Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister's Keeper ❯ Weak ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


My Sister's Keeper

Chapter 5: Weak

By: Melissa Norvell



I am looking in the mirror, trying my best to straighten my newest hairstyle up as much as I can. These natural waves can be very cumbersome when they want to be. More than anything, I am not about to let some renegade pieces of hair destroy my soon to be perfect date with my friend. Applying a thin amount of makeup, I smile humbly to my reflection. `I'm so glad that he agreed! It's been a long time since I've had a one-on-one day with Takeshi. Although, I wonder what he was so upset about on the phone with me. He didn't want Endo to come along, either. That's really weird, because those two are inseparable most of the time. Did they have a fight of something? Maybe that's what he wants to talk to me about. Maybe he needs some advice.' My expression is thoughtful for a moment. I really worry about that guy sometimes, now, more than ever. This isn't like him at all. “Well, whatever happens, I'm just going to try and be there for him.” That's what I settled to myself.

A familiar voice from behind me says my name and as I turn, I see my brother standing in the doorway, with an arm stretched above his head. His posture is casual and a serious look was plasters to his face. “Where are you going? You're all dressed up for something.”

“I'm going to hang out with Takeshi for a while. He said that he wanted to talk to me for the afternoon.” I know what he's thinking, but it's not it at all. Maybe he won't give me such a hard time when he finds out that it's not Tadao I'm going to see.

“He wants to hang out with just you? Alone?” Ushio is just as confused as I am over the whole ordeal.

I nod slightly. “Yeah, he said that he was feeling pretty bad about something. I think he needs someone to talk to.”

“Why couldn't he talk to Endo? Isn't that who he always talks to?” Brother knows him as well as I do. It's just what I am thinking to myself as well, but that turns out not to be the case. My only thought is that what he has to say either concerns her or is about her.

“Maybe it's something he can't talk to her about. Maybe it's about her.” So that's what I tell him.

“Takeshi is pretty easy-going. He usually doesn't seem like much bothers him,” Ushio walks up to me as I finish applying pink lipstick and rise to face him.

“Even easy-going people have problems. He said he needed some feminine advice.” So that's what I'm going to give him, about whatever problem that he has.

“That's strange. He doesn't usually ask for that.” Considering he's a guy, that made it twice as odd to my brother. He glances to the white ceiling of my room in contemplation. “Then again, he's usually Mr. Upbeat Smiley Face all of the time,” he never knew the spiky-haired teen to act anything other than happy and fun-loving around him. I guess I never have either.

“Do you think that you can take care of yourself while I'm out?” I know the answer, but I want to hear it from him. I want to make sure that he's alright, especially after all that he's been through.

“I'm nearly healed. A bottle over the head won't keep me down. You should know that,” Ushio waves it off in dismissal, but still. I worry about him passing out or ignoring the pain because he wants to act like a tough guy. My brother has a knack for doing reckless and impulsive things.

I grab my small, blue, designer purse and hoist the strap over my bony shoulder. “Yeah, you're Mr. Tough Prince, aren't you?” I glance over my shoulder and smile warmly at him.

He blinks at me, “I guess you're right.” Slowly, he walks over to me and wraps his arms warmly around me. I can feel his body radiating heat and the smell of blood, medicine and cologne wash over my senses.

Letting out a small `huh' I tense up momentarily and cast my gaze towards his. Ushio looks at me with a softened expression and love in his blue eyes. He lightly kisses my cheek and runs a hand through my hair. “I'll see you when you get back, my little princess,” he coos.

It nearly makes my heart skip a beat and a pink flush stains my cheeks. I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest! I don't know what it is about him when he uses that tone of voice with me, but it frustrates me and makes me uncomfortable. “Y-Yeah…Of course,” I stutter and turn from his embrace.

Funny how outside of a hug, you feel like the air is sub zero.

Shaking the thought out of my head, I tell him goodbye and that I love him.

“I love you too, Sumerie,” he says, using that same tone again as I shut the door. I hear something said faintly behind it. I think it was `more than you could ever know' but I really think I heard that wrong.

I need to stop being so jumpy around him. Honestly, what kind of girl does that around her own brother? People are really going to start assuming things if I keep acting so weird.

Still, I can't get this stupid blush to leave my cheeks. I have a little time to calm it down as I walk down the sidewalk, glancing up at the sky. “It's gray. I wonder if it's going to rain today.” If it does, then I'm kind of screwed because I didn't bring a raincoat. I really should think things through before I just run out like that unprepared, but Ushio made me feel so weird that I couldn't think.

Damn him.

