't notice the hint of jealousy in Will's voice, or the glare he directed at the phone as it rang again.

From: Aaron
Wanna see a movie later? I had plans with some friends, but they canceled.
April 2, 9:34 AM

Callie glanced at Will before replying.

To: Aaron
Sure, I guess. Is Ash going?
~ <3 Callie ~

"He did, didn't he?"

"Huh? Oh." She shook her head. "No, his friends canceled on him, and he wanted to know if I wanted to go see a movie."

"Yeah, so...how is that not asking you out?"

"We're friends," Callie said, flipping her phone open as it rang again.

From: Aaron
No, actually, I was thinking it could just be us. No offense to my sister, but I don't like having her around all the time...you know?
April 2, 9:36 AM

Callie stared at the screen for a second, trying to comprehend what he had written. When she looked up and saw Will, she quickly looked back down.

"I was right, wasn't I?" he said in a teasing manner.

"I don't know," Callie said. "It probably depends on the movie...I think." She frowned.

"You think?"

"Well, I've never been in this situation before. How do you know if it's just a friendly thing or a date?"

Will stared at her in disbelief. "You're asking me."

Callie laughed uncomfortably, realizing her error. "Right. Sorry. This is just...awkward."

Will shrugged. "Well, reply to the boy. Don't keep him waiting."

"But...what do I say?" Will had never seen Callie so unsure of herself.

"That's up to you," he said. "But personally, I think you should say yes. I could be wrong, and it might be a friendly gesture. It would get you out of the house, for once. Even if it's not, what harm could it do? Do you like him?"

"He's my friend," Callie said.

"You know what I mean."

Callie sighed. "I don't know. Maybe?" She frowned. "I'm confused."

"Well, he's waiting for an answer, Callie." Will smiled reassuringly, masking his pain. "So answer."

Callie nodded. "You're probably putting inaccurate ideas in my head, anyway."

To: Aaron
Okay. What time? And what movie?
~ <3 Callie ~

The reply came almost immediately.

From: Aaron
Awesome! I dunno, I can come pick you up and we can decide there. When do you wanna go?
April 2, 9:42 AM

To: Aaron
Anytime is good. I didn't know you drove.
~ <3 Callie ~

From: Aaron
Yeah, I do. I can head over now if you want. That okay?
April 2, 9:44 AM

To: Aaron
That's cool. I'm ready whenever you want to get here.
~ <3 Callie ~

From: Aaron
I'll be over in a few minutes, then.
April 2, 9:46 AM

Callie closed her phone, turning to Will. "He's coming over in a few minutes."

"I think you made the right choice."

Callie nodded. "Well, why can't I go see a movie with a friend?"

"You seem so sure that it's just a friendly thing now," Will said. "What happened to you being all nervous that it might be a date?"

Callie rolled her eyes. "That was your fault, not mine. You put the idea in my head."

"Only because I wouldn't put it past him," Will said, smiling. "He is related to me..."

"A few generations removed. Plus, he's your brother's great-grandson. The less conniving of your two brothers...and you."

Will shrugged. "Compared to us, yes, but that's really not saying much. He did end up with Nora, after all. Also, Aaron obviously likes you."

"If it's obvious, why don't I see it?"

"Also obviously, you're too close to the situation. Plus, you didn't know my brother. Aaron gets the same look in his eyes that Ed did when he looked at Nora."

Callie's next response was interrupted by the sound of a car pulling in the driveway. "That must be Aaron," she said. She turned around, running toward the front yard. Will followed her. When she got to the front yard, she saw Aaron standing beside a rather worn-looking car.

"Nice car," Callie said, smiling.

"Yeah, well, at least I paid for it myself," he said.

"You never drive it to school. Why?"

Aaron shrugged. "I'd rather take the bus," he said.

"That is so weird," she said, frowning.

"So...are we going? Do you need to get anything first...?"

"Nope, I'm good." Callie turned around. "I'll be back soon, Will."

"Oh...Will's here?" Aaron said. "Well...hi, anyway," he said awkwardly. "Sorry, I can't really carry on a conversation with you or anything, man."

"Have fun," Will said, smiling at Callie. "And if it turns into a date...well...still have fun. You could do a lot worse, I think."

"Um, thanks?" Callie said, unsure how to respond. She turned back to Aaron. "Okay. I'm ready." She and Aaron got into the car.

Will watched the car pull out of the driveway and drive away. He sighed. It's for the best, he told himself, but still... Sadly, he moved back into the bedroom. Never before had he wanted so badly to be able to lie down and sleep his troubles away...but of course, he could not.