Finally, I arrive at Takeshi's place. He opens the door and gazes at me. The Asian boy greets me with a voice that is a little downcast for what his usual sunny disposition is.

“Hello, Takeshi. It's good to see you,” I smile, trying to make myself brighten him up a little.

“Even though I feel a little down, it's good to see you too,” he smiles and moves to the side as I enter his house, admiring the familiar scent of his surroundings. I take my heels off at the door as he sits on the couch. I walk over and sit by him, placing my purse on the kotatsu.

“So…What did you need my advice on?” I ask, looking to him.

He leans forward, resting his elbows on his skinny thighs as he props his head up and sighs deeply. A look of worry crosses his face and that once pleasant smile turns upside down. “You know…I really like Endo.”

“Of course you do! You guys are like glue. This is the first time I've seen you without her, to be honest,” I smile a little, I'm unsure of where this is going but I have an idea.

“I can't tell her what I'm going to tell you and even though you're friends with her, I expect you to keep it a secret. I don't want her to know and I want to tell her myself when or if I do.” This is starting off on a serious note. I wonder what is this important that he'd seek me out and trust me with it.

“Don't worry. You can trust me with your secrets. I've never told anything to her before that you asked me not to,” I can say that I'm a trustworthy person. If someone tells me not to tell someone something, I don't unless it's going to get them killed.

I doubt Takeshi is hiding anything like that.

“That's why I trust you and I want your advice,” he turns his head to me. “I can't really tell Ushio about this kind of thing. Besides, I want a woman's opinion. It would kind of help me out on whether or not I tell her what I plan on telling her.”

“Alright, so what do you want to tell her?” I ask. Oh come, on Takeshi! You're killing me with suspense here.

“I care about Endo, a lot.”

“What do you mean by that?” I definitely think I know where this is going.

“I think that I like her more than a friend. I honestly think that I love her, but I'm not sure if I should tell her. I don't want to screw up our friendship, especially if she doesn't like me like that. Then it would just be awkward.” Not to mention it's going to make their friendship that they have now really, really weird for a while. I can see why he was worried about it, and I know now why he comes to me about it.

“You know I've always thought that the two of you were a cute couple.” That slips out. I don't really mean it in a persecuting way. Oh gosh, I should consider my options before I start saying stuff like that.

“Get out. Really?” He raises his head and looks at me with shock on his face. I guess I never did tell him, but it's true. He can hardly believe me.

“You guys have a weird kind of friendship,” I explain my views on my previous phrase to him. “Anyone else would assume that you're both going out with each other if they didn't know you that well.”

“We've been asked that before. That was awkward. Besides, she was so quick to deny it and everything.” Truth be told he was really down about that. I can tell. After he says it, his eyebrows furrow and he slumps back against the back of the couch. Maybe he's always loved her?

“Maybe she thought that you'd think something if she just expressed it outwardly like that. If you didn't feel the same way, it would have been humiliating and a letdown for her. I know that she really likes you. You two are really close, and if you are as close as you think you are, then how you feel won't matter. You guys can work it out, even if you don't feel that way.” Frankly, it sounds simple. If they can both just tell each other what they feel, then even if Endo rejects him, they can stay friends. I really don't think that she will, though.

“You think that will work?” Takeshi quirks an eyebrow at me.

“Definitely,” I smile, trying to pick him up a little.


I walk up the driveway, sighing heavily to myself. The only sound that I could hear was the beat each foot made as I continue to draw nearer and nearer to the house. `I wonder what was up with Takeshi.' He is the only thing that's been on my mind all day long. I wonder if he realizes how much I actually do worry about him. When he's not happy, it kills me. `He didn't even want to talk to me today, and it was like he tried to push me away. He's never acted like that to me before, and he seemed really upset. I wonder if I did something to make him feel bad.'

My thoughts end as I come to the door and realize it's not locked. “Huh? How weird,” I muse to myself and open the door. The whole house was dark and eerily quiet. I wonder if my parents are even home, but the fact that the door is open usually means they are.

Something isn't right and I feel slightly sick.

“Mother? Father? Hello?” I say unsurely as my heart becomes consumed in dread. I start looking around the house for any signs of anybody. There's no one in the living room, so I head to the kitchen. It's really dark, so I turn on the light, and at that moment…I wished I never had.

There were vegetables on the counter, spread out in disarray. On the ground, by the counter, a body soaked in blood is my mother. My heart races and my eyes widen. Someone killed my mother. They might still be in the house. What do I do? What do I do? My thoughts were frantic and my adrenaline rushed. I never felt so terrified in all of my life.

I run through the house and cover my mouth momentarily. “No…no, no! Please! Not this! Please don't let him be-“ I skid to a stop and nearly slip and fall. In front of me on the hall walls, there is a lot of blood splattered around. It looked like someone took a bucket of red paint and splattered everything, except, there is a sickening smell. It's the smell of decay.

“They're…dead…” I can't hold back. The tears flow from my eyes and run down my cheeks. I feel my nose stop up as I begin to cry. Everyone was dead, and I feel the crushing weight of the world on my shoulders. How? How could this happen? Why did it happen? My parents didn't have any enemies.

I feel sick, and sad. Running out of the house, I head towards the one place I know I'm welcomed.


I look out of the window and listen as the rain is pattering against it lightly. It's kind of calming to me, especially after that emotional talk I just had with Sumerie. She manages to help me feel a little more confident about my situation. If Endo is really as close to me as she claims to be, then maybe she'll understand how I feel about her.

Still, I keep remembering the various times that she denies me, and I can't help but sigh to myself in dejection. Maybe she doesn't think of me the same way I do. Maybe I'll never be anything more than just a friend to her.

“Man, it's coming down hard tonight,” I comment to no one but myself. Sumerie had already headed out, and I only had my shadow to contend with. “It only makes it more depressing.”

There was a frantic knocking at my door. I arch an eyebrow. “Coming! Who could it be in this weather?” Honestly, it is pouring buckets out there and someone is actually outside, getting beat down by the ten tons of water that falls from the sky. This is either really serious, or something else that I'm unsure about.

They bang again, this time it's louder than it was before. “I said I'm coming!” I shout as I dash to the door and open it, trying not to get impaled by all of the big drops of rain. I am in shock at what awaited me on the other side.

It's Endo.

She's soaked and her hair is down. It's matted to her face; I can tell that she's crying. Her eyes are bloodshot and her cheeks are red. Her form shakes and trembles and I'm not sure if it's from her emotional state or if she's just cold. Her yellow skirt and button up, yellow shirt are stuck to her body like shrink wrap and she's panting heavily.

“Endo? What's wrong?” I ask, too stunned to let her in at first.

“Takeshi!” She cries and walks in out of the rain. I feel rude for not inviting her in, but I don't think that's the best of her worries right now.

“Endo, tell me what's wrong. Why are you crying? You're worrying me,” I say and place my hands on her cold, wet shoulders.

Her tears are uncontrollable and she sobs out for a moment before revealing to me the reason for her pain. “My house was robbed.”

“What? They didn't hurt you, did they?” I ask frantically. I mean, she doesn't look hurt but that doesn't mean anything at all. A punch doesn't leave a bruise right away sometimes.

“They were gone by the time I came home…but…they killed my parents,” Endo turns her face away and bends over painfully, sobbing into her already wet hands. I felt my heart sink when I found out that news. Within a short period of time, Endo was an orphan and soon, she wouldn't have anywhere to live. Man, this day really was depressing, for the both of us.

I want to do something, anything to help her but I knew that I should hold back. It would be like taking advantage of the situation if I dared to do anything right now. She just makes my heart ache so much right now. I can't stand to hear her cry or see her in so much pain.


You'll never know how much you really mean to me.

“Endo….” Before I can say anything further, she lunges forward and hugs my skinny frame tightly, crying into my chest. My arms wrap around her as I feel the water from her clothes bleed through to my skin. “Endo, I'm so sorry.” It wasn't much, but it was the only thing I can say at a time like this.

“I don't know what to do…or where to go. I'm all alone now, and I have nothing. My house has been destroyed and my parents are dead. My closest relatives are in America, and I don't want to leave Japan. I don't know what to do.” She continues to sob violently, choking on her own spit. All I can do is think and gaze down at the anguished girl in my arms.

I want to make things better.

I will make things better.

I hug her tightly, and make up my mind as of what to do. My feelings about our friendship don't even matter to me right now. I just want to give her a place to call home. “You can stay with me, Endo,” I say in a low tone. I won't take this back. I want her to live with me.

She looks up at me; confusion and sorrow is ingrained into her sorrowful blue eyes. “What? You'd do that, Takeshi?”

“Yeah…I live alone, so it's pretty lonely here. It would be nice to have someone around like you,” I smile down on her. Surely I can make something happy out of something so tragic. At least, that's what I'm trying to do anyway.

Suddenly, a look of realization crosses her face and she jolts away from me, “I'm sorry! I got you all wet.”

Funny, I stopped noticing until now. It looks like I laid face first in a shallow pool of water.

“Hey, don't worry about it,” I walk over to the couch and grab a purple blanket and wrap it around her. She's got to be really cold from standing out in the open air like this. Endo wipes her eyes and I allowed my chin to rest on her shoulder. “Today hasn't been good for anyone, has it?”

“Everything is just falling apart…” The girl's voice is low. She still clings to that feeling, and I can't help but feel for her in return. “My life is ruined.” My arms wrap around her small waist.

“I don't know what to say.”

“Then don't say anything,” she pulls away, and we gaze into each other's eyes. Neither of us is speaking. For once, it isn't even awkward. Our eyes speak without words; the emotions in them are readable enough on their own. She needs me. I need her. Endo's head returns to my chest and I lean my face down, lips touching the chilled skin of her forehead as I close my eyes. Tears run down her face again, and I wipe them away with my hand. Her small, cold hand touches the back of mine and I pause.

“What are-“

Takeshi…please….take this pain away,” I blush slightly at the sincerity of her voice.

“What do you mean, Endo? I mean, what are you saying?” I want to make sure that I understand the meaning of her words, because right now I might severely misinterpret things.

However, her next actions confirm that what I am thinking is correct. She reaches up and gently kisses my lips. I don't question her and return the actions gingerly. Before either of us knew it, this little peck on the lips turned heated quickly. Both of us turn it into a French kiss, as our tongues explore each other's mouths. I could feel her hands run under my shirt, feeling my long, lean form. I blush at the contact.

This was all too surreal. I never imagined I would be doing this with my best friend. It wasn't that I minded it, but I hope that this isn't just a spurt of the moment thing that neither of us would think about again. That just makes it more awkward. `What's going on? Endo is so different today. Is this the extent of human pain? I don't care if this is right. I just want to be here for her. I want to comfort her. No matter what, we're still friends and moments like these are what friendship is for.'

“Takeshi,” she pants my name and stares at me with an arm wrapped around my neck. “I'm so afraid. I really need someone right now.”

“I want to…so much…” My voice is husky and I move in to kiss her. Before we both know it, we start making out in the middle of the room. Her hands begin to run along my body, feeling my muscle play with her long, bony fingers as I continue to kiss her, only pulling away to take a breath. The appendages go beneath my shirt once more and work their magic. I turn her slightly, backing up as I tip her back and lay her on the couch. We never break our kiss. `Even if I regret this in the morning, I'm happy to share this moment with you, Endo. I just hope that you won't think that I'm taking advantage of you.'

Our clothes cone off and soon our positions change. She is on top of me, her hips move up and down as I feel her muscles flex and clench around me. I've never felt anything so wonderful in my entire life. It was true unison and I could not have been happier. I don't even remember how things ended up like this, but I didn't want them to stop any time soon. The blush on her face as she called out my name sent a wave of chills up my spine.


`Takeshi…' I think consumed in lust and bliss. I bend down and kiss him passionately as I feel his warm hands grip my pale shoulders and the kiss is returned with fervor. `I've never felt like this before. What am I doing?'

“It feels so good.”

`As long as the pain is replaced by another feeling, it doesn't matter. If I think about what happened now…I don't know what I'd do.'

The rain outside continued to beat against the glass of the window. It was the last thing I remember hearing before I drifted off to sleep on top of Takeshi. When I wake up, I feel oddly warm. I lift my nude form up to see the spiky-haired man sleeping below me quietly. I can feel the soft beating of his heart and the rise and fall of his body as he breathed deeply. His arm is around me and his other is rested behind his head. I smile down at him. He looks so peaceful.

Then, I blink a little. `What happened last night? Why am I even at Takeshi's house…and…where are my clothes?' My blue eyes glance to the pile of intertwined clothes on the floor. “How did,” I speak, barely above a whisper. “Tell me that he's just not wearing a shirt.” I pull up the covers and find that's not the case at all. He's naked and so am I.

“Oh my god…What have I done? I just had sex with my best friend…” My heart races and I feel the sting of tears burning the corners of my eyes. “My friendship with him is ruined now.” My chest hurts and I feel embarrassed and hurt all over again. “I lost my parents and now I'm going to lose my best friend, too,” I sniffle and slide off of him, gathering my now damp clothes; I pull them back on as tears stream from my eyes. “Sorry Takeshi…I never meant to hurt you by being so emotional and stupid. I just can't face you.” With those words being uttered under my breath, I slip out of the door.


I stroll along with Tadao at my side. This will be one of the few times I can actually hang out with him without Ushio getting offended by his presence. I am not trying to be a double crosser or anything; I just really want to spend time with my boyfriend without a fight breaking out between him and my brother. “I'm glad that we're finally able to spend more time together. It's been a while,” I try to start the conversation between us. It has been too quiet already.

“Yeah, your brother usually tried to keep me away from you,” he nearly spits the words with hatred. I know he can't stand my brother, and the same goes for Ushio. I wished my life wasn't so complicated.

“I figured that I'd sneak out early this morning. Besides, I wanted to help a friend with a problem. He doesn't know how to feel about another friend and…it's complicated. I was a little worried about him, so I want to stop by his place on the way to the park,” Takeshi was actually the real reason I wanted to leave this morning. I haven't been able to get that look on his face and his words out of my head all night last night. I hope he's okay and that he hasn't done anything stupid or risky like Ushio does. I know that Takeshi isn't impulsive, but still, I worry a lot.

“Sure,” at least Tadao agrees to go there. That makes me feel a little better.


It feels oddly cold, so I crack open my eyes to see that I am half covered and Endo is gone from my sight. “Endo?” I call out a little confused. She doesn't answer, so I wonder where she is. “Endo! Hey, where are you?” I ask aloud as I get up from the couch and put on my boxers. I walk around the entire house, calling out her name. She doesn't seem to be anywhere and I start to feel the worry rising in my heart. I hope that she hasn't left. Please, tell me that she's not gone.

I stand in the middle of the living room, scratching my mess of spikes that were more displaced than normal. “Funny…She's not here. Wait a minute. Maybe she left because she was upset about what happened last night.” With that thought, I run over to my jeans and pull them on. I throw on my t-shirt and run over to the door. Only one thought goes through my head: I have to find Endo. Putting on my shoes, I dart out of the door, slamming it behind me. “I've got to find her. I can't let her feel that way because things got weird. I have to tell her how I feel, so she doesn't think that I used her. I'll never forgive myself if something were to happen to her.” The more I think about it, the more my every fear comes true. I run down the street as fast as I can in search of the woman who means everything to me.

There is a man standing in my way, so I rudely shove him to the side. As I dart past him, I can hear his gruff voice shout something as he gives me a nasty look. Fair enough, I was the rude one but I don't care right now. I just want to find Endo.

I finally spot her, walking down the street with a miserable posture. Her clothes were jumbled and her head was pointed downward. “There she is!” I call out and dart in front of her. She's shocked and scared, like a deer in the headlights. Endo looks so freaked out at my very presence. She turns to run but I grab her hand.

“No!” I shout desperately. “Please! Don't run!” The blonde turns around and talks to me in a subdued voice.

“Please…I know what I did was wrong. I was emotional and…I know that it doesn't make it right but-“I cut her off, giving her the most reassuring kiss that I can muster. She looks shocked as I pull back.

“What?” She utters, barely above a whisper.

“Endo, don't worry about it. I love you.” There. I am finally able to say it. After all of this time, I am able to come to terms with my own feelings, no matter if she accepts them or not.

“Excuse me.”

I give her a sincere look, still holding onto her hand firmly. No way was she escaping me right now. “That's why I comforted you, even if you weren't in your right mind. That's also why I didn't want to be around you yesterday. I wanted to think things over.”

“I…love you too,” she responds with a slight blush. Her words are sincere and the nervousness instantly melts from my heart.


“I have for a long time. I was just so scared to break our friendship if you didn't feel the same way. I guess I wanted to cling to you last night because you were the only thing I have left.” I wrap my arms around her as she cries into my chest. I can hear her small sobs break into more prevalent ones as I hold her close.

“Don't worry. From now on, I'll be your everything.”


Tadao laughs. “Yeah, that was pretty funny. His face was like this,” he says to me, making this goofy face with widened eyes and a mouth hanging open so obnoxiously over exaggerated that I have no choice but to giggle at it.

“You're so silly.”

“Well, it was stupid and junk,” he says as we turn around the corner and stop dead in our tracks. I feel my heart sink in my chest as I see a familiar person standing there, a few feet away from us.

It's Ushio.

Oh…shit. What now? This is bad, really bad.


“Hey!” My brother's face twists into one of anger. Oh no, here we go again. “What the hell are you doing with him?”

“You can't tell her what to do,” Tadao snaps at him, making the situation worse all over again.

Suddenly, my brother darts across the street into traffic.

“Stop! There's a car!” I shout, only to hear tires screech and a loud thump is heard. I scream at the top of my lungs, nearly bursting them as I fear the worst. I scream out my brother's name and rushed to the street, where he lay in a pool of blood. The driver got out of the car and rushes to her phone, calling the ambulance. My whole body feels like jello, and I throw myself over him, sobbing heavily.

“No! Ushio! Please…don't be dead…”

…To Be Continued